Is this already taking care of your sister and loving your sister as your own instinct?

Tanjiro, this guy is really outrageously gentle, and the importance he attaches to his family has reached an extreme point-

It is no wonder that it is precisely because of this emphasis on his family that he is addicted to dreams, and it is also because of his attention to his family that he has the opportunity to escape from his dreams.

Success is also like this, and defeat is also like this, which is really sighing.

In the video, Tanjiro at this time, going out to fetch water, muttered his reaction while walking, why:

“I’ve been saying something inexplicable, what the hell is wrong with me now?”

As I walked, a wooden box suddenly appeared in the scene, which is the box where Your Bean has been staying!

Tanjiro turned his head sharply, as if he had found something, but there was nothing in front of him.

It’s gone……

What was it that flashed by just now? Feeling, feeling is important!

But he couldn’t think of anything, and in desperation, Tanjiro could only go to fetch water first, but the moment the bucket was put into the river, he seemed to see a scene in the river.

That’s yourself!

This is not the contrast of the river as a mirror, because the self in the river 263 is desperately shouting to himself:

“Wake up!”

“Wake up!! You are attacked, dream, this is a dream, wake up quickly! ”

At this moment, it was finally Tanjiro who fell into the river to figure out what kind of scene he was in.

“By the way, now me, I’m in the train, fight, you have to hurry up and fight!”


Tanjiro shouted desperately, but when he came out again in the blink of an eye, he returned to his home, and this sudden change made him stunned.

In front of me are still the younger brothers and sisters who are arguing, although they are arguing, but this scene, this scene… It’s really hard to wake up.

“No, I’m not awake yet… Still in the dream, what to do, finally detect that it is in the dream, what should I do…”

However, Tanjiro, who had already reacted, forcefully controlled himself to close his eyes, not wanting to see this longing scene of his own.

But even then, he couldn’t figure out how to wake up…

Crunch –

Suddenly, the sound of the wooden door opening came, and the camera rotated, and the picture appeared on the train again.

And the sound that came out just now was that You Bean opened the wooden box and crawled out of it.

This moment made the audiences of the heavens and realms shine.

“Hahaha, I know that Your Bean must not be controlled, after all, this ghost is the one who controls the ticket when checking in, but You Bean, she evaded the ticket!”

“Hehe, Gao Meng, the little cute ahead is haunted, it seems that if you want to solve the problem this time, you need your sister’s foreign help.”

“Come on, you bean, don’t let your brother suffer so much in that beautiful dream, save him first…”

Between the words of the audience of the heavens and realms, You Bean also saw clearly, and the scene in the car puzzled him.

What’s going on? Everyone fell asleep… And what about these strangers?


You Bean looked at it suspiciously, especially when he saw that his brother, although he was still asleep, had his eyes closed, frowned and sweated coldly, and kept chanting “wake up quickly” in his mouth.

You Bean suddenly couldn’t hold back, obviously she was having a nightmare, she quickly pushed her brother, but she was never able to wake the other party.


Indeed, You Bean thought of this scene wrong, his brother is not doing a nightmare, he is having a beautiful dream…

I’m dreaming of getting away…


You Tanjiro took Tanjiro’s hand, put it on his head, and rubbed it back and forth twice, but even so, Tanjiro still didn’t react.

This made Youdouzi, who had not yet figured out the situation of the matter, his eyes were a little anxious, and he didn’t say anything (bhab), but he directly hit Tanjiro’s forehead.

The eyes of the audience watching the heavens and realms twitched, and the heavy impact force hurt very much to listen to.

Thou bean, thy bean, your brother is the pillar of the future, how could you hit your head…


After this thumping sound, Tanjiro still did not wake up.

And You Bean turned his head and snorted, and blood flowed on his forehead. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Obviously, although Your Bean launched an attack just now, the strength of the head pillar, even if it has not woken up, directly injured Your Bean.


The severe pain made You Bean couldn’t help crying, and angrily opened his teeth and danced his claws, and hit it again.

The powerful blood demon technique flame spread throughout the carriage, and it was obvious that he was really in a hurry.

This scene was heartbroken to see the audience of the heavens and realms.

Obviously they are all ghosts, obviously they are angry and dancing their claws, but how can you beans look so cute.

So cute, so cute, ah, no, it should be said that it is so pitiful ah——

“Hahaha, I don’t know why, I really want to laugh when I see this scene, I know I shouldn’t laugh, but I can’t help it, hahaha?”

“It should be said that it is really worthy of the head pillar, and the physical quality between you who is a ghost is actually Tanjiro winning, this is outrageous!!”

“Damn it, Tanjiro, wake up quickly, didn’t you see that your sister was injured? Hurry up and touch her head! Come on! ”

The audience of the heavens and realms was eagerly discussing, and the picture in the video was unfolded, and they once again came to Tanjiro’s dreamland.

And what is amazing is that the flame of Your Bean actually passed through the barrier between reality and dream, and burned directly in Tanjiro’s hand.

Then, in just a split second, he engulfed Tanjiro.


After the younger siblings next to them saw this scene, they cried out in amazement, especially worried.

“What to do? It’s on fire! ”


However, Tanjiro in the dream was not harmed in any way, but felt a familiar smell in this flame.

“It is the smell of Your beans, the blood of Your beans! Thou beans, thy beans! ”

Tanjiro shouted loudly, surrounded by flames again in an instant, and the next moment, when the flames disappeared, he recovered, wearing the Ghost Killer Team uniform, and the image of the Nikkawa knife at his waist.

This change directly made Tanjiro happy and felt the hope of escaping the dream.

“I’m waking up gradually, waking up slowly step by step!”

“Brother, are you okay…”

“What happened to my brother just now?”


However, at this time, the younger siblings next to them gathered around again, greeting with concern.

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