“Over here, over here.”

Like a dream, in the beautiful and fresh mountains and forests, my wife Shanyi said with a smile while pulling Your beans:

“The peaches here are delicious, and there are a lot of white-flowered clover, let me make you a wreath out of flowers!”

Hearing this, the audience of the heavens and realms was unable to complain, and you still eat peaches, you have eaten enough, and you still want to eat peaches.

I was really thinking “Peach!

“I’m making a beautiful garland, you beans!”

Obviously, my wife Shanyi, who fulfilled her “dream” at this time, is now really proud, and her happy smile is about to reach her ears.


You Bean on the side also nodded happily, but still gently agreed.

“Make me a lot of good – a lot of oh, good Yi.”

It is worth mentioning that the current You Bean is obviously not the same as the cannibal before, and has returned to the state of the quiet girl in Tanjiro’s dream.

Although everyone knows very well that this is just a dream, watching Youbean, who was a ghost in the original timeline, has become a human again.

Even at this time, he finally spoke, which is worth recording, which is really eye-catching.

At this time, many of the audience in the heavens and realms were also a little excited.

“Woo-woo-medical miracle, so touching, you bean, my bean can finally speak, finally able to be a quiet person, wonderful!”

“Hahaha, then again, at the beginning, Tanjiro didn’t dream of his sister, and it took a long time to appear, my wife Shanyi, this kid can, really put your beans first?”

“Seeing the scene where You Bean can bask in the sun with his back to the sun, although I have seen it just now, every time I see it, my heart is really moved.”

“Tanjiro: I treat you like a brother, you actually want to be my brother-in-law?! Piff to death!! ”

“Sure enough, my wife Shanyi is worthy of you! This guy is a love brain! ”

The audience of the heavens and realms complained, and it seemed that they were also printing the words in the comment area, and Tanjiro, who was far away in the ghost, could not sit still at all.


Ghost Destroy the World.

Watching this scene in the video, Tanjiro trembled, partly because he could see the long-lost picture of Youdouzi turning back into a human.

The other part is because… In front of me is my wife Shanyi, this guy.

“This bastard, are you really beating your bean idea?!”

Tanjiro’s originally gentle temperament was half blackened at this time, and God knows how much perseverance he used to control himself from pulling out the knife and swinging it at the screen in front of him.

No, the screen is not interesting, the video cannot be destroyed at all anyway.

If you want to cut, of course, you still have to cut this bastard in the video!

“No, no, I can’t think so, this is a future companion and a gentle person…”

Tanjiro, who discovered his dangerous idea, quickly shook his head violently, wanting to throw this undeserved idea out of his mind, but this could not be done at all!

“No—the truth is clear, but I can’t help it.”

Tanjiro gritted his teeth angrily, although he knew very well that my wife Shanyi in the video in front of him was a good person, but after all, they had never lived together.

The deepest impression of the other party is naturally my wife Shanyi’s funny, lecherous, and stubborn personality.

As an older brother, how could Tanjiro allow such an existence to approach his sister.

“That’s right, absolutely not! I’m trying to find a way to stay away from this guy…”

I have to say that the existence of this protagonist group is still the situation of mutual survival, and my wife Shanyi is really depressed by Tanjiro.

Thinking of this, he had already made up his mind.

It is certainly impossible to hurt a teammate, whether it is a team discipline problem or Tanjiro’s character, it is definitely not for this purpose.

So since he can’t afford to provoke, can’t he still hide?

Gotta stay away from this guy, must!

However, Tanjiro’s heart is very resolute, but fate is always so ethereal but difficult to disobey, predict what will happen next, and decompose after watching.


The picture returns to the video.

At this time, my wife Shanyi did not know that his behavior and dreams had been exposed to the eyes of the heavens and worlds, and he did not know, which caused the strong dissatisfaction of the “big brother” in his heart.

He was still immersed in this full sense of happiness, and looking at Your Bean’s lovely gesture, he immediately jumped up excitedly:

“Whoops!!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Hehe, then again, there is a river on the road, but it’s very shallow, it shouldn’t matter!”

Barely calming down her excitement, my wife Shanyi continued her [dating journey].


Hearing this, You Bean was stunned for a moment, then squatted in place, and said with some hesitation: “Shanyi, what to do, I can’t swim…”


Looking at this scene, many people were a little speechless and patted their foreheads.

Good guy, I’m really a little speechless, my wife Shanyi this guy is really good at yy…

Next, everyone witnessed the birth of the idiot.

Buzz –

Seeing the appearance of your beans, my wife Shanyi suddenly couldn’t hold back, and the whole person was so emotional that she buzzed like a locomotive.

“I… I’ll jump over with you on my back…”

Saying that, my wife Shanyi squatted down and carried your beans. Confidently said:

“It’s just a river, make sure you don’t even get wet on your toes!”



After making preparations, my wife Shanyi jumped, and the terrifying force actually shattered the entire earth.

The next moment, the Thunder Breathing Method was completely used, and in an instant, my wife Shanyi’s whole figure seemed to turn into a thunder light and rushed forward.

This operation really makes people have a black line, large, large is what you use like this?!

“Just leave it to me, hey!!”

“Hahaha, hahaha…”

Saying that, the scene is frozen in the laughter of Your Bean’s cute silver bell, accompanied by the picture of my wife Shanyi’s eyes turning into a loving idiot.

That scene is really embarrassing as it is.

Before everyone could complain, the camera turned again, and the picture came to a haggard-looking teenager.

At this time, Zhengxian was in a darkness, empty everywhere, no sky, no earth, and no editing to speak of, it was completely a space that was silent to burst.

Seeing this scene, the audience of the heavens and realms were a little surprised.

Looking at the appearance of this young man, this must be one of the two or five children sent by that cannibal to kill people, but what is this environment?

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