“But in any case, protection is protection, and facts are facts.”

Tomioka Yoshiyuki interrupted the righteous indignation of Immortal River on the side, and said indifferently:

“It is a fact that Your bean’s ability can cause harm to ghosts and bring benefits to humans, and it is also a fact that Your bean has not harmed anyone so far, but has helped kill ghosts.

Now it is also a fact that Your beans are desperately trying to save people, and this cannot be denied! ”


Hearing this, even the eldest brother Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoshiro nodded mentally and said with a smile:

“I really didn’t expect that one day I would be helped by a ghost, which is really quite surprising.”

“Gorgeous! It’s so gorgeous, although I still hate ghosts, but Your Bean’s gorgeous battle gorgeous flames are really disgusting. ”

The sound column on the side is also echoed by nature.

“Desperately protecting my brother’s sister…”

Lianzhu also watched these 17 scenes in the video, and his heart was moved:

“And my brother is also fighting for my sister, this kind of feeling really makes people’s hearts pound, so cute, so cute!”

Seeing that his colleagues seemed to have changed their views, Immortal Chuan’s face changed twice, but in the end he did not refute it, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Still a butterfly, Shinobu saw that the situation was wrong, and then laughed and ripped off the topic:

“Hehe, I really didn’t expect Mr. Tomioka to say so much for your beans, and sure enough, Mr. Tomioka is the one who likes this pair of brothers and sisters the most.”


Tomioka glanced away, turned his head, and did not speak.

“Okay, okay, in fact, there is no need to worry about this now, Mr. Immortal Chuan is also right, the scene in the video is just a video, and I don’t know what the reality is.”

Butterfly Shinobu shook his head and continued to smile so tenderly:

“And the most important thing is that even if your beans deserve our recognition, your beans, just your beans, cannot represent the ghost group.

Most ghosts are still sinister, vicious and cunning, and it is certainly not difficult for us to tell, but we still have to pay attention to the other members of the ghost killing team, especially those newcomers, and warn them not to take ghosts lightly. ”

“And there are those people, they themselves do not know about ghosts, and they have repeatedly looked at You Bean like this…”

Butterfly couldn’t help but say worriedly, her worry is indeed right, definitely not unfounded.

The influence of video is too great, far more than any media or announcement.

In case, those newcomers and ordinary people who have just joined the ghost killing team take ghosts lightly, that is, the price to bear is too painful!

This remark also alerted the other pillars, and they discussed how to popularize the situation of ghosts and ghost killing squads next.


Between words, the picture returned to the video again, and at this time, the You Bean that was discussed by everyone had fallen into a bitter battle.

Although your beans are very special and their combat power is unexpectedly strong, after all, for so long, they have never eaten human flesh, and they can only rely on sleeping to recover their lost physical strength.

In addition, before, burning the rope of everyone to help them wake up from their dreams consumed too much strength, and there was also the problem of these oil bottles…

At this time, the situation of Your beans is really not particularly good.

Brush brush brush brush –

After solving a few flesh and blood tentacles again, You Bean looked at the flesh and blood spreading from the back of a little boy and wanted to attack him.

However, what everyone did not expect was that at this time, Your Bean had already aroused the nightmare’s alertness, and the flesh and blood behind the little boy was just bait!


Just as Your Bean jumped up, this flesh and blood bait directly abandoned its target and wrapped around Your Bean’s hand.

At the same time, a lot of flesh and blood continued to spread beside her, which controlled Your Bean’s limbs and made her unable to move.

The scene suddenly fell into a critical situation…

However, just before the audience had time to worry, a noise of electricity seemed to sound in the battlefield, which instantly made everyone stunned.

This is……

My wife is good! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Crackle, crackle!!!

The terrifying sound of electricity became more and more deafening, ah, the camera also turned in the direction of the source, and I saw a terrifying blue lightning, rushing from one end of the train with a thunderous momentum.

In just an instant, he rushed to the carriage where Your beans were, and everywhere he passed, all flesh and blood were nothing, and all the tentacles that extended out were defeated one by one.

The terrifying force and dazzling light directly made many people exclaim.

That’s right, at this time, my wife Shanyi finally woke up from her dream…

No! Wait a minute…

Looking at my wife Shanyi, who was stable and standing in the carriage, everyone’s eyes became more and more strange.

Something is wrong, his eyes are still closed, there is no intention of opening at all, this guy doesn’t seem to have woken up yet!

Thinking of this, the audience suddenly felt in their hearts, it was obvious that this guy was on the tuba.

Thinking of this, the strange look became more and more serious, and the corners of everyone’s mouths rose, revealing a playful smile.

How to say, this cannibal is really unlucky enough.

At the beginning, I met, Tanjiro, the nemesis.

Not so gentle, rather hurt himself than give up his companions, and so decisive, able to kill himself again and again without hesitation277, forcing himself to wake up from his dream.

This is a real nemesis problem!

And after finally dragging Tanjiro, now I met my wife Zengyi, a strange man.

Other people’s dreams are real dreams, even if they do not sink in the dream, they will sleep and lose their ability to fight.

Even Tanjiro can wake up instantly from dreams, and can fall asleep again and again, and his actions will be interrupted again and again.

But my wife Shanyi, this is an exception, after he falls asleep, he does not have to wake up at all, he can move when he comes, and there will be no restrictions or restrictions.

It will even become stronger!

Thinking of this, everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly, I have to say that this cannibal’s ability to kill really has a hand, not only forcing such a gentle Tanjiro to be so angry.

He directly made my wife Shanyi big…

Isn’t this looking for death?!

Everyone thought so, and in the video, my wife Shanyi, who had successfully boarded the tuba, began his performance!


“Thunder breath, one type, thunderbolt flash!”

My wife Shanyi still had her eyes closed, heavy breathing gushing out of his mouth, and the power and flashes of thunder were unfolding around him.

And in the next moment, he turned into light again!

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