Whoops, la-la-la——

Spray? Wrong!

It’s a blood flower!!

After swinging the knife in his hand, Tanjiro was shocked to find that something was wrong.

Immediately, the cannibals in the field did not give the two time to reflect, and the boundless flesh and blood spread out, and the tentacles like bones continued to extend, as if a spine was once again generated on the spine.

This seemed to be a heavy defensive power, so that Tanjiro’s condensed big move did not have any impact at all.

The sharp hammer knife was completely resisted by this flesh and blood before it had time to split the bones.


Tanjiro looked at this scene with some amazement, his eyes were full of cruelty, and he wanted to come again when he held the knife.

However, the reality was not as beautiful as he imagined, and the moment he continued, the flesh and blood that had been hit hard seemed to recover, and the uproar continued to spread.

Brush ————

The sky-rushing tentacles forced everyone away, and after that, the tentacles retracted back.

Is this a temporary avoidance? Absolutely not…

The surrounding flesh and blood are constantly churning and condensing, and the terrifying growth ability is jaw-dropping.


In just a moment, the boundless blood 17 flesh wrapped up, and the car walls on both sides, and in the blink of an eye, turned into a terrifying blood-colored giant basin.

As for the bones?

It has long been buried by all the flesh and blood, layer by layer thickening, layer by layer of foreshadowing.

Under this circumstance, Tanjiro and they could naturally easily tear these flesh and blood apart.

However, with such a thick thickness, as a buffer, even if there are two people on the field, Tanjiro and Izuhira Inosuke, the speed of their strangling may not be comparable to the speed of the spread of cannibals.

The scene suddenly fell into difficulty.

And looking at the cannibal’s terrifying flesh and blood growth ability, the audience of the heavens and realms was also surprised.

“It is said that the cannibal has a strong resilience, and if it is not attacked by the restrained Nikkaku knife or the sun, it can survive even if it cuts its neck, and even recovers instantly.

But this in front of me is too exaggerated, and in an instant it actually grows, a basin of flesh and blood that is larger than the carriage, heck, it’s outrageous. ”

“Wine pond meat forest, hehe, I don’t know why I suddenly thought of this, although there is no wine, this cannibal alone can create a whole meat forest!”

“Ghost: Come to the bowl!”

“I have long thought that as the most vulnerable place of the ghost, the cannibal will definitely protect it well, but the other armor is too thick, the amount of blood is simply sufficient, and this terrifying recovery ability.

This situation is simply invincible, you are right, Mondo! ”

“Hahaha, that’s right, hurry up and get out of the nightmare and ruling, or you will make a yarn.”


Tokyo Foodie World.

“Although they are all called cannibals, although they do understand, they are not a creature…”

Kaneki-san watched this scene in the video, and Yahuako kept numbing, yes, he was a little sour.

“But this recovery ability is too much, if it weren’t for the Nikkawa Saber, you can restrain it, this is simply invincible!”

“Moreover, can you control the train as a completely lifeless individual by eroding with your own flesh and blood?” What an exaggeration…”

The corners of Kaneki-san’s mouth twitched, and he was directly shocked, if he said that he was a cannibal in this world, if he had this level of ability.

Wasn’t his goal achieved sooner?

“It doesn’t seem to be like that…”

The young man sighed leisurely: “If you all have this ability, I’m afraid that the world will be out of order long ago, and the cannibal may have a stronger advantage.”

No, not necessarily, but the current battle will definitely go to another level, and it will be difficult! ”

“And I don’t know why, I always feel that the talent of the Xuan species is not just as simple as it appears on the surface, this boundless spread of flesh and blood…”

The young man looked at the nightmare of flesh and blood flying and constantly tumbling, and he always felt that a force seemed to precipitate in his body.

This is a force that matches the scene in front of you, the same huge body, the same terrifying resilience.

It’s just sleeping, or hidden, hard to discover.


Attack on Titan World. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Gee, is this the enemy their world faces? It’s really scary, it’s okay, it’s good that the world is not common. ”

Eren muttered in his heart, at the beginning, although he also knew that the scene of the ghost destruction world was very dangerous, the ghosts inside were very powerful, and the humans were miserable.

But in fact, Eren didn’t pay much attention to it, after all… Although the ghosts there are very capable, their body shape is human after all, and they are not so powerful as a deterrent.

And the main thing is that no matter how miserable it is, that human world is not as miserable as theirs…

The human beings in their own world are about to be trapped in the corners and walls by various giants, and even turned into captive, arbitrarily slaughtered lambs.

In this case, it is somewhat superfluous to say that pity is a little redundant, who can be worse than himself?

However, when this nightmare in front of him showed his ability, it really shocked Alan.

Devour the train with your own flesh and blood and turn into such a huge monster? This kind of monster is not worse than these hateful giants in his own world, right? 06

There is also wisdom, and there are special abilities… Gee, although it is the same as a giant, if you are cut off your neck, you will die, but the threat level is still terrifying!

“I hope this time can get through this time safely, after all, I have received so many gifts from you, but there is no way to help…”

Eren sighed leisurely, yes, when the breathing method was almost completely popularized in the heavens and realms, this giant world that was almost in the darkness would naturally not miss this opportunity of hope.

And to get the magic of the breathing method, their strength has also increased exponentially, although they can not abandon the wall and completely walk in the sun, but they have been able to withstand the wave after wave of offensives of the soldiers.

That’s a huge improvement!

It’s just that looking at the wall in the distance, Eren always has a trace of doubt in his heart…

Giants are creatures that have no intelligence, are not in chat groups, and certainly cannot learn breathing methods, which is normal.


Why is he always so worried?!


Regardless of the discussion of the heavens and realms, the picture returned to the video, and Tanjiro at this time was also completely anxious.

“The cracks were filled… It is necessary to hurry up and attack quickly, the speed of regeneration is too fast, it must not be delayed any longer…”

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