“Ah, ah, really unwilling, obviously Tanjiro and Izuhira Inosuke, now they are so strong, they were actually injured by an ordinary person, or at such a critical moment, it is really unpleasant!”

“Hateful and hateful, this is the hatefulness of Ergozai, after all, Tanjiro and Izuhira Inosuke at that time, both of them were paying attention to the state of the ghost.

At this time, even if this ghost has any changes and wants to sneak attack, I think they can easily dodge it, but they really didn’t expect that the mistake appeared in their most reassuring human companion, who has been guarding! ”

“Erwuzai, Erwuzai, a group of bastards, those who were still speaking for those young girls before came out to take a look, they all said that it didn’t make any impact, and there was no need to blame too much.”

You look at it now, it has caused such a heavy impact, made people so badly injured, is it useful for you to blame again? ”

“That’s right, a traitor like this, such a two-five-boy should be killed, this is an even more hateful existence than the enemy.

Even if we know that he has a painful experience and a sad past, this is not the reason why he inflicts pain on other innocent people! ”

“Do not persuade others to be good without suffering others? Bah me! Whoever persuaded him to be a good man, he is now not even a person, who made him suffer, who did you let him be evil to… What is Tanjiro doing here bullying my family?

Good people should be pointed at gunpoint ?? ”

The audience of the heavens and realms was full of discussion, and it was obvious that they were completely enraged by the operation of this human second and fifth child.

No matter when or where, Erwuzai is often a more disgusting and hated existence than the enemy!

The young girls who broke into Tanjiro’s dream before were just that, they didn’t have a bad impact, but their own end was very miserable, and the crowd of giggling people passed as soon as they made a noise.

But this one in front of him, for the sake of his own desires, can poison his compatriots, such an operation, so that no one can endure it?!

However, although everyone is angry, the corners of many people’s mouths are also a little bitter.

None of them wanted to justify this guilty flight attendant, but they just thought back to Tanjiro’s previous state, and they felt a little helpless.

“Alas, what the upstairs said may be, the good guy may be forced, just like the scene just now, if Tanjiro does not make a move, with the beast instinct of the pig, he may not necessarily be hurt, and may slap the other party directly to cool down.”

“Hmph, a traitor among humans like this, let him be so cold, it is already cheap for him, what else do you want?”

“But don’t say anything else, even if Tanjiro rushes over and wants to kill the other party in an instant, he won’t be hurt, but he didn’t do this, in order not to hurt the other party, he let himself get hurt, Gee, I look uncomfortable!”

Speaking of this, the voice of the comment disappeared, and for a while, everyone laughed bitterly.

This operation is really quite charcoal, it should be said that it is really worthy of him, in the face of Erwuzai, in the face of people who want to hurt themselves, he can also be so benevolent.

And it is difficult for everyone to criticize him as the Virgin, after all, he does not persuade others to be tolerant after his teammates are injured, but saves others at the cost of his own injuries.

Who is kind enough to evaluate such a person?

At most, it is just to call him a rotten good person…


The picture returns to the video, and Inosuke is very dissatisfied while cutting the flesh and blood in front of him, watching Tanjiro try to take the flight attendant aside despite his injuries.

“Hey, leave that bastard alone, do such a thing, let him die himself!”

“No, I won’t let him die…”

Tanjiro carried the flight attendant with difficulty, and this action made the pig even more depressed:

“Hurry, hurry, if you don’t cut off the ghost’s neck, everyone will not be able to hold on.”

“I know, I’ll hurry!”

Looking at the dialogue between the two, the audience of the heavens and realms really became more and more unhappy.

Not to mention that these members of the ghost killing team worked hard, protecting such a group of miscellaneous words, after all, the people are not only this kind of scum, but also more innocent and kind people.

However, for the sake of such a bastard in front of him, the timing of not making a move even allowed himself to be injured so badly.

Is it really worth it?

Everyone became more and more depressed, and I have to say that although everyone knew very well that Tanjiro was a very gentle person, even in the face of ghosts, he was extremely gentle.

But this time, he is a little too gentle after all, some people, maybe not worth being saved… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Ghost Slayer Blade World.

“I really… Did it go wrong? ”

Tanjiro looked at this scene in the video, looking at this scene where he clearly felt that there was nothing wrong, but it caused endless complaints and even criticism from the audience of the heavens and all worlds.

This phenomenon makes Tanjiro really a little unacceptable…

“I’m obviously right, this person, this person is just a cannibal seduced existence, he shouldn’t just die.”

The members of the Ghost Killing Squad need to protect the people! ”

Tanjiro muttered, and at this time, Taki Zuoji on the side slowly walked over and said leisurely:

“You think he’s just a seduced being? Think that people should be protected? Okay, then let’s let it go, let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about your opinion on ghosts. ”

“Although there are inherently evil existences, there are also many ghosts who have experienced countless hardships before they have developed a distorted character and are persecuting others, what would you do about this?”

“In the face of such an existence, your knife, can he continue to be sharp?!”


Tanjiro’s eyes flashed with complicated emotions, but he did not hesitate and answered directly:

“I can!”

“Well, what if the main body of the ghost is replaced by a human?”

Hearing this, Taki nodded with satisfaction, but his eyes became more and more serious:

“What are you going to do again? Can you continue to keep the knife sharp? ”


This question directly stunned Tanjiro, and he lowered his eyes and held the knife, his heart was very entangled.

He has been thinking that he must solve the evil ghost, but he really hasn’t considered this.

“I don’t know.”

Tanjiro sighed deeply and chose to answer honestly:

“However, this person in the video, I think he can’t die of sin, so I should give him this opportunity…”

“Give him this chance? Huh-”

After hearing this, Taki Zuo laughed recently, as if he had heard something, absurd words, and shook his head.

“Do you have the ability to give him this opportunity?”

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