Just for a moment, the bones at the thick neck of the nightmare appeared in front of everyone again, although they couldn’t stop trembling, but there was no sign of shattering.

Obviously, although the move that Pig just made is very handsome and not weak, after all, it has those flesh and blood buffers, and it is difficult to really cause any heavy damage to the neck.

Even at this time, the blood and flesh on the neck were still constantly surging, desperately growing, wanting to wrap these bones again.

But at this time, Tanjiro’s attack is also coming!

“Father, bless me…”

Tanjiro held his two knives high, muttering in his heart, and a fierce and vigorous aura gushed out from his mouth, becoming more and more intense.

In an instant, the white gas that came out of Tanjiro’s mouth was actually turned red in an instant, turning into boundless flames.

At the same time, this flame also burst out from his hand. It spread on the blade, vigorously, and burned endlessly.

“Just use this blow to the bones…”

“Cut off!”

Tanjiro fell from the air, wielding a terrifying long knife that had begun to burn, and the ancestral breathing method was used with all his might, and even the audience who saw this scene were a little looking forward to it.

The next blow will definitely break the sky!

“Kagura, the God of Fire… Biluo Day! ”

Tanjiro roared, and the long knife burning with flames slashed through the air, drawing a fierce wheel of fire, spiraling down with a knife.

Under this terrifying force, the bones of the nightmare did not have the slightest ability to resist, and were directly cut in two.


Even at the same time, the nightmare sound hidden in the train was also the separation of people’s heads, and the roar of consternation seemed to be unbelievable for all this.

It’s also right to think about it, as one of the twelve ghost moons who have been instilled with blood many times by Wu Wu, although he is a low-string ghost, his strength has reached an extreme.

Not to mention that now he is even fused with the train, in this situation, Nightmare can be said to be extremely confident, thinking that even if he encounters a winding ghost, he can fight with one of them, or even win the battle.

It was precisely with this self-confidence that he did not put Tanjiro and them in his eyes from the beginning, and the opponent he always thought was only Purgatory Kyoshiro, the top swordsman of the Ghost Killing Team.

Under such circumstances, most of his energy has actually been focused on Purgatory Kyojuro, and he is not impressed by the two of Tanjiro, even if they watch each other approach to their point.

Unfortunately, it was this kind of disbelief that directly killed him at this time!

“Aaaaah! ~! ”


The nightmare makes the last cry of life, and the body constantly begins to crumble.

And his body has long been fused with the train, at this time the flesh and blood have begun to collapse, and the train is not spared, and it began to rumble and vibrate.

At the same time, countless flesh and blood tentacles gushed out of the train, constantly attacking the passengers like crazy.

Obviously, this is a dream after learning that he is going to die, and he made a desperate struggle to devour people to prevent his fate?

However, this self-confident and arrogant, nightmare of crazy jumping in the minefield really underestimated everyone.


In the gushing and burning of the flames, Purgatory Kyoshiro no longer remained, and countless flames spread out, sweeping everything.

This situation made the nightmare collapse even more, directly the heart was crossed, no longer controlled the body, and let the flesh and blood in the train continue to spread.

Even if you can’t devour and can’t let yourself survive, you have to take these guys to your own burial!

Boom rumble –

I have to say that the true strength of Nightmare is still very strong, although it died at the hands of Tanjiro because he was too arrogant, but the outbreak before death was also really powerful.

Just in an instant, the flesh and blood on the entire train directly expanded, and the volume that spread out was even several times larger than the train itself.

It directly swelled into a meat ball, although it was not aggressive, but just by the weight of the meat ball itself, it directly crushed the train, and in the blink of an eye, it was off the track and fell heavily to the side.

Click, click, click——

The sound of mechanical shattering continued to sound, flesh and blood were in the air, explosions were flying, and the train was also across the ground, rudely using friction to stabilize the current speed.

One by one, he fell in the grass next to him – the train, overturned!!

Looking at this scene, everyone can say that the whole person’s heart is raised. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No way, after all, Tanjiro is only a human being, no matter how powerful the attack is, but since the defense, he is a mortal in the flesh, and there is no way to compare with the ghost.

In such a serious “car accident”, and then intact, it must be quite difficult.

Not to mention Tanjiro at this time, they had already experienced round after round of battles, and they had almost fallen into a state of exhaustion and weakness.

However, then again, if you say that you finally killed the ghost, and you were killed by this train with sparks and lightning, then it is called shame, then it is called a pity!


At this time, the camera finally turned, and the picture came to Tanjiro’s side.

And Tanjiro over here listened to the ghost’s miserable scream, but he was not in the mood to think about anything else, and the strong shaking of the train had made it difficult for him to stabilize his figure.


Looking at Tanjiro’s state, Kohira Inosuke reminded worriedly, “Is your stomach okay?” ”

“Well, it’s okay…”

Tanjiro covered his stomach with difficulty, reluctantly answering, but his heart was still worried about the people in the train:

“Inosuke, you go and protect the passengers…”

However, before the words were finished, a more violent impact came, and a shake made Tanjiro fall heavily.

However, at this time, he was obviously in danger, but he did not worry about himself, but looked at the conductor who also flew out upside down, that is, that Erwuzai, and his heart was very anxious.

“No, I can’t die!”

“If I die, that person will become a murderer!”

“I can’t die… I don’t want anyone to die either! ”

Looking at Tanjiro’s inner activities at this time, the audience of the heavens and realms were distressed, but also a little speechless.

Even his line guidance, Kotaro Yamen was a little helpless.

“This evil Asassi is also too much, obviously he is in danger, and he is still thinking about others, even this person is still a two-five-year-old, a traitor!”

“This conductor has already done evil and committed crimes, of course, this should be left to law enforcement to judge, it is understandable to protect him before that, but Tanjiro is also too desperate…”

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