“Hahaha, I know that the eldest brother is the eldest brother, as the eldest brother, how can he betray his little brother and go to the ghost camp.”

“That’s it, Uh—I’m so envious of Tanjiro lying on the ground now, this feeling of lying down and winning is so refreshing, it feels like the whole person is about to float.”

“Big brother is right, Tanjiro may not be very strong in hard strength now, even Kagura, the god of fire, is difficult to join this kind of battlefield.

Even if all the powerhouses of the entire Ghost Destruction World were added together, it would be difficult to rank in the heavens, but Tanjiro’s spirit had already given him a place in the hearts of the audience. ”

“Good guy, I call it a good guy, obviously lying on the ground and can’t look, watching others fight, but I have reached the peak of my life.” So envious! ”

Everyone couldn’t help but mutter, to be honest, the feeling of being praised by the eldest brother was too light, even if they all knew that Tanjiro deserved this kind of praise, they were still very envious.


The picture returned to the video, and the eldest brother at this time finally made a summary:

“Let me repeat, my values and yours are very different, for whatever reason. I won’t be a ghost! ”

In one word, he completely rejected the 17 temptations before the Qiwo seat, and it is clear that in the confrontation between the two major pyramid schemes, it is still the human side that has succeeded.

Big brother, Wuyun Changlong!


Other people’s mood is naturally gratified, very happy, although there are also people who are sorry for it and unhappy in their hearts, but most of them are still positive images.

However, Yuwuza was not in a very beautiful mood now, and he narrowed his eyes. There was a dangerous glow in his eyes.

The next moment, a mighty purple momentum burst out from his body, just stepping on the ground, the earth shattered in place, and purple light spread.

“The technique unfolds!”

The next one, in just a split second, a blood demon technique similar to the appearance of a magic array was laid on the ground. From purple to blue light. It exudes an absolutely slaughtering gloomy aura.

The brilliant operation made the five teachers in the next door spell return to the battle world call the insider.

“Destroy and kill, Luo Pin!”

This move is exactly the blood demon technique of the Qiwo Za, unfolding a domain-like operation, greatly strengthening his physical fitness, strengthening his strength speed and unparalleled destructive power!

Under this kind of realm, he is now invincible! (Well, it’s just that Yu Woza’s own opinion, and also have to leave behind the miserable adult…) )

However, this ability also reflects the mentality that Yuwuza is a battle maniac, and at this time, he smiled coldly, and finally lost all his patience before:

“Since it’s not a ghost. Just kill you! ”

After speaking, Yuwoza did not leave the other party with the intention to continue speaking, and directly stepped on the ground, and his whole body rushed straight towards Purgatory Kyoshiro like a sharp sword!

Boom rumble————

It is obvious that all his patience and expectations have been worn out just now, and the current Hye Nest is very unhappy, very unhappy!

All emotions remain only to fight, with the thought of killing the person in front of you!

Bang bang!!!

In the blink of an eye, Yuwoza and Purgatory Kyojuro fought together.

The sound of fists and blades clashing unexpectedly raised a tooth-souring sound of metal clashing, and in the dim field, bright sparks bloomed.

Obviously, after experiencing the strengthening of the realm, the physical fitness of the Ryokuza is now far beyond the previous state, so that even Purgatory Kyojuro’s blade cannot easily split it.

With only the flesh, it directly hardens the Pillar of the Ghost Killing Team’s Nikki Blade, and this kind of strength is really terrifying!

Brush brush –

Bang bang!!

Both of them were unreserved, and as soon as they fought together, they directly used their own killing moves.

The dust is flying, the earth is breaking water, and the sound of violent impact is constantly sounding. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the battle progressed, the sound of the collision became more and more dense, like rain one after another, and the speed was even faster and outrageous, so that Tanjiro on the side was directly stunned:

“Speed, so fast, eyes can’t keep up at all…”

Indeed, for example, the current Tanjiro, even if the audience is observing from the perspective of God, even after the special baptism of the video, it is extremely difficult to grasp the movements of the two.

I can only see the arc drawn by the fiery red sword light and the blue fist, constantly flashing out in the darkness, and as for the figure, it has long been about to disappear.

This, is this the strength of the pillar in the ghost killing team and the winding ghost in the twelve ghost nights?

Many viewers were stunned, originally they always thought that ghosts destroy the world, although the breathing method is extremely mysterious, ghosts are indeed interesting creatures.

But after all, it is a lower world…

But now it seems that it is not the inferior of this world, but Tanjiro’s previous battle, it is just a small fight, and this one in front of him is the real top combat power in the ghost destruction world!


“Hahaha, hahahaha…”

In the video, Yu Woza laughed proudly, and under the details and slow-motion description of the video, it finally made people see his underwhelmed face.

I have to say that a battle maniac is a battle maniac, and unlike the blood ghost art in the other twelve ghost moons, there is no weirdness that makes people dream, and there is no dense control of spider silk.

It is even far inferior to the blood ghost technique of the drum face ghost who was expelled, and the performance is shocking and mysterious.

However, it is like this 960 to strengthen the strength of his physical fitness, coupled with the strong strength of the Qiwo Za, it seems that this special move is really not needed.

No matter what strange things I faced, I restrained myself with one punch and crushed the other party with one punch.

This instantly made people think of the bald big demon who used to rely on a punch, and then quickly shook his head.

Well, although the strength of the Qiwo Seat is not weak, compared to the bald big devil, the gap is still too far, too far …

And the picture returned to the video, as the battle progressed, the Qiwo seat also became more and more proud, and became more and more arrogant:

“Then again, there is no Yan Pillar in the pillar I killed so far!”

“And a bunch of bastards never accepted my invitation, why?”

Unlike Purgatory Kyoshiro, who was completely serious at this time, his eyes were wide and his state of tension was wide, but he looked particularly relaxed, and his eyes were even more light.

But indeed, he does have this kind of strong strength, and he can easily force Purgatory Kyoshiro back with one punch and one kick.

Even if the eldest brother used his exquisite sword moves to cut the vulnerable part of his arm, he could only cut a little bit of flesh and blood, and it was difficult to cause effective damage to the bones.

Even because of this, he restricted his actions! .

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