The audience of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms watched this scene with some reluctance, and they never felt that such a battle was meaningless at all.

Because you can’t win at all!

In fact, not only these viewers feel so, but even the Hypzo in the video thinks so, he regrows his hands and constantly attacks the Purgatory Kyojuro in front of him.

Is it not fair?

As if it did…

It is true that the battle with the ghosts is doomed from the beginning and is unfair, but these pillars, these teenagers of the ghost killing team, have never taken a step back!


There is no point, the fight is no more, as a ghost killing team, they will never give up here!

Bang bang bang –

Boom rumble!!!

The fierce battle began again, and now the eldest brother is no longer able to fight back, and can only constantly hold the knife to resist the opponent’s attack ~ attack.

Even said that at this time, the cannibal sat in the nest, but felt sorry for the other party.


He has always felt that the other party is a pity, he has always been very sorry, and he has not yet met the strongest Purgatory Kyoshi-Lang…

Therefore, once again, the Hypzo sent out a request for invitation:

“It’s a shame to kill you now, Kyoshiro, your body is far from reaching its peak.”

Saying that, it seems to be to break the insistence in Purgatory Kyojuro’s heart, or to make the other party completely agree and convince himself.

This time, the Ryo Nest Seat did not spare his hand, and punched fiercely, hitting Purgatory Kyoshiro fiercely on the stomach.


With a bang, the second stage of the fist was forced, and the destructive power of the terrifying power explosion directly struck, so that Love and Kyoshiro, who were just human bodies, were simply difficult to support, and couldn’t help but cough heavily, and the figure continued to retreat.

However, how could the dignified Purgatory Kyoshiro, the eldest brother in everyone’s mind, choose to surrender to the cannibal in front of him because of the decline of the battle, and how could he choose to surrender to the cannibal in front of him because of his injuries.

If this is the case, he is not Yanzhu, and he is not the big brother in everyone’s eyes!!

“Breath of Flame, Inferior Type…”

With the belief that he must kill and die, Purgatory Kyoshiro gritted his teeth fiercely, his brows furrowed tightly, and once again raised his knife with difficulty, all using breathing methods.

“Ascending the hot sky!”


The fierce flames were like fire dragons, rising from the bottom up into the sky, and the bursting moves made a rumbling sound, and the terrifying power made the Nest Seat have to parry the defender with both hands.

However, even if he achieved this level, he only took a step back, and in one time to turn over, he completely recovered from his injuries, and then rushed over again.

Bang bang bang –

Another fierce battle, thinking of Purgatory Kyoshiro’s previous performance, the more excited and regretful in his heart, he laughed and said:

“Hahaha, Kyoshiro, presumably in another year, or two years, your moves will be more condensed, and the accuracy will be higher!”

Yu Woza did not say the next words, that is, after a while, he really does not necessarily have to be the opponent of the other party.

It’s just a pity that there are no ifs and maybes in reality, and the most likely thing to appear is the despair that makes people more and more powerless!

If Purgatory Kyoshiro never refuses to become a ghost, then he will not have the next year or two without the next future, and he will die here!

That’s right, even if there is a special reluctance in the heart, especially regret, if the other party refuses to agree, the Nest will strangle the other party here.

After all, even he couldn’t resist Lord Wu’s order, and it was precisely because of this that Yu Woza really wanted to persuade the other party to give in.

In this way, the outrageous plot appeared –

In the midst of this battle, among the onlookers of Tanjiro and the spectators of the heavens and realms.

Yu Woza can even rank at the top of those who “most want Purgatory Kyojuro to survive”, and even because of his sexuality, he has opened up the hope of life at this time and has the will to die.

This is outrageous!!

……… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The picture returns to the battle, and at this time, the Yuwoza is precisely in order to save the life of the other party, and he does not show mercy at all.

That’s right, this is not a paradox, only now without mercy and completely breaking the other party, it is possible to let the other party survive …

At that time, no matter what kind of injury you receive, even if you have a broken arm or leg, if you are deaf and blind, as long as you become a ghost, everything can recover.

Of course, the premise is here, that is, the other party gives in!!

Boom boom…

The Nest Seat continued to attack, his fist hit the blade, splashing bright sparks and making an extremely violent metal collision sound.

It’s much denser than any previous battle scene…

You know, in the previous time, even Purgatory Kyoshiro who was in good condition was difficult to resist the opponent’s attack.

Not to mention now, the current eldest brother is physically exhausted and scarred, and the current cannibal is attacking more and more fiercely, and the result is naturally self-evident.

After a period of resistance, Purgatory Kyoshiro finally could no longer maintain such a high-intensity battle, and there was a slight deviation in the spirit, and the strength of the hand movement was reduced after all.

At this time, the Qiuwo seat did not have any spare hands, and directly stepped forward sharply, punching up, and the fist and blade were deadlocked.

However, this time it did not stalemate for long, nor did it retreat immediately, but let the Yuwo seat find an opportunity, and a youth association put the blade aside, and the fist jerked forward.

With a bang, the extremely destructive fist grazed along Purgatory Kyojuro’s head.

And this time, Purgatory Kyojuro wanted to pay more than just a few hairs.

Blood continued to gush out, and this punch really almost split Purgatory Kyoshiro’s eyes, but even if he endured it, the eldest brother at this time couldn’t open his eyes and couldn’t help retreating.

However, the obsession in his heart finally stopped him from retreating, and after only two steps back, the eldest brother eased up, and he gritted his teeth heavily and rushed forward.

Even if his eye is broken, he has another one, and he can continue to fight!

“Aaaaa The breath of flame, the three types…”

Faith is like a pillar, giving people endless fighting power, Purgatory Kyojuro, but also desperately squeezed the potential in his body, breathing method is completely used, in a swing of the knife slash.

“Qi Yan Vientiane!!”

The terrifying and rich flames continued to gush out from the blade, and its condensation degree was simply solid, like magma, constantly flowing on the blade.

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