And this seat also made many people in the field who were originally curious and even yearning for the characteristics of cannibals and immortality, instantly stood up straight and straightened their chests.

Although they and the others are not as strong as the cannibal in terms of strength and characteristics, they are human beings and human beings who can be proud of their identity!

Such an identity is enough for everyone to abandon all envy.


Seeing this, King Gilgamesh nodded in satisfaction, which is why he said so many things, otherwise how could the human hero king comment more on an alien race?

“In short, give me your spirit, you are decent human beings, human beings who will defeat those gods in the future and create a new era!

It’s just a ghost, and this king doesn’t even put the gods in his eyes, so why talk about evil ghosts? But kill it casually!! ”

“King! King! King! ”


An impassioned speech made everyone in the 17 sessions excited, waving weapons in their hands and calling the name of the king on the field.

Only a certain stupid goddess pouted, unusually disdainful, and constantly complained in her heart:

“This stupid king, proud of his human identity, you look down on the gods here, and said that before you want to kill the gods, can you care about the attitude of the goddess on the scene, it’s hateful!”

But there is no way, although I want to turn against the water, but looking at those shiny gemstones, Ishtar said that he is also helpless.


The audience of the heavens and realms discussed the Nest Seat in this way, with different concepts, and never stopped.

There is praise, there is recognition, there is disgust, there is disdain… The different environments and different cultures in the heavens and realms are vividly expressed at this moment.

However, the discussion can not stop the progress of the video, and the progress bar is still spreading.

Don’t look at the cannibal is not dead at this time, Purgatory Kyoshiro has also been penetrated through the body, but the battle has not stopped!

Still that sentence, the eldest brother will not lose!


When dying, memory killing at the time of despair is a must for the protagonist group, although the eldest brother is not a member of the protagonist group, but he still gets such treatment.

At this moment of crisis, the jingling wind chime slowly came over.

At this time, the picture turned, and when the camera appeared again, it had already appeared in the memories of Purgatory Kyojuro.

This is the picture of Purgatory Kyoshiro’s mother still alive, at this time, this woman who looks weak is asking her eldest brother when she was a child with a serious face:

“Kyoshiro, let me ask you a question, you have to think about it carefully before answering, do you know why you were born stronger than others?”

“I don’t understand!”

Obviously, when he was a child, Kyoshiro could not answer this question, but the woman actually understood, and immediately gave the answer:

“It’s to help the weak!”

“Those who are gifted and superior to ordinary people must use this power for the sake of the world and for others, and must not use this heaven-given ability to harm others for personal gain… Helping the weak is the duty of the born strong! ”

“This is a responsibility that you must shoulder, it is to stick to the mission of life, and we must never forget this!”

The words not only made the eldest brother at that time, his eyes became firm, but also shocked the audience of the heavens and realms.

But then his expression was abrupt.

No wonder the eldest brother can grow to the point where he looks almost secure now, which is definitely not brought by strength, but a firm emotion.

It turns out that as early as childhood, the eldest brother was indoctrinated and educated, this point of view ah…

Before talking about the white of the ninja world, everyone’s eyes were complicated, sure enough!

The education of parents is really important!


In response to this sentence, Spider-Man in the Marvel world expressed great praise and was a little sad.

If the video could have come out earlier, if I had known this point of view earlier, I wouldn’t have died than my uncle…

But thinking of this, Spider-Man’s smile smiled a little bitterly, well, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, this point of view uncle has long told himself, but he has not put it in his heart…

Only suffering can teach people to grow the most… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They all understood this point of view when they were young, and practiced it by themselves, Purgatory Kyojuro, is really much luckier than him!


In the video, in the face of this statement, Love and Kyoshiro answered with heavy eyes.

The video of this memory also ends slowly in the midst of this kind of teaching from the seriously ill mother.

The picture returns to the battlefield, according to the law of memory killing, no matter how long the memory is, returning to reality is a short moment.

And thinking back to his mother’s teaching, Kyoshiro’s eyes suddenly became firm.

Protecting the weak is the duty of the naturally strong!

Now in this battlefield in the dark, Tanjiro and they will never be able to resist this ghost, they need their own protection.

There are also those ordinary and weak people, and they need the strong to protect them.

And it just so happens that he, Purgatory Kyojuro, is a strong man, a strong man who wants to block all calamities in front of him!


Thinking of this, Purgatory Kyoshiro’s palm burst into flames, and suddenly exerted force, and in the roar, he fiercely took the knife in his hand and slashed at the neck of the Qiuzao.



With the sound of the bone breaking 923, the flesh and blood flew over, and the rookie who originally thought that the other party had no ability to resist was directly fooled by this move, and opened his mouth in amazement, at a loss.


Purgatory Kyojuro let out a final roar, desperately fighting his whole body strength, vowing to cut off the opponent’s neck.


In his heart, he slowly murmured:

I feel incredibly honored to be your child…

So, here, I must not lose!

The last sentence was not spoken, and Purgatory Kyojuro just used practical actions to fulfill the oath in his heart.

However, although the eldest brother’s hand is extremely strong and shocking, the cannibal in front of him, after all, is the upper winding of the twelve ghost moons, and has experienced countless battlefields, and quickly reacted, and without saying a word, he used his fist to hit it.


Even more shocking, and even more unexpected for everyone, the situation appeared, in the case that the eldest brother had exhausted his life potential and fought everything, he actually blocked this blow with his palm.

This operation not only shocked the audience of the heavens and realms, but also made the Yuwo seat overwhelmed, directly widened his eyes, and was shocked in his heart.

“Blocked? How is this possible, this incredible power… This is absolutely impossible! My right hand, but it has penetrated his vital point!! “。

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