“Is the death of a living creature nothing more than a return to the embrace of the land? That’s a good thing to say. ”

Sarutobi shook his head and looked at Konoha outside the window, his eyes were full of reluctance, but he finally turned around and returned to his seat.

That seat that belonged to Hokage.

He sighed softly: “Obviously a child, a teenager can understand the truth, how can I not understand…

Obviously I have been saying that where the leaves of the wood are flying, the fire is also endless, the leaves fall, and the burning turns into ashes, which is just to add nutrients to the next generation, why can’t I figure it out. ”

“The old man is… Three generations of Hokage!! ”

Ape Fei Ri said, his eyes finally became resolute, and he made a firm decision in his heart, this time he must die with the big snake pill.

That’s right, as time progresses, the Chūnin exam between Konoha and Sunahide Village will soon begin.

And in Naruto Uzumaki’s video, it can be seen that the Great Snake Pill Earth was also the time to invade Konoha.

It’s just that I was too humiliated that time, and I tried my life to seal the other party’s pair of arms, which was outrageous…

“This time, I will definitely not let you escape with such a light 560 easy again!”

Ape Fei Ri said firmly, in fact, after learning his end, he was still a little apprehensive and hesitant in his heart.

After all, not many people can face death head-on, let alone wait for death to come little by little under the countdown to death…

I don’t know how many years Hokage’s ape flying sun slash, I can’t bear it!

And now Konoha’s strength is not bad, not only Uchiha Itachi has returned, but Naruto and Sasuke’s two children have also been rewarded with the video, and now the strength can be said to be particularly exaggerated.

Oh, by the way, and Jiraiya guy…

It stands to reason that there is no need to worry about the attack of the Great Snake Pill, but after thinking about it, Ape Flying Sun Chopper still made up his mind, intending to solve his former disciple with his own hands when the other party came.

Even if it is to fight for your life, you will not hesitate –

Without him!

The stronger the new generation, the more Sarutobi understands that the current Konoha has decayed, and the older generation of ninjas should also come to an end.

Moreover, as a ninja in the ninja world, he has done too many wrong things, made too many mistakes, and been cowardly for too many years.

Now instead of supporting this aging body and waiting for death to come, he should die in battle.

Maybe you can use this to erase the wrong example of the big snake pill…

“Where Konoha flies, fire is also alive, Orochimaru, I will never let you destroy this prosperous Konoha and the will of fire!”

Ape Fei Richo raised his head, looked at his palm and said firmly:

“Naruto, Sasuke, then it’s all over to you, oh yes… And Danzo, I won’t let you fight those crooked ideas anymore, let’s burn together for the new generation of Konoha…”

Tuan Zang, who was in the base laboratory, may never have dreamed that Ape Fei Ri made a decision, not only exchanged his life for a bargaining chip, but also brought him with him.

Inexplicably, a black pot was directly covered …

If Tuan Zang knew, I was afraid that he would not be able to cough up a mouthful of old blood.

But to be honest, after experiencing so many things, he had calculated the attention of the nine-tailed people and the situation of the Uchiha clan, and he was afraid that he couldn’t bury it.

A few black pots have long been eager to try, just waiting for the day to come.

But can things really happen as smoothly as expected?

Not necessarily, don’t look at Naruto Sasuke’s outrageous strength, Uchiha Itachi is also back.

But in the connection of the heavens and all worlds, in the chat group, under the gentle wave of the wings of this butterfly, a certain little snake has long been waiting to turn into a dragon!


The picture returns to the video. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the progress bar progresses, the chapter of Yanzhu’s death also comes to an end.

With the howls of several teenagers, a crow with tears in his eyes also spread his wings and spread the news back.

The next picture flashed on several pillars of the ghost killing team.

Obviously, unlike the pillars of the ghost killing team in real life, I know that there is no difference in the video.

These people in the video are in an unusually heavy mood.

Just like Butterfly Shinobu, who has always appeared with a smile, he also put away his smile at this moment, his eyes drooped slightly, and he endured painful emotions.

The love pillar of the love brain, who usually always falls into the topic of love inexplicably, also widened his eyes at this moment, covering his mouth and trembling.

Some are reluctant to accept this fact…

The walking snake pillar and the sound pillar squatting on the eaves are also particularly heavy.

“Even an existence as powerful as Purgatory has lost to the Ghost of the Winding?”

Yinzhu said with some disbelief, and the snake pillar refuted this view: “I don’t believe it!” ”

yes, who can believe it?!

How can the strong video purgatory Kyoshiro, this extremely safe big brother, lose to the cowardly coward coward of Yuwuza?

The audience of the heavens and realms also did not believe it, and they were unwilling, and once again brushed the screen with words such as “Big brother did not lose”…

In the next rock pillar, tears continued to flow, pinching the rosary on his hand, and began to silently pray for Purgatory Kyoshiro.

Feng Zhu himself was even more excited, his pupils enlarged to an exaggerated point, his eyes were bloodshot, and the vertical scars showed more and more fierceness on his hideous face, and he roared angrily:

“Is it? Yes! I will kill all the ugly evil spirits, not one left!! ”

The final picture came to the water column, although Tomioka Yoshiyuki’s expression did not change particularly drastically after hearing the news, but just said softly: “This way…”

But looking at his indifferent eyes, the painful look, everyone also knew that the sacrifice of his colleagues was far greater than imagined for this cold-hearted Tomioka Yoshiyuki!

In the end, it was still Lord Gong who pulled down the curtain of this battle and made the final emotion:

“200, 200 passengers lost their lives… Kyoshiro did his best, he was really good! ”

“I’m not lonely, because I’m running out of time, and I’ll soon go to where Kyoshiro and everyone are…”

Lord Lord muttered, his face looked like a poisoned complexion, and it became more and more serious, more and more terrifying.

“The Land of Yellow Springs!”

Just listening to this praise word, everyone still had some indescribable sadness in their hearts.

200 passengers… Among these passengers, it should also include Purgatory Kyojuro!

The eldest brother saved everyone, but he fell at the dawn of the dawn of hope, such a situation is difficult for anyone to accept.

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