Not to mention what the name of Bonnie’s ability is, just being able to control people’s age at will is shocking enough. If Victor were a superior person, he would definitely find this fruit ability to use for himself, regardless of whether he is temporary or permanent, it is always good to try.

Let’s go back to Boni, one of the eleven supernovas, from the South China Sea, with a bounty of 140 million berry.

Because of its abnormality and ability to eat, it is called “big stomach woman”

A young woman with long straight pink hair, denim strappy shorts, white half-sleeved shirt, brown short-heeled boots, and heart-shaped lipstick, just like her title, is a big stomach king and never leaves the food in her hand.

Because of its ability to adjust the fruit of time or age, it is not certain of its true age.

When I saw the transformed bear during the war, I couldn’t help but cry.

During the World Conference, he infiltrated the Holy Land of Mary Joa and saw the bear used as a mount by the Draco, and was extremely angry.

In fact, there are many statements on the Internet, some say that it is the mother of the tyrant bear, some say that it is the wife of the tyrant bear, and some say that it is the daughter of the tyrant bear, but Victor prefers that Bonnie is the daughter of the bear only because of something else, it is too shocking, and Victor himself can’t stand it.

Boni’s personality is rude and arrogant, and she was caught by Blackbeard and teased by him, but she also cursed Blackbeard in her mouth and kicked him into the air, and her strong character is one of the best.

When eating at a restaurant in the Chambord Islands, her eating appearance is also quite ugly, just like her title, she is a female stomach king, the food on her hand has never been broken, and the amount of food is comparable to Luffy and Kidd.

If Victor wants to say that this supernova has no other skills, it is quite edible, and it is good to eat, and it is right to eat.

Because eating more is indeed in line with some animal survival rules, only strong people, people who eat more, will be bigger.

At the time of the war, Bonnie said that she was going to the New World to find someone, but she didn’t know who to go to.

After the war, he led the Pirates to the New World, where he was defeated by Blackbeard Titch and used as a bargaining chip to exchange warships with the Navy. Blackbeard thinks that Boni’s strength is too weak to be his partner, and suggests that she be his woman and take her to the sea after that.

This Blackbeard is a bit of an old bandit, and he still presses Madame?

Unwilling to be humiliated, Bonnie kicked Blackbeard in the face.

Finally, the navy came, the Blackbeard Pirates fled, and Bonnie and his men fell into the hands of Admiral Red Dog, and when they were captured by Blackbeard and handed over to Red Dog, Red Dog said that her escape made Akato sweat cold.

Then it appeared two years later, the words of the red dog, it is also intriguing, a cold sweat, that is, Bonnie This is very important? ?



New world, a few days ago, Golden Lion’s subordinates collided head-on with Whitebeard because of IQ research and development, material search, and then inevitably a melee, which alarmed the Golden Lion and Whitebeard, and the two old guys made an appointment in the New World, and they rushed over with their subordinates.

“Shiki!! Long time no see!goo la la-la!!” Whitebeard held the supreme fast knife in his hand, looking at the group of flying pirates not far away, and their governor Golden Lion, Shiji!!!, this old friend of Whitebeard is also an old enemy.

36 years ago, Golden Lion Shiki was one of the members of the Rocks Pirates like Whitebeard, Kaido, and Aunt, and after the Rocks Pirates were disbanded, they formed the Flying Sky Pirates.

Galloping in the new world, he is also an old rival for many years with Whitebeard, Roger and others.

25 years ago, he wanted to join forces with Roger in order to rule the world, but after being rejected by Roger, he became angry, and the pirate groups on both sides broke out into a fierce battle, which is the Battle of Aitor Wall.

Originally desperate, the Roger Pirate Group, which was about to be defeated by the eyes of the golden lion, was saved by a sudden storm, and most of the fleet of the flying pirate group was driven into the bottom of the sea, plus an accident, the rudder was unfortunately inserted on the head of the golden lion, because it would be life-threatening to pull out the rudder, so the rudder is still embedded in the head.

It’s just that now the rudder has been taken down by Viktor.

22 years ago, Shiki could not believe that Roger, who was considered an opponent, would be arrested, so he single-handedly entered the naval headquarters Marin Fandor, confirmed that he killed a large number of navies, and learned from Sengoku and Kapuna in the headquarters that Roger would be publicly executed in the town of Rogue, where he was born.

Shiji, who has always regarded the East China Sea as the weakest place, was quite angry about this, thinking that it was the last insult to Roger before his death, and in order to prevent Shiji from making trouble when Roger was about to be executed, Navy Karp and Admiral Sengoku went on the battlefield, and the battle of the three was directly after destroying nearly half of Marin Fandor’s town before dividing the victory and defeat, and Shiji was defeated.

Later, he was sent to the infinite hell of Advance City.

In fact, Victor has always admired the golden lion and the whitebeard such peerless and ruthless, not to mention that both of them have attacked Malin Fodo, which is enough to prove how powerful and heroic the two peerless heroes are.

20 years ago, in order to escape from the Advance Castle, he cut off his feet bound by Kailou Stone leg cuffs, and since then his feet have been prosthetic with two knives, Sakura Ten and Kiku, and he can later be slashed out by kicking, becoming the first prisoner in Advance City to successfully escape from prison.

After escaping from prison, Shiki comes to an island called Vermeyo, yes, the island where Victor defeated the golden lion.

At that time, the golden lion was really old, although it was much stronger than the strength of beating Luffy in the theater version, but it was still not the opponent of Victor, who was already a general at that time, like the sky.

The golden lion discovered that there were many violent animals on the island that ate plants with IQ ingredients, so he used his ability to pull the entire island into the sky and move as his own floating island, which has been called “floating island” for twenty years, and for twenty years he hid his whereabouts and studied IQ with his trusted deputy Indigo.

Indigo is the ship doctor of the golden lion.

The golden lion was thinking of his own comeback plan, wanting to regain the sea and liberate these animals to the East China Sea to wreak havoc on them, showing his power of revenge to the world government.

Although the plan was interrupted by Victor at the time, the Golden Lion restarted the plan due to Victor’s later instructions.

But recently there was a conflict with Whitebeard, after asking Victor, the golden lion directly began to harden with Whitebeard, Victor knows that the current old and frail whitebeard is probably not the opponent of the golden lion, so it is required as long as it is not killed, otherwise, the victims of the top war are gone…

The golden lion on the opposite side looked at the white beard with a look of excitement,,,,_

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