The golden lion landed the ship from the sky to the sea, looking at the white beard with excitement, although the golden lion was turned into his subordinate by Victor’s loyalty card, but without Victor’s order or when it was not related to Victor’s interests, the golden lion has always shown his true state and thoughts.

So after twenty years, I saw my old friend and old rival again, and the golden lion was extremely happy, because the two people had two common identities, one was that more than thirty years ago, he and Whitebeard were both crew members of the Rocks Pirates, and the golden lion and Whitebeard at that time were the two strongest captains of the Rocks Pirates, second only to Captain Locks.

Then there is a common identity of the two people is the later recognized title, the golden lion and the whitebeard have become the strongest men in the world, but the golden lion’s time is a little short, just a year or two, the beginning time is the Battle of Etvor, the end time is the golden lion Malinfodo lost the battle to the Warring States and Karp’s combination, just two or three years, but whitebeard is not whitebeard to enjoy the title of the world’s strongest man has been twenty years! ! !

When the golden lion was called the strongest in the world, there were many people who gave whitebeard a grievance, but the golden lion was too lazy to argue with whitebeard about the so-called world’s first, because the golden lion’s desire was never to be the strongest in the world but to rule the world.

Whitebeard never cares about the strongest in the world, but protects his Whitebeard family, his own family. Two powerful men are not here, and the golden lion and white beard Roger is even more so, Roger is determined to be in the world, One Piece is probably not his ultimate goal, as for the world’s first?

After all, it has risen to their level, but there is not much obvious gap, if there is no ten days and ten nights of exhausting monstrous battles, life and death struggles, there will be no victory and defeat, high and low.

So the golden lion and whitebeard didn’t think about this at the beginning.

But now the two guys have met in twenty years, but it is unexpected for the two people.

The battle of Marin Fodo that year, the golden lion shocked the world, a person created the naval headquarters to severely damage the naval headquarters Malin Fodo, the destructive power is boundless, if not for the two Warring States of the same level and Karp teamed up, the golden lion may have burst the marin fodo, of course, the golden lion did not want to escape at that time, extreme conceit and extreme atmosphere, that is, the golden lion did not think that he would run away in ashes, the old himself is to burst the marin fodo, Lao Tzu can not believe that you Kapu can capture Roger alive?

Yes, Roger’s combat effectiveness may not be as good as your Karp, but you captured people alive, and you were still unscathed? You think Roger is Kaido’s rookie chicken, and he is being captured alive all day, I bah, shameless navy.

By the way, and that Kaido kid, who was captured alive all day, it’s a shame!

The golden lion who does not believe in evil does not want to escape at all, so he will be captured alive, otherwise how can Kapu and the Warring States catch up with the golden lion of the fluttering fruit? ?

So Marin Fodo went to jail for a golden lion, and it has been twenty years since today.

In the past twenty years, countless things have happened, Zi has become the strongest man in the world, and the Whitebeard Pirate Ship Group has become huge. All kinds of sea thieves on the sea emerge one after another, the navy appears, the strength is strong, the Hermes company dominates the sea, the golden lion, Barrett, Kaido, and the three masters of the six emperors level have successively advanced into the city.

Both the red-haired Shanks and Charlotte Lingling became the Six Emperors, and the navy established the pirate organization His Majesty the Seven Warriors.

Even the Holy Land Mary Joa was fought by the Pirates and freed the slaves, the tide of the times has officially come, and the unprecedented changes in eight hundred years are now! .

However, the two seventy-year-old old men of the previous era are still here, still standing at the peak of the sea, and after twenty years, the golden lion and the white beard have met again!!

Newgate, twenty years have gone, it is useless to talk more, come and compare with Lao Tzu!!”

The golden lion laughed presumptuously, his hands were already holding the two famous knives Sakura Shikiku into his hands, looking at the white-beard standing on the bow of the Moby Dick not far away, his eyes were full of monstrous battle intent, in which kind of meeting saw the epitome of the era, it was the glory of the golden lion and the whitebeard era!!


Whitebeard cut the beak knife in his hand and stood on the deck, laughing heartily, and looked at the golden lion.

“Goo, come on, Shiki, I also want to find you guy to practice to see if your golden lion is still the golden lion back then!! After saying that, Whitebeard jumped off the Moby Dick and jumped onto a desert island around him, and the immortal bird Marko behind him wanted to remind Whitebeard with a worried look, but Whitebeard waved his hand to indicate that he didn’t need to worry.

Carrying a beak knife in his hand, he walked dashingly to the island, and the golden lion also struggled to see the island.

“Hahahaha, Shiki, come on. “Come on, Newgate!! The golden lion put up the double knife in his hand, and Whitebeard also played with a knife flower, and they exchanged hands in an instant.

Cong Yunche was framed by the double knife, and the golden lion and the white beard directly began to wrestle.



The golden lion used the Sakura Ten Sword in his hand to shoot out a giant sword qi and went straight to Whitebeard.

This chopping wave is powerful enough to cut through hundreds of kilometers of sea, and the golden lion once used this move to fight Luffy.

Whitebeard also slashed out without showing weakness and collided together.

Bang bang bang!!

A series of blasting sounds came, and the crew of the Golden Lion Pirate Group and the crew of the Whitebeard Pirate Group outside carefully watched the explosion sound coming from inside the island.

They are all worried that their captain will suffer.

The golden lion and white beard inside are all unconcerned, unreservedly performing tricks, not a life and death struggle, more like an old friend’s battle.

“Old fellow, try this!!!

The golden lion uses the ability of the fluttering fruit to lift up the entire ground, turning into multiple lion-head-shaped earth and crushing and constantly impacting the white beard.

The Golden Lion once used this move to crush the entire Straw Hat Pirates, and it was also used in the battle with Victor.

The huge lion heads around him kept approaching Whitebeard, and Whitebeard didn’t care at all, standing firmly in place. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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