From Mightiest Hero to Demon King

Demon King's Hired Spy

After breaking up with Gallius, Kera did not return to Thurus, but visited a nearby village.

Build a journey schedule with the money given to you by Gallius to procure horses. Slowly overnight before heading west.

I'm not worried about the chaser.

General Gusgar, who abandoned the city and decided to withdraw, would not use part of his troops on just one deserter.

In fact, no one follows her, and Kera takes a relaxing journey.

Continue along the street, rest in the lodging town, and head west while enjoying your first journey in a long time.

Nevertheless, a woman's solo journey is usually harsh. Her favor "Gifts", which specializes in "Record", does not allow the adventurer to imitate, and the funds immediately bottom out.

But being a woman, there was also a way to make money.

I chose to look more than that there, for times like this. Most guys are kind if they use color eyes, and if they hang out overnight, they get this kind of money.

For her not adhering to the flesh, there was no reason to stick to chastity without even risking her life.

You were just too relaxed, a few times on the road, Gallius contacted me. A small slime popped out of the pendant that was always lowered from his neck.

The attack on "Greer" and "Acadia" has begun.

"Apparently, I didn't get a good grasp of your nasty personality. We need to revise the rating downwards."

I've been asked such sarcasm, but reflection doesn't even feel as hairy.

Crossing the borders of the kingdom and moving on to the western countries, you enter mountainous areas.

It's just that the streets are maintained and there are a lot of lodging towns, so it's not so much rugged. Instead, there was little trouble and we reached the borders of the Rubian State.

If you say it's a pilgrimage journey, it's easy to cross the border. There are no less (...) undelivered people demanding bribes than religious nations.

Kella had the likely discerning guard take the money and introduce her to a senior priest who also knew the story well.

Meet the person in a nearby city and get a worship pass to a difficult cathedral.

I went to the Holy City two days later.

The stone scenery from the boarding carriage was ancient and gave a sense of tradition. Now that the repair is well done, I get the impression of sophistication different from the novelty.

The national territory of the Rubiares is a basin, several times that of an urban state. But the population does not reach half of one urban state. On the other hand, self-sufficiency was unacceptable in land that was not necessarily abundant.

The main industry is' religion '.

The offerings that arrive from all over the continent support their lives. As a result of the only uprooting of the divine faith over the years, that alone allowed for a higher than average standard of living.

and overtook three boys with white robes together.

The front and rear are sandwiched by many clerics and knights, and they are going rigorously.

Someone in the carriage says.

"Is that the chosen children?

"You will. You can't wear a holy coat with gold embroidery around those years."

Indeed, the white robe seemed tense in value.

Another big "industry" in this country is "human resources".

This country, with its many talented people, had gained its price by sending them to each country.

Not that this land produces many people with special favors, Gifts.

Because pilgrims traveling across the continent are finding boys with rare favors "gifts" from all over the world as soon as possible and sending them to the Patriarchate.

That's how we thoroughly beat the only divine faith and make God and the God-nation pledge allegiance.

The boys ahead would be children who were recognized and invited as "chosen children" in other countries.

(It's a good system built around religion)

Nevertheless, it is not so easy for other countries to let go of children with rare favors "gifts".

There was a growing tendency, year after year, to give away to the Patriarchate for whatever reason, even in countries and persons of deep faith.

An example of this is Galius.

Although the Pope himself challenged direct negotiations with the King, there is a broken past.

As a result, it was causing the current state of confusion.

Kella just told him what was going on at the time, but you think the Pope was quite sorry?

In doing so, the carriage stopped.

As Kera descended following the other passengers, there was a huge building in the front.


The royal palace is also about the size of a kakuya. White, with a harsh atmosphere, the air is tense.

The only place where the present Pope resides, making it the centre of God's faith.

(And in this basement, there is the temple of "Speria")

Kella squeezes her pendant a long time.

Several clerics were waiting at the carriage stop.

The passengers are listening to their theories. With their guidance, we will now go to the Cathedral to worship.

Kera is also disputed by that group and presents a prayer voucher to the clergy.

I wandered up the stairs to the cathedral and crept through the entrance.

From here on out, it will guide you inside the cathedral for a while.

(Then there was a meeting and it continued to be a long prayer)

It's a pain in the ass.

but the pope should show his face to the meeting. You just have to fill up and wait until then.

Though I was thinking that way.

(Ku, it's painful...)

All around us are floating people, and when they do, they talk to me. I couldn't tell how much life work it was to record the world, nor did I know the fine dust was interested in the old couple's taming story.

This is subtle again, even if you try to eat and do it in silence. "I don't think it's such a good ingredient while using only crops picked in the sanctuary. It was troublesome in a sense because the taste was thin and neither tasty nor unpleasant.

(Quick... come quick, Pope!

Even after the meal was finally over, it was troublesome for worship attendees to come by with a well-deserved middle-aged man during the celebration.

When I finally reached the limit of my patience.

"Dear devout faithful, welcome to the Cathedral today"

A low but often passing voice sounded.

Everyone looked at each other in unison.

The long-bodied clergyman was smiling. Height exceeding two metres, cheeks roll, hands and feet as thin as dead trees. My eyelids are loose and drooling, and I'm an old man as I saw them.

"Whoa, Pope!

"It's the Pope!

"How divine..."

Prayer participants are thankful as if God had descended.

(Are you finally out)

I was going to predict the timing, but with the heart of wanting to get off the scene as soon as possible, Kella stood up. I grasply and inexorably approach the Pope.

"Long time no see, Saladio Giuselli"

Two little knights stand in front of Kella.

"I know how excited you are, but please don't come any closer. I'll set up a place to talk to the Pope later."

"I'm his friend."

Huh? and one of the knights sees the Pope.

But this is the first time I have met the Pope in this appearance, so naturally the Pope twisted his neck.

"My name is Kera. [Record Master]."

He knows Kella's favor, Gifts. Also about the ability to move to other flesh. So if you tell me your name and grace, "Gifts," you'll understand.

"I don't know your name."


"The roster of worship attendees for today also did not mention any kera persona..."

The Pope also tilts his neck. Add a troublesome look.

"Oh, no, so I was an old friend."

Though I managed to remind him, two knights went to hold Kella down.

"Aren't you tired of a long journey? I was wondering if you'd like to take a break in the separate room."

The words are polite, but the knights grab Kella's arm and take her forcefully.

"Oh, man. Wait a minute. Saladio, have you really forgotten me?!? Hey, Saladio!

With the dry laughter of the faithful on their backs, Kera was taken -.

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