From Mightiest Hero to Demon King

The Demon King unleashes a sneak detective

Kella was brought to a poor room to call the reception room. Now a low table is tucked away in a room that's not even big enough, and a sofa for two is across the street between them.

(Damn that jizzy bastard!

Didn't you lose your beloved granddaughter and get busy? And I want to suspect it.

(Oh, no. There's no way that a slave of God would love a human being.

Kella dropped her hips on the couch and looked at the door sideways.

There is one knight on surveillance.

I don't want to miss Kella every step of the way.

(Ma, the situation is not bad. In other words, he became a 'separate room standby' as he aimed. So, do you want me to do a damn arr (...))

Inside now that the surveillance was alone, Kella stuck one hand in her hip pouch.

He stares out at the pouch with vigilance because it is just the side visible from the knight.

Remove a piece of gold coin from the porch as you explore his movements at the edge of your sight. I played with my fingers, and at his feet a noise rang with Charin.

"What are you going to do?

"No, but I thought that was hard work. You can have fun with this body, can't you? I'm bored, too."

Kella reassembled her legs and invited her with a luscious grin as she greeted the pendant lowered from her neck with one hand.

The knight took his eyes off her, and when he picked up the gold coin at his feet,

"I want you to be more careful with your words than that. It's an act of disgrace to my faith."

I played the pin and the gold coin with my fingers and flew to Kera.

Receive with one hand and clasp your shoulders.

"Excuse me for this. Then let's try to hold our mouths."

Kella lay down on the couch, tossing her legs out and rolling. I fell asleep alone in boredom, and I just decided.


The door was knocked, and he showed up open without waiting for a reply -.

"Hi Kella, sorry about earlier"

He's an old clergyman with long skinny bodies like dead trees.

"Pope!? How is it done?" and the knight who was inside stretches his spine.

"Thank you. You may return to your duties."

Swapped with a confused knight, the Pope enters the room. He is followed by another knight and also by a young woman in a white robe.

Unlike him earlier, the knight's armor is heavy and white. He was a higher rank than a knight, a holy knight.

Women are not just clerics either. He would be a magically good soldier.

Pope Saladio sat on the couch opposite him, so Kera got up and confronted him positively. Behind him the Holy Knight refrained and the female cleric turned behind Kera for some reason.

Tea is prepared and once again Saladio greets.

"Long time no see, Kella. But in front of a lot of other people, it's unnatural to name my 'friends' for as much as it takes."

"I can make rumors about not being a young woman," he said?

"I'm used to some gossip. I just can't change your favor, Gifts. If a pilgrim came from another country, he feared that someone would come after you when he returned."

"You took it into account, do you mean? I don't care. By the way, do we have to go along with their worship?

"We don't have much time. Because it's still something that bothered me. That's why you came all of a sudden, right? I heard you were serving the Empire?

Saladio is gazing at Kella with his back round. A good grin doesn't feel as evil as ever. That's why it was creepy.

"The garrisons in the kingdom are supposed to pull up. I no longer have a reason to stay there. I can't rely on anything else, so I can't help it."

"As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome. I'd like to ask you what wisdom you've gathered."

"Of course, I don't want you to feed me for free. Let's pay for the information. What do you want to know first? Let's talk till prayer time."


Saladio thought with his hand on his chin and then told him quietly.

"Are you familiar with Gallius the Demon King?

Kella doesn't change her expression, sips a cup of tea and then answers.

"To an extent, I know more than it is in general circulation. I've fought without measure. Most of all, it was a one-sided thing that couldn't be called a battle. He's pissed me off, and now he's this motherfucker."

"Is he cooperating deceived by the Demons?

"It doesn't. He understood the essence of the Demon Clan and decided to take the lead himself."

"I see...... You're right about her..."

Hmm? And the question arises, but Saladio asks shortly after he asks.

"Would it be difficult to change your mind?

When it comes to him, I can't.

It cannot be said just on this occasion that it is the Pope who misunderstands the Subhumans who should change his mind.

This old man is more flexible in his thoughts than his granddaughter, but it's harder to change his mind about the Demons as absolute evil.

"So you're still incompatible with us. Too bad."

It is also only necessary for the Patriarchate - and hence the entire human race - to correct the misconceptions of the subpeople. but it would be difficult overnight.

Kella makes another mouthful of tea. and -.

(hmm? What...? Suddenly......)

My eyelids grew heavier and my consciousness grew blurred.

(Medicine… not just. Behind you, a woman...)

My vision shook. Your body leans heavily and rolls onto the couch.

"Oh? What's wrong? Were you tired of traveling?

Kella pretends to be unfamiliar, even as she bites her teeth in the heart with how muddy it is.

"... Ah, yes, it seems"

"Well, take a rest here"

Vision dims. Before moving his mouth, his consciousness sank deep into himself -.

Seeing that Kella was completely asleep, Saladio glanced at the female cleric.

She was sleeping magic. Hands down.

"Please check all her belongings"


The female cleric first took the pendant that Kella was lowering from her neck. It is fitted with something like an elliptical crystal.

"It's faint but I feel magic. The material seems commonplace... but I'm curious."

"It's unusual for her to be indifferent to decoration. That's all floating around. Analyze it with care."

The female cleric nods and carefully checks the other inside the porch.

The Holy Knight asked Saladio.

"Are you sure you don't want to detain me?

"Assuming she was a spy for the demons, she wouldn't wholeheartedly obey. Then it is better not to break up friendly relations. It's a lot of places to use it."

Saladio smiles with a grin.

"Which, the life of Gallius the Demon King, is a lightning in front of the wind. An assassin pointed this way will be crossing the Great River by now."

"But he's the [item master]. Even if we leave our country's mightiest knight, Danio..."

"I don't always wear holy weapons with him. The Holy Sword will prove the correctness of the faith even if it stays on its own."

If you don't mind, you will be punished. Saladio had confidence.

"Then I shall go to worship. Oh, when will she wake up?

"It's neat until tomorrow morning," said the female cleric.

"Then leave it here, because it sounds pathetic. Have a bedroom ready to carry."

Saladio leaves the room behind.

The Holy Knight and the female cleric called men and carried Kera.

So, in the deserted room, late at night...

Jarrari, and

A rubbing sound of metal rang from under the couch.

Jarrah, what came out of Jarrah's motion was a pendant fitted with crystals.


Continuously popped, earlier slime of the nail.

Before Saladio showed up, Kella had the watchman's knight's attention drawn to the gold coin, dropping a real (...) contact pendant on the floor with his blind hand. I hid him under the couch with my feet in the middle of a trick to invite him.

Gallius said.

"Due to your character, they're likely to suspect you're our spy"

So after entering the cathedral, keep your pendant hidden in the facility so no one can understand you. I had been instructed to.

What the female cleric is analyzing is a fake made on the road. Magic would only have the effect of emitting light, and Kella was going to make excuses for night lanes.

A small slime popped out of the pendant. When you gather around and swell to the size of a large bush, tuck the puffy pendant into your body.


That's how he cleverly opened the door and jumped down the dark hallway -.

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