From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 10 - Interlude 02

Overall Build 2

Name: Ambrosius Malphas

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'8

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gold

Looks: Ozymandias from Fate

Build: Medium

Body Type: Athlete


Strength: 1→ 2→ 4

Endurance: 1→ 2→ 4

Speed: 2→ 4

Dexterity: 2→ 4

Appeal: 0→ 2

Shape: 0→ 2

Sense: 2→ 4

Metavore: Retain physically fit body no matter how much or what you eat as long as it's enough to keep from becoming malnourished

Cosmic Warehouse:

Belt O' Tools: Batman graciously seems to have loaned you a belt containing the tools that he'll be using for this adventure. This includes stuff like remotely applied explosives gel capable of bringing down walls (though never seems to kill when blown up near someones feet), to a cryptographic sequencer able to track signals, hack terminals, and listen to live radio broadcasts. ...How did he know you'd be needing this stuff?

Animal Suit: A high tech set of body armor themed after an animal of your choice (DCAMU Damian Wayne Robin suit). The head piece contains advanced electronics equipment that scans the environment for information and clues relevant to the situation. It can pick up anything from gaseous alcohol molecules that'll lead you to a crooked guard, to traces of tobacco on the ground to lead you to a hostage. You may also import a set of armor you already own to gain these qualities.

Bat Wing: Hmm, seems like you've picked up one of Batman's spare vehicles. The Batwing is a supersonic aircraft faster than many jet fighters, possess advanced stealth systems that make it invisible to radar, and can be operated remotely, or operate autonomously.

Bat Cave: A series of platforms and bridges situated within a small cave. Contains a computer with immense analytical abilities, a landing platform for any aerial vehicles you have, and some workshops for working on gadgets and gizmos. After the jump this can either be attached to the warehouse, or will appear somewhere nearby.

Assistant VI: Top of the line assistant model Virtual Intelligence. Can be stored in an omni-tool and keep track of large amounts of data.

Weapon Locker: Cache of mid to high grade weapons of all types. Enough to outfit a battlelion.

Armor Locker: Cache of mid to high grade armor of all types. Enough to outfit a battlelion.

Conflict Minerals: Massive stash of various rare elements.

A Song of Ice and Fire Jump

1000 cp to spend



Identity: Noble (-100 cp) - Gawain Dayne, bastard son of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark. Born near the beginning of the end of Robert's rebellion, Gawain doesn't remember his mother due to her committing suicide when he was young after hearing of her brother's and Elia's death. At the age 9 he started fostering at Sunspear by Oberyn after he took a liking to Gawain after he met him during a visit to Starfall. Growing up with the Martell family, Gawain became intimate with the story of Elia Martell and her children, whom he learned was his mother's best friend. This prompted him to swear vengeance against House Lannister whom he feel is responsible for his mother's suicide, even if it was indirectly. After swearing vengeance he took to his lessons with new determination to the point that only Oberyn can beat him in combat and Doran Martell felt that he himself is outclassed by Gawain in the Game of Thrones. After years of planning and lessons Gawain sets out for the capital where he plans to implement their plan for revenge, even if he has to destabilize the seven kingdoms to do it.


Weapon Proficiency: You are capable with most common weaponry in this world and truly exceptional with one specific type. Alternatively you may be extremely good at needlework and other womanly pursuits. (Free)

A Quiet People: You find that the people under your authority are remarkably unlikely to cause you trouble. While not necessarily truly loyal they are exceptionally unlikely to rebel. (-100 cp)

Mine By Right: You are generally given more consideration than others. People consider your rights and desires as generally more important than other people. (Free)

Pet: An unshakably loyal animal (black panther). It is a peculiarly strong example of its kind and it will follow you to the seven hells and back. (-100 cp)

Schemer: You are a talented schemer and plotter. You easily understand how people are moved and ways to subtly move them. You have a keen insight about the ambitions of others. (-400 cp)


Heraldry and Sword: The heraldry and words of your design. They are inextricably associated with you and give the impression and feeling you'd like to get across with them(within reason). Nobles begin with a cape and a standard of finest quality, displaying their arms and motto. Everyone else starts with their emblem and words cruelly painted on their bed sheet. (Free)

Fine Clothes: A very fine and ornate set of clothing. The equivalent of the finest you'd expect to get in your starting region. (Free)

Land Deed: A deed to an area of land close by in your chosen region. It will be accepted by all authorities as rightfully yours. This updates each jump but is generally not a particularly large plot of land elsewhere. (Free)

Pouch of Gold: A pouch golden coins. Around 100 golden dragons worth. May be taken multiple times. (Free)

Dragonglass Cache: A black cloak with a few obsidian dagger, arrowheads, and spearheads. (-25 cp)

Poison: A woman's weapon to be sure, but it can't be beaten for efficiency of for matters of subterfuge.You have a replenishing chest of poisons from around the known world. From vials of the Tears of Lys to Sweetsleep to crystals of the Stranger. There is bound to be one that suits your purpose. (-50 cp)

Valyrian Steel Spear: An excellent weapon of your choice made from Valyrian steel. Light and exceptionally sharp. Serves as a symbol of status. Gives an impression of great strength and brings dread to your enemies. You may also import an melee weapon you own to take on the appearance and strengths the spear. (It looks like Gungnir from Thor 2011 movie)(-100 cp)

Leads From the Rear: Men under your command will happily throw themselves at an enemy regardless of your position. As though you were leading them yourself in the charge (although they still retain the ability to fight smart if they ever had it. (-150 cp)


Looking at my build for ASOIF ROB asks "No drawbacks?"

Looking him in the eye I dryly answer "The last time I took a drawback I ended up getting kidnapped and would have gotten brainwashed if it wasn't for my preparations."

"Cmon, it couldn't have been that bad. If you didn't get kidnapped you would have to go through the whole plot until an opportunity arrived." he states

Shrugging my shoulders I say "While that is true and I had a contingency that worked, the same can't be said for other times. The last thing I need need is to be kidnapped by the white walkers without having a weapon to slaughter them as I make my way out of whatever prison they put me in."

I immediately regret saying that. I can see that stupid malicious gleam in his eyes and hear the cogs in his brain turning. Unfortunately for me, before I can make sure that he doesn't screw me over using the white walkers he snaps his fingers and everything goes white.

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