From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 9 - Fall of The Reapers

I saw this coming. Actually no, I did not see this coming. In fact, I only predicted that things would go wrong due to the the "Shepard's Flock" drawback. Unfortunately for me, I underestimated what a ROB would consider 'shenanigans'. I thought that when shenanigans were mentioned that I, at most, would have to deal with things like broken equipment, misfiring guns or more enemies than anticipated. I did not expect Intelligence to take interest in our group, try to inflict the smallest influence on our minds, and abduct me to find out why they couldn't influence me at all.

Unfortunately for Intelligence, this isn't even in the top ten worst case scenarios that I've planned for. Before coming to Mass Effect, I decided that I needed something to combat the reaper's indoctrination. The answer came easily enough in the form of an AI; and what better AI to use than one that was specifically designed for the destruction and assimilation of enemy AI's.

This AI was designed with humanity's protection against alien hostiles, naturally I had to have the programming changed to my protection as opposed to humanity as a whole. Then, I had the AI bonded to my very being. However, I didn't expect for the bond to become even more thorough due to a constant exposure to the reaper's attempt at indoctrinating me. Now instead of sharing my head with Max, he's become a bridge to all subconscious functions to not only my body but also my mind. With his help I can now regulate things from my heart rate, long suppressed memories and experiences to changing my perception of time. The best comparison I can make to it would be a weird mixture of the sharingan for perception, occlumency for the mind and, a very diluted seimei kikan for bodily functions.

With these new abilities I bide my time. My imprisonment comes in the form of a windowless 12 by 15 feet room with absolutely no lights or sounds coming in and stripped of all my gear except for my armor. The perfect setting for one's mind to turn on itself. Unfortunately for them, I am above even those slated as above average in mental capabilities. One does not train with a man like Batman, a man who has kicked the likes of Martian Manhunter out of his mind using pure willpower, and come out mentally weak. So I sit here, meditating to master my new abilities and wait for the reaper's to attempt their indoctrination. Once they start it's a simple process to open a small hole to my memories of life in this universe.

Once I'm assured that the reapers believe that I am fighting their indoctrination to the best of my abilities, I begin to put my plan into motion. First, I track down the signal to it's source where I find Catalyst also known as Intelligence. Then, I have Max design a virus that would force all reapers and Intelligence self-destruct leaving behind the subconsciousness that keeps the Citadel in working condition. With Max possessing more raw power, skills and being specifically designed for this assignment, it was child's play.

Unfortunately as it turns out, Intelligence does not govern the reapers' every action. Intelligence gives them assignments and the reapers decide how to get the results themselves consequences be damned. While this means that I have to disguise the virus as an assignment instead of an order, it doesn't put me out of the running yet. First, I need to figure out how orders are structured and translated to the reapers, my location, then I'll need a bigger distraction than myself.

After some thinking, I've decided to reach out to Matriarch Benezia. While she is indeed under indoctrination, there is a part of her that still resists; just enough for her to help.

Convincing her turns out to be as simple as promising her the defeat of the reapers and implanting a virus that will remove all Intelligence influence when she meets Shepard. All it will take to activate will be her resistance against the indoctrination becoming stronger than usual. After a round of meditation to center myself I begin to work. Finding out my location was even simpler, considering that my jailer is Sovereign itself. So I sit there waiting for the time to make my move because believe me, for even attempting to indoctrinate me, I will destroy every single reaper and Intelligence even if I have to do it with my bare hands.

My signal comes in the form of shaking. While my room is light and soundproof, I can definitely the room shaking from the battle. Taking a deep breath, I regulate Max to the internal attack on the reapers while I make my way out of this soon to be rubble. Getting up I walk towards what I believe to be a doorway based on the minuscule airflow coming from there. With a shout, I summon the most powerful Push I can muster and completely destroy the doorway. Taking another deep breath, I step outside into a corridor full of geths. Normally this would be more than a match for me with at least a sword to even the odds however, with my ability to alter my perception I can simply look to where they are aiming and move before they even shoot. Without missing a beat I shroud myself in a biotic field and Charge. Stopping my Charge, I step to the side and dodge a shot intended for my arm. Grabbing the nearest geth, I quickly disarm him and completely blow it's head off with Punch. Dodging once more the right I use the wall as a springboard to launch myself in the air, grabbing another geth by the head in the process, and tossing it into the rest with a Push, completely obliterating them all. With that done I make my way through the ship destroying anything in my path.

Eventually, I arrive at what seems to be the exit. With a Punch I tear down the door and survey the battlefield below. From up here I can make out cybernetic Saren fighting Shepard's crew, including Matriarch Benezia. Checking with Max, I perceive that the virus will take effect in two minutes, just enough time for me to completely dismantle cybernetic Saren. Covering myself in a biotic field, to lessen the impact, I jump from the ship. Landing behind Saren, I kick out his left knee and snap his neck. Knowing that it wouldn't keep him down, I grab his right arm and rip it out. Enshrouding my arms in a biotic field I punch through his chest and completely split him in two, the entire fight taking no more than 17 seconds. As I throw the remnants of what used to be Saren away, I notice a shadow forming over us. Looking up I see a huge piece of rubble falling towards us. Working together Liara T'Soni, Matriarch Benezia and I are able to direct it away from the group.

Taking a deep breath I look to the Matriarch and say "Matriarch Benezia, It's a pleasure to meet you in person."

She nods her head as she answers "Likewise Infiltrator Malphas." Before more words can be exchanged, Sovereign implodes and all geths on the battlefield fall.

After surveying the battlefield, Benezia looks at me and speaks "Congratulations, your virus was a success."

Confused Liara and Ashley turn to me and ask in unison "Virus?". Looking at them I answer "I programmed an AI virus that caused all reapers to self-destruct while Sovereign was attempting to indoctrinate me." Looking at them it seems that my answer has confused them further. Taking a few minutes before excusing myself, I explain the nature of Intelligence and the reapers and how "using my omni-tool" I created a virus that forced them to self-destruct while giving Benezia my best bat glare. Once sure that she wouldn't mention my mental capabilities, I excuse myself and find a secluded part of the battlefield before calling ROB to take me away.

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