From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 111 - Welcome to Fairy Tail

AN: Alright so I got the age for the kids wrong in the previous chapters, so now I'm changing all of the ages.

Erza and Jellal are both 11.

Sorano, Erik, and Jason are all 9.

Cassandra is 7.

This doesn't change anything too significant other than their heights.


Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Magnolia



The inside of Fairy Tail is set up like a giant bar room with tables and seats spaced out around the floor to easily allow anyone to walk through. Far in the back of the room the bar can be found where many are currently sitting, eating, drinking, talking, and two sets of stairways can be found on opposite sides of the room that lead towards the second floor where a balcony overlooks the bar. Other than that, nothing really stands out about the guild hall except for one thing, the noise.

Fairy Tail is loud. I know that in canon it is loud and crazy inside the guild hall, but I have always believed that it was due to Natsu and the main cast's presence that made it that loud. I heard the noise even before we neared the door, and to my enhanced senses it was loud. I had thought that the main cast would be present, but other than Cana and Gray. Now I know better, and although the sound does not bother me despite my enhanced senses, I can see Jason's discomfort starting to show.

Walking over to him I place a runic array that limits one's senses on him.

"Thanks. I've never had a problem with loud noises before." he says as he rubs his ears.

"Well, you're a dragon now and they have enhanced senses." I explain to him as Rob leads our group to the bar where I can see Makarov Dreyar, the guild master, sitting on the table with his back to us while he chugs down a drink from his mug.

"The bull's noise didn't hurt." answers Jason.

"Well, the chariot is enchanted to be as comfortable for the rider as possible. It's why no one was tossed around during the ride and why the sound of the thunder did not rupture anybody's eardrums." I explain to him as Rob calls out to Makarov and draws many of the guild's attention to us.

Turning around, I can see Makarov's eyes light up before he inspects Rob in a split second and narrows them back in displeasure. The old man is far more observant than I expected. In less than three seconds he was able to assess Rob's physical situation to determine that his friend has been suffering a lot recently, and he did all this despite Rob looking healthier than a lot of his fellow elderly due to Morgan's brief treatment of him.

Makarov is an extremely short, elderly man that stands around Jason's height. He has black eyes and is growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair, and a thick white mustache. He is dressed in a casual manner, with an attire consisting of a white shirt with a black Fairy Tail stamp in the middle under an orange hoodie. His attire is completed with matching orange shorts and an orange and blue striped jester hat.

"Rob, it's good to see you old friend!" excitedly calls out Makarov as he puts his drink down. "Finally decided to visit after retiring and not keeping in touch for months?" rhetorically asks Makarov while his body language subtly asks whether or not Rob would like to speak in private.

"The past few months have been a little rough to be honest." admits Rob as he answers yes while slightly inclining his head towards me to indicate that we will be coming too.

"Come, let's talk more in my office." says Makarov as he jumps from the table and nimbly lands on his feet before making his way to one of the staircases and walking upstairs.

Following Makarov and Rob, we make our way upstairs where a lounge can be found and walk towards the back of the room where a door with the words 'Guild Master' engraved on it can be found. Inside is a moderately sized office with a desk filled with paperwork, two seats, one for the guild master and two for guests, a couch that is situated against the wall behind the guest's seats, and pictures of the previous guild masters.

As we make our way inside, Makarov sits himself on the guild master's chair, while Rob sits across from him in the guest's, the children make themselves comfortable on the couch and the rest of us remain standing.

"Alright Rob, what happened to you?" asks Makarov once he's situated in his seat.

"The Cult of Zeref." says Rob, shocking Makarov. "They have been abducting people and enslaving us to create the Tower of Heaven. From what I was able to tell, they were hoping to use the R-System to resurrect Zeref." he explains.

Crossing his arms, Makarov sits back on his chair and frowns in deep thought. Behind me I can hear the children mumbling amongst themselves wondering what the R-System is and who is this Zeref that the slavers were attempting to resurrect. Before I can explain it to them, Morgan does so for me.

"The R-System, also known as the Resurrection-System, is a magic item that can be used to revive a deceased person. The construction of the tower has been forbidden by the magic council since ancient times." she explains.

"So who's Zeref?" asks Erik with as much of a baleful frown as a child can muster while he protectively coddles his serpent.

"And what's the magic council?" asks Sorano.

"The Magic Council is the ruling body of the entire magical world. They make and enforce the rules that mages and guilds must follow." I explain to them. "As for Zeref, all that needs to be said is that he is the most powerful wizard in history." I tell them.

"More powerful than you?" asks Jellal skeptically.

"Of course not." answers Jason before I can with a scoff, as if the mere thought of someone more powerful than me is nothing more than preposterous.

"I agree with Jason, there is no way Zeref is more powerful than him." says Erza with a nod as she crosses her arms. "And even if Zeref is more powerful, we won't let him win!" declares Erza as she makes a fist and punches it into her palm.

"Hahahaha, such confidence." says Makarov with a boisterous laugh. "I like it." he continues on with a laugh while the other a.d.u.l.ts and I chuckle at the children's antics.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence." I tell them with a smile.

"You never answered." says Erik with the frown on his face. "Is Zeref more powerful than you?" he asks me seriously and causes the previous joyful atmosphere to sober up.

"Is Zeref more powerful than me? No." I answer seriously, satisfying the children and shocking Mackarov and Rob once they see that I am not joking. "However, Zeref is certainly more knowledgeable than me when it comes to magic." I tell them.

"So?" questions Erik. "Why does that matter, when you're more powerful?"

"Because magic is both knowledge and power." answers Sorano. "Right, Miss Morgan?" she asks Morgan.

"You can call me Morgan dear, but yes, knowledge is important when it comes to magic." answers Morgan with a smile.

"Ok, fine. What I really want to know is which one of you two would win in a fight?" once again asks Erik as he leans forwards.

"Me." I answer easily. "And if I am not here, then Azula, Morgan, and Scáthach can also defeat him by themselves." I tell them.

My answer seems to have satisfied Erik as he nods before sitting back in his chair and returning to play with his serpent.

As I turn back to face Makarov, I can see that he is scrutinising us in an attempt to see the truth behind our statements. No matter how hard he tries however, he cannot seem to find that we are lying and that seems to somewhat worry him. Not because of how powerful we claim to be, but rather because he fears that we may be delusional and lost in our power.

"So? Why did you come here? You could have gone to the Magic Council instead of here." asks Makarov as he stops studying us and turns to Rob.

"The Magic Council will know soon. One of their knights led the assault on the Tower of Heaven along with these four behind me." answers Rob as he points towards Morgan, Scáthach, Azula, and I. "I came here to escort these kids to Fairy Tail. They want to join." explains Rob.

"Not only do you visit, but you also bring me new members." teasingly says Makarov as he opens a drawer and takes a stamp out of it. "Come children, show me where you want your Fairy Tail marks so that I can officially make you part of Fairy Tail." happily says Makarov as he beckons the children to him.

Not sure whether to obey or not, the children sneak a questioning glance towards Rob and I before obeying once they see us nod at them. The first to go are Jason and Jellal who seem to have placed themselves as the co-leaders of the group. Not far behind is Erza who pulls the somewhat unsure Sorano with her while Erik and Cassandra bring up the back. Just by looking at this formation, I can already see the massive potential they can make as a team.

If they ever become interested, I will train them to be absolute terrors to their enemies. Forget Laxus' team or Team Natsu, everyone will be too worried about these six. I can see it already, two dragon slayers, Jason and Erik, a knight of Mordred's caliber from Erza, an absolute monster of a close quarter combat mage in Jellal, and whatever Morgan trains Sorano to become, the girl seems to have earned her favor. As for Cassandra, she seems to have the potential to be skilled towards everything. Her specialty will be up to her.

"Alright, I need your names, your age, the color of your guild mark, and where you want it stamped." says Makarov, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"My name is Jellal, I'm eleven years old, I want mine in blue and right here." introduces Jellal as he rolls up his right sleeve and points towards his right shoulder.

Nodding, Makarov takes the stamp and gently presses it on Jellal's right shoulder before removing it. In a small burst of blue light, the Fairy Tail mark appears on Jellal's shoulder.

"Cool." comments Jason with a smile before he approaches Makarov. "My name is Jason, I'm nine, and I want mine in red." says Jason as he rolls up his red shirt's sleeve and points towards his left shoulder.

Following his request, Makarov repeats his earlier action and Jason's guild mark appears on his left shoulder in a small burst of red light. With a satisfied smile on his face, Jason walks over to Jellal to show him his guild mark.

"My name is Erza, I'm also eleven, and I want my guild mark in blue." asks Erza as she points towards her left upper forearm where Makarov places the stamp before she joins Jason and Jellal

"Sorano, I'm nine, and I want mine in white." says Sorano as she points towards her right upper forearm.

The location earns a few raised eyebrows from the a.d.u.l.ts in the room. So far the duo has come up has always received their marks on opposite sides of each other and it makes us wonder whether or not this is a coincidence. Regardless of whether or not it is, Makarov places the stamp there and Sorano happily joins her friends afterwards.

"Erik, I'm nine, and I want mine in violet." says Erik as he points just above his collarbone where Makarov stamps the Fairy Tail mark in a color that matches his serpent's scales before Erik quietly joins the others.

Slowly approaching Makarov, Cassandra's body language shows Azula, Scáthach, Morgan and I how uncomfortable she is to have to speak in front of so many strangers. Despite her unease however she uses her body language to tell us that she wants to try anyway.

"My…" begins Cassandra hesitantly before stopping, taking a deep breath, and trying again. "My name is Cassandra, I'm seven, and…" stops Cassandra before she turns her head to look at Azula and I.

Subtly changing our body language, we ask her if something is wrong. Rather than answer verbally, Cassandra uses her body language to tell us that she does not know what color to pick. Before Azula and I can even suggest a few colors to her, Cassandra's eyes light up as an idea comes to her and she turns back to a patiently waiting Makarov.

"Gold." happily asks Cassandra as she pulls the collar of her shirt down and points to her heart.

With a raised eyebrow Makarov places a golden Fairy Tail mark over Cassandra's heart before the girl walks over to her friends with a small smile to her face.

"*How cute. Gold for my eyes, and the location for where her favorite tattoo of yours is located.*" comments Azula in my mind.

"And are you four also joining?" asks Makarov before I can answer Azula.

"Sure. This should prove to be interesting." answers Azula with a shrug as she approaches Makarov. "Azula, over two-thousand years old, and orange." says Azula as the left sleeve of her rune suit, disguised as a fire nation royal armor, slowly retract until it reveals her left shoulder where she points.

"Such a beautiful lady like you can't possibly be over twenty five years old." compliments Makarov.

"Careful little man, I'm already spoken for." warns Azula.

"Hahahaha. Don't worry, these old bones can longer participate in such activities." laughs Makarov "Although my eyes do in fact work perfectly fine." says Makarov as he makes his eyebrows go up and down.

"Tch, stupid old man." says Azula with a click of her tongue as she snatches the stamp from him before sending him flying through the wall behind him, and into the lounge with a kick.

The room falls into silence as most the children look at Azula with a dumbstruck expression on their faces and Rob simply face palms while muttering to himself how he should have seen that coming. Ignoring them all, Azula stamps the guild mark on her left shoulder.

After stamping the mark on herself, Azula tosses me the stamp and I apply a gold fairy tail mark with a black outline on a free space on my forearm before handing the stamp to Morgan. She places an emerald green mark on the back of her left hand before tossing it to Scáthach who places a magenta mark in the same place as Jason's and tosses Azula the stamp just as Makarov walks back into the room through the wall.

"Oooh, my back." whines Makarov as he retakes his seat and Azula hands him the stamp. "I haven't been hit that hard in my entire wizard career." says Makrov as he puts the stamp back in the drawer and closes it. "Now, why don't you kids go downstairs and mingle with your guildmates. Gray and Cana are around your age. Us a.d.u.l.ts need to talk about boring grown up stuff." suggests Makarov with a smile.

Seeing how all of the a.d.u.l.ts seem to agree with Makarov, the children quickly make their way out of the room before closing the door.

"Alright, now why don't you four introduce yourselves properly to me. I may not be able to feel your power, but just your presence is enough to tell me that nothing about you is ordinary." says Makarov.

"We joined Fairy Tail simply because we deemed it the best place to raise Jason and Cassandra." I answer.

"I see." answers Makarov with a nod despite knowing that there is more that we are not telling him. "Well, in that case, welcome to Fairy Tail!" he exclaims with a smile.

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