From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 112 - The Bifrost

East Forest, Magnolia



"So this is the area where you suggest we build our house." comments Azula as she looks around the forest. "Not bad." she compliments.

Currently we are in East Forest, a forest located in the eastern part of the outskirts of Magnolia Town. East Forest is a large forest, with a large variety of both plants and animals. The climate is warm, with a good amount of moisture, lush vegetation as well as a fairly frequent and dense mist.

"Well? How do you want to do this? Manually or magically?" asks Azula, referring to the process we will use to build our home.

"Perhaps if it was earlier in the day we could have done it manually." answers Scáthach as she looks up at the darkening afternoon sky. "As of now we have nowhere to sleep, and I for one would rather not sleep beneath the stars once again despite how beautiful they may be." she says.

"Magical it is then." I say as Azula begins to use earthbending to create a clearing while Scáthach and I set a perimeter to dissuade any animals from coming near the property.

"How big should the house be? I for one see no reason to build anything bigger than a decently sized house." says Morgan as she uproots trees before chopping them into pieces of timber.

"With Cassandra choosing to join Erza and Sorano in Fairy Hills, and Jason dorming with Jellal and the other boys, I say three bedroom and two bathrooms, a lounge, kitchen, and a dining room to start." answers Azula as she begins to set the foundation. "Should we need anything more we can always add it later."

"I do believe that it is a good start." agrees Morgan as she uses the timber to build a house that looks more like a mansion. "Now we have the bare minimum." says Morgan once she finishes.

"That is not a house, that is a mansion." I tell her as the four of us look at her finished work.

From the outside this house looks gorgeous. The building is fairly rounded in shape and is half surrounded by a covered patio. It has been built with brown stones and has red pine wooden decorations that Morgan made by transfiguring the timber from the uprooted trees. Tall, rectangular windows let in plenty of light, despite the falling sun, and have been added to the house in a fairly symmetrical pattern. The roof is low and rounded and is covered with brown ceramic tiles and has two small chimneys poking out the center of the roof along with several long, thin windows that let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof.

"Well, are you coming?" urges Morgan as we make she makes her way to the entrance.

Following her, I see that the entrance door leads to a corridor with space for any visitor to place their shoes before going further. Following Morgan down the doorway at the end of the corridor, Azula, Scáthach and I find ourselves inside a huge living room equipped with a fireplace, a big bookshelf, two loveseats on opposite sides of the room, a sofa leaning against the back wall, and a table in the center of the room.

"Showoff." accuses Azula as we make our way through the doorway connected to the back wall and into the roomy dining room that is furnished with a table big enough to fit the entire family, a bar, and is only separated from the kitchen by a wall that reaches up to our waist.

While the living room and the dining room are furnished, the kitchen is bare with only kitchen counters and empty drawers and cabinets.

"Is there any particular reason why you neglected to furnish the kitchen?" asks Scáthach.

"I am interested in how magic has affected Earthland's culture. As such I am planning on outfitting the kitchen with this world's finest equipment." answers Morgan as she leads us through a doorway in the kitchen that leads to a staircase to the second floor.

The second floor is the same size as the first and has been built exactly on top of the floor below it. The second floor consists of one corridor that leads to another staircase with two doorways on the right and the left walls of the corridor that lead to two big bedrooms furnished with one bed, one nightstand, and a dresser each.

"These rooms can serve as guest rooms and each have a bathroom adjoined to them." informs Morgan as we simply walk past them into the third floor, which is honestly just a massive bedroom with a fireplace adjoined with a massive bathroom.

"No furniture here either?" asks Azula as she looks at the small windows in the ceiling that allow the starry night to be seen.

"The furniture from Avalon Hill should suffice." answers Morgan as she walks over to one of the walls in the room and taps it with her finger.

From where her finger made contact with the wall, a secret doorway opens that simply leads to what looks like an elevator shaft that is longer than the building's height.

"This leads to the bas.e.m.e.nt where we can place the teleportation room." informs Morgan as she levitates down the elevator shaft.

Not far behind, we follow her down the elevator shaft to a spacious room as big as all of the previous floors.

"Do you think that this is big enough to fit the runic array?" asks Morgan.

"It should." I answer as I position myself in one corner of the room. "The real question however is whether or not the modifications will make the teleportation array omniversal."

"Between the four of us, we should be able to link the array to any world we have a link to. Similar to how the Norse use the Bifrost to travel between the different worlds of Yggdrasil." answers Scáthach as she stands in the corner opposite of me. "And with my intimate knowledge of the Bifrost from Odin's remnant knowledge, we should be able to use it as a blueprint." she says.

"We have already done the preparations, all that is left to do is to test it." says Azula as she and Morgan position themselves in the room's remaining corner.

"Ready?" I ask them.

"Ready." they answer, and with no more words we get to work.

Placing our hands on the floor, Scáthach and I use the Source to inscribe a massive array on the ground while Azula and Morgan open a portal to Mount Olympus in the overvoid, the space between multiverses. To any normal onlookers, the runic array looks exactly like the standard array we use to teleport in and out of our castle however, anyone as skilled in runes as Scáthach and I will be able to tell that while the runes may looks similar, and function in a similar manner, the end result is vastly different.

The first difference between the two arrays is that the one in the castle runs on magical energy while this one runs on our godly energy which we have yet to name. When the Source handed us the DC Multiverse he bestowed on each of us the same power as he gives any member of 'The Hand', his creators of Multiverses.

Unlike members of 'The Hand' however, we linked that power to our divinity while also cutting off any connection we had to the Source. It was essentially a trade off. Had we stayed linked to the Source we would have unlimited power at the expense of the Source being able to take the power away or have control over us. With the link severed and our power becoming linked to our divinity, there is now the potential of us running out should any of our domains cease to exist. With this danger however, there is also the freedom of not having to worry about being controlled by the Source. Besides the chances of our domains ceasing to exist would require the complete and total destruction of the DC Multiverse along the world of Westeros, and while those outcomes are possible it would take another hundreds of years for us to fade due to a lack of power. By then we should be able to create our own Multiverse.

As the runic array is completed, a beam of multicolored light rises from the array and smashes into the portal created by Morgan and Azula resulting in a shockwave of power that shakes the room. With the light connecting to it, the portal begins to enlarge and slowly show Mount Olympus. Before it can fully show Mount Olympus however, the image slowly begins to regress and become blurry.

"Someone is attempting to stop the connection." says Morgan with a frown.

"Not someone." I say as I feel multiple presences attempting to stop us.

"Show yourselves!" orders Scáthach as she uses her magic power to pull the beings to us.

Despite outnumbering her and resisting as one, the unknown beings are no match for her power and are pulled into the room.

In a flash of light twenty beings appear in the middle of the chamber, sprawled on the ground.

Despite there being twenty beings in total, only four of the beings are distinguishable while the remaining sixteen are nothing but formless black humanoid beings.

The first I immediately recognise as a Battle God despite having never seen him before. He is a colossal, heavily muscular being with black, armor-like skin; his face resembles that of a lion's, jutting out of which are two horns which in and of themselves are eclipsed by bone-like horns that encase the jawline, and travel up the side of its head. On his chin is a long, pointed tuft of facial hair that appears to be a goatee, and a wild mane of hair juts upwards, growing from the top of his down past his clavicle. The Battle God also has pupil-less eyes and black sclera, and demonic, clawed hands and bestial-looking feet.

The second is also a Battle God in the form of a blue stone effigy with intricate designs on its body.

The third being's entire form is shrouded in darkness, leaving only its jaw and neck visible. They possess black hair that is long and the sheer power in their body seems to cause the orange strands to flare upwards in a manner that enhances the menacing aura they exude. In the darkness of the upper part of their face, the yellow eyes shine bright in the shape of solid discs. Eldritch yellow markings adorn their frame below the neck, branded symmetrically along the central axis of their torso. These markings are in the shape of bright lines wrapping around the entity's figure. They either simply twine themselves around it or enclose figures, mostly in the shapes of arrowheads which bear a resemblance to the head of a typical clock hand.

The last being is simply a humanoid with its body being split in half vertically. The right half of its body being black and shadowlike while the left half is enshrouded in a white light. Based on the waves of power emanating from it, I can easily tell that it is an entity of life and death.

"Identify yourselves." I order them without bothering to remove my hands from the ground, or standing up.

"You dare command me!" exclaims the third being. "I am Chronos, God of Time." says Chronos as he spreads his arms and activates a spell. "Âge Seal" speaks Chronos as a dome erupts from him and envelops the entire chamber.

Already having an idea of what he is attempting, I summon a magic circle that covers the entire ground and overload the spell with as much magic as it can take.

"Admirable attempt, but you are far from being able to pose a threat to me." I tell the God of Time as I stand up to show him that I have successfully overpowered his attempt to immobilise us in time. "You see, while you claim to be a God, none of you even possesses a sliver of divinity in you. You are simply a species so magically powerful that it seems godlike." I tell them as I telekinetically pull Chronos to me before plunging my hand through his chest.

"Well, this is certainly interesting." I comment as I feel Chronos' divinity. "You are in fact deities. However, you have either never finished your ascension, or you're fading." I say as I decide to test a theory of mine.

Once I merged with Quirinus-Romulus, I gained absolute control over my divinity to the point of deciding how divine I can be. If I want to I can lower my divinity to the point of being a descendant, or I can even use my divinity to overpower my powers that have no connection with my godhood. In theory I can link my divinity to any one of my powers, such as speed for example, and become the god of speed.

So it is with this in mind that I link my divinity to Chronos' and slowly overpower him until I shatter his connection with time and replace it with my own. As soon as the connection happens I immediately feel it, time has become one of my domains. Experimentally I stop time for everyone by Azula, Morgan, Scáthach, and I.

"Interesting." comments Azula as she looks at the frozen body of Chronos that had begun to dissolve.

"I wonder if we can do the same." says Scáthach as she walks over to the black and white being, and plunges her hand through its chest."

"Theoretically you should. You received the ability to regulate your divinity through our parabatai bond." I tell Scáthach as she closes her eyes.

"We can." she says as she opens her eyes and removes her hand from the being's chest. "However, we cannot take in new domains like you can, only taking the power from gods that possess the same domains as us. As such I can only take half of her, Ankhseram, power." she says as she points towards the black and white being.

"Then I believe that the other half is mine." says Morgan as she summons the being to herself and does the same as Scáthach.

"What of the Battle Gods?" asks Azula as she points towards the remaining frozen eighteen beings.

Summoning the dark one to me, I repeat the same process as earlier before returning time to normal. As soon as I do, the bodies of Chronos, Ankhseram, and the Battle God in my grasp, whom I have learned is called Ikusa-Tsunagi, begin to slowly dissolve into nothingness. With the deaths of those three gods, the remaining Battle Gods furiously lunge themselves at us only for Azula to burn them all to ashes.

"I do believe that we have work to do." comments Azula as she returns to her corner.

"Indeed. Let's get this over with so that we can quickly deal with the aftermath of our recent actions." says Scáthach as we all return to our corners and resume.

Without the intervention of the gods of Earthland, the link between Olympus and Eathland is easily established and the portal opens up to show a massive mountain floating in the middle of a blank white space, the overvoid. Connecting the portal to Mount Olympus is a rainbow bridge reminiscent of the Bifrost in honor of the Norse.

"Success." I claim with a smile.

"Now we only need to link Westeros and any other world we have a connection to, and our system will be complete." says Morgan.

"Without Odin's knowledge of Yggdrasil, this would have taken us longer to build. His sacrifice was not in vain." somberly says Scáthach.


AN: This chapter gives more knowledge on their pantheon and their divinity. Tell me what you guys think and don't be afraid to ask any questions you have.

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