From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 119 - Introductions

Mount Olympus

New York City, New York State

United States of America


Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles over the home of the Greek gods as storm clouds, more powerful than any ever created by Poseidon or Zeus, float over the mountain, causing many of Mount Olympus' occupants to quietly dread what the outcome of their unscheduled meeting will be. However, the proceedings inside the throne room are far more different than what any of them could possibly imagine. Shackled to their thrones with terror seeping into their very beings as Ambrosius threatens them are most of the Olympian gods. This situation is not something that any of them ever foresaw happening, after all they are the Olympians, the most powerful gods of Olympus. As far as they are concerned, they are not bound by any laws or rules except for the Ancient Laws which didn't always exist, and even those laws they have a tendency to bend them to suit themselves. Now however, a demigod which they believed to be weaker than them is not only imposing a rule on them, but he also seems to have the power to enforce them, causing the usually rebellious gods to honestly consider obeying him, at least until they find a way to rid themselves of him.

"Are there any questions?" asks Ambrosius as he finishes listing his rules that effectively binds the gods to this world.

"No. I wager that swearing to the River Styx will suffice?" answers Zeus, prompting Azula to laugh at him mockingly.

"Swear on the Styx? Do you take us for fools?" she asks through her scornful laugh while Morgan simply sneers at Zeus for his attempt at fooling them.

"Please do not insult our intelligence." says Morgan. "As far as you're all concerned the Styx is nothing more than a way to fool mortals into each other into believing your oaths are secure. Look at Thalia, Jason, and Perseus for example." she says with a smirk, causing Neptune to wince and for Zeus to simply snarl at her. "No, you will not swear to the Styx, you will swear on my daughter." answers Morgan as she steps aside and points to Mordred.

"Hahahahah. You want us to swear to this little girl?" laughs Ares as his eyes begin to flash red before he screams in pain as a thirteen feet tall Mordred appears before him and plunges Veterum through his chest.

"Father told me about you, y'know." comments Mordred as she twists the sword before pushing it further through his chest, causing him to scream more and spit out ichor. "He told about all the atrocious acts you have committed throughout history and your disregard for any life. I didn't believe him at first, at least not until I stood here in your presence and felt so disgusted. In fact, all of you disgust me, but you and you're father are the worst" she says through gritted teeth as she removes her sword from his chest and flicks the blood off. "How can you call yourselves gods when you take advantage of those you should be protecting and guiding. Where is your honor?" she demands as she looks at all of them, Neptune included.

Seeing that no answer will come from them, Mordred's grip on her sword tightens further and she grits her teeth even more before taking a deep breath and walking back towards her family where she slowly shrinks back to her normal height.

"I can hear the voices of those they have wronged begging for justice." quietly says Mordred as she reaches her father and sadly looks him in the eyes. "I know you can all hear them too. How do you deal with it all when it's so disheartening." she tells him as he gives her a sad smile.

"One moment at a time." answers Ambrosius while the others simply give her encouraging looks.

"So uh, how does this work?" asks Apollo.

"You will say 'I, [your name, both Roman and Greek], swear upon the name of Justice, that I will obey the rules which have been set forth before me by King Ambrosius'." answers Morgan.

"I, Apollo, swear upon the name of Justice, that I will obey the rules which have been set forth before me by King Ambrosius." repeats Apollo. With his oath spoken, the shackles on his throne release him, allowing him to stand. "Hey, that wasn't too bad." says Apollo as he rubs his wrist where he was bound.

Just as he says this however golden chain wraps itself around him and tightly squeezes his body before disappearing.

"What was that?" he asks with a frown.

"That was your oath being bound." answers Ambrosius. "From now on, should you attempt to break the oath you will feel your entire being squeezed to almost unbearable levels, and if you ignore this feeling and break the oath your divinity will be sealed and you will be transported to us for punishment." explains Ambrosius.

"I guess that means I can go now." says Apollo before he disappears out of the throne room in a golden flash of light.

With Apollo gone, the other gods each swear the oath one by one before they too take their leave, until only Zeus, Aphrodite, and Neptune remain.

"Well father, are you going to swear the oath or not?" questions Azula as lightning threateningly flashes in her eyes.

"I will." answers Zeus with gritted teeth and a glare. "I, Zeus and Jupiter, swear upon the name of Justice, that I will obey the rules which have been set forth before me by King Ambrosius." he swears, causing the same golden chains to wrap around him and squeeze his body before the shackles release him and he departs with the rumble of thunder.

"You know that he will look for a way around the oath right?" asks Neptune as he and Aphrodite stand from their thrones.

"He can certainly try." answers Morgan. "But nothing can allow him to circ.u.mvent the oath without consequences." she tells them.

"Couldn't you have told them that the passage wasn't there any more, or that they wouldn't be gods in the other worlds?" asks Mavis as she speaks for the first time since their arrival.

"Hahahaha, that wouldn't have stopped Zeus or any of us from trying anyway." answers Aphrodite with a laugh. "Someone would get sent to Tartarus to check it out anyway. Us gods don't like to be told what we can or can't do, and we usually like to check things ourselves personally or else we won't believe what we hear." she explains as she hungrily stares at Ambrosius while he dismisses the storm overhead.

"Aphrodite may be right, but did you have to make father swear also?" questions Triden with a frown.

"Yes." answers Neptune for Ambrosius. "There are moments where a King must be impartial to all, family included. This was one of those moments. Besides, a show of force was needed to make them all obey." explains Neptune as he gives Ambrosius a respectful nod along with a proud smile.

"Well I for one am glad that he did all of that. It was hot." says Aphrodite as she winks at Ambrosius and steps towards him.

"Back off mother." orders Azula as she shoots a fireball at Aphrodite's feet, causing the goddess to retreat. "He is off limits."

"Come now daughter, you seem to have no problem sharing." whines Aphrodite as she points at Morgan and Scáthach. "Let me have my fun."

"No!" exclaims all four of them while glaring at her.

"Such spoilsports." pouts Aphrodite. "Oh well, a goddess can try." she says with a shrug.

"Now that this debacle has been dealt with, why don't you introduce us to your companions." says Salacia to Ambrosius.

Before he can answer however, Ambrosius hops backwards in order to dodge a sword slash that cuts the floor where he stood.

"So you finally came back!" exclaims the attacker as she follows through with her assault.

Mordred makes to defend her father, only for Azula to stop her and tell them all to just watch.

"It's good to see you too, mother." answers Ambrosius as he conjures a gladius in his hand and proceeds to block another slash. "I see that you have not changed much, or at all to be honest." he comments as he dodges a sword stab.

"And you changed so much that I barely recognise you my little soldier." she replies. "Come on, show me what you've learned from that other world." she orders with a grin that he returns.

Clashing once more, Ambrosius ducks under a swipe of Bellona's sword before slashing towards her rib cage. Dodging his attack, Bellona coats her sword in red aura before stabbing downwards towards his head. As he blocks her attack, the blade of Ambrosius' sword shatters in the collision, causing him to conjure another sword in his free hand and block her attack with his own aura covered sword.

"Uh. I remember making sure that none of my children can do that, even you. How did you do it?" asks Bellona as she retreats.

"I became a god." answers Ambrosius with a shrug as he twirls the weapon in his hand before turning it into a simple spear.

"Heh, of course you did." she replies with a chuckle as she also turns her sword into a spear.

With a smirk on his face Ambrosius lowers himself into a crouch and takes a position similar to a sprinter.

"Isn't that Setanta's stance before he unleashes Gae Bolg?" asks Mordred as Ambrosius' muscles tense and his smirk almost becomes a feral grin like Setanta's.

"It is." answers Scáthach as Ambrosius vanishes from his position with a boom that craters the floor where he stood before appearing next to Bellona with his spear poised for her left temple.

With wide eyes, Bellona ducks under the stab only to be sent rolling to the ground by a kick to the side from Ambrosius. Recovering quickly with a roll that launches her into the air, Bellona turns her spear into a bow and rapidly fires twenty conjured arrows at Ambrosius. Following suit, Ambrosius shoots down all of her arrows with his own before only grazing her cheek with a twenty first arrow when she barely tilts her head aside in time to dodge. Landing on the ground, Bellona dissolves her weapon and launches herself at Ambrosius with a punch. Using her wrist, Ambrosius redirects her punch before smashing his own fist into her armored chest, causing a shockwave ro resonate throughout the room and sending her flying into a pillar of the throne room.

"First blood, and first clean hit. I do believe that I win." says Ambrosius with a wolfish grin on his face as he watches Bellona slowly get up from the floor while coughing out a few drops of ichor.

"Good job little soldier." answers Bellona with agrin of her own as she wipes the ichor from her mouth. "You've really grown. And I like that little maneuver with the spear, I might just steal it sometime." she says as she approaches him. "Now why don't you introduce those little friends of yours to me, and start with that little knight. I saw what she did to Ares, and I liked that." she says as she points to Mordred.

"That would be my daughter. Mordred meet Bellona, one of my mothers, and mother meet my daughter, Mordred." introduces Ambrosius.

"That's your daughter huh. Well you definitely raised her well if she has the balls to stab Ares." comments Bellona as she observes Mordred. "Although I have to say that I'm a little disappointed by the whole knight motif you got going on. I'm pretty partial to legionnaires myself." she says with a smirk.

"I wonder why." sarcastically answers Salacia as she gets between Mordred and Bellona. "I am Salacia, the mother who taught Ambrosius important things like manners, etiquette, and how to be a proper prince." says Salacia as she introduces herself to Mordred.

"Um, do I call you grandmother, or…" hesitantly wonders Mordred.

"Yes, I do believe that grandmother is just fine." answers Salacia with a smile on her face as she pulls Morgan into a hug.

"And these ladies would be?" asks Bellona as she points towards Scáthach, Morgan, and Mavis.

"I am Scáthach, it is a pleasure to meet you." says Scáthach as she offers Bellona a handshake.

"You have a thing for warrior women?" question Bellona to her son as she accepts Scáthach's handshake.

"Maybe. I never gave it much thought." answers Ambrosius with a shrug as Morgan introduces herself to the war goddess.

"Even this one is a warrior. A warrior witch, but a warrior nonetheless." comments Bellona after observing Morgan.

Having never really thought about it, Ambrosius once again shrugs while Aphrodite, Salacia and Bellona acquaint themselves to Morgan, Scáthach, Azula, Mordred, and Mavis.

"I am proud of you." says Neptune as he and Triden join Ambrosius in observing the interaction between the goddesses and the lone mortal.

"You have done well for yourself brother. However, what do you plan to do now that you have returned?" asks Triden.

"I will visit Camp Jupiter, Hylla, Reyna, and Perseus before leaving." answers Ambrosius.

"So soon?" asks Neptune.

"I have responsibilities elsewhere. Of course I will be visiting, and if you ever need me you can always call me." explains Ambrosius.

"What of your duties as a prince of Atlantis?" asks Triden with a slight frown.

"You seem to be doing well without me." answers Ambrosius with a smirk.

"Yes, but I could be doing much better if you took on some of the work yourself." argues Triden.

"You've done well without me for centuries, if not for many millennia." nonchalantly replies Ambrosius.

"You're a jackass." says Triden, shocking his father and brother before they begin laughing uncontrollably at the realisation that straight laced, boy scout, 'I will never break the rules or be crass' Triden just used a profanity.


AN: This ends this segment in the pjo world. Next chapter starts in Fairy Tail. If you guys are wondering why I'm not showing him visiting the camp and his siblings, it's because it would draw out this segment too much. Some of you guys have also been wondering if he will visit the other past worlds and the answer is maybe.

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