From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 120 - First Mission


Kingdom of Fiore


Making our way into the afternoon crowd of Magnolia Town, Azula, Scáthach and I cannot help but immediately notice their stare as we walk towards the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. The stares are not negative in nature, far from it in fact. There seem to be unexplained awe and admiration from the children, while the children stare as if they are seeing their heroes in person.

"*We didn't do anything to deserve these stares, did we.*" I ask them telepathically as we pass a young girl with stars in her eyes.

"*Not that I remember.*" answers Scáthach as she hesitantly returns an a.d.u.l.t's enthusiastic wave.

Before we can continue our conversation a little girl no older than Cassandra excitedly runs up to Azula with a piece of paper clutched in her small hands. Behind the child we can see her mother rushing through the crowd to her before she can reach Azula.

"You're Azula, one of Fairy Tail's new Aces! I drew you!" excitedly says the girl as she extends her short arms up to show Azula her drawing which is honestly quite well done. It showcases Azula in her armor walking past an army as they fight amongst themselves as opposed to her.

Not used to anyone showing such excitement to seeing her, at least not so openly and not from outside of her family, Azula slightly recoils back in surprise before catching herself.

"Inanna, please don't bother her.!" calls out the girl's mother as she finally catches up. "I'm sorry about her. It's just that she's really excited to meet you and you're one of her heroes." explains the mother as she pulls her child away from a recovered Azula.

"No worries." answers Azula with a faux smile that only we catch even as she mentally asks us for advice on how to deal with this situation. "May I see the drawing?" asks Azula even as she reaches out for it.

"Hmm." hums Inanna happily as she hands it over to Azula.

With a smirk on her face, a magic circle appears on Azula's hand as she passes it over the picture before handing it to the child.

"Woah!" says the child in awe as the picture of Azula walks through a live battlefield while sending the girl a wink. "Mommy look, the picture is moving!" exclaims the child as she shows it to her mother.

Speechless, the mother simply nods in response to her daughter while looking at the now moving and lifelike picture.

"You have quite the talent." says Azula as she crouches in front of Inanna. "What do you plan to do with it?" she asks.

"I want to make the greatest drawings EVER! But my greatest drawing will be for you, and they'll be perfect." claims the child.

"That is an ambition goal to aspire to and you should go for it. However, do you know that there's something better than perfection?" answers Azula.

"There is?" questions Inanna with a thoughtful frown.

"Improvement. Improving is always better than perfection, never let anyone tell you otherwise." she tells the child as she stands up with her cape elegantly flapping behind her. "Continue improving, and when you're ready come find me. I want to see all of your drawings, even the bad ones." says Azula as she gently pats the child in the head before walking past her and the grateful mother.

"*Impressive.*" compliments Scáthach as we follow Azula.

"*You two left me to deal with a child by myself.*" replies Azula with a glare. "*Did you forget that I'm not someone who is trained to deal with that? I had to emulate you to even have an inkling of what to do.*"

"*No amount of training can prepare one for dealing with children. All things considered however, you handled it quite well.*" I reply with a smile.

"*Face it Azula, you are not as bad with children as you'd like to believe. In fact, one might argue that you are more qualified than many. You after all have plenty of examples of what not to do when looking at your parents, and examples of what to do from Morgan, Ambrosius, and I.*" argues Scáthach as we arrive in front of the guild hall's entrance.

Walking in, we make our way to the bar where Mavis and Makarov can be found talking while drinking.

"How was your walk over?" asks Mavis with a mischievous smile.

"What did you do Mavis?" questions Azula with a frown.

Rather than answer, Mavis simply slides a magazine over to us with the bold black letters 'Sorcerer Magazine' on the cover. Under the words is a picture of me in my second Atlantean armor from PJO, which by now is my default clothes just like Azula's default has become her armor from PJO while Scáthach's is her Nasuverse clothes and Morgan simply has none. Facing me on a cratered and destroyed battlefield is none other than a bruised and bloodied Gildarts while I simply stand there unscathed. Under the picture reads the words 'Meets Fairy Tail's God and his Goddesses. The new Aces of Fairy Tail'.

"What is this?" questions Azula as opens the magazine and proceeds to skim it until she finds the page that talks about us.

"That is Sorcerer Magazine, the best magazine to read for any news on magic, guilds, and wizards. You four are their newest features." explains Makarov with a smirk.

"My spar with Gildarts was not enough to give them all this information. So which one of you two gave it to them?" I ask as I skim the paragraphs that talk about how I easily defeated Gildarts, Scáthach, Morgan, Azula being as powerful as me, and how an inside source explained to them that we are so good in our respective fields that we may as well be gods.

While the article certainly has a lot of information, such as our skills in all forms of combat, Morgan's superiority in magic compared to us, many of our strengths, and our personalities, it does not contain any information that the reporter wouldn't find out eventually, or any weaknesses. It also doesn't contain any personal information beyond the fact that Mordred, one of the Rune Knight's newest recruits and their rising star, was raised by us, and that we have lived in some woods in secret to explain the lack of information about us.

"How does Gildarts feel about their portrayal of him?" asks Scáthach, pointing out the fact that the magazine makes Gildarts out to be cannon fodder compared to us.

"I would be surprised if he cared." I answer honestly.

"Oh he doesn't, which is perfect because it means that we can continue to put my plan into action!" says Mavis with a cackle.

"What plan?" questions Azula with narrowed eyes.

"My plan for Fairy Tail's domination of the spot of number one guild in the entirety of the continent of Ishgar." answers Mavis as she puffs out her chest in pride. "By the time Jason and Cassandra are teenagers, Fairy Tail will be THE BEST GUILD IN ISHGAR!" says Mavis as she screams out the final part of her sentence for the entire guild to hear, causing them all to roar and cheer in support of her.

"I honestly don't even want to know any more than I already do." I tell her honestly as I get up from the bar and walk over the mission board. We've only been back yesterday and Mavis is already up to her shenanigans. One would think that seeing us overpower gods would make her be careful how she acts towards us, but it seems to have endeared us to her even more.

"By the way, where is Morgan?" asks Makarov nonchalantly even as Azula burns the magazine in her hands to ashes while Mavis rants to Azula about not doing so.

"She and Mordred returned to their home. They seemed to have a goal that they wish to accomplish." replies Scáthach.

"I see. When will she be back?" he wonders.

"Sometime later today." I answer as I pull a mission from the board, an A-Rank investigation mission, and walk towards Makarov. "I'll be taking this." I tell him as I show him the mission request paper.

With a nod, Makarov confirms the mission before inputting it in the ledger where all missions are tracked.

"When will you be back." asks Scáthach as Mavis stops her ranting, and she and Azula turn to face us..

"Later today." I answer as I walk out of the guild and dissolve into water vapor.

My location is an unremarkable town called Freesia Town that is located in one of the forests near Oak Town. From what I can remember, Oak Town is the home of Phantom Lord, one of Fairy Tail's rival guilds in the future. In fact, I believe that Phantom Lord was our rival sometime before Makarov became the Guild Master. Afterwards the rivalry essentially took a pause because the generation after Makarov, for both guilds, is mediocre at best. However, with the arrival of Erza's generation the rivalry resumed until Phantom Lord attacks Fairy Tail in the future, causing them to lose to the point of the guild being disbanded and their guild master, Jose Porla, being arrested for starting a guild war.

According to the mission paper, people have been going missing in the woods around the town. From what they can tell, it isn't a monster or a demon, but most likely slavers, hence the reason for the simple A-Rank as opposed to an S-Rank.

While Oak Town is a couple of days of travel from Magnolia, it takes me around three hours of leisure travel to arrive at my location. Something in the back of my mind is telling me that this is familiar, but I'm honestly too unbothered to figure out why, not until I finish the mission at least. The first thing I notice about the town is the fact that it has its very own weather separate from the area in the form of rain that stops just outside of the town. The second thing I notice is that while the Town is not a small town, it certainly isn't big or with booming traffic from outsiders.

Arriving inside the town square, I turn my water vapor body into a vortex of sea water before reforming into my human body. With my dramatic arrival, all of the town square's occupants apprehensively turn their eyes to me. Silence falls over the square as they warrily observe me while I take in my surroundings. It is at this moment that I realise that the rain is magically created and is not natural at all.

"Hey, isn't that one of the new mages from Fairy Tail?" questions someone to his friend with a whisper.

"You mean the one they call Mars? The one who beat Gildarts?"answers the friend even as I approach a young lady in a dress.

"Excuse me Miss, but could you please point me to the mayor of this town?" I ask her with a gentle smile.

"Um…Um…yea." she stutters out with a rosy blush on her cheeks. I honestly doubt that my question is properly registered in her brain.

"Thank you." I answer as I telepathically force her out of her awe and suggest her to lead me to the mayor.

With a nod of her head, the young lady turns around and walks furtner in the town while we ignore the awe filled whispers argue with those in doubt about who I am, and whether or not the stories in the magazine are true.

After a few seconds of walking, the young lady leads me to a medium sized wooden house where she knocks on the door.

"This is mayor Wooodward's house. I have to go now." hastily says the girl as my mental suggestions leave her and she runs back to the square with a blushing face that she covers with her hands.

After seconds after the girl leaves, the door is partially opened by a middle aged butler.

"How may I help you, young man?" asks the man.

"I am from Fairy Tail, and I am here for the mission." I answer as I show him the mission paper while controlling my armor to reveal my forearm where my Fairy Tail mark is stamped.

"Come in." welcomes the man as he widely opens the door and gestures for me to come in.

Once I am inside, he closes the door before leading me to an office near the back of the building where he simply opens the closed door and walks in.

"A Fairy Tail mage is here to complete the mission." says the butler as he ushers me in before leaving and closing the door behind him.

The mayor is an average middle aged man who stands at around five feet nine inches, brown eyes with bags under them from lack of sleep, a bald head, and a gray mustache. Like his butler, he wears a simple black suit.

"Thank you for coming." says the mayor as he stands from behind his desk and offers me a handshake, hiding any tiredness that he may be feeling with a strong voice. It is admirable that he can be strong for his people in a situation like this.

"How may I help? You seem to know what the problem is." I answer him as I accept the handshake and get straight to the problem.

"You are correct in that we know that it's slavers, but we don't know where they are. I don't want to go to the Rune Knights though, you know how incompetent they are." he says with a fake laugh at th end of his jab at the Rune Knights. The poor man is honestly stressed out by this situation.

"Fair enough. Is there anything else I need to know?" I ask him while ignoring his attempted joke at the Rune Knights. While it may be true for now, things will quickly change if Mordred has anything to say about it.

"Nothing other than that the whole group is made up of mages." he tells me nonchalantly.

"Very well." I answer with a nod as I walk out of the room before making my way out of the house. Once outside, I take a deep breath while enjoying the cool feeling of the magically created rain on my skin with a smile on my face. While doing so I pretend not to see the blue hair child that's taking a peek at me from behind a wall. From the feel of her magic and the fact that she reminds of Juvia, she is most likely the culprit behind the rain.

After having enjoyed the rain for a few seconds longer, I dissolve into water vapor and make my way to the forest where I rematerialise into my human body. Once there it barely takes me two seconds to find the slavers hiding behind illusions and a barrier that masks their presence from everyone. Well, almost everyone.

Walking towards their camp, I dispel their illusions before shattering their barrier and alerting them of my presence. In seconds I find myself surrounded by a dozen mages all clad in black cloaks with attacks poised to strike me. Not bothering to pay them any more attention, I increase the air pressure to unbearables levels while forming a bubble around me that makes short work of their attacks by returning the area to what it once was before they attacked.

In seconds, the slavers fall unconscious and I search their minds for information, only to find out that they are somewhat innocent and were simply brainwashed. Understanding their plight, I remove the mind control magic from them, erase their memories of me, and leave them to their devices before walking into their camp which is devoid of the people they kidnapped. I am honestly not surprised since I imagine that anyone smart or powerful enough to brainwash those people most likely would not leave what they believe is their merchandise to be retaken. This is most likely a two front operation with one group kidnapping and a second transporting the kidnapped to a location unknown to the first group who still believes that the people they have kidnapped are still in their camp.

I can easily follow the teleportation trail to their location, however it leads outside of Ishagar and my presence in a different country, not to mention on a completely different continent, would cause an international incident. While I don't care much for the Magic Council and what they think, I also know that an international incident can devolve into a war which would result in far worse than these kidnappings. That does not mean that I cannot rescue them however, with my clairvoyance, where I have reached the point of affecting my surroundings, and little bit of godly magic, I can rescue them without anybody from outside the country being any wiser.

Connecting my magic to the residue magic of the teleporter, I follow the trail with my clairvoyance where I find myself inside a dark warehouse with the tied up slaves being watched over by more cloaked guards. Mentally knocking out the guards, I inscribe a teleportation array under the slaves that leads to Fressia Town where I have another array inscribed, I cannot seem to rid myself of leaving those to every location I visit. Once that is done, I teleport them there before I erase my array and return back to my body.

With my mission accomplished, I teleport back to the town and stealthily make my way to the mayor's house with a smile on my face as I watch the heartfelt reunion between the members of the town and the freed slaves. Arriving at the mayor's house, I find that word has already reached him and he is just leaving the house when I appear in front of him.

"Mayor." I greet him with a nod.

"You did it!" he excitedly says as he grabs my hand and vigorously shakes it. "Thank you young man." he says as he takes a pouch full of money from his pocket and gives it to me before rushing to the town square. It seems that someone he knows intimately is part of the group that was kidnapped.

"You can come out now." I tell my stalker once the mayor is out of earshot.

Meekly walking from behind the mayor's house is none other than the nine year old girl responsible for the town's constant rain. She stands around Erza's height, has curly blue hair, blue eyes, wears a pink shirt, and a blue flowery skirt.

"What is your name?" I ask as I crouch in front of her.

"Juvia." she answers quietly as she lowers her head.

"A beautiful name. Just like this rain." I answer her with a smile. Hearing my words, she quickly raises her head and looks at me with wide eyes.

"You like the rain?" she asks me hopefully.

"Rain is beautiful." I tell her as I create a storm cloud over the two of us and make it pour over the two of us.

"You're like Juvia!" she says excitedly.

"I am." I answer as I make the clouds over us disappear before doing the same to the clouds over the town, allowing the sun to shine through.

"Why are you making the rain disappear? You said it was beautiful." she asks me hesitantly.

"It is however, even beautiful things must be taken in doses." I reply. "Tell me Juvia, do you want to come with me?" I ask her as I stand up and extend my free hand to her.

"Juvia would love to!" she exclaims as she takes my hand with a smile.

Returning her smile, I teleport us in front of the guild hall.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail Juvia." I tell her as I open the doors, allowing her to see the crowded and noisy guild hall.

"Um…people don't like Juvia." says Juvia as she meekly moves closer to me in an attempt to hide, and causes clouds to form over the guild hall due to her sudden downtrodden mood.

"Don't worry, they'll love you." I tell her with a reassuring smile as I walk us towards the bar where Azula, Mavis, Makarov, Morgan, Mordred, and a familiar blond can be found.

"I see that you two have returned." I say as I reach them and finally get a better look at the familiar figure.

As they all turn to face me I realise that the reason why the figure is so familiar is because it is none other than Morgan's sister, the very first person that Mordred has ever deemed worthy to be her King, the King of Knights herself, Arturia Pendragon.


AN: Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the most recent chapter. There was supposed to be an omake that showed the visit between Ambrosius and his siblings, but after writing the chapter I was hungry and tired, so you'll get that omake in a later chapter (ideally the next one).

Arturia is back and she's here to stay. Some may be wondering why is she back, well the answer is simple. Azula has the Amazons, Scáthach has the Valkyries, Morgan will have her own forces, Ambrosius has the League (but will most likely get another force that is less assassin and more standing army), and Mordred will have… (fill in the blanks). Also, Arturia is literally Morgan's baby sister and you guys should remember the lengths she was willing to go to 'free' her from Merlin.

Also, Juvia has joined Fairy Tail. You guys may be wondering why he is taking another kid in when he already has a lot. The answers are two fold, the first is that he has a soft spot for kids (if you actually read the story you should know this), the second is because it would be out of character for him to leave her to suffer (she's an orphan and is bullied a lot by the other kids).

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