From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 121 - Family

Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Magnolia Town

Kingdom of Fiore


"Arturia, it's good to see you again." I say with a smile as I take a seat next to Mordred and set Juvia on the bar countertop in front of me.

"Likewise Ambrosius." she answers me with a nod, and I can tell that she's still getting accustomed to her new surroundings and being alive once again.

"How was the mission?" asks Scáthach.

Before answering I surround us with a barrier that will make our conversation seem nonsensical to anyone that I do not give explicit permission to listen.

"Easy. However, I do believe that Fiore is being scouted by another country." I tell them, immediately turning the previously lighthearted atmosphere into a serious one. "Citizens of Freesia Town were being abducted and teleported outside of Ishgar, most likely to the Alvarez Empire. If I am correct then the purpose of it all will be to see whether or not they can get into Fiore, grab whatever it is that they are searching for, and teleport out." I explain to them.

"Why would they kidnap anyone then? It only draws our attention to them." asks Makarov as he slowly puts down his mug full of alcohol without taking a sip.

"Because it tests the country's capabilities to deal with that exact situation." answers Scáthach, Azula and Mordred simultaneously, drawing a slight smile to my face.

"If the country of Fiore somehow retrieves the kidnapped individuals without causing an international incident, then that means that they can also retrieve whatever it is that the Alvarez Empire's target is in the future. If they do not, then that means that the Alvarez Empire is free to retrieve their target in secret without fear of any repercussions, especially since they are most likely more powerful than the entirety of Ishgar." explains Scáthach with a frown.

"What's their target?" asks Mordred with a stoic face that is quite reminiscent of mine to be honest.

"I have no idea." I answer honestly as the only thing I remember about the Alvarez Empire is that it was founded by Zeref, and that whatever they want has to do with Fairy Tail.

"It doesn't matter what they want. Such despicable actions cannot be left unpunished." argues Arturia with a clenched fist. Leave it to the King of Knights to regain her bearings just to dispense of some good old justice.

"There's no need for us to seek them out ourselves. If whatever they want is so important to them then they will come to us." retorts Azula. "Besides, this is a situation for the Magic Council and the King of Fiore, not us. This is supposed to be our vacation." she says as she drinks from a mug, shocking Arturia with her seemingly disregard for the citizen's life.

"You would leave the people to suffer just to enjoy a vacation?" questions a stunned Arturia.

"This isn't my Kingdom, and until they ask me for help I'll continue to enjoy my vacation." replies Azula as she places her mug down with an amused smirk imperceptible to all but Scáthach, Morgan, and I.

Unable to believe that Azula's sentiment is shared by us all, Arturia looks around the table for anyone to agree with her. Seeing that none of us are going to argue with Azula, Arturia turns to her sister for assistance.

"Azula is teasing you." says Morgan as she points to the slight smirk on his Azula's face. "While we certainly will not interfere, the reasons are different than the ones stated by her. The real reason why we won't interfere is because Mordred will be personally dealing with this, it is her job as a Rune Knight after all." explains Morgan, causing Arturia to blush at having been had to easily by Azula. "If you want to help then just join the Rune Knights."

"What are the Rune Knights?" asks the still blushing Arturia.

"The enforcers of the Magic Council's laws. Now enough talk about serious topics. Tell us Ambrosius, who's your new friend?" asks Mavis as she points to Juvia who I had been keeping entertained with a small water construct of a pegasus.

"This is Juvia, Fairy Tail's newest member." I answer as I turn the pegasus into a dragon. "Introduce yourself Juvia."

"Um…Hi." meekly says Juvia as she lowers her head, her fear of being treated the same way here as when in Freesia Town obvious to me.

Grabbing her chin, I slowly raise her head back up and give her a gentle smile.

"Watch this." I instruct her with a smirk as I create a cloud inside the guild hall and cause it to pour on everybody.

With a laugh Juvia watches as most of the hall's occupants whine about the rain while others use their magic creatively to stop themselves from getting wet. From our position we can see Jason creating a massive umbrella made of ice to cover all of his friends while Cassandra rewinds time to make them all dry.

"This is magic, it's a beautiful thing and anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Even if you can't control it right now, with a bit of practice you'll be just fine." I tell her while stopping the rain and ignoring the baleful glares that I receive from some of my guild mates. Reassured, Juvia waves at the others who answer her with a wave of their own, a smile, or even a wink in Mavis' case.

"So, where do you want your guild Mark and what color?" asks Makarov as he brings out the stamp.

"Here and in blue." answers Juvia as she points to her right thigh where Makarov follows her reequest and gently applies the mark to her.

"Now why don't you go join the other kids." suggests Mavis as she points to Jason's group.

Uncertain, Juvia looks to be for reassurance and I give her an encouraging smile. With a nod, Juvia hops down from the bar and slowly makes her way to the group where she hesitantly introduces herself. The first to answer her is Erza who asks her what her magic is. Once again Juvia hesitantly answers and seems to be expecting the rejection when Jason gushes over the similarities between her magic and some of my powers. Knowing that she is in good hands, I turn back to the others that are also watching the interaction.

"This is what Fairy Tail is meant to be." comments Mavis with a proud smile on her face. "A place to adventure with family."

"You and the other founders did a good job laying down the foundation." compliments Morgan, to which we all nod in agreement.

"By the way, how is everything over there?" I ask her and Mordred.

"Fine." answers Mordred. "Sakura, Shirou, and Rin formed their own group as Enforcers while Medea takes care of their home. Although it is a bit ambiguous if they're all in a relationship or not. Zelretch seems about ready to retire and started training Rin to replace him."

"How is the Clocktower?" wonders Scáthach.

"Between the Archibalds filling the hole left by us, Zelretch, and Lorelei, they're doing ok. The other families that made up your faction are still backing the Archibalds with Bazett heading the Fragas, Olga taking over for her father, and Luvia leading the Edelfeldt family." explains Morgan as she looks at the quickly darkening skies through an open window before turning to her daughter. "You should be returning back to headquarters right now." she tells Mordred who gets up from the bar.

"Are you coming too along?" Mordred asks Arturia.

Unsure, Arturia looks towards her older sister for her opinion.

"Go. It will serve you well to join the Rune Knights. Besides, I've altered your physiology to closely match ours allowing you to access both your magic, and the magic of Earthland. All you need to do is learn now, and Mordred can teach you." says Morgan with a smile.

With a nod Arturia follows Mordred as she walks out of the guild hall, and as I watch my now grown daughter walk alongside the person she most likely respects the most, a feeling of melancholy envelops me. Perhaps it is because the days she used to rush to my arms seem so recent yet distant at the same time, or perhaps it is because she has returned to her duties as a Knight even if it isn't the same as being a member of the Round. Regardless of why I feel melancholic, all I know is that my daughter is now properly grown up even if she's only sixteen years old.

"Was it really a good idea to let her go so soon? She isn't really used to Earthland yet." asks Mavis, shaking me from my thoughts.

"While that is true, the best way for Arturia to acclimate herself with Earthland is by doing what she does best, which is being a Knight." answers Morgan. "Besides, I don't believe that she would enjoy watching us do nothing other than train the children and whatever it is we decided to do for the day."

With that, the conversion slows to a crawl as we simply talk of nonsensical things such as the monikers given to us by Sorcerer Magazine.


Omake: Visiting the little brother

Manhattan, New York City

New York State

Standing outside of the Blofis-Jackson apartment is none other than Ambrosius along with his siblings Reyna and Hylla. After visiting Camp Jupiter, he had made his way to the headquarters of the Amazons with Reyna to meet Hylla, after which they made their way to Percy's apartment.

"Are you sure that this is where he lives?" asks Ambrosius as Reyna leads them to the front door.

"For the last time, yes." answers Reyna as she stops in front of the door and knocks.

"You can't blame me for being skeptical, this entire building is a security hazard for demigods. For all he knows, his neighbor could be a monster." replies Ambrosius as he proceeds to inspect the hallway, the stairs connected to it, and spots multiple ways to ambush someone.

"Ambrosius is right Reyna. This is a security nightmare, even if they are in a crowded building full of mortals, a demigod as powerful as Perseus will leave a scent powerful enough to draw any monster competent enough to smell him." agrees Hylla just as the door is opened by Percy.

"Reyna? This is a surprise, what's up?" he asks before looking at her companions and recognising Hylla, but only feeling a small sense of familiarity from Ambrosius. "I see you brought friends, come in." he says as he ushers them in.

"Thanks." says Reyna as she walks in, followed closely by her sister with Ambrosius bringing in the rear.

"You've grown since I last saw you." observes Ambrosius as Percy closes the door.

"Uh, sorry but have we met before?" asks Percy uncertainty.

Rather than answer him verbally, Ambrosius' hair turn to their previous midnight black while his crimson red eyes become the same luminescent sea green as Percy's

"Woah! You…you're back!" exclaims Percy with wide eyes as Ambrosius' features turn back to their new normal.

Before Ambrosius can confirm that, Sally's voice can be heard calling out from further inside the house.

"Percy, who is it?" she asks.

"It's Reyna and some friends from camp." he answers as he leads them into the living room, where they find Paul, Percy's step-father, sitting on the couch with a suit on.

Entering the living room, Percy introduces them to Paul.

"Guys, this is Paul, my step-father. Paul, these are Reyna and Hylla, friends from Camp Jupiter, and this is Ambrosius, my…brother" says Percy as Paul gets up and shakes hands with all of them.

Paul is a man in his thirties with longish salt and pepper hair, blue eyes, and can be considered very good looking.

"Percy's brother, so that makes you another son of Poseidon?" ask Paul once he reaches Ambrosius.

"Neptune." answers Ambrosius with a smile. "Although now that they don't aren't really split persona's anymore the difference is almost negligible."

"Right. And you two would be?" asks Paul.

"Daughters of Bellona, and his younger sisters." answers Hylla as she points to Ambrosius.

"Wait, you're the son of both Neptune and Bellona? Wouldn't that make you a god?" asks Paul an uncertain Paul.

"Normally yes, but my birth is a complicated affair." honestly answers Ambrosius.

"I remember Percy telling me something about a demigod like that. You wouldn't happen to be him would you?" asks Paul.

"I am indeed that demigod." replies Ambrosius with a smile.

"Oh wow, you actually came back from Tar-" before Paul can finish his sentence, Percy stops him.

"Names have power." says Percy, causing Paul's eyes to widen in realisation.

"Yes, I did return from The Pit." answers Ambrosius just as Sally walks into the living room with a little girl following closely behind her.

Sally is a beautiful woman with a warm smile, spelling blue eyes that seem to change color in the light, long brown hair with a few grey streaks. She wears a nice blue dress and black high heeled shoes.

Following behind her is her daughter Estelle Blofis. She seems to be about five years with sea green eyes, and the same salt and pepper hair as her father, Paul.

"Reyna, it's good to see you dear," says Sally with a smile before turning to Hylla, "And you would be…Hylla," earning a nod from her before she turns to Ambrosius, "And I have no idea who you are." she admits honestly, causing the group to chuckle.

"I'm Ambrosius. Percy's older brother on the Roman side of the family."

"Oh, I've heard plenty about you. It's good to see that you're ok and to finally meet you." she answers as they shake hands.

"You can't be Percy's brother!" exclaims Estelle before Ambrosius can answer as she comes out from behind Sally.

"Why not?" asks Ambrosius as he crouches in front of her.

"Because that would make you my brother, and you're not my brother." she answers, causing the group to laugh.

"Well you're not wrong, at least not completely." answers Ambrosius as he gently pats her head before standing back up.

"So is this a business visit, or…" asks Sally as she nervously plays with her wedding ring, silently dreading the thought of Percy having to once more put his life in danger for a quest.

"No, this is just a social visit." answers Reyna, and putting Sally's fears to rest.

"That's good." replies Sally with a sigh of relief while Paul's previously tense body relaxes. "While Paul and I would love to stay and talk more, we have an appointment to attend to. There are cookies and some food, you guys can help yourselves." says Sally as she picks up her purse from the couch before she and Paul make their way to the door.

"It was nice meeting you all. Hopefully we can talk some more another time, I would love to learn more about you. Of course if that's ok with you." says Paul as he opens the door for Sally.

"It was a pleasure meeting you too Mr. Blofis, and I wouldn't mind answering any questions you have." answers Ambrosius before Paul leaves.

"So," says Percy as he ushers them to sit on the couch while he and Estelle sit on the opposite couch. "Why are you guys here?" he asks.

"Just here for a simple visit, and although you and I don't know much about each other, you are my brother." admits Ambrosius.

"Yea, I do wish that we knew each other before. Would've been nice to have another son of Poseidon besides Tyson to talk to. I love the big guy, but as a cyclops there are some things that he just wouldn't get." answers Percy.

"I get what you mean. Most of the Romans weren't exactly too thrilled to have me, at least not until I became praetor."

"I heard about that. Still can't believe that you can curse people." says Percy, referencing his punishment to Alex, the praetor before him.

"Any demigod should be able to do it, at least theoretically." answers Ambrosius, shocking the other three demigods. Before they can ask him to clarify however, Estelle asks her own question.

"What's a demigod?" she asks.

Not knowing how to answer, Ambrosius, Reyna, and Hylla turn to Percy.

"Wait until mom gets back. I'll answer it then." answers Percy.

"Fine, but is that why he's your brother and not mine, because you're demigods?" asks Estelle.

"Yes it is." replies Ambrosius as his eyes flash red for a second.

"Hey Estelle, why don't you go play with your toys. Big brother needs to talk about boring stuff to his friends." suggests Percy.

Rather than immediately answer, Estelles looks her brother in the eyes for a few seconds before running out of the living room.

"What did you just do?" questions Percy as he brings his pen out of his pocket and stands up.

"Nothing. It was a simple protection charm." answers Ambrosius.

"What?" questions Percy.

"When I found an exit out of Tartarus, it didn't lead to the mortal world, but to a completely different world. It took me years to finally return here." explains Ambrosius.

"That sounds ridiculous." argues Percy with a frown.

"I know." admits Ambrosius. "Still, I didn't come here to cause trouble. I came here to get to know my little brother." says Ambrosius honestly.

Seeing that Ambrosius is honest, Percy puts away his pen and sits back down to talk. The rest of the visit is spent in light conversation and laughter as the four demigods exchange stories of their life, battles they have fought, and even jokingly compete on which one of them has had the worst injuries and the most annoying opponents. Eventually Ambrosius, Hylla and Reyna leave, but not before Ambrosius secretly places a set of runic arrays around the apartment to protect the family.


AN: Sorry for the delay, but the chapter is finally here and so is the Omake. I may do more Omakes depending on how this one is received, so tell me what you guys think.

Next chapter will most likely be a one year time skip to the year X777 and those of you who watched (or read) Fairy Tail know why that year is special. If you don't know then don't worry because it'll be explained in the chapter.

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