From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 12 - Welcome to the Game of Thrones

It was a beautiful day that greeted one Cersei Lannister, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The sun was up, its golden beams providing a generous amount of warmth without overheating the land, the birds sung their beautiful songs and a mild breeze blew away from the Red Keep, taking the stench of King's Landing along with it. Other than having to deal with another one of her husband's idiotic tourneys, her day seems to be a good day in the making.

Taking a seat next to her husband, who seems to have been drinking for a while now, Cersei surveys her surroundings. On her right, sat her whore mongering, drunk, ignorant, dumb, slow-witted, brute of a husband, Robert Baratheon Lord of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Standing at around six and a half feet tall and sporting the classical Baratheon look of black hair and blue eyes, he may have cut an impressive and fantastical figure from many a maiden's dreams if not for his excessive weight. In his younger days Robert was a handsome, clean-shaven man with rough and hard hands. He was strong and powerful, and muscled like a proper warrior. Nowadays, he is often red-faced from drinking, with dark circles underneath his eyes and walks as if he has been drinking for days without stopping while sweating through his silks, and his beard, a wild, thick and fierce thing, hides his double chin. In the nine years since Greyjoy's Rebellion, Cersei wages that he's gained at least eight stone in weight.

On Robert's right sits her eldest child, Joffrey, followed by his younger siblings, Myrcella and Tommen. Standing at six feet tall, at the age of twelve, and sporting the famous Lannister features of blond curly hair and deep green eyes, Joffrey cut a very handsome figure. Whereas Joffrey is tall and skinny, Tommen is of average height for a seven year old, by Westeros standards, with golden curls and emerald eyes. The last of her children, and only daughter, Myrcella, stands at an average height for an eight year and matching her mother in beauty and features of golden hair and emerald eyes.

Sweeping her eyes over members of the nobility, Cersei is able to make out many figures such as the Hand of King along with his daughters, Petyr Baelish, her cousins Lancel and Tyrek, and many others.

As the contestants of the melee are ushered into the arena, Cersei easily spots her brother and lover. Standing at six feet two with a handsome face, curled hair the color of beaten gold, flashing cat-green eyes, and a smile that cuts like a knife; Jaime Lannister is the epitome of a knight in shining armor. He wears a golden armor decorated with the Lannister lion, with gilded longsword and ornate lion's helmet, making it easy to recognize him amongst the competitors.

While surveying the field, another competitor catches her eyes. Not too far from Jaime, a few yards at the most, stands a man of dornish descent judging by his features. Standing at the same height as Jaime, he is tall, slender, fit with finely toned muscles and a grace that is reminiscent of Oberyn Martell. He wears a black gamberson vest, black trousers tucked neatly into black boots, a pauldron on each shoulder and sleeves that start halfway down his biceps under each vambraces. Paired with his spear, he gives off the feeling of a proud lion on the prowl. However, what really catches Cersei's eyes are his midnight black hair tied into a ponytail, with a single curly strand falling on the bridge of his nose between his eyes and further enhancing their already beautiful violet glow.

Seemingly bored with waiting, the dornishman puts on an impressive show of twirling his spear with a single hand, alternating between his right and left and sometimes using both.

Taking one last glance at the man, Cersei turns her attention back to Jaime just as the signal is given for the competitors to begin, only to be drown out by a roar from The Mountain. Cersei turns her head to see Gregor decapitate what seems to be his third victim. It was as the fourth body fell dead to the floor that Cersei realized that something was wrong. After killing his fifth victim, Gregor started to make his to another competitor only for Jaime to stand in his way his sword already in a guard.

As Cersei watch Jaime face off against The Mountain, she felt rage and worry warring inside her. She felt outraged at The Mountain for going mad and endangering Jaime, she felt outraged at her father for not keeping a better leash on his attack dog and she felt outraged at Jaime for deciding to be his usual impulsive self even in this situation and worry at the chance of Gregor killing him. However, just as she prepares to order The Mountain to cease, Jaime's sword flies from his hands and lands a few feet away, causing Cersei's words to die in her throat. With a roar The Mountain swings his sword down in an attempt to cleave through Jaime's head, only for it to be intercepted by a spear and redirected away from Jaime. Taking a closer look, Cersei recognizes the spear as the one belonging to the dornishman from earlier. With baited breathe, Cersei bears witness as her brother's savior proceeds to removes one of The Mountain's arms from his body then killing him with a spear thrust to the head in what had to be the shortest, battle between two warriors that she's seen.

Releasing a breath she didn't notice she was holding, Cersei watches as the warrior turn to Jaime and exchange a few words before grasping each others forearm and sharing what seems to be a nod of respect before going their separate ways. Following the warrior with her eyes, Cersei studies him as he defeats challenger after challenger. Whether it's in single combat or against groups, at one point fighting against five at a time, he breezes through the competitors. Eventually the challenges stop and he walks towards Jaime who has just defeated Thoros of Myr on the other side of the arena, only stopping a few feet away.

"So the cub survives his first battle." says Jaime as he gives his sword arm a few test swings

Smirking in return, his opponent answers "Says the old man who pulled a muscle." His voice is smooth and possesses the same charming drawl she's heard in Oberyn's voice. By now Cersei is almost certain that he's one of Oberyn's bastards who's relationship fell apart or was never given the time of day by his father.

With a chuckle Jaime responds "This must be what others call the arrogance of youth." Jokingly shaking his head before settling his expression, Jaime continues "Regardless, may I have the name of the challenger."

Taking a deep breath, as if steeling his nerves, the dornishman replies with a bow of his head, his previous joking manner missing from his voice "Gawain Sand. The pleasure is mind Ser Jaime."

With the warrior's status as a bastard revealed, many now look to him in askance. For Cersei however, this proves to be an opportunity. Turning him into a loyal soldier for her might bring her all of Dorne's secrets, and even if he doesn't know any of Dorne's secrets she'll still get a fearsome warrior capable of using his brain as her personal attack dog loyal only to her. All it will probably take is gifting him knightship and a position as her sworn shield to have him completely loyal to her. She could even use his budding friendship with Jaime to further strengthen his loyalty. Decision made, Cersei returned her attention to the arena where the warriors fought, all humour completely gone from their eyes and replaced by pure determination.

It looked more like a deadly, well choreographed dance, rather than a battle. Both warriors moved with such grace and skill that it was almost inhuman, with Gawain having the advantage in speed and being a perfect match for Jaime's famed strength. Eventually, after what seems to be hours of battle, Jaime overreached and found the tip of his opponent's spear at his throat.

"I yield" says Jaime, prompting the crowd to roar in approval of the fight.

With a boisterous clapping of his hand and laughter, Robert stood and beckoned the warrior "Good fight, good fight. If it weren't for you I would have had to stop the tourney to put that mad dog down. For that you will be rewarded. Tell me what brings you to King's Landing and where did you learn to fight like that?"

Kneeling before the king, Gawain answers "I learned from Oberyn Martell before he and I had a... disagrement prompting me to leave. I came to King's Landing in hopes of joining the Kingsguard Your Highness."

Nodding his head while rubbing his beard, Robert answers "Unfortunately the Kingsguard is full."

Deciding that this was the perfect opportunity, Cersei spoke "While the Kingsguard is full, you could still knight him. Besides, I am currently searching for a sworn shield."

Without a second thought Robert spoke "Ser Barristan, give me a sword." Stepping from behind Robert's seat, Ser Barristan, a tall older man, with white hair, lined features and pale blue eyes, unsheathes his sword and offers the pommel to the king. Taking the sword Robert turns to the kneeling warrior, places his sword on the right shoulder and spoke "Gawain Sand, do you swear before the eyes of gods and men to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be?" "I do swear." Came his reply. Moving the sword to the left shoulder before removing it, Robert spoke "Rise Ser Gawain."

"Thank you Your Highness." spoke the now knighted Ser Gawain before he once again gracefully knelt, this time to her, placing his spear at her feet and spoke "I am yours, Your Grace. Your liege man, or whatever you would have me be. I will shield your back and keep your counsel and give my life for yours, if need be. I swear it by the old gods and the new."

With a smile on her face Cersei accepted "And I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth, and meat and mead at my table. And I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New. Arise."

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