From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 13 - Schemes

"Tell me about yourself, Sir Gawain." says Cersei. It was the day after the end of the tourney, and she found herself with no interest to attend court or anything much for that matter. Hence her decision to get to know her new soldier and see where he'd be most useful.

They were situated in her bedchambers, with her sitting on her bed holding a goblet of wine, the pitcher itself located on a table nearby, and him with his arms crossed, leaning on the wall facing the door and to the right of the only window in the room. His spear itself, for reasons unknown wrapped in a cloth leaving only the blade visible, rests on the same wall easily within arms reach. She'd seen it up close yesterday while he stood guard behind her during the joust. She had to admit that it was a beautiful spear about as tall as him with intricate designs running along the shaft and blade, she'd never seen anything quite like it. The best comparison she could make to it would be the wavy pattern on valyrian steel blades.

Turning his head to face her, he replies "In all honesty Your Grace, there isn't much to tell other than Oberyn took interest in me while visiting Starfall and took me as his page after finding out that I'm Ashara Dayne's bastard. My grandfather, not really caring about me, was all to happy to see me go."

"Ashara Dayne?" she says with a whisper. Putting down her goblet, she looks at his face and carefully examines it before continuing "Did she not suffer a miscarriage and throw herself off a tower?"

"No." he replies while shaking his head."Her father wanted nothing to do with a bastard and ordered the wet nurse to claim that I died while she slept and spread the rumor that Ashara's child was stillborn. He hoped that with my supposed death that he'd be able to marry her off to someone for an alliance. Unfortunately for him she didn't take the news well and ended her life. It was only his guilt towards his daughter that allowed me to be raised in Starfall while also providing me an education."

Finally taking her eyes off his face she answers "I see. What of your father? Did he not care?"

"Brandon Stark is my father" he replies.

"Interesting" she replies "I suspected Eddard Stark considering his bastard in Winterfell. It seems that the Stark boys aren't so honorable after all."

With a smirk on his face, as if he knows all the world's secrets, he spoke "I have to admire Lord Stark's ability to not only spread misinformation but also suffer insults on his honor and not complain, despite his innocence."

Hardening her face, Cersei orders "Explain?"

Still with that infernal smirk on his face, he answers "That child in Winterfell is no mere bastard. In fact he isn't much of a bastard at all. His mother was Lyanna Stark and his father was-"

"-Rhaegar Targeryan" finished Cersei. "Do you possess any proof of this? And if it's true how did you come about this information."

Turning serious once more, he replies "I have no proof. However one of my spies stumbled upon one of the midwives who delivered him as she ran from the tower of joy. He deemed the information vital enough to tell me when I hired him"

"Interesting." Indeed it was an interesting piece of information that could be used to have vital consequences if used correctly. She could use it to pit her brute of a husband against his brother in all but blood. Perhaps even manage to make them kill each other and leaving her as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Yes, that would be a wonderful situation. All she needs to do is wait for the perfect opportunity.

Looking at her sworn shield, and now spy master, she can't help be be glad for her ingenious idea to make him hers. If he kept his performance up like that she may just reward him handsomely once she claims the throne.

With a malicious smile on her face she asks, "You mentioned having spies earlier. How extensive is this network and what other interesting pieces of information do you have?"


Petyr Baelish, a man with sharp features, a small pointed beard on his chin, and dark hair with threads of grey running through it. He has laughing gray-green eye like a cat, with a clever and cunning intellect. Usually, his smiles and laughter never reached his eyes. However, nowadays, if you know what to look for and look closely, you can see a small spark of happiness in his eyes. The reason simply being that everything was going according to plan and would come to head soon. Of course there were a few hiccups here and there, like Eddard Stark's slight caution towards him and Cersei receiving a slightly competent attack dog. However, another brainless brute in the game doesn't change anything and even if he has a brain he can still be poisoned if need be. As for Eddard his upcoming meeting, with the man's wife no less, should make Eddard trust him.

Ugh, just the thought of his Catelyn, beautiful, with fair skin, long auburn hair and blue eyes, with long fingers and high cheekbones, in the hands of that savage northman infuriates him. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Petyr proceeds to mentally go over his plan for the upcoming interaction and finishes just the door is knocked on in a seemingly random pattern.

Getting up and quickly smoothing over his clothes, Petyr makes his way to the door and opens it to see Catelyn and the guard he assigned to escort her outside. After ushering her in and quickly closing the door, he turns to greet her only to be interrupted by her.

"Petyr, why have you accosted to this infernal place?" demanded Catelyn

She wore a woolen dress of Tully red and blue and a black traveling cloak over.

"I apologize my friend. However, King's Landing is not a safe place to wander in, and if it was found that the wife of the Hand of the King snuck in then people would talk" replies Petyr.

With a sigh and a solemn expression on her face Catelyn answers "No my friend, the fault lies with me. In my single minded focus to bring news to Ned, I have forgotten that King's Landing is a dangerous place."

It took Petyr all his willpower and control not to sneer at hearing his Cat say Ned so affectionately.

Making his way over to his desk and taking a seat, Petyr extends his hand says "No worries. Please take a seat and tell me what ails you so while we await your husband's arrival. I've already sent for him, he should be here soon."

Nodding her head, Catelyn sits across from him and retrieves a beautiful valyrian steel dagger hidden under her cloak.

"Where did you find this dagger? The last I'd seen of it was when I had lost to Tyrion Lannister in a bet" asks Petyr.

Looking over the dagger, Catelyn reveals the attempt on her son, Bran's, life.

"I believe that Bran had seen something that he shouldn't have while climbing the tower, and was pushed in an attempt to silence him. The culprits must have wanted to finish the job, and sent the assassin" hypotheses Catelyn.

Before Petyr can respond, the door is swung open to admit Eddard Stark in.

Eddard Stark has a long face and long brown hair. He is thirty-five, but his closely-trimmed beard is beginning to grey, making him look older than his years. His dark grey eyes reflect his moods, turning soft as fog or hard as stone making him as easy to read as an open book. From Petyr's personal experience, Eddard is shorter and less handsome than his older brother Brandon had been.

Listening to Catelyn recant her hypothesis and watching Eddard plan to foolishly move against the Lannisters is almost enough for Petyr to deviate from his plans and let him walk to his death. However, almost isn't enough for him to let this man walk to his death. Not only because Catelyn would never forgive him but also because their only proof would incriminate him instead considering that he lost the dagger to the king and not Tyrion. Saving the man who stands in his way to claiming Cat is nauseating, however it must be done for the long game. Besides, the honor bound buffoon will dig his own grave and throw himself in it eventually.

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