From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 125 - A Crow's Blunder

Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Magnolia Town

Kingdom of Fiore


Having five new children join the guild is more troublesome than I anticipated, especially since they are first generation dragon slayers, dragon slayers that were actually raised and trained by dragons and as such act more like dragons as opposed to humans. They wear their emotions on their sleeves, have no qualms with casually starting brawls where they use magic, and are more aggressive than the other children. Due to this, the guild hall has to be repaired at least once a day and they must be supervised at all times unless they are sleeping. From when they are training, to even when they are eating, no time seems to be a bad time for one of them to initiate a brawl amongst their guildmates or to initiate a fight amongst their peers of the same age. The only one not guilty of this is Wendy, the youngest of them all at the age of seven, one year younger than Cassandra. Even Rogue, the laid back and introverted one of them all has his moments where he acts like the others, with many of those moments being when his best friend, Sting, drags him along on his escapades.

Amongst her fellow dragon slayers, Wendy is an anomaly. Not only does she act like a normal child, but she is also shy and does not like any form of violence. From what I've been able to find out from Anna, the first part can be attributed to just her being herself while the second is mostly due to being raised by Grandeeney, the gentle Sky Dragon. Unlike her peers who prefer to spend their day training, sparring, and being all around destructive when Erza is not looking, Wendy prefers to spend her time reading with Levy, a new child member of Fairy Tail who is the same age as Jason, or hanging out with Cassandra who enjoys spending her time exploring Magnolia and its surrounding areas or hanging around Azula or I.

Which is why I am not surprised when the two of them just decide to sit next to me while I am re-reading the book on magic that I purchased with my cp. Although I have already finished the book and figured out the one-magic, which is unsurprisingly emotions, I find myself being somewhat attached to the mysterious book. Perhaps it is because this is the first book that I have read for recreational purposes since I have started my jumpchains, or at least the one that I even bother to remember. For a book meant to instruct one on magic, it can honestly pull you in and keep your interest for quite a while.

"Where's mother?" asks Cassandra as she sits on a stool next to me with Wendy following close behind her.

"She and Morgan went shopping with Anna and Scáthach I believe." I answer her as I turn the page on my book, and with Mavis and Makarov away on a guild master meeting I'm the only responsible a.d.u.l.t inside the hall."Do you need help with something?" I ask her.

"Just asking." replies Cassandra as she and Wendy pull out their own books and proceed to open them and read.

"What are you reading?" I ask her with interest.

�� 'The Art of War'" she answers without looking up.

"By Sun Tzu?" I ask as I momentarily look up from mine.

"Yup." she replies with a nod.

"Your mother?" I wonder with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup. She said that it's an easy book to get started on." she answers.

"How do you like it?" I inquire.

"It's ok." she answers with a shrug. "Most of it looks like common sense to me, I don't know why a book would need to be written to teach this." she tells me.

"Well, one thing you will learn as you grow older and experience more of life is that common sense is not very common, and true intelligence is even rarer than common sense." I reply as I return to my own book. "By the way, where is your brother and his band of misfits?" I ask her as I wonder where Jason and the boys could have gone to.

"They went on a mission together." she answers nonchalantly.

"All of them?" I ask, not bothering to hide the worry from my voice.

"Mhmm." hums Cassandra with a nod.

"May Scáthach have mercy on their souls." I whisper to myself as I imagine the amount of trouble that four dragon slayers, one dragon, a stripping ice mage, and a mage with a penchant for hearing other people's souls can cause together. Especially since none of them seem to be able to refrain from causing massive amounts of property damage. If Mordred catches them they will all be going to jail and none of us will be able to help them, not unless we actually want to. I for one would not mind letting them go to jail to learn restraint.

"And where are the other girls?" I ask her, hoping for some good news to offset this bad one.

"On a mission." she answers.

"Let me guess… somehow the boys and girls decided to compete against each other and they decided to settle it with a competition." I surmise. "And you didn't go because you think the reason is stupid."

"Yup." she replies with another nod.

With a sigh I return to my book while deciding that whatever the fallout may be I will leave it to be dealt with by Mavis or Makarov. The two of them run the guild, as such it's only fair that they are also responsible for the actions of its members. As far as I'm concerned, unless the situation is dire enough I'm on vacation and nobody will change that.

Before I can reingross myself in my book, the door to the guild hall is slammed opened, prompting the entire guild to look towards the entrance.

"We're back!" excitedly announces Mavis as she and Makarov walk into the building with three white haired children following along behind them. "Everybody, say hello to the Strauss siblings, Mirajan, Elfman and Lisanna, the newest additions to Fairy Tail's next generation of mages." she says as she presents the children to the guild hall, two girls and one boy. Mirajane is easily Erza's age, twelve years old, Elfman is Gray's age at eleven years old, and Lisanna is Jason's age, ten years old.

With enthusiastic roars, the members greet the newcomers as the bartenders bring out barrels of alcohol to celebrate the news Fairy Tail style, which essentially means by partying and causing massive amounts of property damage with a drunken brawl. This is what a typical day in Fairy Tail looks like, finding any reason to party and brawling. Failing that you can simply decide to get drunk without the party and then brawl, or vice versa. There's no set formula to how they do it.


Oldtown, the Reach


A few months after Ambrosius and Mordred's interference

Oldtown, one of the largest and oldest cities in Westeros, built by the First Men before the Andal invasion. It was constructed around the Hightower, the seat of House Hightower in the center of the city. Oldtown is home to the Citadel and houses the Starry Sept, formerly the seat of the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven.

Ever since the forceful disbandment of the Faith of the Seven, the septs which they used for worship were repurposed for the believers of Ambrosius, a religion that is honestly still in its infancy with the only thing that its followers know for certain is that Ambrosius is in fact a god, as verified by the Queen and and her knights, that he has a daughter who is a warrior herself, and he despises rapists more than anything else. Other than everything else is speculation, including who is the mother of his daughter, are there more gods which he rules over, what values does he favor, what must one do to be looked upon favorably, and many other questions.

It is due to having so many unanswered questions that many of true believers can usually be found in the repurposed septs praying in the hopes of receiving answers. However, things are very different this day as the Ironborns have decided to assault the town with none other than Euron Greyjoy, also known as Euron Crow's Eye.

Leading the charge on his black sailed and blood drenched deck ship, the Silence, along with his muted crew whose tongues have been ripped out, Euron leads a massacre upon Oldtown the likes have never seen before. Buildings burn, people scream, and rivers of blood flow through the streets as Euron and his men slaughter their way through the town.

With fear in their hearts the people run towards one location in hopes of receiving protection, the septs. Those lucky or physically fit enough make it there by leaving the others behind, and those cunning and heartless enough make it by throwing others towards the pirates in the hopes of distracting them.

Those caught by Euron's men either die, or suffer a fate worse than death. Families caught are forced to watch as the men are tortured while the women are r.a.p.ed. No one is safe, especially not those who believe in any god. For a beautiful and sunny weather, the day's events could not be more contrasting and horrifying.

Inside the Starry Sept, a group of twenty men can be found rounding up all of the sept's inhabitants in one corner while another looks on with a sly, charming smile on his blue lips. The man's skin is pale and his face is handsome with black hair and a dark beard. He wears a patch over his left eye that conceals a black eye shining with malice. His right eye is as blue as the sky and is regarded as his smiling eye. In addition, his lips are a pale blue, due to his propensity to drink shade of the evening, a thick, blue liquid consumed by the warlocks of Qarth that is a psychedelic drug known to give visions of the past and futures. This man is none other than Euron Greyjoy.

As Euron's men go about collecting the worshippers, a few of them refuse to accept their fate and fight back, only to be quickly overpowered.

"Come now, there's no need to struggle. Things would be much easier if you simply accepted your fates" charmingly says Euron. "Then I wouldn't have to make you suffer more than usual. Perhaps a **** here, a ripped out tongue there, or even a dismemberment. Nothing too cruel. I am after all a man of my words." he continues as his charming smile turns vicious and the shadows in the room seem to actively be reaching out towards him.

"You are no man." spits out a young woman to the horror of her parents, and surprising everyone else. "You're just a dog that needs to be put down."

"Oh my, we have a fierce one over here." says Euron as he approaches the young woman. "Why aren't you afraid? I hold power over your entire fate in the palm of my hands." he tells her.

"Lord Gawain protects me." she answers as she spits on his face.

Rather than be enraged, Euron bursts into a round of laughter as he wipes the spit from his face.

"Lord Gawain? The new so-called god that you people started worshipping?" questions Euron as he backhands the young woman to the ground. "Let me tell you something girlie, the shade-of-the-evening holds more truth in it than in all the gods of Earth." he says as he crouches in front of her and tightly grasps her face to pull her closer to him. "Gods and moralities are lies. I have killed three brothers, then I went out and pissed into the sea, waiting for some god to strike me down. None did." he tells her as he pushes her back to the ground before standing up. "Gods are lies, and men are meat. When men see my sail, they pray. I am the godliest man to raise sail." claims Euron as he stares into the defiant eyes of the young woman.

Before the young woman can answer Euron however, a pillar made of rainbow lights falls from the sky and strikes the ground, temporarily blinding all of the sept's occupants. Once the light vanishes and their visions return, the people in the sept are able to see what emerged from the light.

Standing on a runic circle caused by the pillar of rainbow light is none other than a fully armored Athena along with Frigga, Freyja, Brunhilde, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila, and Nubia.

"Kill all of the pirates save for their leader, I am sure that Ambrosius would have words with him." orders Athena.

With no need for any more words the group proceeds to effortlessly slaughter every single member of Euron's crew while leaving Euron himself unconscious from a blow to the head. With the men inside the sept having been dealt with, the warrior women make their way to Oldtown to finish what they have started while Athena attends to the victims in the sept.

"Who…who are you?" questions the young woman as Athena helps her to her feet.

"I am Pallas-Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Reason, Strategy, Warfare, Crafts and Arts, Patron of Heroic Endeavours and sister to King Ambrosius."


AN: So I passed my first test and only have one more to go, which is why I was able to get this chapter to you guys. You guys may notice that this chapter is shorter than usual and that's because I lost my momentum from the long break I had to take, so I need to get used to writing again. Also I found that whatever interest I had for this setting is completely lost, so I'll be making this part of the vacation shorter than originally intended. As usual feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

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