From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 126 - Surprise

The Great Hall, The Red Keep

King's Landing, Crowlands


Silence fills the Great Hall as the small council processes the day's most recent events. The day had started out no different than any other day, at least until six fully armored warrior women appeared in the middle of the Great Hall carrying an unconscious man with pale blue lips and an eyepatch over his left eye. The leader had introduced herself as Pallas-Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Reason, Strategy, Warfare, Crafts and Arts, Patron of Heroic Endeavours and sister to none other than King Ambrosius, the god that many of them worship. From there, Athena had decreed that the tourney fields be prepared for a spectacle.

"Pardon me my lady, but did you say that the tourney fields should be prepared for a spectacle?" asks Quentyn Targeryen nee Martell, husband of Queen Daenerys Targeryen.

"I did not say, I ordered." forcefully answers Athena, causing Daenerys' guards to nervously tighten their hold on their weapons.

"Now, now, no need to get testy." comments Oberyn. "Perhaps you could explain to us what is going on." he says charmingly, earning an eye roll from all six of the warrior women.

Before any of them can answer him however, Euron groans as his consciousness returns to him only for Artemis to whack him in the back of the head with the handle of her axe, Mistress, causing him to once again fall unconscious.

"Careful Artemis, we want him to be able to experience the full brunt of his punishment." says Akila.

"Evidently you were far too careful since his consciousness returned this quickly." answers Artemis as she whacks him in the back of the head one more time for good measure.

As Euron once again falls unconscious, Daenerys, who has been quiet up until now, stands from her position on the Iron Throne and approaches the group.

"You claim to be the sister of Gawain, and I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. However, should I find you to be imposters I will have you all slain before being fed to my dragons." claims Daenerys as she stares into Artemis' eyes. "Do I make myself clear?" questions Daenerys, earning a raised eyebrow from Athena and nods of approval from the Valkyries and their Amazonian sisters.

"I like her." whispers Brunhilde as Daenerys turns around and orders for the tourney field to be prepared and for the population of King's Landing to make their way there.

Once everyone, save for Daenerys' guards, have vacated the Great Hall to go about preparing the tourney field, Daenerys turns back towards the group before looking down at the unconscious body of Euron Greyjoy.

"Who is this?" asks Daenerys.

"Simply a mad dog that needs to be put down." answers Artemis with a scowl.

"Nay. Death is far too good of a punishment for him. He will make a fine example as to what happens to serial rapists." argues Freyja.

"Indeed, I am sure that Queen Azula will administer the perfect punishment for him." agrees Akila.

Before the conversation can continue, the doors to the Great Hall are pushed open as a woman determinedly makes her way inside followed closely by Nymeria Sand.

"Arianne, how may I help you?" asks Daenerys.

Arianne is a buxom and beautiful woman no older than thirty years old, with olive skin, large dark eyes and long, thick black hair that falls in ringlets to the middle of her back, and full lips. She wears an elegant crimson dress that easily accentuates her figure, drawing the eyes of any who see her.

Back when Ambrosius lived as Gawain, he and Arianne were quite close with another. So much so that many believed that if Doran did not allow them to marry, they would elope with one another. In fact they were so close that they were each other's firsts and only intimate partners in the bedroom before Ambrosius left for King's Landing. Originally Ambrosius planned on asking her to join him in his adventures, however he decided against doing so once he saw her drive to becoming the ruler of Dorne. Not only would this pose a possible conflict, but so would Arianne's personality. While quite cunning and calculating, Arianne is also fierce-tempered and quick to anger. Once she sees something she desires, she strives to obtain it at all cost. Sometimes even becoming obsessed with obtaining it and being blinded by that one specific goal, a stage that she almost reached in regards to becoming the ruler of Dorne back when Ambrosius lived as Gawain.

"Where is he, Daenerys?" demands Arianne in a beautiful husky voice full of Dornish accent.

"What makes you think that he's here?" questions Daenerys.

"Don't play me for a fool, there is no way a group of warriors magically appearing in the middle of the Great Hall have nothing to do with him." answers Arianne irritably as she places her a hand on her waist.

"Like I told you last time, I have no idea where he is. After he interfered in the battle, he briefly spoke to Oberyn and I before leaving to wherever it is gods live." replies Daenerys

"And like I told you last time, you were a fool not to ask him where he goes." says Arianne.

"Watch yourself Arianne. You may have helped in my training, and in raising me, but I am still Queen. There are things that I cannot let slide." warns Daenerys.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Arianne apologises with a slight bow.

"Did you tell him?" asks Arianne once she is sufficiently calm.

"It's not my place to tell him, even if it feels like you actually want me to." answers Daenerys.

"Well it would certainly be easier for me if you did." answers Arianne with a wry smile. "How does one even go about giving such news to a god?" she wonders with a slight shake of her head.

"You simply do." interrupts Athena, drawing Arianne's eyes to her group for the first time.

Before Arianne can answer her, screaming can be heard coming from outside of the Great Hall that seems to come from the entirety of King's Landing. Alarmed, Daenerys rushes out of the Great Hall, followed closely by Arianne, Nymeria, and her guards.

"They're here." claims Frigga as they too make their way outside of the Great Hall and towards the nearest courtyard.

Arriving at their destination, the group easily sees what caused the populous to begin screaming. Looking up, they can see the entire sky darken almost as if night has fallen before the black sky is covered in rainbow lights similar to the northern lights. Unlike the northern lights however, one can see every single color of the rainbow and even colors that many would have never taught to be possible. From fiery blue reminiscent of Azula's flames, to crimson red that makes it seem as if the sky is bleeding, and even ethereal emerald green, the rainbows of colors seem to have no end.

Things however do not end there, for cracks begin to form in the rainbow, alarming everyone, and as the cracks grow a hole is formed in the beautiful rainbow sky, allowing a beacon of sunlight to shine down upon the city of King's Landing, forcing the people to avert their eyes until they become properly adjusted to the light. Once their eyes have adjusted, they once more turn their eyes to the sky to see four armored figures majestically descending from the heavens, creating a sight that none will forget for as long as they live. The sight is so beautiful and awe inducing that the majority of the people slowly fall to their knees in reverence.

Leading the four figures with his golden trident in hand is none other than Ambrosius himself donning his godly armor, his long white hair and blood red cape elegantly fluttering in the wind behind him. Not far behind are Azula, Scáthach, and Morgan. While Azula and Scáthach also don their godly armor and carry their weapons, Morgan elected to wear a beautiful emerald dress that not only accentuates her figure, but also matches the color of her eyes, and holds no weapon in her hands.

"Queen Daenerys." greets Ambrosius in a booming, yet not overbearing, voice as he and his goddesses hover a few feet away from the Red Keep.

"Lord Ambrosius." answers Daenerys as she bows to him, her voice somehow transmitting to everyone in King's Landing.

Hearing Daenerys' words along with her actions, the people of King's Landing cannot help but look upon the four gods with even more reverence. Those who had previously remained standing now bow, those who are followers of his religions look for ways to bow further, and the truly fanatic members of his religion go as far as to lay themselves down on the streets, their lips kissing the ground.

Unused to such extreme reactions to his presence, Ambrosius forces himself not to react and instead focuses on Daenerys.

"Stand, little sister." orders Ambrosius with a kind smile. "Those I have designated as family need not to bow, even if they are mortal." he says as he levitates her to her feet.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" asks Daenerys.

"I have come with two purposes in mind. The first is to answer the prayers of my people. For years you have prayed to me for guidance, today I reward your dedication. You wish to know more about me, my family, and how to earn our favor, and I shall answer you." says Ambrosius to the people, prompting many of his believers to look up at him with hopeful gazes. "Before I can answer those questions however, I must introduce you to my family.�� he says as he motions to Azula, Scáthach, and Morgan.

Floating up, Azula sends a lightning bolt into the sky, drawing the attention of the people.

"I am Azula, Queen of the Sky, Goddess of Lightning and Thunder, Fire, Deceit, Choices, Revenge, Illusions, Leader of the Amazons, Patron of Warrior Women, overseer of Hell, and wife of King Ambrosius." says Azula as she introduces herself to the people.

"I am Scáthach, Queen of the Dead, Goddess of Death, the Hunt, Winter, Ice, Mountains, Wilderness, War, Fate, Leader of the Valkyries, Patron of Fallen Warriors, overseer of Purgatory, and wife of King Ambrosius." introduces Scáthach as small flurries of snow fall on King's Landing despite the summer weather.

"As for me, I am Morgan, Queen of the Earth, Goddess of Magic, Life, Crossroads, Luck, Beauty, Prophecy, Patron of Mothers, and Royals, overseer of Heaven, and wife of King Ambrosius." says Morgan as she conjures a majestic castle into the sky before making it disappear, further awing the people.

"You have now met some of my family. This brings me to my second purpose for being here, punishment." says Ambrosius as Athena joins them in the sky with a now awake Euron Greyjoy in her grasps before she hands him off to Ambrosius who dismisses his trident. "This is Euron Greyjoy. Pirate, thief, murderer, and worst of all rapist. For unwise reasons he decided to attack Oldtown along with his mute crew and his Ironborn brethrens. There they pillaged, burned, murdered, tortured, and r.a.p.ed the people of Oldtown, even going as far as to assault the Starry Sept and those worshiping inside." informs Ambrosius, horrifying the people and drawing calls for Euron's punishment.

Raising his hand, Ambrosius silences the crowd before continuing.

"Euron claims that drugs hold more truth in them than in all the gods of Earth. He claims that Gods and moralities are lies. That gods are lies, men are meat, and that he is the godliest man to raise sail. According to him, these are the reasons for his atrocious actions." says Ambrosius, further impasionning the crowd against the pirate, with some even calling for him to be burned alive before Ambrosius silences them once again with a raise of his hand. "Unrepentant and unremorseful men like Euron have no place in Heaven, nor in Purgatory, and as such belong in none other than Hell." he says as he tosses Euron to Azula who opens a fiery portal and sends the pirate through, earning a cheer from the people.

Having said his piece, Ambrosius and the others float down to the balcony where Daenerys is situated and make their way inside the Red Keep just as the rainbow of lights disappear and the sky returns to normal.

"Well that certainly was a spectacle." comments Oberyn . "You know how to put on a show." he says the group makes their way towards the Great Hall.

"Living around you for years, one is bound to pick up a few things." answers Ambrosius.

"Is that flattery? It seems that you've picked up quite a lot from me." replies Oberyn with a smirk.

"Are none of you worried that this show will have created fanatics, dangerous fanatics?" questions Daenrys.

"Every religion will have fanatics, no matter the god. It is simply how it is." answers Scáthach. "We will simply show them that fanatics do not earn our favor." she says as they walk into the Great Hall where Arianne is waiting for them.

"Gawain. Or should I call you Ambrosius now?" asks Arianne with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Either works." answers Ambrosius.

"I want to slap you." replies Arianne.

"That would be warranted." admits Ambrosius with a slight nod. "But you won't." says Ambrosius.

"I won't." agrees Arianne.

"You'll just poison my drink later." claims Ambrosius, shocking the onlookers.

"And it won't even do anything." surmises Arianne.

"For f.u.c.k's sake, I can feel the s.e.x.u.a.l tension between you two. If you want to go at it, go!" exclaims Oberyn, earning a few raised eyebrows from the group.

"If s.e.x.u.a.l tension was the only problem I'd agree, but she also wants something else." says Azula.

Before anyone else can say something a child's voice can be heard calling out from the corridor as he runs towards the Great Hall.

"Mom, did you see the gods?! They were amazing!" calls out the child as he runs into the Great Hall.

The child is no older than six years old, stands at three feet seven inches, possesses midnight black hair tied into a ponytail, with a single curly strand falling on the bridge of his nose between his eyes and further enhancing their already beautiful violet glow filled with childlike innocence. Looking at the child's face, Ambrosius sees an uncanny familiarity that causes a pit to form in his stomach.

"Scáthach, do you see it too?" asks Morgan as the child makes his way to Arianne who greets him with a beautiful smile and a hug.

"I do." answers Scáthach as Arianne whispers in the child's ears, prompting him to turn around and to look into Ambrosius' eyes.

"You're my father?" asks the boy hopefully.


AN: Here's another chapter, and we meet Ambrosius' first biological child. Some of you have been wondering when Ambrosius will have biological kids, and the answer is soon, I just have no idea how to write gods raising baby gods. Also you guys might be wondering why I decided for it to be Arianne and it's because Arianne was originally supposed to be his first companion, but that got scrapped for reasons stated in the chapter and because I didn't build them up, so it would have been way more jarring than the way I did it here. Also I'll be wrapping up the Fairy Tail portion of the vacation soon since I have no motivation for it anymore (the setting feels so bland to me right now for some reason). As usual thoughts and constructive criticism are welcomed.

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