From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 127 - Plots and Attempted Plots

The Great Hall, The Red Keep

King's Landing, Crowlands


Silence fills the Great Hall as the father and son duo look into each other's eyes with varying emotions flowing through them. The son holds nothing but excitement for finally meeting his father, a legendary figure whom he knew nothing about other than his prowess in combat, and the cunning of his mind. He did not even know his father's name for his mother refused to name him for fear of him never returning to visit and leaving the child with a false sense of hope of ever meeting his father.

For the father, a few things go through his mind, the first being regret. Regret for not being there for his first biological son's first six years. He does not even question the truth of Arianne's claim for the resemblance between him and the child are as clear as day. From the midnight black hair, to the brown skin that is a touch darker than a normal dornishman's skin, to the uncanny facial features that will grow up to be handsome beyond measure, and finally the mesmerising violet eyes that he too once possessed.

The second thing that goes through Ambrosius' mind is a sense of excitement and happiness at having a son. While one can say that he already has a son in Jason, the truth of the matter is that it's not the same. To Jason he is currently nothing more than a surrogate father as opposed to simply a father, and honestly Ambrosius doesn't mind. He didn't take Jason in for the boy to look towards him as his father. Meeting this son of his is more akin to meeting Mordred and being designated as her father, yet somehow this also feels more intimate and heartwarming.

"Come here, boy." instructs Ambrosius.

Unsure of whether to obey or not, the boy looks towards his mother who simply gives him an encouraging smile and nod, prompting him to walk closer to his father.

"What is your name?" asks Ambrosius as he kneels in front of the boy.

"Daemon." replies the boy proudly, causing Ambrosius to look at Arianne with a raised eyebrow.

"Doran refuses to allow me to name him Martell, and I refuse to brand my son Sand." explains Arianne with an incensed tone that speaks of a certain amount of rage she holds towards her father.

"It doesn't matter, his last name shall be Malphas. The name of his father." says Ambrosius with a smile that his son returns.

"Tell me Daemon, what do you aspire to be someday?" asks Ambrosius.

"I will be the greatest warrior to ever live." claims the boy, who in the excitement of finally meeting his father has completely forgotten that he is a god.

"An ambitious goal. How do you plan on accomplishing it?" asks Ambrosius.

"Practice. Uncle Oberyn has already started training me with the spear. Then I'm going to travel the world to make my prowess known." answers Daemon.

"Has he now? Well I hope that the spear is the only thing he has been teaching you." replies Ambrosius as he stands and looks towards Oberyn who simply gives him a nervous chuckle.

Ignoring Oberyn's nervous chuckle, Ambrosius makes his way towards the Iron Throne with Daemon following closely behind, his small hand held within his father's bigger hand.

"You still sit on this piece of scrap metal?" observes Ambrosius as he looks at the jagged throne in distaste.

"What is wrong with it?" asks Daenerys.

"It is…" begins Ambrosius as he looks for the correct word.

"Ugly." says Azula.

"Antiquated." adds Scáthach.

"Undignified." suggests Morgan.

"All of the above." agrees Ambrosius even as he walks up the dais and sits on the throne while placing Daemon on his lap. "Tell me Athena, what are the results of your research?" asks Ambrosius as he sits comfortably on the throne despite the countless pieces of swords attempting to stab and slash him.

"Eldritch abominations and shells of past deities that cling to their former glory." she answers, causing all of the mortals to look on in confusion.

"How powerful are they, and how much can they influence this world?" asks Scáthach.

"Personally? They are not that powerful, but they can still make use of mortals, such as the practitioners of magic in Asshai to carry out their will. And while the morals cannot harm us, they can easily cause a lot of trouble for Westeros" she explains.

"In that case they're lives are forfeit." says Azula. "Take a squad of Amazons with you and dispose of these so-called gods." she orders.

"That won't stop the mortals. Especially since their magic does not rely as much on these deities anymore." says Athena.

"That's not a problem. I will be changing how magic works in this world. That will leave them powerless." says Morgan, drawing looks of shock from the mortals.

"I must have misheard you…but did you say that you will be changing how magic works?" asks Daenerys.

"You heard correctly. I will be changing how magic works in this world." repeats Morgan, causing Daenerys and the other mortals to simply accept her claims as facts, especially since none of the other gods seem to want to refute her..

"That is an adequate solution. Certainly better than killing them all." says Scáthach.

"What of the Ironborn?" asks Oberyn. "They assaulted Oldtown. Killed, pillaged, burned, and r.a.p.ed their way through the town and the septs. They cannot go unpunished." he says.

"And they won't. Even as we speak a squad of Amazons slaughter anyone guilty of such actions while freeing any of their slaves. In fact, they should be finished right about now." answers Azula as she comfortably rests a hand on the pommel of Crocea Mors which is sheathed by her side.

"This is the second time you have mentioned such troops. Who are the Amazons?" asks Arianne

"The Amazons, my personal troops and the greatest troop of warriors on Mount Olympus." proudly answers Azula.

"With all due respect Lady Azula, I believe that we Valkyries hold that title." refutes Freyja as she steps forward, earning a nod of agreement from Scáthach and the other Valkyries present.

"Oh…and who pray tell gave you that title?" questions Azula with a raised eyebrow.

"No one did, and no one needed to. It is simply a well known fact that my Valkyries are better trained troops than your Amazons." responds Scáthach.

Rather than answer, Azula simply stares into Scáthach's eyes for a few seconds before turning away.

"One day we will test that theory." she says as she turns away.

"You allow women into your armies?" asks Daenerys.

"Those troops are made entirely of women. There is not a single man that is a member of the Amazons nor the Valkyries. That however is where most of the similarities end. The Amazons are warriors and soldiers tasked with waging war against our enemies, while the Valkyries are tasked with collecting the souls of fallen warriors for Valhalla and with defending Asgard." explains Ambrosius.

"Valhalla? Asgard? Never heard of them." says Oberyn.

"Valhalla, it is the Heaven for warriors who have lived a life worthy of it. It is located in Asgard, the golden city of the gods." explains Frigga.

Before any more words can be spoken, a glowing runic circle appears on the floor and teleports Nubia into the Great Hall.

"It is done." reports Nubia as she bows to Azula. "The pirates have been slayed and the slaves freed. As of now the islands are under the control of the citizens and those slaves who have nowhere to return to."

"What of the nobles?" asks Azula.

"Most were unwilling to part ways with their traditions and were disposed of. The remaining ones were made to swear an oath on Mordred's name to never return to their pirating ways." she replies.

"Thank you Nubia. Return to our sisters and prepare a squad of Amazons for an excursion of godslaying. Take Artemis and Akila with you. You'll be under Athena's lead." orders Azula.

With a bow, Artemis, Akila, and Nubia make their way to the runic circle where they teleport out of the Great Hall, earning an awed look from Daemon.

"Woah!" whispers the boy in astonishment. "Is that magic?" he asks as he turns to face his father.

"Yes it is." answers Ambrosius with a proud smile.

"Can I try?" he asks before something else comes to his mind. "Wait…. You're the gods from earlier!" he exclaims with starstruck eyes.

"Yes we are." replies Ambrosius with a chuckle.

"Woah!" whispers Daemon.

"An appropriate response. Now, why don't you go play, us a.d.u.l.ts need to speak for a while longer." suggests Ambrosius.

With a nod Daemon jumps off Ambrosius' lap and runs out of the Great Hall while waving towards his mother who simply waves back with a smile.

"He is more social than I was at that age." observes Ambrosius as he watches his son run off.

"Every kid is more social than you were." says Oberyn with a snort. "There were only three places one could find you when you weren't building that spy network of yours. The library, the training yard, or Arianne's bedchambers when you finally grew." he teases.

"Better than constantly drinking, siring children and fighting." argues Ambrosius.

"Debatable." replies Oberyn with a wrinkle of his nose and a slight shake of his head.

Before anyone else can say something, a cloaked figure appears in front of the throne in a kneeling position. Alarmed, Oberyn and the other guards draw their weapons and point it at the figure.

"The castle has been cleared." calmly reports the figure with a muffled voice despite the weapons being pointed at them. "There were a few spies amongst the servants, and an assassin amongst the kitchen staff. It's why the queen never gets pregnant." claims the figure as Ambrosius gestures for the guards to put their weapons away.

"Thank you Cheshire. From now on I want a squad situated in the castle at all times. Key figures are to be guarded by either you, Viper, Shiva, or Onyx. As of right now however, I order you to take a few months off and go see Artemis. Hand leadership over to Nyssa until Shiva returns." orders Ambrosius, earning a slight nod from the figure before they disappear.

"What was that?" questions Daenerys.

"That was Cheshire, a member of the League of Shadows. A group of spies and assassins that operate under me." answers Ambrosius as he rubs his chin in thought. "When we arrived in the castle there were quite a few presences with negative intentions. As such I dispatched Cheshire to deal with them and to find their purpose. It seems that someone did not want you to continue your family line." he explains.

"No doubt they were hoping for her to die without an heir. That would plunge the kingdoms into absolute chaos." adds Morgan.

"Who could benefit from this?" asks Arianne.

"Quite a few actually, with the Iron Bank of Braavos being the first name that pops into mind. The Baratheon king did owe them a substantial sum of money that was never paid. As far as they are concerned that debt now falls upon you, and clearly you refuse to pay." answers Scáthach.

"There are also Baratheon loyalists that were overlooked when you transitioned to power. As a matter of fact, if your enemies band together they could probably afford an assassin from the House of Black and White." adds Azula. "It would probably be more prudent to remove them entirely."

"Them? The House of Black and White, the Iron Bank of Braavos, or the Baratheon loyalist?" questions Daenerys.

"All of them." responds Azula and Morgan simultaneously.

"Or we can take over the Iron Bank and the House of Black and White, and use them to remove all Baratheon loyalists. This would also give you a stronghold in Braavos hidden from the other Free Cities." suggests Ambrosius.

"How do you propose we go about doing that?" asks Oberyn.

"It is already being done. This is why I have the League of Shadows after all."


AN: And another chapter done. After one more Westeros chapter we'll be returning to Fiore and wrapping up Fairy Tail. As usual tell me what you guys think, and suggestions and criticism are welcomed.

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