From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 128 - Welcome to the Family

The Training Fields, The Red Keep

King's Landing, Crownlands


Today's morning started out like any other morning for Azula. She awoke in bed, entangled with her belovedes, with the sun very much still hidden away in the horizon. Per usual she was the third one to awake with Morgan being the last. Afterwards she and the others cleaned themselves before eating a small snack and making their way to the training fields. From there, they trained normally before beginning their melee. They continued with their melee until the castle became full of activity and they were joined in the field by Oberyn, the sand snakes, Daenerys, Daemon, and Arianne.

This is how she finds herself watching the spars in the training yard. Currently Daenerys spars with the spear wielding one of the sand snakes, Obara is her name Azula believes, while Daenerys wields a bastard sword herself. From what Azula has seen so far, the Queen is certainly skilled and was trained properly. However she seems to be a bit rusty due to the lack of seeing any actual combat in a while. Her moves are fluid, skilled, and certainly well executed, but unfortunately have quite the wasted movements that easily tire her out.

"She's not bad." comments Morgan from beside Azula. "Certainly a bit rusty and lacking in terms of experience, but still much better than quite a lot of the other men here. In fact, I dare say that she is better than most of them."

"Yes…well I wouldn't consider any of these warriors to be a good measure of skill." answers Azula.

"If you mean by our terms, then certainly. But in terms of this world, they are quite skilled." refutes Scáthach.

"And this world is not a good measure of skill either." replies Azula. "Once the average warrior here can contend with the average warrior of the League of Assassins, then I will recognise their skill." she says as the group watches Obara disarm Daenerys, causing her to yield and ending the spar.

"That is a bit unfair considering the fact that the average member of the League of Assassins is trained in every form of combat. From unarmed combat to swords, to spears." answers Scáthach as Ambrosius pulls Daemon into the sparing circle.

"Well this should be interesting." says Morgan before Azula can answer Scáthach. "I wonder if he has his father's prodigious talent for combat." she questions.

"He does, but I believe that unlike his father he will have to pick a field of combat to specialise in." replies Scáthach.

"What are you on about?" questions Oberyn as he tosses a drinking pouch full of water to Daenerys as she and Obara join them on the side. "Ambrosius specialises in the spear."

"I can see how you would think so, Ambrosius does use the spear so often that one can easily forget that he knows how to wield other weapons." says Scáthach. "The truth of the matter is that he can wield any weapon as masterfully as he does the spear. From the sword, to an axe, or even a warhammer. He simply uses the spear out of preference." she elaborates as they watch Ambrosius pick a blunted longsword and tosses one to his son.

As soon as Daemon catches the sword and sets himself into his fighting stance, Azula and Scáthach's interest seems to peak. They watch as Ambrosius taunts his son into attacking and proceeds to do nothing but deflect or block Daemon's attacks before he himself takes the initiative and attacks Daemon.

"Well isn't this interesting." comments Azula as the group watches Daemon deflect the first attack and proceeds to barely dodge the follow up attacks. "The boy is more suited to be a member of the League as opposed to being a knight." she says as Daemon jumps over a sword swipe to his leg and uses his father's sword as a springboard to launch himself into the air and towards Ambrosius' face with a slash of his sword.

"It certainly seems so." agrees Scáthach. "He makes use of his agility in a way that the assassins of the League do as opposed to how a knight or soldier would. Who taught him this?" she asks as she looks at Oberyn.

"No one. The boy's always moved like that. I figured that it was from all his climbing and running." answers Oberyn.

"I'm sure that most of it can be attributed to that, but the other part is easily talent and instincts." says Morgan as Ambrosius disarms his son with smirk before giving him a proud smile and ruffling his hair. "Oh boy. They are going to be here for a while." she comments as she sees the usual excited glint in Ambrosius' eyes that he gets once he becomes excited about something.

"That's perfect." says Azula as she grabs Arianne and pulls her while walking towards the exit of the training fields despite the other woman's startled protests.

Intrigued, Morgan grabs Scáthach and follows Azula out of the training fields.

"I don't like this." whispers Scáthach as she takes notice of the smile on Azula's face.

"It won't be that bad." reassures Morgan as she too notices the smile on Azula's face.

"Everytime she smiles like that someone suffers in some way, shape, or form." says Scáthach.

"That is an exaggeration." argues Morgan.

"It certainly is not. You only say that because you've never been on the receiving end of that smile." argues Scáthach. "The last time she smiled like that I ended up tied to our bed while you three teased me to no end without allowing me to experience a release." says Scáthach with a glare as they follow Azula into their bedrooms.

"At least the smile isn't for you." says Morgan as she closes the door behind her. "So…what are we doing here Azula?" she asks.

"With Ambrosius busy getting to know his son, I figured that this would be the perfect time to get to know his first love. After all, she is now a member of the family regardless of whether she joins us in bed or not." she explains as she magically cleans herself before turning her training clothes into a dark red dress that accentuates her figure. "And what better way to do that than to talk while taking a stroll through Kings Landing."

"Well I'm certainly interested." says Morgan as she follows Azula's example but decides to wear an emerald green dress that matches her eyes as opposed to a red one.

"Is that all you have planned?" questions Scáthach skeptically.

"*Of course not.*" answers Azula mentally with a scoff even as she verbally says yes for Arianne's sake. "*You know me better than that.*" she admonishes Scáthach.

"*And what exactly do you have planned?*" asks Scáthach as she follows Azula's example and dons a burgundy dress.

"*You'll see.*" answers Azula as she magically cleans Arianne. "What color would you prefer your dress to be?" she asks the puzzled woman.

"And what if I don't want to go along with whatever scheme you've plotted?" asks Arianne as she crosses her arms over her chest, the ring in her hand glinting in the sunlight.

"As if you ever had a choice." answers Azula with a sickeningly sweet voice as she turns Arianne's training gear into a yellow dress before teleporting out of the room with a smirk on her face.

With an exasperated sigh, Scáthach follows with a teleportation of her own while Morgan does so with a grin on her face.

Coming out of the teleportation, Arianne does her best to deal with her nausea due to her sudden displacement while Scáthach and Morgan observe their new surroundings, an alleyway that leads to a heavily populated street.

"Azula, where exactly are we?" asks Scáthach as she observes the countless men and women walking about with many of the women dressed in suggestive dresses while some of the men lecherously look at them as they walk past or walk into different buildings.

"This is the Street of Silk located on the Hill of Rhaenys leading up to the Dragonpit by the west. The street is known for its brothels." answers Azula as Morgan magically helps Arianne deal with her nausea.

"What are we doing here?" asks Arianne.

"On the Street of Silk, there's a particularly high end brothel that has come under new management a few years ago, Chataya's Brothel. The previous owner, Chataya, disappeared under mysterious circ.u.mstances and her brothel is now under the ownership of some small Lord named Osgrey who uses it to curry favor with whomever such a tactic would work on." informs Azula. "Your assignment is simple, transfer ownership of the brothel to someone more worthy of it and deal with Lord Osgrey however you see fit."

"That's it?" asks Arianne with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, that's it." answers Azula with a smile. "Morgan will provide you with anything you need using her magic, but you have to complete the assignment manually."

"Very well." says Arianne as she turns to face Morgan. "I'm going to need makeup, a hair tie, and cheap perfume."

"Will that be all?" asks Morgan as she conjures the required materials for Arianne.

"That will be all." answers Arianne as she proceeds to lighten her complexion using the makeup, accentuating her cheekbones, covering the smell of her own perfume with the cheap one's and pulling her hair into a messy bun before returning the makeup to Morgan. "The dress, it needs to be a bit looser." says Arianne as she points to her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

With a raised eyebrow Azula grants her requests and loosens the dress, allowing her b.r.e.a.s.ts to hang freely and to move no matter how small her movement, bringing attention to them. She then proceeds to ask Azula ro create a slit on the side of her legs. Satisfied with the dress, Arianne parts the slit on her left leg, showcasing a set of pouches tied to her thigh. Grabbing three of them, she proceeds to empty their contents into a single pouch before crushing them.

"What is this?" asks Scáthach.

"This is a concoction that Tyene and I stumbled upon. When ingested, it makes the person susceptible to any suggestion." explains Arianne as she crushes the herbs into a fine powder twisting her ring, causing a small compartment to open in the ring where she deposits the powder.

"That's an interesting mechanism." comments Morgan.

"It was a gift from Ambrosius." informs Arianne with a smile before she turns to Azula. "Is Lord Osgrey going to be there?" she asks.

"Maybe, maybe not." answers Azula with a shrug.

With a roll of her eyes Arianne slightly puffs out her chest and adjusts her posture before walking out of the alleyway with her h.i.p.s swaying.

"I like her." says Morgan with a smirk as they watch Arianne make her way to Chataya's Brothel.

"She does have a fire in her. No wonder Ambrosius fell for her." agrees Scáthach before she turns to Azula. "When did you find all of this information to set this up?" she asks.

"Last night, before coming to bed." answers Azula. "I wanted to see what she's made of since she's now part of the family. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link." she says before they begin to follow Arianne, unseen by everyone.


Making her to Charaya's Brothel, a two story tall building with a stone ground floor and a timber upper floor with many of its windows leaded and an ornate lamp of gilded metal and scarlet glass swings over the door, Arianne gives the two sellswords guarding it a sultry smile before walking in.

Inside the entrance the air smells of exotic spice. Its floor displays a mosaic of two women entwined in love. Behind an ornate Myrish screen that has been carved with flowers, fancies, and dreaming maidens, one can find the common room. It has a cushioned alcove and a leaded colored glass window where sunlight pours through and a young man can be found playing the pipes.

As Arianne makes her way towards the common room, a beautiful woman in a silk dress and no older than her approaches her.

"How may I help you?" asks the woman.

"Lord Stackhouse has sent me here. I am to entertain Lord Osgrey." confidently answers Arianne with a pleasant smile on her face even as she notices a bruise hidden under the woman's sleeves and other signs of physical abuse.

"Oh." says the woman while barely hiding the pity in her voice as she plasters a fake smile on her face. "Lord Osgrey barely shows up unfortunately, so you'll have to speak to his overseer, Armory." she says as she leads Arianne into the second floor through a spiraling staircase and towards a room at the end of a corridor where she gently knocks on the door.

"Enter." orders a high, thin voice.

"You have a visitor Ser." says the woman as she walks in with a bow with Arianne following behind her.

"Who are you?" lecherously asks the man as his eyes travel up and down Arianne's figure.

"My name is Aelinor, Ser." sultrily answers Arianne as she bats her eyelashes at him, all the while hiding her disgust for the piggish man sitting behind the desk. Ser Amory is a stout man with a piggy face, and little pig's eyes. He once was a knight of the Lannisters, but when the main branch of the Lannister family was taken down and the Martells rose to power, he quickly cut all ties with them for fear of being also targeted himself. Eventually he found himself under the employ of Lord Osgrey, running the man's brothel and being his muscle.

"How may I help you Aelinor?" asks Armory as he stands from his seat and makes his way to Arianne, ignoring the leaving woman and completely missing Arianne twisting the ring on her finger.

"You are mistaken Ser, you cannot help me. Rather I can help you." replies Arianne as she steps into Armory's personal space and blows the powder onto his face.

Startled, Armory is unable to react in time as Arianne smashes her fist into his throat, blocking his airway, before she smashes her other fist onto his face, breaking his nose with a crunching sound. Not willing to allow him any reprieve, she knees him in between the legs, causing him to stumble to the ground in pain and unable to scream in pain due to his blocked airways. Once Armory is on the ground, Arianne smashes her foot on the side of his head, knocking him out.

With that done, Arianne makes her way to the desk and begins to rummage through it for anything of use. She knows that the papers of ownership should at least be somewhere in this room since Daenerys has sanctioned the gold cloaks to undertake random inspections of businesses and part of the inspection requires for the overseers to produce the papers to show who owns the business. She also knows that buying off the gold cloaks is near impossible since Daenerys has a habit of randomly checking up on them and the last gold cloak who was crooked was fed to one of her dragons to set an example.

Not finding what she is looking for, Arianne grabs a pouch tied to her thigh full of smelling salts and wakes Amory with it.

"Stand up Armory." orders Arianne as she tests out the results of her powder to his face.

Without a word of protest, Amory stands up, faces Arianne and awaits her command.

"Find me the papers of ownership for this brothel and any doc.u.ments with incriminating information on Lord Osgrey." she commands.

Like the first time, Armory obeys and makes his way to his desk where he opens a hidden compartment full of doc.u.ments that he passes on to Arianne with the paper of ownership at the top. Taking the doc.u.ments, Arianne inspects the papers of ownership.

"Smart." quietly comments Arianne as she notices that the brothel is written to be under Armory's ownership in case any illegal activities are found in there.

"Transfer ownership to Oberyn Martell, take off your pants, then go to sleep while sitting on your chair." orders Arianne as she hands the paper back to Armory.

Without a word of protest, Armory pens a doc.u.ment that transfers ownership of the brothel to Oberyn before he removes his pants, then sits down on his chair to sleep.

Satisfied, Arianne lets her hair fall down, ruffles her clothes, and ruins her makeup, giving her the disheveled appearance of a woman who has just had s.e.x. With a smile plastered on her face, Arianne makes her way out of the brothel unbothered and back into the alleyway where she finds Morgan, Azula, and Scáthach waiting for her.

"Not bad." comments Azula with a smile on her face. "That was quite well done." she compliments.

"Yes…well, s.e.x isn't the only thing Ambrosius and I did when we were together. He also taught me quite a bit." replies Arianne with a smirk as she hands Azula all of the doc.u.ments.

"We can tell, and while you did a splendid job, I do wonder what will stop Armory from seeking you out or telling of his encounter with you?" asks Morgan.

"He won't remember. For some reason the victim forgets everything that happened while under the influence of the concoction." answers Arianne. "He will only remember me entering the room, my name, and nothing else." she explains as she fixes her posture and wipes the makeup from her face using the sleeves of dress.

"Oh, I like you." says Morgan and Azula simultaneously with smirks on their faces while Scáthach merely rolls her eyes and internally laments the trouble the trio of them could get into.


Small Village,

Outskirts of the Kingdom of Fiore

On the outskirts of Fiore, a small village can be found burning to the ground in the wake of an attack from an army. Within the village, a mother, Judith, can be found cradling the dead body of her daughter as tears fall down her face.

"Inanna…" sobs the mother as she slowly rocks back and forth and tightly hugs the body of her deceased daughter. "Mommy should have been there, I'm sorry." she says as she gently places her daughter's body down before her eyes are drawn to a piece of paper tightly clutched in her daughter's grip. Gently taking the paper from her daughter, the mother's eyes inspect the moving picture that depicts none other than Azula in her armor walking past an army as they fight amongst themselves as opposed to fighting her.

Seeing the picture, the mother is reminded of their first encounter with Azula and all of their subsequent encounters after that. As a merchant, she has always traveled to Magnolia for business, and had eventually taken Inanna with her when her daughter grew to be big enough. It was on Inanna's first trip that they had met Azula who had no problem entertaining her daughter. They had met Azula a few other times after that, but it was never really anything substantial. Still, Judith hopes that their brief meetings will be enough for Azula to accept her requests of vengeance, even if she has to pay her for it. If not for her, at least for Inanna.

With her mind made up, Judith wipes the tears from her eyes and begins to make her way to Magnolia with the moving picture of Azula in hand.


AN: Here's another chapter for this week. My final test is next week, so don't expect anything until then. As usual tell me what you guys think, and suggestions and criticism are welcomed. Also, I have an idea for the last two jumps. They won't be vacation jumps and will put Ambrosius, Azula, Scáthach, and Morgan in the world I decide without any of their powers or skills. So they'll have to use the powers of that world and relearn all of their skills such as hand-to-hand combat, poison, etc… It'll essentially be farewell arcs of the Malphas family before I officially end the story. A back to the basics arcs as farewell. If I did that the worlds that they visit would be something like Naruto and DBZ. I'd love to hear if you guys would be interested.

I also have an idea for a sequel featuring one of their biological children who decided that he would love to just adventure and seal his divinity just for the purpose of doing so. It would focus more on science as opposed to magic. So you could expect things like super soldier serums, tech armor, etc… Tell me if you guys would be interested.

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