From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 130 - Submission

Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Magnolia




"Oi brat, why am here?" questions an irritated Bahamut from his leaning position on the wall next to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall's entrance. We are currently standing outside of the guild hall awaiting Zeref and whatever forces he decides to teleport here along with. And unlike his usual sea serpent form, Bahamut has taken the form of a human after some persuasion on my part. Standing half a foot taller than me at six feet eight inches tall, Bahamut possesses white hair and brown skin the same shade as me along with a much more muscular build than I. He wears an ocean blue tunic along with black trousers and boots.

"Oi brat!" exclaims the serpent in protest to my lack of answer.

"What?" I reply irritatedly at being referred to as brat. Granted, compared to his thousands of years my centuries make me a child compared to him. That does not however make me accept the namesake, which I relay to him by shocking him with a small bolt of lightning

"Why am I here?" he asks once again.

"Because I said so." I simply reply.

"Ok, why do you say so? I know it's not because you need help fighting whoever this Zeref fellow is. You could have taken him even before you became a god." he claims.

"You are here to face Acnologia, The Dragon King." I finally answer.

"Dragon King? You mean the king of those overgrown lizards that call themselves Dragons?" he asks with a laugh, earning a raised eyebrow from me. "Wait,…" he says as he forces himself to stop laughing, " …you're serious?" he asks me, causing me to nod yes in return which in turn serves to make him laugh even harder.

Confused as to where the comedic factor to my statement is I give him a questioning look while raising my other eyebrow.

"Look, I'm not saying that the 'dragons' of this universe are weak," he says before pausing. "Actually, no. I am saying that these overgrown lizards are weak. In fact they are so weak that I could take the entire species on by myself and come out completely fine. Which is why I don't understand why you need me to beat that lizard."

"One, I do not need you to beat Acnologia, I want you to because I believe that you need to do something other than sleep all day in Gotham Bay. Two, the dragons are extinct so that would not be much of a challenge, and last how do you know so much about this world?" I ask him.

"Well even if they weren't extinct I could solo them easily. As for how I know so much about this world, sleeping in Gotham Bay isn't the only thing I do. Sometimes I wake up to go to Asgard." he says with a shrug.

"Regardless of whether you occasionally leave Gotham Bay or not I have decided that you will face Acnologia. It is about time you start to do some work as opposed to constantly sleeping. As of now you are the only member of the pantheon that is not working." I tell him.

"Heh?! I haven't seen Hecate do any work at all. In fact where the f.u.c.k is she anyway?" he asks.

"She is currently examining the Dark Multiverse to decide what the best course of action for it would be." I reply.

"That vile place? I say that we just destroy it completely." he suggests. "After all it's a mirror version of the regular multiverse where anything that can go wrong will go wrong times ten or even a hundred."

"I was of the same mind until Azula suggested that we integrate it with Hell. It will serve as a place of punishment for the worse of the worse. A place where they live a tortured and miserable life as recompense for their previous actions." I answer.

"Well damn." says Bahamut with a whistle. "I knew that there was a reason why she was the one in charge of Hell."

Before I can answer him Zeref appears down the street from us along with two companions that follow just a step behind him in a show of deference. Despite being hundreds of years old, Zeref has the appearance of a young man. He wears high-collared black and white robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga dr.a.p.ed around his torso. He has short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines. He also wears a pendant, where he keeps a childhood picture of Natsu and himself.

The first companion that catches my eye is a relatively tall, fair-skinned, still quite well-toned old man with blackish eyes and roughly shoulder-length, wavy, grayish-white hair, with the majority of his bangs swept leftward. He has a short mustache, and a lengthy, mildly thin beard that reaches down to his upper torso, shoots up towards the mouth in large spikes, and links to his main hair via sideburns. This man is none other than August, the abandoned son of Mavis and Zeref. Something that neither of them know.

As befitting of somewhere who follows the old and wise wizard trope, August sports a long, white and purple robe consisting of two major pieces: a long garment that reaches past his knees, with a tattered bottom edge and intricately designed linings on the ends of its sleeves, including a line of dark lozenges, and a shorter, more billowing garment above it, over only his chest area.

The second person is someone that Bahamut immediately pays attention to, and I am honestly not surprised considering the fact that she is a beautiful woman. Nowhere near as beautiful as Azula, Morgan, or Scáthach, but still more beautiful than the majority of women I have met throughout my travels in the omniverse. She is a tall, voluptuous woman with thickly braided, bow-adorned, scarlet hair. Her two front braids have two golden ornaments near the upper sections; she also wears two U-shaped earrings, one on each ear, and wears red lipstick.

For clothing, Irene dons a risqué version of the typical witch's garb. Her black top has a diamond-shaped opening, exposing a portion of her b.r.e.a.s.ts, and a heart-shaped pattern around the borders. It extends down to the navel of her stomach where it meets a large angular scar, is dr.a.p.ed over by a dark-colored cape with a light-colored inside and two medallion gold-like ornaments, and is held together by a golden chain. Not left bare, too, her neck is decorated by other small cloth-based accessories, including a wide bow. Additionally, Irene wears an elongated black loincloth with the symbol of the Alvarez Empire emblazoned on its front, having white borders on its edges and being connected to another cloth piece with the very same heart-shaped design. To finish off her outfit she wears black thigh-high boots with heels that have a white-colored border near the top and gloves of the same color and design, only having claw-like extensions, along with a black witch's hat is much larger than her head and possesses dreadlock designs with white bandaging near its ends. She is none other than Irene Belserion, mother of Erza, Queen of Dragnof, a nation where dragons and humans used to mingle peacefully, and a pioneer of Dragon Slayer Magic.

"Zeref, the infamous black wizard and ruler of the Alvarez Empire, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." I say as he and his group stop a few feet away from Bahamut and I. "I am Ambrosius Malphas, but you may refer to me as Lord Malphas." I introduce myself, earning looks of displeasure from August and Irene while Zeref himself remains impassive.

"You will show respect to the Emperor!" exclaims August with a firm tone as he raises his staff before forcefully bringing it back down, no doubt in an attempt to intimidate me into submission with his magical power, only for nothing to happen.

"Hehehehe, having performance issues old man?" mockingly questions Bahamut with a laugh. "It's alright, not all of us can be centuries old and still be at our peak. Isn't that right, Queen of Dragons?" he adds with a teasing smirk and a wink, earning looks of irritation from our enemies and a curious one from me.

"Oi Bahamut, are you trying to flirt with her?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"Who else would I be flirting with? She's the only hot dragon lady here. Yea she's pretty weak, but that can be fixed with some training." he answers with a shrug.

"Interesting, I always believed that you were simply too lazy to go looking for a significant other." I tell him.

"Not lazy, it's just that all the female dragons in our multiverse are f.u.c.k.i.e.d in the head. All of them are a bunch of sadists, especially in bed." he retorts with a shrug.

"Interesting." I reply as I turn my attention back to our irritated adversaries. "My apologies, it seems that I have veered us off track." I apologise.

"No worries, it was an enlightening exchange." answers Zeref as he sneaks a glance towards an annoyed Irene by his sides.

"Now, you may be wondering why you have been unable to use magic ever since your arrival, and the answer is simple. You have entered into a domain that I personally set." I inform them, earning alarmed looks from August and Irene while Zeref merely raises an eyebrow. "The rules of the domain are simple, no one may use magic unless given my express permission. As of now no one may use even the simplest form of magic, not even to enhance their physical parameters."

"Is there a purpose to this?" questions August.

"Considering the fact that I can turn you all to dust with a simple look regardless of whether or not you are at full power, no." I answer, earning looks of askance from them. "The truth of the matter is that I find that one can have a more productive conversation with their enemies should both sides be deprived of their standard means of combat." I tell them. Of course left unsaid to them is that I can easily kill them all with just my martial arts even if they use magic.

"What do you wish to talk about?" asks Zeref.

"Rather than a conversation, it is more along the lines of a simple proposal." I answer. "In exchange for your submission and loyalty, I will exterminate Acnologia for you, heal you of your madness, and reunite you with both your beloved and your son." I tell him, earning a glare from August.

"Madness?" questions Zeref with a slight frown.

"Yes, your madness. Perhaps you have not noticed, but your centuries of isolation, bringing about death and destruction along with being hated by the world has twisted your mind. The fact that you have not decided to obliterate the world despite it all is a testament to the good in your soul and your resilience. I have met immortals who have suffered less and acted far more atrociously compared to you." I explain to him.

"Madness?" he softly asks once again while internally reflecting on his recent actions. Invading a country simply to acquire a magical core of almost infinite proportions which coincidentally happens to be the body of his beloved. All to simply kill the calamity of humanity that is Acnologia. Even now it is clear that he is struggling to pick the more peaceful path despite knowing that my words are not empty. Throughout this entire exchange I have not hidden my power, which is why August and Irene have kept quiet despite being displeased with how I treat Zeref like a subordinate as opposed to the Emperor that he is.

Despite this however, Zeref still struggles to choose the more peaceful path due to his madness. One may wonder why I don't simply heal him of his madness so that he may choose correctly, and the answer is simple, this is a test. A test of his resilience and whether the kind man that he used to be is still in there somewhere, because I plan to make him a member of my pantheon. He will become the overseer of this world just like I plan to make Daenerys the overseer of her world once she dies and joins us in Asgard.

After what seems to be hours, Zeref releases a sigh and slowly falls on a knee.

"I accept your proposal Lord Malphas." he says with a bow of his head, shocking Irene and August.

"Stand." I order him with a smile even as I plunge into his mind and heal him while he follows my command. Disoriented from the sudden changes in his mind, Zeref stumbles forward only to be caught by Bahamut.

"Easy there." says Bahamut as Zeref falls unconscious in his arms. Not willing to leave his emperor to Bahamut, August steps forward and takes him from Bahamut.

"I trust that you will obey the wishes of your emperor?" I ask him and Irene.

"What of our forces?" asks Irene after she and August answered me with a nod.

"By now they will have retreated back to the Empire and a parley will have been struck between the two nations. As far as the world knows, the Rune Knights along with four S-Class mages of Fairy Tail repelled your attacks and peace has been fallen between the two nations. As far as the King of Fiore knows reparations will be made since you lost the war." I answer. "Don't worry your Empire will not be taken advantage of." I add seeing the worried expressions on their faces.

Before they can express their gratitude, a monstrous roar resounds throughout the sky as a massive dragon, by this world's standards, with pitch black scales with blue spirals appears over the horizon.

"He's pretty small." observes Bahamut before he opens his mouth and a ball of lightning starts to form in his mouth.

"What are you doing?! If you release that he will simply eat it and become more powerful!" alarmedly exclaims Irene as she lunges to stop him.

Before she can reach him however, the ball turns into a beam that completely disintegrates the black dragon, leaving nothing but dust behind shocking Irene and August into silence.

"Uh, I thought that he could at least take this much." mutters a disappointed Bahamut as he rubs the back of his head earning looks of shock from Irene and August while I simply chuckle at the fact that he hasn't even realised that since bonding with me he's grown at least ten times more powerful. The idiot has been too busy sleeping to notice. How typical of him.


AN: Sorry for the very late chapter guys, but my brain has been full of ideas for different stories and I've been storyboarding them all. Originally I've been planning to finish this fic before starting another, but since the plot is over and this is just them on vacation while slowly starting to build their pantheon I figured that I could start another story for those who are done with this one. Below are the options and you guys can vote.

Option A: Campione fic with an OC. Synopsis: His first memory is of the gladiatorial coliseum. He does not remember a time before his slavery, which is obvious considering the fact that he was born into it. So he bided his time for an opportunity to escape, an opportunity that came in the form of power. Now as a Campione he will make sure that none ever chain him ever again, and may Pandora have mercy on those who try for he will have none.

Option B: Highschool DxD fic with a reincarnated OC. Synopsis: His previous life was wrought with nothing but danger. As the third son of a multibillion dollar empire he was not the heir, not that honor belonged to his older sister while his older brother was in charge of external affairs. He on the hand was the enforcer that dismantled the enemies of his family. As such he was not surprised that he died young. What surprised him however was the fact that he was reborn in a world that one his little cousins enjoyed watching.

Option C: Jumpchain fic with one of Ambrosius' biological sons. It will focus mostly on science as opposed to magic. Synopsis: Eosphoros Malphas, or Eos, is the son of none other than Ambrosius Malphas, one of the most powerful beings to traverse entire omniverses, and King of the most powerful pantheon in countless multiverses. Unlike his older twin brother and his older sister, Eos has no interest in taking up his duty as a god. Which is why his family isn't surprised when he seals his divinity and begins traveling the multiverses that his family have not been to in search of entertainment.

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