From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 131 - Interlude to Mortal Kombat

Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Magnolia




With Acnologia's anticlimactic death along with Zeref's submission the 'war' was quickly wrapped. Following its ending Morgan quickly took charge to 'negotiate' a parlay between the two nations while Zeref and his forces return to the Alvarez Empire in order to stabilise it before they decide to depart for Asgard. Accompanying them is Bahamut who I have tasked with the duty to help them until they arrive in Asgard where Frigga will take over from there, along with Mavis who is overjoyed at being reunited with her beloved and finding out that August is her son.

"So we're leaving now?" sadly asks Jason.

"No." I answer while ruffling his hair. "You and Cassandra will be staying here until we deem you powerful enough to travel. Mordred and Arturia will also be staying until the international situation stabilizes and they deem the Rune Knights competent enough to operate without them."

"Ok. And where are you going?" he answers.

"Azula, Morgan and Scáthach will be visiting Azula's family while I will be taking care of some business." I reply.

"Business?" asks Cassandra with a tilt of her head before she narrows her eyes. "Be careful." she adds after a few seconds of contemplation.

"Don't worry about him, he can take care of himself." says Azula as she leans down and places a kiss on Cassandra's forehead. "Besides he's far too powerful to be injured let alone killed, and if he dies we'll just bring him back to life to punish him." she adds with a small smirk on her face, although it doesn't reach her eyes at all. Finding out that the little girl who looked up to her was killed by Zeref's forces put her in a mood that she hasn't completely shaken off yet despite the fact that she was brought back to life by Scáthach. The ordeal itself was traumatising for the child which is why she and her mother will be accompanying Azula back to the Avatar world for some spiritual healing.

"By the time you come back, Cass and I will be the most powerful people in the entire world." claims Jason with a smirk.

"Is that so?" asks Scáthach with a fond smile on her lips.

"Of course. Isn't that right Cass?" replies Jason as he elbows his surrogate sister.

"Yes." simply replies Cassandra with a nod before turning to with a mischievous look in her eyes. "See you later…" she says before trailing off at the end and causing me to lean forward in anticipation for my much awaited title of 'father'. "See you later…Ambrosius." she says with a slight smile, causing my shoulders to slump in disappointment while Azula simply gives me a triumphant smirk as Cassandra gives her a hug and calls her mother.

"We will see you all later." says Morgan as Cassandra releases Azula, the rainbow light of the Bifrost shines down from the heavens, envelops Azula's group and transports them to Asgard while ROB simply summons me to the endless void where we meet before I go to a new world.

"You don't seem too thrilled about the world you're going to." observes ROB.

"The only reason I'm going is because of one perk. Otherwise I could not care less about that world." I answer him as the CYOA Sheet for Mortal Kombat appears before me.

"Ah yes, the Mortal Kombat perk. Capable of allowing one to merge realms together once you have defeated its warriors in a Mortal Kombat tournament. That still doesn't explain why you aren't thrilled about going there."

"From what I can remember the timeline was reset at least three times and each reset just introduced new characters and similar yet different story lines. The fact of the matter is I have no idea what to accomplish in order for the jump to be completed and I have no intention of spending years in that place." I tell them honestly.

"Fair enough, how about a deal then?" they ask, making me raise an eyebrow in interest. "Seal all of your divine powers and kill Shao Khan as a mortal. In exchange I'll consider the jump completed. Bonus points if you kill Raiden, Shang Tsun, Liu Kang, and Johnny Cage."

"What happens if I complete the bonus objectives, and are there any requirements for how they die?" I ask.

"There are no special requirements other than the ones already listed, and I get rid of all the Elder Gods and the Titans for you in exchange. And if you become the ruler of Outworld, whether in the shadows or publicly, then I'll remove the restrictions on what a realm is on the Mortal Kombat perk" they reply.

I can easily get rid of the Elder Gods and the Titans by myself, however that would just mean spending more time over there to find every single one of them to get rid of them myself. As such the answer is easy. With the Elder Gods and the Titans removed from that universe there would be nothing stopping a smooth assimilation of it into my pantheon's omniverse. As for ruling Outworld, I can simply place Mileena on the throne while making her answer to me. While Mileena is like a deranged version of Azula, at the beginning of MK9 she was very malleable, almost like a child thirsting for approval.

"Very well." I accept as I remove my red divine armor and replace it with my rune suit while completely sealing my divinity. Afterwards I activate my magic circuits and mentally go through a series of steps I stole from a certain red haired magus.

Judging the concept of creation

Hypothesizing the basic structure

Duplicating the composition material

Imitating the skill of its making

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth

Reproducing the acc.u.mulated years

Excelling every manufacturing process

Once I am done a familiar red barbed spear manifests itself in my hands, causing me to smirk at the near perfect replica of Gae Bolg while I twirl it around.

"Oi, oi, oi, what are you doing?" questions ROB. "I said no divinity related powers."

"I know. This is simple magecraft done with nothing other than rune magic and projection. When I lived in the nasuverse there was always the potential of my divinity being sealed. As such I found a way to replicate my weapon creation using my magecraft. Using a runic array engraved on my temples I can cast a perfect structural grasp on anything I lay eyes on. Then using Shirou's version of projection I recreate what I learned." I explain to him.

"Your origin and element aren't sword. You shouldn't be able to create perfect replicas of those weapons. In fact yours should be almost brittle due to your overspecialization in runes." they argue.

"My overspecialization is exactly why I can replicate most of those weapons. With the versatility of runes I can recreate the effects of almost any weapon I understand with the correct runic array. Of course there are exceptions such as the bs rod that is called EA since I don't understand anything about it." I answer before rethinking my statement. Previously I couldn't even look at EA, much less understand it. However, with my new status I may actually be able to not only understand it but also replicate it. Perhaps someday I'll go back to the nasuverse to verify, but for now I have other things to do.


Name: Ambrosius Malphas

Gender: Male

Age: ~2000 (Looks 27)

Height: 6'2

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Crimson Red

Status: King of the Sea, God of War, Storms, Sea, Earthquakes, Destruction, Intelligence, Poisons, Horses

Weapon of Power: Spear- previously a valyrian steel enchanted by the remnant of Odin's power to be as close to Gungnir as possible, the weapon is now Ambrosius' weapon of power similar to how Poseidon had his trident and Zeus' master bolt. Unlike theirs however, Ambrosius does not need the spear to amplify his powers. (Looks like Gungnir from Thor 2011 movie)

Cosmic Warehouse:

Belt O' Tools: Batman graciously seems to have loaned you a belt containing the tools that he'll be using for this adventure. This includes stuff like remotely applied explosives gel capable of bringing down walls (though never seems to kill when blown up near someone's feet), to a cryptographic sequencer able to track signals, hack terminals, and listen to live radio broadcasts. ...How did he know you'd be needing this stuff?

Animal Suit: A high tech set of body armor themed after an animal of your choice (DCAMU Damian Wayne Robin suit). The head piece contains advanced electronics equipment that scans the environment for information and clues relevant to the situation. It can pick up anything from gaseous alcohol molecules that'll lead you to a crooked guard, to traces of tobacco on the ground to lead you to a hostage. You may also import a set of armor you already own to gain these qualities.

Bat Wing: Hmm, seems like you've picked up one of Batman's spare vehicles. The Batwing is a supersonic aircraft faster than many jet fighters, possess advanced stealth systems that make it invisible to radar, and can be operated remotely, or operate autonomously.

Bat Cave: A series of platforms and bridges situated within a small cave. Contains a computer with immense analytical abilities, a landing platform for any aerial vehicles you have, and some workshops for working on gadgets and gizmos. After the jump this can either be attached to the warehouse, or will appear somewhere nearby.

Assistant VI: Top of the line assistant model Virtual Intelligence. Can be stored in an omni-tool and keep track of large amounts of data.

Weapon Locker: Cache of mid to high grade weapons of all types. Enough to outfit a battlelion.

Armor Locker: Cache of mid to high grade armor of all types. Enough to outfit a battlelion.

Conflict Minerals: Massive stash of various rare elements.

Fine Clothes: A very fine and ornate set of clothing. The equivalent of the finest you'd expect to get in your starting region.

Land Deed: A deed to an area of land close by in your chosen region. It will be accepted by all authorities as rightfully yours. This updates each jump but is generally not a particularly large plot of land elsewhere.

Dragonglass Cache: A black cloak with a few obsidian dagger, arrowheads, and spearheads.

Poison: A woman's weapon to be sure, but it can't be beaten for efficiency or for matters of subterfuge.You have a replenishing chest of poisons from around the known world. From vials of the Tears of Lys to Sweetsleep to crystals of the Stranger. There is bound to be one that suits your purpose.



Mortal Kombat

1000 KP to spend

Background: Drop In- You are a Guest Kombatant in the Mortal Kombat tournament, with no memories or a history to hold you back. Despite this lack of history, you seem to have absorbed some of the brutality of the other Kombatants, making you a terrifying foe in your own right. You may still choose a Kombatant Faction; you will hit it off with a member of the Faction you chose quickly after your arrival, and receive an offer to join their faction as a trainee.

Faction: Shao Kahn Loyalist- Shao Kahn is the ruler of Outworld, ruling with an iron fist and an unquenchable l.u.s.t for Konquest. Although most wouldn't dare rise against him for fear of his brutal reprisal, there are still those who would fight against him, such as the Edenian Resistance on Outworld and Raiden, who seeks to protect the next Realm on his list from being absorbed into Outworld. His generals and subordinates include some of the strongest fighters on offer from the worlds he's conquered, as well as a few creations of his such as his 'daughter', Mileena and the collection of dead souls known as Ermac.

Race: Edenian(-300 KP)- Edenians are descended from the gods of Edenia, a Realm that was conquered by Shao Kahn. Extremely long lived- with 10,000 years of age being considered 'young'- they are typically very beautiful, and also tend to develop magical abilities early in life that are unique to them. Examples include Tanya's pyromancy, Kitana's ability to manipulate wind, or Jade's 'force rejection field'. Magical ability: Power of Destruction


Health Bar (-400 KP)- In the heat of Kombat, you will always have an accurate read of the health of you and your opponent, represented by two bars at the top of your vision. In addition, you can keep fighting through any injury so long as your health bar is full, and have become bizarrely durable on top of that- you're not any tougher, you can simply take more punishment. This means that, so long as you have 'health' left, you could fight at full capacity even after enduring the bone-crushing attacks of another fighter. Even getting stabbed in the brain or heart won't do you in or impede you, so long as you have health left.

Trial by Kombat (-100 KP due to discount for Drop In)- Why settle your problems with words, when you can settle them with fists? Matters of diplomacy, from military treaties to family drama to deciding who gets to pick the channel on the TV can be resolved by engaging in Kombat, with the winner of the fight being the winner of the argument. This doesn't have to be lethal Kombat, and in fact sparing your opponent may be better than killing them in some cases. This does not work if your opponent does not get the chance to fight back. Kombat, once declared, can not be refused but your opponent must have the opportunity to defend themselves.

X-Ray (-200 CP due to discount for Drop In)- You've mastered the art of the kill, and with this comes a great deal of intuition when it comes to the anatomy of others. Humans, demons, robots, gods; you can identify their weak points, if any, to cripple and kill them with instinctual ease. When landing a particularly devastating blow in Kombat, you will even be able to see the damage you're doing to their internals as if you had x-ray vision.

MORTAL KOMBAT! (-300 KP due to discount for Drop In)- The Elder Gods have smiled upon you, wanderer, and have given you the authority to host your own Mortal Kombat tournaments. The rules for the Mortal Kombat tournament can be found above, and they are much the same. The Tournament can be invoked once per Jump, unless it takes place over a long period of time, in which case it can be invoked once per generation. You will also gain the ability to merge other Realms together; a Realm being a dimension that holds only one planet, or one planet in a dimension (planets in the same dimension cannot be merged). You may do this freely for dimensions that belong to you, but the dimensions of others can only be won through Mortal Kombat. Only one victory is needed for you to merge dimensions, but failure on your part to uphold the rules of Mortal Kombat will render the Tournament null.

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