From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 144 - Angelic Knights

Isle of Man

~ 472 AD

Two years, that's how long it has been since my final experiment with Edenian Metamorph System, or EMS for short. Morgan and Azula have not only commented on my horrible naming skills, but have outright teased me for it. Until they come up with a better name for it however it shall remain as such. The past two years have been filled with my finetuning of the system and finalising the training of the warriors by having them partake in full on live combat against the Knights of the Round or against us. The battles are usually one on one or team versus team and are also dangerous enough that the trainees can actually die from them, or at least that's what they think. In reality they cannot die from those spars simply because the arena in which they take place is based on the Rating Game arenas that the Devils use in the future but with more liberal conditions.

Rather than teleport them out when they come close to dying, it teleports them out once they are physically and mentally incapable of doing anything to save themselves. Naturally this leaves a loophole in the form of them getting one shot killed, but the fact that it has not happened yet is a testament to their skills and power. Yes, we are still holding back, but at this point the only thing that we are not doing is speed blitzing them to death and spamming our destructive abilities. The layout is usually whoever is facing a trainee starts out fighting with the same level as them before slowly increasing it until they are overwhelmed, and to be honest the trainees have exceeded all of our expectations. Not only have they all unlocked Touki, but they've experimented with to the point that even the weakest one of them can use it to negate any magical attack that reaches up to low Ultimate Class and only be knocked out while the strongest of them can outright tank those and would only become unconscious from mid Ultimate Class. While that might not seem impressive at first, one must remember that they are all normal humans and that the gap between High Class and Ultimate Class is quite vast. A comparison would be me as a demigod in PJO compared to Percy. While Percy is a powerful demigod, I was accomplishing the same feats as him, and even greater feats, with less than half of the effort.

Ironically enough this has made it so that the Knights of the Round have to rely more on their skills as opposed to the huge magical beams, an action that has made the trainees begin to lose more and more of the battles because no matter how powerful they get they are still less skilled and less physically powerful than the Knights who easily rest in the realm of Ultimate Class. Which makes me wonder, how powerful will they be once they are infused with the EMS. While the pieces are complete, I want to wait until the trainees have full control over their power and are comfortable before turning them, something that won't happen for at least one more year since some of them are seeing signs of more growth through the battles.

Before I can give any more thought to the question a knock on the door brings me out of my musings.

"Enter." I say as I look up from the workbench where six EMS pieces lie. Unlike the EMS pieces that I will use on the trainees, which are crystal clear and shaped in the form of a serpentine dragon that resembles the MK symbol, these are white and gold and shaped into the form of Knights standing guard with their swords planted on the ground in front of them.

"Father." greets Mordred as she steps in with Arturia and the Knights of the Round following her. While there are fifteen Knights in the Round table, Arturia included, only five have been brought to life, Percival, Palamedes, Tristan, Lancelot, and Bedivere. The others were not brought back for various reasons ranging from they deserved to rest in peace, to the fact that they would not be able to accept the new status quo of Mordred leading them. "You wanted to see us?" she asks as they step in and close the door behind them.

"Yes. Your pieces are ready." I tell her as I push the case containing them towards them. Hearing my words, the Knights seem to perk up in excitement as Mordred makes her way to the workbench.

"Are these it?" she asks as she picks up the case.

"They are. All you need to do is put a drop of your ichor on them to attune them to you." I instruct her.

"How are these different from the normal ones?" she asks while following my instructions.

"These are made specifically for you and your Knights while taking your domains into account. Once a Knight is infused with it they will turn into an Angel/God hybrid." I begin to explain.

"An angel? As in the same ones from this world?" she asks as we watch the pieces absorb her blood before beginning to emit a slight golden glow.

"Not really. The only reason I call them such is because they will gain angelic wings. The true 'race' that they will be, for a lack of better term, is god. They will become minor gods of your domains with their main domain being whatever their personalities are more compatible with. They will not fall unless they completely betray you, and should they do so then the penalty is the same as the regular EMS pieces. As such, I call these pieces Angelic Knights. Also, these pieces are infused with their own personal imprints." I explain.

"Their imprints? Why?" she asks as she observes the biggest piece, the master piece and the one that will fuse with her. It serves as nothing more than a link to bind the other pieces to her and to give her angel wings, something that she's made clear that she doesn't want. Just imagining her face when wings sprout from her back makes me want to laugh since according to her they look ridiculous. Other than that it also serves to empower the wielders of the other pieces, the more powerful she is the more powerful they become.

"Because their servant counterparts possess skills that they themselves do not. For example, as a servant Lancelot would gain the skill Knight of the Owner. A skill that allows to turn anything he touches into an A-rank noble phantasm. Since we did not turn him into a servant before bringing him back to life, then he does not possess it." I explain to them.

"Makes sense. Is there anything else I need to know?" she wonders.

"Once the transformation is complete they'll be able to access a more human form without the wings but with the same powers." I tell her.

"So what's the purpose of the wings?" she asks me.

"Purely cosmetic. They can fly without them and access their full power without them. I just gave them wings because I thought that the concept was interesting. Although, the more powerful they are, the more wings they get until they reach twelve and merge into one massive pair of wings." I explain, making her nod before she infuses the master piece into herself. As soon the piece fuses with her, a massive angelic wing explodes from her back and sends the Knights of the Round flying through the wall behind them while also destroying everything else in the room.

Mordred, barely understanding what just happened, can only stare at her new appendages with a mortified expression on her face.

"Oi, dad…" she whispers as she slowly turns her face to look at me. "...what is this?" she asks, her eyes wide with horror while her mouth hangs open. Rather than answer I merely give her a smile just as Morgan appears next to me with a camera in her hands and snaps a couple of pictures while giggling.

"Perfect." she says with a smile as we high five each other.

"Mom? You knew about this?!" demands Mordred.

"Of course. I helped him make the pieces after all." she proudly answers while taking a few more pictures.

"I told you that I didn't want wings!" she exclaims. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/angelic-knights_51142758563372239">/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/angelic-knights_51142758563372239</a> for visiting.

"Why not? Can you imagine how awesome you'll look when you come from the sky to save lives with you massive wings flapping behind you?" I ask her as the pair of wings twitch just as the Knights come near her and once again sends them flying back.

"Can you stop doing that!" she orders her wings before turning back to her mother and I. "And I don't look awesome, I look just as ridiculous as those pigeons in Heaven." she argues.

"I beg to differ, those wings are majestic and look like the wings of an apex predator, not a pigeon's." replies Morgan.

"Argh!" screams Morgan while accidentally flexing her wings and causing more destruction in my workshop. "Fix this!" she orders, reminding me of when she was just a child and making me chuckle in fondness.

"Sorry dear, but we don't know how to." answers Morgan even though we easily can fix it.

"Of course you can, you did this." she rebutes with a hopeful expression on her face that slowly turns to despair once she sees us shaking our heads regretfully. "Fine, I hope that you have better luck fixing yourselves first." she says as power gathers in the palm of her hands and she blasts us through a wall with it. Since my workshop is connected to one of the outer walls of the castle, we are blasted right through the wall, out of the castle and into the city below.

"That actually hurt a bit." I observe as I catch myself mid flight and stop at a hover.

"Was that your divine Power of Destruction?" questions Morgan as she hovers next to me while rubbing her stomach.

"Yes, but how did she get it. Last I checked she did not get anything from the blood adoption ritual." I comment while waving away the concerned citizens with a smile.

"Did you use your ichor to empower those pieces?" asks Morgan as we fly back into my empty workshop, with Mordred no doubt leaving to blow off some steam while taking her pieces with her.

"I use my ichor to empower all of the pieces. The only difference with these and the normal EMS ones is that those also have Sindel's and my Edenian blood in them to serve as the base for the Edenian genome." I explain.

"Between your demigod blood and your ichor I theorise that it's enough for any dormant power within her to activate. She should observe her to see if she awakens any other ones." says Morgan as we begin to fix the workshop.

"How long do you think it'll take her to figure out that she can retract her wings?" I ask with a smile.

"Once she starts thinking, which will probably take a few days, I say a few minutes." replies Morgan with a laugh before she begins to contemplate something. "I wonder… is it possible to create a perfect hybrid of Devil and Angel?" she wonders out loud.

"Angel or Fallen Angel?" I ask her.

"Angel. A hybrid of Devil and Angel with all of their powers by none of the drawbacks." she answers.

"Possible, but we would need to use a third race to act as a buffer. Human would probably be best."

"But what if we did one without a buffer. Is it possible? What would it look like? Would they have a specialty? Would it require a new magic system? All of these questions that need to be answered." she rants off with glee before quietly thinking about how to go about it.

"Wanna find out?" I ask her after a few moments of silence.

"Yes!" she exclaims as she magically fixes the workshop before summoning a notebook to her hands. And just like that we have another project.


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual, tell me what you guys think. As you can see this arc won't have the same serious tone as the others, at least not until we get to the war.

Also the first chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh, not King. I changed it since it fits more in line with the theme I will be using for the mc. The second chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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