From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 145 - Morningstar

Isle of Man

~ 482 AD

The Evil Pieces and Brave Saint cards are useless, at least in this endeavor. While their function is to turn humans and other species, in the case of the Evil Pieces, into their respective races of Devil and Angel, they don't turn them into Purebloods but rather into a hybrid of Devil and their original race. While I have no problem with reincarnated Devils nor believe them to be inferior to purebloods, there is a fundamental difference between the two that makes purebloods more prone to act based on their desires and more susceptible to fall to anything holy or related to Yahweh. While one could argue that those differences makes them inferior to reincarnated devils, the truth of the matter is that it also gives them a head start over their reincarnated counterparts in terms of power.

In terms of the Brave Saint system we haven't been able to find any difference between reincarnated angels compared to pureblood angels since we have no pureblood angels to compare them to, whereas with the Evil pieces we could compare them to Azula who is a pureblood devil. As such when we created lifeless homunculi to turn into angels we couldn't tell whether they would pass off as pureblood angels. However none of those reasons are why the Evil Pieces and Brave Saints are useless, no those reasons simply make it more complicated when trying to create an angel/devil hybrid. The true reason why they are useless is because they don't mix well at all.

Our first experiment began with trying to turn a lifeless pureblood devil homunculi into an angel. That resulted in the destruction of the homunculi body as the opposing forces tore it apart in an attempt to destroy one another. The second attempt was with an angel that we tried to turn into a devil with the resulting being the same. Our third attempt was to start from scratch by creating a body with the genetics of both species. Like the previous attempts, this one was also a failure.

It was then that we decided to take a step back and ponder about what we know about both species and why their genetics are so conflicting. The answer came easily enough in the form of God. When Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Asmodeus fell, they went to the Underworld where Lucifer created the first devils, the 72 Pillars. They were meant to be the generals of his forces to take over Earth and to defeat the angels. As such it makes no sense for them to be weak against anything holy, light, or God related. Morgan and I refused to believe that Lucifer would be stupid enough to make his forces naturally weak against the very enemies he created them to defeat. This only left us with one plausible answer, after their creation someone imposed that weakness upon them and who better to do so than his father and creator the big G himself.

For all of Lucifer's genius and cunning he overlooked one fact, God created him. While that might not mean anything for other beings and deities, when it comes to the big G it matters for one simple reason, everything created by him is part of a system and has set rules that they must follow. So while Lucifer did successfully rebel he was still in the system as a fallen angel until he created the ritual that creates devils. Unfortunately for Luci, while it did somewhat remove him from the system it was not enough to stop God for imposing those weaknesses onto him and his new race of soldiers. From henceforth Devils became weak to light and anything holy and blessed.

With that revelation came a roadblock and a question. How do we reverse that? We didn't even need to experiment to know that doing so would require us to put in more effort than we are willing to. While this is an interesting project, we certainly don't care enough about it to mess up God's entire system for it. So we went with another round, creating a tribrid.

We once again began with a lifeless Edenian homunculi before turning it into a Devil/Edenian hybrid. Afterwards we began the process of integrating the angelic genes into it. The process was slow, methodical, and required us to pay close attention to the merge in case something went awry. The first time was a failure with the process happening too fast to be regulated properly. The second however was a success. When the merge was first completed the homunculus showed signs of extreme light poisoning and was quite sickly, but as time went on the Edenian part of its genome adapted to it until it gave the Devil part of it immunity to anything holy, light, or blessed.

With this success we replicated the process countless times until we were able to find the optimal process to get it done.Which brings us to now. Morgan and I are currently in our shared workshop looking at our most recent creations, a pair of tribrid Edenian/Angel/Devil homunculi.

The first one is a male who floats n.a.k.e.d within an empty, clear vat. He stands at five feet nine inches, possesses a tan skin of a slightly lighter shade than mine, midnight black hair, and a face so beautiful that anyone can be charmed by it. In addition to his already beautiful face and despite not being alive, he possesses an aura that would make anyone around him fall over themselves trying to please him, even if it only means receiving a simple thank you as a reward. And despite not having trained a single time he possesses a powerful build perfect for any style of combat. None of those however are what draw my attention, rather it is the twelve massive wings that emerge from his back. Unlike the Angel's wings which are slim, and do in fact look like a pigeon's wings, his are of a similar size to Mordred's massive pair. However the similarities end there. His wings are shaped like what one would imagine a demon's wings to be like, but made with feathers as opposed to being leathery. Last but not least, the wings are pure white and possess a golden glow to them that simply makes him more majestic and beautiful.

The second homunculus is a female who somehow manages to be far more beautiful than her male counterpart despite possessing the same features as him. Naturally unlike him however she possesses a pair of firm b.r.e.a.s.ts, and a much more seductive body while still being fit for combat.

"This… this is unexpected." comments Morgan as we observe the two homunculi floating in their vats under their own power despite not possessing any life. "Their bodies are so powerful that even without a way for it to be outputted they still leak enough power to float on their own. This goes beyond us perfecting the process, we've perfected the creation itself. Or at least as close to perfection as we can currently get." she says.

"What now?" I ask her as she approaches the duo.

"We bring them to life." she answers as divine power explodes from her before plunging into the two of them. Unlike what I expected to happen, the two beings remain floating in the air as if nothing had happened. Before I can ask her if something went wrong the door to our workshop is blown open and Scáthach strides in with a frown on her face.

"Are you two ever planning on coming out?" she questions as she stops a few feet away from me with her hands on her h.i.p.s.

"What do you mean? We came out of the lab a few months ago." I answer with a frown.

"Ambrosius, it's been three years." says Scáthach, making my eyes widen in shock. Before I can answer however two auras of power explode from behind me and blast Morgan, Scáthach, and I out of the lab.

"What did you two do now?" questions Scáthach as we catch ourselves and come to a stop in midair.

"I did not do anything." I answer while turning to face the blinding light behind me where the auras are coming from. While not powerful enough to worry us, they are powerful enough to easily be the most powerful beings on the island after Mordred.

As they power down and the light dims, I can easily make out the bodies of our creations floating towards us.

"Morgan, what did you do?" questions Scáthach, this time directing her question to Morgan.

"Other than breathe life into them along with giving them some basic information, nothing." she replies as the two approach us with their massive wings flapping behind them. The sheer power coming from them is so massive that I can feel every curious warrior on the island making their way to us in order to investigate with a specific one actually rushing. Stopping a few feet away from us the two beings regard us with blank looks before a smile grows on their faces.

"Father! Mother!" excitedly calls out the duo before enveloping Morgan and I into a group hug.

"What did you do?" I ask Morgan mentally.

"Ahhh…I may or may not have informed the two of them about how they were created along with knowledge of the family." she sheepishly answers.

"Well, another pair of children is certainly better than a pair of homicidal creations." I reply while prying myself from them. "Do you have a name that you would like to be called by?" I ask them, causing them to tilt their heads in wonder.

"You may call me Venus, father." replies the female with a slight smile on her face and a nod.

"And you may call me Lucifer." answers the male.

Their choice of names causes me to smile while Morgan simply laughs at the absurdity of it. Before I can answer them however a painfully familiar voice makes itself known behind.

"Oi old man, still adopting strays I see." calls out the voice of Setanta from behind me. As I contemplate how to answer him Lucifer disappears from his position and appears right next to Setanta, grabbing his head and slamming it to the ground.

"You will be respectful to father." says the tribrid with a stoic glare. Rather than answer, Setanta simply grabs Lucifer's wrist and burns it. Unfazed, whether due to a high pain tolerance or high durability, Lucifer lifts him in the air, giving him the opportunity to summon Gae Bolg and stab Lucifer in the heart. Surprised, Lucifer lets him go and looks down at the gaping hole in his chest that disappears in under a second. Were it not for the golden blood on Setanta's spear one would think that Lucifer getting stabbed was an illusion or a trick of the light. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/morningstar_51170720142648401">/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/morningstar_51170720142648401</a> for visiting.

"Enough!" orders Scáthach before the duo can go at it again. While Cu obeys, Lucifer merely looks at me for instructions before following suit once he sees me nod my head.

"Old man, you didn't tell me that your new kid was a battle maniac. Although he does need to work on his skills" says Setanta with a smirk, almost as if Lucifer did not just use his face to crack the ground. "Still, I wouldn't mind going a round or two with him in the arena." he adds, causing Lucifer to glare at him.

"Setanta, why are you here? And when did you arrive?" I ask him with an exasperated sigh as Lucifer floats back to my side before continuing to glare at his adoptive older brother.

"Three years ago. You two have been in that lab for three years, and some things have changed since then." answers Scáthach.

"I didn't think that it was that long. Especially since I have my divinity sealed tight. Which makes me wonder, can all Edenians spend that long without food?" I question, making Scáthach glare at me.

"You will not experiment. As of now you two are banned from entering the workshop unless absolutely necessary." she orders, earning a glare from both Venus and Lucifer. Unbothered, she leads us away from the workshop and towards a lounge where we stumble upon two people I did not expect to see here, Connla and Aoife. Setanta's son and granddaughter.


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual, tell me what you guys think. As you can see this arc won't have the same serious tone as the others, at least not until we get to the war.

Also the first chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh, not King. I changed it since it fits more in line with the theme I will be using for the mc. The second chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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