From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 146 - Family Reunion

Isle of Man

~ 482 AD

"Gramps!" excitedly shouts Aoife as she envelops Ambrosius in what would be a crushing hug to anyone of a lower caliber. Unlike when she peacefully died of old age, Aoife's body is currently the same as when she was in her prime, a few years after she completely conquered Connacht. She stands at five feet eight inches, possesses a slim yet toned figure that belies her her true physical power, and blue hair of the same shade as her grandfather tied into a ponytail with two bangs framing her beautiful face and red eyes. For clothing she wears the same blue bodysuit as her grandfather, but covered in black armor plates of the same design as Scáthach, and the same earrings that all of Setanta's direct descendants wear once they complete their training.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" questions Ambrosius with an exasperated sigh and a twitching eyebrow.

"Ahhh, don't be like that." whines Aoife as she looks up at the man who raised her. "Besides, you should be glad that I don't call you great-gramps." she adds with a grin that makes Ambrosius sigh before he turns to look at Scáthach.

"Please tell me that those three are the only ones that you brought back from the Nasuverse." he tells her with begging eyes that make her internally wince. Before she can answer however, a very familiar voice does for her.

"Nope! She brought me and a bunch of other people who we all know you miss dearly!" excitedly says the voice of Zelretch as he appears in front of Ambrosius in a flash of multicolored lights. Unlike Aoife who had to be returned in her prime, Zelretch has not changed at all. He is still the same handsome thirty year old man that he was when Ambrosius provided him with his rune suit with the same glint in his eyes that tends to make others nervous around him for fear of being his next victim.

"Zelretch!" happily greets Ambrosius as he detangles himself from Aoife to hug the man, shocking him and everyone present. While Ambrosius may not be a distant or cold person, he is still not a very affectionate man unless it comes to his children. Usually he greets those to him with a smile or a quick hug, for him to happily call out someone's name while giving them an enthusiastic hug is unheard of.

"Do me a favor and get rid of those three troublemakers that my wife has brought into our home. I do not care where you send them as long as they do not return." he whispers to his friend.

"Oi!" indignantly shout Setanta, Connla, and Aoife while everyone save for Lucifer and Venus chuckles in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"I'm not a troublemaker, those two are."complains Aoife as she points to her father and grandfather.

"Is this how you treat your father?" jokingly asks Connla as he looks at Aoife who is pointing at him.

Connla bears a striking resemblance to his father, so much so that it would be understandable if one were to mistake them for twins and makes Ambrosius wonder how Setanta did not notice the similarities between them in the cannon timeline. Then again, unlike cannon Connla this Connla's mother is Setanta's wife as opposed to Aife. Like his father, Connla is a rough-looking man around twenty years of age with the same fiery red hair as his mother and red eyes like his father. While sharing the same basic design as his father in clothing, his greatest difference is that he lacks the same full-body suits. He instead bears heavy armor that does not hinder his speed, a protective amulet in the shape of a wolf's head holding a crescent moon, and the iconic earrings worn by his father and daughter. All in all he looks like Proto-Lancer but with red hair.

"What father? You were dead by the time I was born." refutes Aoife.

"Ahhh, sorry about that." shamelessly answers Connla as he rubs the back of his head.

Before their banter can continue, Mordred walks into the room as Ambrosius stops hugging Zelretch and begins to talk to him, Morgan and Scáthach while the others make their way to Lucifer and Venus.

"Little sister, come meet our new siblings!" excitedly calls Aoife as she appears next to Morded in a burst of speed and drags her towards Lucifer and Venus, with the two only being somewhat confused by the current proceedings. With the knowledge of the family's makeup and history, they also know the fates of all of their older siblings. As such one can understand their confusion when three siblings that are supposed to be dead show up alive, healthy, and in their primes.

"This is Mordred, and Mordred these are Lucifer and Venus." introduces Aoife.

"Lucifer?" questions Mordred with a tilt of her head.

"Is something wrong with my name?" wonders Lucifer.

"No, it's just that someone else has that name and I don't think that he'll like sharing it." explains Mordred.

"Is he more powerful than you?" questions the newborn.

"What a ridiculous question. Of course not." replies Mordred with a scoff as if it were the stupidest statement that she's ever heard.

"Then I do not see the problem." answers a confused Lucifer.

"I believe that what she is trying to say is that the name may bring unnecessary troubles and misunderstandings." interjects Venus.

"I still do not see what the problem is. Should he wish to cause us trouble then any single one of us in the room could defeat him easily." he says, causing Aoife and Mordred to nod in agreement.

"That's the spirit!" exclaims Setanta as he slaps Lucifer's shoulder, earning himself a glare from the tribrid. "Uh, are you still mad about that exchange earlier?" questions Setanta.

"I do not care that you stabbed me in the heart, however your constant disrespect towards father is infuriating. Had he not ordered me to behave you would already be in the depths of Hell at the tender mercies of Trigon." says Lucifer as the temperature in the room begins to rise dramatically. Before it becomes high enough to cause the furniture to spontaneously combust, a cool hand touches Lucifer's shoulder.

"Enough."orders Venus as she takes it upon herself to return the room's temperature back to normal. "They are our older siblings and as such we will respect them. Besides, father does not mind. He only says that he does out of habit." she says, calming her brother down.

"Wow, you two need a spa or something. Do you hear how you talk?" says Aoife.

"They talk like the old man, unnecessarily formal." says Connla. "Then again, they're only a few hours old. I give it a few months before they loosen up."

"I'll take that bet, and I say that it takes a couple of years. Loser owes the winner drinks for three decades." says Setanta.

"No betting on your siblings." objects Ambrosius before Connla can accept, drawing the group's attention to the approaching a.d.u.l.ts.

"Joykill." simply responds Connla.

"Good. Your definition of fun is liable to get you killed, again." answers Ambrosius as he pointedly stares at Setanta, Connla, and Aoife, causing them to wince at the accusation. While they may not have died because they did something dangerous just for fun, they have all come very close to dying because they wanted to do something dangerous just for fun. "Now, I need you to get Lucifer and Venus settled before rounding up the warriors. Once you finish that, take them to the arena to train their powers. None of you are allowed to leave the arena until they have absolute control over themselves, I don't want them accidentally destroying the island, or worse, the continent. Mordred, you're in charge. Keep your siblings out of trouble." he orders.

"Oi, we're all grown, old man." argues Setanta with a twitching eyebrow.

"Really?" skeptically questions Scáthach. "Out of the three of you only Aoife has lived beyond the age of twenty five and grew to be a mature a.d.u.l.t before dying. You and Connla have both died before then." she says, earning a chuckle from them all before they follow Mordred out of the room.

"So, Scáthach, why are they here?" questions Ambrosius.

"You need a Royal Guard." she replies nonchalantly.

"I don't need a Royal Guard." argues Ambrosius with a sigh, this is not the first time that he's had this argument with one of wives. The trio are adamant about him getting one even if he's more powerful than everyone else.

"Every King needs a Royal Guard." refutes Morgan.

"Yes, because they can get overwhelmed by opponents less powerful than them with numbers. Numbers mean nothing to me." he replies, causing the two to shiver at a particular memory of a training exercise. It was supposed to be a special exercise about control and power. Morgan had created a separate dimension as big as one DC Universe and he had to power up in there while keeping the universe intact. Things had gone well at first, he removed the first seal and powered up, easily putting him above the Spectre in terms of power, a being in the DCU with the potential to destroy a universe. Then he had removed the second seal and things had gone wrong. While he had no problems keeping the power from exploding, he was unable to lower the power of his Excidium which had begun to leak from his body and out onto the universe. Suffice to say that there was not a single trace of the universe left once a minimal amount of his Excidium had left his body.

While that might mean nothing in a world like DC where beings casually destroy and survive the destruction of a universe, in a place like DxD it means a lot, especially since that was not even a quarter of his full at the time.

"All the more reason why you need a Royal Guard. Should you remove more than one seal then this entire universe will perish. You can train a Royal Guard to be able to handle threats that are too powerful for the first seal, but too weak for the second seal. That way you won't have to destroy an entire universe to defeat an opponent beyond the first seal." says Morgan.

"Or, I can just seal my Excedium unless I need it." he argues.

"No. Our decision is final." says Scáthach.

"Fine, but does it have to be those three?" he asks. While he knows that he can order them to reverse their decision as their King, the topic is not that serious and he isn't petty enough to do so. As such he simply accepts the outcome.

"While other heroes might be more suitable for the task in terms of skills, they were chosen because they are family and they would accept in a heartbeat." explains Scáthach.

"Very well. What else has changed other than their revival and Zelretch becoming in charge of the Bifrost?" asks Ambrosius.

"I have revived 18 out of the 19 Hassans to take over the League while summoning Ozymandias as a servant to train Daemon. Normally he would not accept such a menial task, but once I gave him the memories of the Grail War and explained to him that it was your son he accepted. I believe that his exact words were something along the lines of 'While Ambrosius is a splendid Pharaoh I find that he is somewhat lacking, as such I will raise this boy to truly become a Pharaoh worthy of being a descendant of Ra'" quotes Scáthach while Ambrosius looks at her with wide eyes filled with horror.

"You did what?" questions Ambrosius as he thinks about how Daemon would turn out should he be raised by Ozymandias of all people.

"Summoned Ozymandias as a servant." replies Scáthach.

"Are you insane? He will turn him into another version of himself, or worse turn him into Gilgamesh." says Ambrosius just as Zelretch Scáthach burst out laughing.

"Oh, man. You should see your face right now." says Zelretch as he snaps a picture of Ambrosius' horrified face.

"Great, another prank." groans Ambrosius as he realises that he's been had. "Tell me honestly, who is teaching my son?" he asks once they stop laughing.

"Chiron of course." replies Scáthach as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual, tell me what you guys think. As you can see this arc won't have the same serious tone as the others, at least not until we get to the war.

Also the second chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh. The third chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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