From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 148 - Edenia Remembers

Edenia, Formerly the Isle of Man

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"Tch, these shitty devils really are something else." comments Ajax as he crouches next to the corpse of a devil and proceeds to poke it with the butt of his Gae Bolg

"What do you mean?" asks Alexander as he looks at his friend questioningly. Currently it is just the two of them helping cleaning the streets of the dead bodies while Aatrox has gone to find if they had any casualties.

"They sent a pretty boy who's probably never been in a fight once in his life to the battle field." clarifies Ajax. "I mean, look at his flabby arms." he says as he pokes the devil's slim arms. "Even if his specialty is magic, he should at least be more toned than this. Compared to you, Alexander, he's really skinny." says the young warrior as he stands back up.

"Well, according to Lord Ambrosius and Queen Azula, demons don't really make use of their potential for physical combat. They prefer to make use of their magic and bloodline abilities." explains Alexander with a shrug.

"In other words they're a bunch of lazy asses and idiots." paraphrases Ajax.

"Not exactly how I would put it, but basically yes." agrees Alexander with a nod. "Although I do have a theory that it is because of their long life spans that causes them to be like this." he adds.

"That's not an excuse." refutes Ajax with a shake of his head. "I mean, look at The Four. They're the most powerful beings in this entire universe and they still train."

"The devils are also currently in the middle of a War, that should give them the urgency to be the best that they can be. Especially since the angels and fallen have an advantage over them because of their holy light." adds Aatrox as he approaches from behind the two, his spear held lightly in his hand while resting on his shoulder.

"How many did we lose?" asks Alexander as he and Ajax look at Aatrox with a carefree expression on their faces despite the grim nature of the topic.

"Zero." replies Aatrox with a wide grin, causing his friends to return his grin. While death might be a morbid affair in other cultures, to them it almost means nothing. To them death is nothing but the next step in one's journey. If you served Lord Ambrosius faithfully in life then once you die you will simply ascend to Heaven, a realm where you will lack for nothing. If you were a warrior then you would ascend to Valhalla, a realm where you will not only want for nothing, but will also be able to face the greatest warriors in battle without the fear of losing anything. And while the two realms are different, one can traverse between them to visit friends and family members who have died

"From what I was able to find, the dome protected everyone from magical attacks while any devil that made it within the city was killed before they could even do anything." explains Aatrox as he dismisses his spear.

"Heh, of course we have no casualties. We're Edenians, the chosen people of Lord Ambrosius, there's now way that we would die to some devils. Especially not to some weak ones like these." arrogantly boasts Ajax as he kicks the corpse of the devil at his feet, earning sighs of exasperation from his friends.

"I see that your first official battle has not subdued you at all, good. We're going to be putting that energetic attitude of yours to use." comments a lazy voice from besides the group. Startled by the newcomer and still feeling the high of battle, Aatrox and Ajax summon their spears and proceed to attempt to stab the owner of the voice. "Oi, calm down." orders the voice as the owner casually dodges both of the attacks. Recognising the voice and its owner, the duo immediately dismiss their weapons.

"Sorry about that, Captain Enyo." apologises Aatrox as he sheepishly rubs the back of his head.

"Don't worry about it." dismisses Captain Enyo, the leader of this ragtag group of warriors. Unlike her subordinates who are all around six feet tall and sixteen, Enyo stands at four feet six inches and is already in her late twenties. She is a beautiful woman with blond hair that is cut short on the sides while the middle is tied into a warrior's braid, she has glowing blue eyes, a scar on her left cheek that adds to her charm as opposed to detract, and despite lacking in the b.r.e.a.s.t department many of the men on the island would not mind giving up an arm just to spend a night with her. She wears a full black bodysuit with golden lines that accentuates her curves and toned muscles, high heeled boots that give her three extra inches in height, and a white cloak with a furred hood that hangs on her shoulders.

"So Captain, do we finally have a mission?!" excitedly asks Ajax.

"Yes. Our squad, along with assault squads seven, six, eight, and nine, will be going to the Underworld to begin Edenia's counter assault before returning to Earth where we'll join the other squads in hunting down devils on Earth." replies Enyo.

"Why would we go to the Underworld to attack just to come back here and play defensive?" questions Ajax.

"Because this entire war is a message and a test." answers Alexander before Enyo can, earning a raised eyebrow from the captain. "Ahhh, sorry about that." apologises Alexander.

"Don't worry about it kiddo, you're just saving me from having to explain it to this dimwit." says Enyo with a wave of her hand.

"Right. As I was saying, this war is a test for us Edenians while also being a message to the supernatural world that our faction exists and will be protecting humanity from now on. The reason why we're going to the Underworld and coming back after one attack is to show the devils that their belief of being safe in the Underworld could not be further from the truth. It's to show them that we can come to their home and kill them all whenever we want and there's nothing that they can do to stop us." explains Alexander.

"That's right. That means that for the duration of this war, Lord Ambrosius will be fighting as an Edenian as opposed to a God, while Queen Scáthach and Queen Morgan will be fighting as humans." adds Enyo.

"What of Queen Azula?" asks Alexander. From what he can remember, Queen Azula has been spending more and more time as a devil lately as opposed to as a God. He would not be surprised if she participated in the war as a devil. In fact, he would be surprised if she didn't since one of her favorite tactics in combat is to mess with her opponent's mentality.

"She will be fighting as a Pureblood Devil." confirms Enyo, earning chuckles out of her subordinates who honestly expected that to happen. They can already imagine the disarray in the devil's forces once they realise that a Pureblood Devil of all beings is massacring them. Especially since that devil is married to an 'Edenian mortal' of all people.

"All right, enough chatter. We have a Pillar to wipe out." says Enyo with a clap as she leads her underlings towards the castle where they will take a teleportation portal to Baarbas, the capital city of the Marbas Clan, Pillar 5 out of the 72 led by Hadad Marbas, Great President of the Underworld governing thirty-six legions of demons.


Baarbas, Underworld

Capital City of the territory of the Marbas Clan


The Underworld, also known as the Netherworld, is a dimension separate from Earth and the home of the Devils and Fallen Angels, and by extension the Gods of Hell. It is roughly the same size as the Human world, but with a much larger landmass, as there are no oceans just lakes. The sky is a perpetual purple during both the day and night with no moon or stars in it. Currently it is split into two main regions, The Devil's Region and The Fallen Angel's region.

Within The Devil's Region of the Underworld lies countless cities. One of the biggest is Baarbas, a bustling metropolis within the territory of the Marbas Clan and home of both its main branch and any branch family that once originated from them. In terms of size, the city is about twice as big as Edenia with it split into many sections based on what family lives there and what that familie's specialty is. The main, and biggest, section of the city belongs to the Marbas Clan of the 72 Pillars, the fifth most powerful clan out of the 72. They are a Clan of monster tamers, having tamed all sorts of monsters ranging from minotaurs, lamias, harpies, krakens, and even dragons.

In addition to being monster tamers, the Marbas Clan is also one of the most militarised clans out of the 72 Pillars with their warriors being trained in diverse forms of combat ranging from magic, weaponry, and even hand-to-hand combat. While some of their peers find their use of hand-to-hand combat to be disdainful, none will argue that they are quite powerful.

On this day, high above the city, a long crack forms in the sky, drawing the attention of all of the city;s residents. With the sound of a thunderclap, the crack opens up to form a portal that expels four beings riding a three horse chariot that seems to travel upon a lightning. Sensing danger, the city's forces immediately take up defensive maneuvers while a group of fifty warriors mount their dragons and take to the sky.

"Only dragon riders, we're being held in such low regard." comments Aatrox as he dismisses his chariot, causing the group to begin to fall. Alexander and Enyo quickly catch themselves and begin to float. "Sending only fifty, I'm offended!" exclaims the young warrior as he and Ajax rocket off towards their opponents with a sonic boom.

Once they are fifty meters away from the devils, Ajax arches his back as if drawing a bow and hurls his spear towards the ground with all his might while calling out its name. With the curse invoked, the spear distorts space to create a 'tapestry of action' that splits into numerous spearheads that pours down over the enemy, killing all fifty of the dragon riders along with their steeds.

"Dammit Ajax, that was all of them." complains Aatrox as he continues to fall towards the city.

"Not my fault that you're a slowpoke." replies Ajax with a grin as he calls the spear back to him and follows Aatrox. "Besides, another group of them is coming right up." he comments as they see one hundred of them taking to the air. This time with a mix of chimeras and dragons.

Before the two can even reach the enemy, the hear Alexander chant "Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea'' sending a volley of countless beams of light, each with an A rank power of attack, rapidly firing at the approaching devils, killing the entire group while also destroying anything within a fifty mile radius.

"Alexander!" whines Aatrox and Ajax as they see their enemies wiped out before they can even reach them. Seconds later a massive lightning bolt strikes the city and destroys everything but the main section where the main branch of the Marbas Clan resides, causing the duo to glare at Enyo as they land on the scorched and destroyed ground. With a scowl on their faces they make their way to Marbas Castle, home of Hadad Marbas and his family. That night the entire Marbas Clan save for Hadad Marbas, who was absent at the time of the attack, is wiped out. The only thing left of the city is the castle which has an unknown rune painted on its gates along with the words 'Edenia Remembers' as a warning.


AN: Here's the chapter and the beginning of the Malphas family's faction joining the war with a bang (I really need a name for their faction. Suggestions are welcomed although some of you guys suck at naming as much as I do). As usual, tell me what you guys think.

Also the second chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh. The third chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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