From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 149 - Interlude: Edenia's Decleration of War

Lucifaad, Underworld

Capital City of The Devil's Region

~490 AD, Same Time as the Devil Attack on Edenia

Lucifaad, the capital of the Devil's Region of the Underworld, is a sprawling metropolis that is easily bigger than New York state. Within it one can find a slew of buildings that are important to Devil society, such as the Amphitheater, the castles of all four satans, and a set of ruins that hide a secret known to only a very select few. The city is ruled over by none other than Lucifer himself, it is where he, his fellow satans and their families live, where the meeting between young Devils is held, and even where all strategic meetings for the Great War are held.

In the center of the city, within the largest building and Lucifer's castle, a meeting between the leaders of the Underworld is currently taking place. Inside the room one can find the heads of all 72 Pillars, the leaders of the Six Houses of Lucifer, and the Four Satans themselves. They sit in a darkly lit room, around a long rectangular table with their positions denoting their status.

At the head of the table one can find the Four Satans seated on a throne each with three of the four being of the same size as each other but smaller than one of the middle thrones. Seated on the biggest throne is a man that can only be described as beautiful. He stands at six feet tall with golden hair that cascades down to his shoulders as if it is liquid gold, glowing red eyes that look like rubies, and a beautiful face who's only competition would be the Malphas family should they allow their full beauty to shine through. He wears a crimson robe that reaches down to his knees with slim back pants and shoes.

Sitting to Lucifer's right is a plain man who stands about as tall as Lucifer with long brown hair covering the entire left side of his face, light brown eyes, and a face that looks at everything with an uninterested expression. He wears a long cloak that completely covers his body and has a furred collar to it. This man is none other than Beelzebub.

To Lucifer's left is Leviathan. She is a beautiful woman who stands a few inches shorter than Lucifer at five feet nine inches with long black hair, brown skin of the same complexion as Ambrosius, and glowing violet eyes. She wears a sleeveless royal purple dress with cleavage that exposes part of her big b.r.e.a.s.ts, high slits, and white gloves that cover her arm up to her biceps. She also wears a short black mini skirt that leaves much to the imagination, and knee high heels.

The final member of the Four Satans is Asmodeus, a man who is around Leviathan's height with very pale skin, pointed elf-like ears, violet eyes, and black hair tied into a ponytail. He wears an all black attire with a red belt and purple cape.

After the Four Satans comes the Six Houses of Lucifer, also known as Lucifer Six, consisting of the Extra Demon Houses Lucifuge, Satanachia, Agaliarept, Fleurety, Sargatanas, and Nebiros. They serve the House Lucifer directly and only House Lucifer. They cannot be ordered by any of the other Satans nor the 72 Pillars. Because of this, they are called the Six Houses of Lucifer, and while not directly a Royal bloodline, as the Satan Clans are called, they are respected by the other three because of the direct connection to the Lucifer bloodline are even counted to be part of the Lucifer Clan by other Devils. Their status is considered above the Houses of the 72 Pillar Devils.

After the Lucifer Six are the Houses of the 72 Pillar Devils. In order from the most powerful overall to the least powerful, they are Bael, Agares, Vassago, Gamigin, Marbas, Valefor, Amon, Barbatos, Paimon, Buer, Gusion, Sitri, Beleth, Leraje, Eligos, Zepar, Botis, Bathin, Sallos, Purson, Marax, Ipos, Aim, Naberius, Glasya-Labolas, Buné, Ronové, Berith, Astaroth, Forneus, Foras, Asmoday, Gäap, Furfur, Marchosias, Stolas, Phenex, Halphas, Malphas, Raim, Focalor, Vepar, Sabnock, Shax, Viné, Bifrons, Uvall, Häagenti, Crocell, Furcas, Balam, Alocer, Caim, Murmur, Orobas, Gremory, Ose, Amy, Oriax, Vapula, Zagan, Valac, Andras, Flauros, Andrealphus, Cimerius, Amduscias, Belial, Decarabia, Seere, Dantalion, and finally Andromalius.

Out of the 72 Pillars however, ten of them have become extinct over the course of the Great War against the Fallen and the Angels. They are Andromalius, Seere, Decarabia, Amduscias, Cimerius, Flauros, Andras, Vagan, Amy, and Ose.

"I call this meeting to order. Lord Lucifuge, report." commands Lucifer once all members have been seated. Per Lucifer's order, Lord Lucifuge, a handsome middle aged man with silver hair and blue eyes wearing a knight's armor, stands up.

"As of a few months ago, our forces have made significant progress on Earth. The influence of the man and his church have been wiped completely from the Kingdom of Francia, the Visigothic Kingdom, most of the areas surrounding those Kingdoms, and half of Britain." reports Lord Lucifuge with a calm and stoic tone. His report visibly uplifts the previous calm mood of the room as most of the Devils begin to radiate an aura of pride at having uprooted the influence of God and his church from the majority of what will eventually come to be known as Europe.

Since Devils have a distinct disadvantage when faced against God, his Angels, and the Fallen, they are forced to use their cunning minds. Most of their strategies revolve around removing God's influence from an area by whatever means necessary and pitting the Angels against their Fallen brethrens. They also tend to turn humanity against the Angels, something which is far easier than one would think. It's surprising what humans are willing to do for simple things like riches, land, power, and s.e.x. Naturally all of those favors come with a price. Sometimes it will be a simple job like burning a church and killing the priests, and other times it will be something expensive like their souls. Contrary to popular beliefs, Devils don't take human souls because they love torturing them but rather due to the boosts in power they give. The boost is nothing spectacular, like turning a Low Class to a High Class immediately, but it does provide enough that it eventually acc.u.mulates.

"Is there a particular reason why we have only been successful with half of Britain?" questions Lucifer.

"Yes my Lord. The northern half of the island is ruled over by a man named King Arthur and his Knights of the Round. He is a powerful King who can easily face an Ultimate Class Devil on his own." explains Lord Lucifuge, shocking every single Devil in the room except for the Four Satans. "In addition to his own prowess, he possesses a holy sword more powerful than any that has ever been seen before, Excalibur. He is allied with a powerful incubus/human magician capable of defeating Ultimate Class Devils, and every one of Knights is powerful enough to face a High Class Devil without their holy swords." he adds, further disturbing the Devils present.

"I see." comments Lucifer as he leans his head on his fist while his elbow rests on one of the arms of his throne.

"Is there anything else that we know about this King Arthur?" asks Leviathan. "Is he married, if so to whom? How is his marriage? Are his Knights loyal? How do the people feel about him?" she questions.

"Looking for another powerful man to seduce, Leviathan?" questions Asmodeus with a sneer.

"Hardly. I have no interest in holy men, nor anyone weaker than me." responds the female Satan as he sideyes her fellow Satan with a look of absolute disdain before looking back at Lord Lucifuge, giving him the order to continue.

"Unfortunately Lady Leviathan, the people love him, his Knights are extremely loyal, and his marriage is doing just fine. It is interesting to note however, that his sister Morgan le Fay, a magician easily on par with the incubus, holds a burning hatred for him, his knight Lancelot seems to be very interested in his wife Guinevere, and he possess a bastard son that he does not even know exists." replies Lord Lucifuge.

"In other words, we have the ingredients to create a powder keg. We just need to play our cards correctly and more carefully." says Leviathan.

"Is there anything else to report?" questions Lucifer.

"Yes. An island with a heavy magical aura was found off the coast of Britain. There are no records of the island anywhere and it seems that it is protected by a boundary that is slowly falling apart hence why we were able to locate it." says Lord Lucifuge.

Before Lord Lucifuge can continue his report the ceiling explodes as a body crashes into the room and destroys the table, prompting all of the occupants to go into high alert and prepare for battle. As the dust clears however, the Devils are able to finally lay their eyes on the body and recognise the Devil as Otius Malphas, son of Calan Malphas and heir to House Malphas. Recognising his son, Calan Malphas springs to his side while taking summoning a glass vial containing a red liquid that he spent a good fortune on, Phoenix Tears. Opening the vial, he pours the liquid on the most severe injury, a stab through the chest. Despite his efforts however the Phoenix Tears have no effect besides waking his son from his unconsciousness, causing Calan to turn to a handsome blond haired man with rage filled eyes.

"You sold me fake tears?!" questions Calan with a roar. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-decleration-of-war_51371364120053339">#&apos;s-decleration-of-war_51371364120053339</a> for visiting.

"Of course not." replies the man, Lord Phenex, with an offended expression on his face.

Before Calan can continue to rage at Lord Phenex, his son grabs his hand tightly, causing him to turn his attention back to Otius.

"Father…" begins Otius with a cough that spits out blood.

"Do not speak, son. Save your strength for when you are better." orders Calan.

"B-b-beware of t-t-the demons of E-e-e-e-edenia." stutters Otius with another cough and a shiver before his body goes limp and he takes his final breath.

As Otius' warning fills the room, Lucifer looks at Lord Lucifuge with a questioning look.

"What was his assignment?" asks Lucifer with a voice devoid of emotion.

"He was the leader of the scouting party to the unknown island. His cunning mind, calm demeanor, fearlessness and power as a mid Ultimate Class Devil made him the perfect candidate." replies Lord Lucifuge.

"Fearlessness? He could not even say Edenia with fear invading his entire being." comments Asmodeus with a scoff.

"He has a hole through his chests." refutes Beelzebub.

"Asmodeus is right, for once. That last shiver was due to absolute fear and terror along with relief." says Leviathan.

"Relief for what?" asks Lord Marbas, a middle aged man with a hardened face, black eyes and even darker hair. He wears a formal grey tunic with slim black pants and shoes, black gloves cover his hands, and cane that he does not need for walking is held firmly in his hands.

"Relief to finally be able to die." answers Lucifer, bringing an ominous atmosphere to the already solemn room. As silence falls the bright light of a teleportation circle appears in the room and teleports in a crystal ball the size of a basketball. Already being on high alert, the Devils in the room warily stare at the crystal as it glows and begins to play a holographic recording of a man as handsome as Lucifer with brown skin, glowing red eyes with slitted pupils, and long silver hair tied into a topknot.

"To the Devils of the Underworld, I am Lord Ambrosius Malphas, Emperor of the Edenian Empire, the island that you sent your scouting party to. We have no previous enmity with one another until you attacked us. And while we did not suffer any casualty, any slight against our people is repaid at least two fold. As such, five of your Pillars have been chosen to be completely wiped out." says the man, Ambrosius Malphas, as the crystal ball showcases five more holographs, each with a different Pillar capital. "The houses of Marbas, Valefor, Buer, Marax, and Malphas will pay the consequences of your attack." explains the man as the images of the capitals turn into videos of them being wiped out, each one by a single squad of four warriors. "We have also learned of your plans for humanity and have decided that such plans cannot be allowed to be realised. As such we have decided to turn our eyes onto you with the intent of wiping out any Devil found to be terrorising humanity. Before we completely wipe out all Devils on Earth however, we give you one week to remove your forces. This will be your first and only warning." says Ambrosius before the crystal ball stops showing the videos and proceeds to disintegrate into nothingness.

As the message of Ambrosius sinks in, the aura of every Devil in the room explodes as they make their rage known to the Underworld. As a result the castle is completely destroyed and Lucifaad is plunged into a moment of terror as the power of seventy two Ultimate Class, and higher, Devils completely envelops the city and a good part of the territory of the Lucifer Clan.

"These humans anger me more and more every single day." says Lucifer through gritted teeth before turning to Leviathan. "Take your forces along with the heads of House Marbas, Valefor, Buer, Marax, and Malphas, and take care of these Edenians. I do not care if you wipe them all out, enslave them, or sink the island, as long as every single one of them is no longer a threat by this time next week." orders Lucifer, causing Leviathan to cruelly grin.

To the Devils it is only a matter of time before the Edenian Empire is wiped from the face of the Earth, but little do they know that so far they have played perfectly into Edenia's hands. By this time next month however, not only will the five more Pillars be extinct, but the Devils will also be missing a Satan.


AN: Here's the chapter and the beginning of the Malphas family's faction joining the war with a bang (I really need a name for their faction. Suggestions are welcomed, although some of you guys suck at naming as much as I do). As usual, tell me what you guys think.

Also the second chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh. The third chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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