From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 150 - Mother of Edenia


~490 AD

While the Devils are currently preparing for an assault on Edenia, the Edenians themselves are currently in a very festive mood. Music fills the air as a group of musicians play while using their magic to amplify the sound throughout the city, children happily running and playing with one another while the a.d.u.l.ts mingle amongst themselves, some casually conversing, others joking and laughing, and others competing against one another with competitive smiles on their faces. In addition one can find many decorations in the form of paintings, figurines and banners of The Four, the Edenian Warriors, and even some of the Knights of the Round. Magical lights fill the air, illuminating the evening while also giving off a feeling of calmness, and countless stalls of various purposes crowded the streets. Stalls of food, games for children and a.d.u.l.ts alike, various competitions ranging from drinking, fighting and even puzzle solving.

Had someone told a stranger that these people had just repelled an assault from hundreds of devils the stranger would accuse that person of lying. After all, there are absolutely no signs of an attack having taken place. The streets are clean and devoid of anything that might remain after a battle, such as blood or ripped clothing. The buildings are in perfect condition as if they have only been completely recently, they have no broken parts, no bloodstains, no cracks, and even the paint on them are in perfect condition. The people do not seem to be mourning, apprehensive, or even cautious. In fact, one can see that they are happy, cheerful, and even carefree. They do not have the look of a people who fear to be attacked but rather of one whose lives are perfect with no worries.

While this festive mood is quite the opposite of what people usually feel after having been attacked and brought into a war, the people of Edenia feel this way for a few simple reasons. The first is because they have fought their first battle against one of the most superior species in this universe and have come out victorious with no casualties. They have shown their King that they are worthy of being his chosen, that his efforts to make their lives as good as possible was not in vain, that the power that he has given them is not wasted on them, and that their vow to follow him to any battlefield were not mere words.

The second reason for the festive mood is because of the war. Despite having only followed Ambrosius for thirty years, the people of Edenia have fully embraced the warrior culture of The Four. They relish a good battle and value martial strength quite a lot, to them there is no greater honor than to ascend to Valhalla. Contrary to what many would say however, they are not warmongers and do not enjoy war itself. In fact they would not mind if they never one fought in a war and merely faced their opponents in nondeadly forms of combat. However, that does not stop them from celebrating their first war simply because it will be their grand entrance to the world. This will be their announcement to the world of their existence and their power, it will show the world that they are the greatest warriors that will ever exist in this universe and that their Lord is the greatest god in all of existence, and even if they die in this war they will simply ascend to Valhalla where they will have the choice to stay in the heavenly realm forever or stay on standby for the day when their King has need of their services. A win-win situation as far as they are concerned.

The final reason for the festivities is as simple as the first two, Queen Sindel has arrived in Edenia and will be participating in the war.

While the Edenians love and worship every member of the Malphas family, there are only two beings that they are absolutely loyal to and revere above everyone else, King Ambrosius and Queen Sindel. The reason for their loyalty to King Ambrosius is easy for anyone to understand, he is their King, their father, their God, and the leader of the pantheon that has essentially delivered paradise to them. As such, none can ever compare to him in the eyes of the Edenians.

While Ambrosius is seen as the father of the Edenians, Sindel is seen as their mother. It was from her blood that Ambrosius created the first New Edenian genome prototype before he added his own Edenian blood. As such the title of Mother of Edenia is firmly and easily given to her. Not only do they know that her blood started it all, but they also know of her story as the Queen of the original Edenians. They know of her sacrifice in order to save her people, they know that despite her sacrifice she failed. Yet, despite her failure the New Edenians cannot help but admire her. She is strong, resilient, cunning, and willing to do anything for the sake of her people.

Currently, in front of a food stall, one can find Ambrosius and Sindel conversing with a beautiful middle aged woman of around forty years old. She is a bit shorter than the average Edenian height which is five feet six inches while she herself stands at five feet three inches. She possesses glowing hazel eyes, golden blond hair, and alluring mature face with only a few wrinkles. Despite her seemingly young age however, this woman is actually around seventy years old. She was present for the Descent of The Four but has not aged much due to the fact that Morgan has enchanted the island so that the age of its inhabitants would slow down. After becoming an Edenian some of her aging has regressed to her current looks.

"So where are those troublemakers of yours?" she asks Ambrosius while looking around the street for any sign of his children. As a member of Edenia since before the construction of the city, she is quite familiar with Ambrosius to the point of being able to comfortably call his children for what they truly are, a bunch of troublemakers.

"They blew up the left wing of the castle over a gallon of wine, as such they are grounded." replies Ambrosius.

"Ahhh, that was them. I was wondering whether it was an experiment gone wrong or just your children being themselves." she answers with a chuckle before turning to Sindel. "So when do you plan on having children?" she wonders, shocking the Queen.

"Excuse me?" asks a confused Sindel.

"Children. When are you getting yourself some, and I'm not talking about Kitana. I mean when are you getting some with him." explains the lady as she points at Ambrosius, causing his eyes to slightly widen at her boldness. Even though she is a friend, she has never been so bold as to ask him or any of the others when they would get themselves biological children.

"Adelina, that's a bit of a personal question." answers Ambrosius. "Besides, our relationship has not reached that stage."

"Please, at this point in life I don't really care if I'm asking personal questions. I've accomplished everything that I've ever wanted to in life and now I just want to see how many generations of your family I'll see grow up with this new lifespan of mine." she says with a scoff. "I can't do that if you're taking your sweet ass time making kids, now can I. So I say just skip the entire courting process and get straight to the f.u.c.k.i.n.g. Everyone can feel the s.e.xaul tension between you two from miles away." she adds as she points towards a gossiping group of people who are whispering among themselves about how long it will take before the King and Queen of Edenia make themselves babies.

Ambrosius finds the situation so absurd that he cannot help but chuckle while Sindel simply shakes her head with an amused smile on her face. It's not everyday that one of your subjects pesters you about children like an elderly mother does to her children.

"In all honesty, we don't know when other than not right now and most likely when we are done with our journey." responds Ambrosius.

"Ahhh yes, you're journey from universe to universe to grow your pantheon. I say that you should stop here. After all, you have us now, if you need more personnel then just pick Edenians worthy of whatever position you need them for. But who am I to tell you what to do, I'm just an old woman watching from the sidelines." she says with a shrug, causing Sindel and Ambrosius to smile fondly at her.

Before they can answer her however, the duo look up to the sky as their faces become free of emotions.

"They're here." comments Sindel, as hundreds of figures with batlike wings appear, their numbers easily blotting out the sky and casting a massive shadow over the city.

With the appearance of the Devils, a hush falls over the cities as every Edenian fearlessly looks up at the enemy without any trace of worry or apprehension. Flying in front of the devils is a beautiful woman who stands at five feet nine inches tall with long black hair, brown skin of the same complexion as Ambrosius, and glowing violet eyes. She wears a sleeveless royal purple dress with cleavage that exposes part of her big b.r.e.a.s.ts, high slits, and white gloves that cover her arm up to her biceps. She also wears a short black mini skirt that leaves much to the imagination, and knee high heels.

"Where is Emperor Ambrosius?!" bellows out the devil as she and her troops stop hundreds of feet over the city.

"Oh my, she's a beautiful one. Maybe I can get one of my grandkids to marry her." comments Adelina, causing every single Edenian to burst into laughter while also enraging the devil. Without saying a word, Leviathan creates a spear of ice and hurls it at Adelina. Despite seeing the attack coming from miles away not a single Edenian moves to stop it, and instead opt to mockingly look at Leviathan as if she were the dumbest creature on the planet.

As the spear comes within a few inches of Adelina, a strand of hair wraps itself around the weapon, stopping it from just a few inches from Adelina's face who had not even flinched.

"Well, that was quite rude. Young people these days, they have absolutely no manners." complains the intended target with a sigh.

"Yes, that was quite rude indeed." agrees Sindel as she narrows her eyes at Leviathan before floating up to meet the Satan while Ambrosius simply watches from the ground with an interested expression on his face.

"Judging by your clothes, you must be someone important. Tell me, where is your Emperor?" questions the devil.

"He has far more important things to deal with than a toothless worm like you." replies Sindel as she uses her hair to the ice spear at Leviathan's head with a speed that barely allows her to dodge, and making it impale the devil behind her. Despite dodging however, the ice spear created a long gash along her cheek.

Shocked, Leviathan slowly brings a hand up to her cheek to verify what has just occurred. As she brings her hand away from her wet cheek however, Leviathan can no longer deny the fact that she almost died just then.

"I am Leviathan, Satan of the Devils, leader of the Leviathan clan, and I promise you that you and your people will pay dearly for that!" exclaims an enraged Leviathan through gritted teeth.

"I am Sindel, Mother of all Edenians, Empress of Edenia and I highly doubt that." says Sindel as she introduces herself in a similar fashion as Leviathan, mocking her for her over dramatic introduction.

Knowing exactly what Sindel is doing, Leviathan's already poor mood turns stormy as dark clouds roll over the island and the surrounding seas become agitated.

"Very well, since you are so confident, then I will not bother to hold back, and neither will any of my forces. I had planned to let some of you live as slaves, but no more." says Leviathan as her magical energy explodes while her forces prepare themselves for battle. "Kill every living being on this island. If you want to have some fun with the women then be quick about it, I don't want any of them to be living when we leave." commands Leviathan, earning roars of approval from the other devils.

Hearing the words of Leviathan, the power of every Edenian warrior explodes as any amus.e.m.e.nt they previously found in the situation vanishes with many of them snarling at the devils while others look towards Ambrosius for his orders.

"There are ten Pillar leaders amongst them, kill every devil except for those. Don't worry about the city or the civilians, I will protect them all. I want this island clear of any pollution before nighttime." orders Ambrosius, causing the Edenian warriors to roar in excitement, their screams and power shaking the island to its very core before they launch themselves at the enemy as their bloodl.u.s.t permeates the air.


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual, tell me what you guys think.

Also the third chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh. The third chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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