From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 151 - Valefor and Botis Fall


~490 AD

High above the only city on the island of Edenia, two armies clash in a supernatural battle that many would consider to be of apocalyptic proportions. Thunder rolls and rumbles, the heavens m.o.a.n from each clash, and the sheer power coming from the combatants shakes the island of Edenia to its very core. The battle had only just begun minutes ago, yet many devil corpses can be found littering the ground. Many of them have died due to stab wounds from cursed weapons, decapitation, snapped necks, and some even have their parts of their body incinerated by various magical attacks.

One such devil is an Ultimate Class devil from a family of devils that branches from House Valefor, one of the 72 Pillars that is known for their ability to copy any magical ability that they have laid their eyes upon. Unfortunately for this devil, his opponent is not some random magician whose magical power that he can simply copy before killing him. No, his opponent is none other than Alexander, one of the most magically talented Edenians even before his Resonance with Medea. After his Resonance his magical abilities sky rocketed to the point that his fellow Edenians would believe him had he claimed to be favored by Queen Morgan, their goddess of magic.

As such he has no issues defending himself against the devil's onslaught despite his opponent making use of his spell, Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea. Dodging another storm of beams of light using Tροψα (Trofa), a spell that imitates the True Magic governing teleportation, Alexander appears behind the devil and proceeds to disintegrate his head with a shot of Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea.

As the devil's body begins to fall to the ground Alexander senses another one appearing behind him and attempts to move away from them. Before he can however he feels the pressure of the atmosphere increase to anchor him to this region of space just as a hand grabs hold of his neck and he is teleported miles away from the battle and into the middle of a forest.

Coming out of the teleportation, Alexander grabs the hand that holds his neck and proceeds to break it, giving him the time to create some distance between him and his enemy. Turning around, Alexander observes his new adversary, a devil that wears a smoky black and purple cloak that completely covers their body along with a hood that only allows the bottom of their face. All in all the devil looks more like a wraith as opposed to a devil. However, none of that is what concerns Alexander, rather it is the spell that they used to immobilize him that makes him wary.

"That spell you used… that was Ατλας (Atlas), a spell that I have yet to make use of outside of the battle arena on this island." comments Alexander as he narrows his eyes at his opponent.

"What makes you think that I did not use a spell with a similar effect." replies the devil with a voice that seems to come from the wind along with a cruel smirk that showcases his sharp canine teeth.

"Do not play me for a fool, I know the feeling of my spells. So tell me, devil, how did you come about that spell?" questions Alexander. "Perhaps if you are honest then I will not turn you into food for my dragon." he adds.

"I copied it from one of your fellow Edenians." answers the devil as his smirk grows.

"I see." says with a contemplative nod before focusing back on the devil. "You are able to copy all of my magical skills even if I did not use it. It is the only logical conclusion since no Edenian warrior can use that spell, at least not yet." comments Alexander, freezing the growing smirk on the devil's face. He did not expect Alexander to figure him out this quickly, and had hoped to catch him off guard by using all of his spells against him. That was his mistake however since Ατλας (Atlas) is not a standard spell that is widely known in Edenia. Before Alexander's Resonance, no one on the island had known of the spell since it is a personal spell of Medea, and as the first person to Resonate with her imprint Alexander is the sole user of it. Especially since it has been less than a week since his Resonance and in that time none of his fellow Edenian warriors have replicated the spell yet.

"How did you know?" questions the devil as his smirk disappears.

"If you can copy all of my magical skills even before seeing them then you must be a prodigious member of House Valefor, most likely the Head of House Valefor himself, Malaph Valefor." says Alexander to himself as he ignores the devil's question, causing his already poor mood to worsen.

"So you've figured out my identity, not bad. But that won't save you!" exclaims Malaph as he once again uses Ατλας (Atlas) to immobilise Alexander before firing hundreds of shots of Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea. The constant barrage of beams of light destroys a major part of the forest while also creating a cloud of dust and smoke that shrouds the area where Alexander stands.

After firing a few hundred more times, Malaph stops his barrage while using a wind spell to blow away the cloud of dust and smoke, allowing him to see his unscathed opponent.

"W-what? How did you survive?" questions a shocked Malaph as he looks at the unscathed Alexander who has a white aura around his body.

"Did you know that Ατλας (Atlas) is powerful enough to immobilize a Saber class servant even if they possess A-rank Magical Resistance?" questions Alexander as he dusts his clothes off. "Despite this however it has a major flaw that I've been trying to rectify, would you like to be my guinea pig?" asks Alexander as he points an open palm towards a confused Malaph before clenching it into a fist. The action activates a supercharged Ατλας (Atlas) that not only immobilizes Malaph but also proceeds to crush his limbs and break his ribcage.

"W-what?" stutters Malaph with a bloody cough. "How? I didn't sense you use any magical energy." he asks just as he is pulled towards Alexander who proceeds to punch him hard enough to fracture his skull and knock him out.

"Honestly, how do you use someone's spell against them without even knowing its flaws?" wonders Alexander as he looks at the unconscious body of the Head of House Valefor. "And here I was expecting a worthy opponent." he mutters to himself as he picks up the body and uses Tροψα (Trofa) to teleport next to Ambrosius.

"Malaph Valefor my Lord." says Alexander with a bow as he tosses the body at Ambrosius.

"Did he give you any trouble?" asks Ambrosius as he conjures a set of Black Keyes and stabs them onto Malaph's shadow. They are weapons that emphasize the ability to intervene spiritually against "evil", they focus less on physical attack power and more on the spiritual, even affecting powerful spirits like Servants to some degree should they be struck. When they are impaled upon the shadow of a living being they render that being immobile until they are removed.

"No my King. Although he is able to copy any magical ability, even if he does not bear witness to them, he only knows how to perform the spell and does not know all of its intricacies." explains Alexander.

Before Ambrosius can answer him however, Ajax comes crashing onto the ground near the duo.

"Having trouble there, Ajax?" asks Ambrosius with a slight smile on his face. To see Ajax be thrown around on a battlefield is an interesting sight to see. Usually he's the one dominating the fight and throwing his opponents around.

"Yea, this devil is pretty tough and his shapeshifting is a pain in the ass." complains Ajax as he wipes the blood from his lips while also earning glares of disapproval from many Edenians for cursing in front of Ambrosius.

"Just make sure to keep him alive. That is Agaliar Botis, Head of House Botis." instructs Ambrosius before Ajax launches himself back at his opponent.

Currently Ajax cannot help but feel irritated. He has been fighting the same opponent for a few minutes now and so far he hasn't been able to land a proper hit on him, much less defeat him. Everytime that he would come close to either slashing or stabbing his opponent his body would shift to allow him to evade the attack while also using his body's malleability to make up for his lack of reach with the sword. At first he had simply felt a little annoyed, but then he was sent flying to Lord Ambrosius' feet, making him look like a fool. In addition he found out that Alexander already beat one of the Pillar leaders, and his simple annoyance turned into full blown irritation.

With a roar Ajax launches himself at Agaliar Botis, Head of House Botis, one of the 72 Pillars known for their shape shifting along with a form of clairvoyance that allows them to see into the past. Currently Agaliar assumes the form of a bald man with blue eyes, long canine teeth and two horns, while carrying a sharp bright sword in his hand.

As he draws near his opponent Ajax stabs towards his torso, only for Agaliar's torso to open up, allowing the spear to harmlessly pass through before he shifts into a serpent that coils itself around the shaft of the spear and slithers its way towards the hand holding the spear. Before Agaliar can reach him however, Ajax encases his hands in flames that he uses to enshroud his spear.

With a pained roar Agaliar transforms back to normal and jumps away from Ajax. Before he can get very far however a whip of fire wraps around his throat and pulls him back towards Ajax just as the spear is stabbed towards his heart. Stretching his body, Agaliar flows around the assault and uses his close proximity to slash his sword towards Ajax's throat.

Dismissing his spear, Ajax grabs the blade and stops the sword from advancing any further.

"Your fingers should be severed." comments Agaliar with a frown as he looks at Ajax holding the blade of his sword with his bare hands.

"Oh yea? Well f.u.c.k your magic sword." replies Ajax with a grin as his Touki explodes from his body and enshrouds him in a slim crimson aura. Having never encountered Touki before, Agaliar's cautious nature makes itself known as he attempts to free his sword from Ajax in order to create some distance between them. Unfortunately for him, Ajax tightens his grips around the blade before using his other hand to snap it from the hilt and tossing it through the skull of a devil who had been attempting to sneak up on him to help Agaliar.

Before Agaliar can realise that his sword is broken Ajax appears in front of him in a burst of speed that Agaliar confuses for teleportation and smashes his fist into his opponent's stomach, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to dry heave.

"Can't shapeshift to dodge if you can't see me coming." comments Ajax with a grin as he punches Agaliar in the jaw, breaking it. "I wanted to beat you with Gae Bolg and without using Touki, but you had to be a slippery little bastard." he says as he proceeds to pummel Agaliar's chest with a series of kicks, snapping his ribs and causing them to puncture his lungs. "Now you get to feel your bones snap and your body break." he adds as he kicks Agaliar's knees in before smashing his knee against his head, cracking his skull and knocking him out. "F.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard." curses Ajax as he tosses the unconscious Agaliar to Ambrosius' feet before returning to the battlefield where he immediately decapitates a devil with his spear.

Before he can go on a rampage however, two immense magic circles appear in the air above the battle. As everyone wonders what their purpose is, Kulshedra, a large serpentine demonic dragon with nine tongues, hornes, spiked spine, and massive demonic wings, emerges from one of the circles and releases a deafening roar that brings a halt to the battle. From the second magic circle, a gigantic nine-headed hydra emerges and proceeds to exhale clouds of poison that kills every devil in its vicinity while the Edenians merely cough due to its smoky nature.

Down on the ground, Ambrosius watches it all with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a good thing I remembered to give them immunity to all poisons. Although I wonder, who has the pleasure to deal with that annoyance?" mutters Ambrosius to himself.


AN: Here's the chapter, it would have been longer but I feel like if I wrote the battle against the hydra and the dragon in the same chapter it would have been rushed. As usual, tell me what you guys think.

Also the third chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh. The third chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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