From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 15 - Throughout the Realm

"How dare they!? How dare they proclaim my love a traitor and execute him!? How dare they order me to surrender myself and my baby boy!? How dare they proclaim my baby a bastard!? How dare they try to strip me of my hold on the Vale!? I will have Cersei and her family's heads for this" raged Lysa Arryn as she paced in front of her throne within the High Hall of the Eyrie.

Lysa Arryn has grown thick of body in her early thirties as a result of her many pregnancies, miscarriages and stillbirths. Despite being two years younger than her sister Catelyn, Lysa looks ten years older; her face has become pale and puffy, and she now paints and powders it. She has the blue eyes of House Tully, but they are pale and watery. Lysa has a small, petulant mouth, and her beautiful auburn hair falls thickly down to her waist. In her youth however, Lysa was a pretty, slender, high-b.r.e.a.s.ted girl in her youth, dimpled and delicate.

In her childhood, Lysa had been a soft, shy, and timid girl, prone to tongue-tied silences and fits of giggles. Her years at King's Landing changed her significantly, however, turning her into a woman who is by turns proud, fearful, cruel, dreamy, reckless, impulsive, timid, stubborn, vain, and inconstant. Lysa had never been brave in her youth, which did not change during a.d.u.l.thood.

Usually she prefers rich silks, satins, velvets, furs, samites, and linens. She likes Myrish lace and is fond of wearing a cream-colored gown with a necklace of sapphires and moonstones. However, ever since receiving news of Petyr Baelish's execution, she has taken to mourning clothes which include black silk, with the moon-and-falcon of House Arryn sewn in pearls.

Situated on the throne while playing with a doll sat her baby boy, the apple of her eye, her sweetrobin. At the age of six years old, he is unfortunately small and painfully thin for his age.---However, anyone who dares mention this outloud will be flayed alive to be later thrown out of the Moon Door and six hundred feet to their death.--- He is pale with brown hair and big eyes, has spindly arms and legs, a soft concave chest, a little belly, and his skin is splotchy. Due to Lysa's overprotective nature and spoiling nature young Robert is spoiled and whiny, prone to crying when his dolls are taken away or damaged. However, looking at him, the only person she has left in the world, she couldn't find it within herself to care.

When she was young she idolized her older sister Catelyn for her betrothal to the heir of Winterfell, Brandon Stark, and hoped to one day marry a man as noble and handsome as him. Her marriage to Lord Jon Arryn, however, was purely political, and while he was dutiful and kind to her, the marriage lacked the warmth that she required. Fortunately, Petyr was able to follow her to Kings landing after receiving a position on the small council as the master of coin. They continued their friendship there and even fell in love. Truthfuly, she has no idea whether Petyr or Jon is her sweetrobin's father, and she frankly doesn't care. Unfotunately, everyone else does. So she'll claim that Jon is father to keep her power in the Vale.

Looking over her subjects she orders, "Gather the bannermen. We go to war."

No one will take her sweetrobin from her and the Lannisters will pay for killing her Petyr. Even if she has to burn the realm in the flames of war to acheive it.


Tywin Lannister is a tall, slender, broad-shouldered man in his fifties. His arms are thin but muscled from his training as a knight. His head has been shaved ever since his golden hair started going bald, but he grows out bushy golden side-whiskers. Tywin has pale green eyes flecked with gold. He is a calculating, intelligent, politically astute, ruthless, and controlling man. He dedicates his life and efforts towards maintaining the Lannisters' prestige, and ensuring House Lannister is respected, or at least feared. He is a proven battle commander who leads from the rear, he has a powerful presence combined with an intimidating gaze and is extremely harsh towards those who betray him and his house.

The Reynes and the Tarbecks were the last traitors his house faced, as far as anyone other than his brother Kevin knows, and they paid the price with the extinction of their house. The event itself garnered him such infamy that a bard made a song on it and spread it all over Westeros. Which is why when he and his entourage were attacked by bandits on the Kignsroad he paid it no mind and only filed a mental note to have that section of the Kingsroad cleaned out. These bandits were far too close to the Goldroad for his liking.

However, he did notice two things that indicated that these bandits were a little smarter then the usual rabble. The first was that they tied rope accross the road, with both ends tied to a tree, at a level where if the rider didn't pay attention the horse would trip. They even tied another one high enout that should the horse go over the first rope, the second rope will most likely drop the rider from their horse due to the collision. This forced his group to stop long enough for them to cut off any escape route and attack.

The second thing that he noticed was that they were skilled and didn't draw attention to themselves by yelling when they attacked. Unfortunately for them, his guards were more skilled and already blooded; or so he thought.

As if a switch was flipped, the bandits begin to fight with far more skill and ferocity that's only seen in veteran knights and warriors. Noticing that his entourage wouldn't survive long, Tywin spurned his horse to gallop as fast as possible to leave the middle fo the entourage, where he had been observing. Unfortunately, just as his horse was beginning to move, an arrow flew from the woods and pierced each of his horse's eyes blinding it. The horse neighed one last time in pain before toppling over and taking its rider with it. Before Tywin could recover, his head was stuck and he entered into unconsciousness.


As Tywin came to consciousness the first thing he noticed was the draft on his bare skin and the cold feeling of metal on his wrist from where he hung. He was completely n.a.k.e.d with only a cloth covering his privates and a blindfold over his blocking out any form of light. He had no idea how long he hung there before he started feeling thirst. Soon enough it was hunger. He knew not how long he hung from his wrist, his feet not even able to touch the ground and the only censory input he received was the cold draft on his skin coming from everywhere. Just as he started to feel that he'd go mad, he heard the grinding of an open door, followed by footsteps coming from evevrywhere around him. Soon enough, a voice spoke out from every corner of the room.

"Well would you look at that. If it isn't the mighty Tywin Lannister, murderer of children and mothers." The voice, why does it so sound familiar. Of course it's familiar, it belongs to... it belongs to... belongs to... to... Why can't can't he remember, he's Tywin Lannister and he... he... he... After a while he starts to remember who he is. However, there are some gaps in his memories and he can feel a malicious presence surrounding him. As if the devil himself was constatly breathing on his skin. That can't be right, he thinks, devils and gods weren't real. They can't be real, they're fabrication of man to deal with the hardsh.i.p.s of life. However, even as he thinks so, a part of his mind, the part that already broke from the isolation and lack of censory, violently disagrees. The voice that once sounded so charming and human, now somehow sounded demonic yet more charming than before. It was tempting him with it's beautiful and charming qualities to give in and obey, that all he had to do was give in and everything would be alright. Tywin's mind, that was already fractured, broke even more; and the sane part of his mind knew with all his being that the torture has only just begun.

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