From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 16 - The Warrior

It was afternoon that finds the remaining members of the small council in the Great Hall. The door to the Great Hall and the Iron Throne faces south east, the same direction as the Gate of the Gods and the entrance of the Red Keep. If one were to walk from the Red Keep to the Gate of the Gods using the road linking the two, it would be an almost perfectly straight line.

The cavernous Great Hall can feast a thousand hall is oriented south east to north west, with high, narrow windows on the northern, southern, and north western, behind the throne, walls. As the sun travels throughout the sky, from east to west, the room gets brighter, with three in the afternoon being the brightest the room will be. This setup, whether planned or not, makes it so that the sun is behind whomever sits on the Iron Throne and shines upon them through the window behind the throne. Judging by the brightness of the sunlight in the room, I'd wager that it's around four in the afternoon.

Cersei, Grand Maester Pycelle, Commander Janos Slynt, the Kingsguard Robert didn't take with him, and I are discussing the upcoming battle. Standing behind and on Cersei's right, while she sits on the Iron Throne, I have a perfect view facing the others who sit on the left and right side of a long table that holds a map depicting the war.

Stannis Baratheon has sided with Lysa Arryn and made a play for the throne. His reasoning being that his brother is unfit to rule and that all of Robert's children are bastards. It's a very uncharacteristic move of Stannis. I thought that he'd have waited until Robert died. Instead, he makes a claim for the throne and "allies" himself with Lysa Arryn of all people. I say allies but in reality he just used her. He sent seven thousand of his forces to reinforce Lysa's losing twenty thousand. Usually the Vale would have been able to field around forty five thousand however, with Lysa's crimes made public most of the major houses in the Vale allied with the crown and the rest of the realm.

Currently the Vale is facing a chaotic time, with Robert taking around half of the Westerlands and the Riverlands forces to bring Lysa to heel and the North joining in for revenge for their, now dead, Lord Eddard Stark. Using the chaos, Stannis split his forces. He sent seven thousand to reinforce Lysa and took the remaining eight thousand to flank Robert's forces, forcing Robert to split his forces to protect his flank. By the time anybody realized that Stannis wasn't going to turn around to attack Robert's flank, Stannis was already more than halfway to Kings Landing. He seemed to be planning to recruit the remaining lords in the Crownlands to attack Kings Landing by sending small parties to each major Lord's keep.

Unfortunately for him, his bid for the throne is a hindrance to the plan of setting Daenerys up as the queen. By sending copies of the fake 'The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms' to all noble houses, I set him up to look like a liar and a power hungry man who's jealous of his brother's success. Going one step further, I had my trusty panther smuggled into Kings Landing and maul Renly in his room. Someone happened to hear me discuss Renly's death with Cersei and "accidentally" leaked the fact that he died at the hand of witchcraft used by Stannis' red priest. Now not only does the Faith condemn him, but it also turned the common folk and all noble houses against him.

"How long until they arrive at our gate?" asks Cersei.

"If he keeps the pace and nothing intercepts him, approximately a day. The last report I received had him leaving Rosby and that was a day ago" I answer.

"Very well. Are the preparations ready?" she asks Pycelle

Pycelle is an old man that has only sparse hair that runs around his bald, spotted head. He has a long, snowy beard that runs down to his chest and broad stomach.

"Yes your highness. All preparations are complete" he answers

Nodding her head, Cersei replies "Good. You are dismissed."

As the group leaves the hall, I immediately sense that something is wrong. Without saying a word, I immediately step next to Cersei and survey the now empty hall.

"What's wrong?" asks Cersei.

Turning to face her, I put a finger on my lips and lightly shake my head. I turn to face the hall again and I know immediately what has my senses screaming at me. The shadows in the room shouldn't exist, especially since the only things that are in the room for the sun to create a shadow from are Iron Throne, Cersei and me. The Iron Throne completely blocks Cersei from the sun, making her shadow nonexistent. That leaves just me, and I'm not big enough to cast a shadow that reaches all the way to the door of the Great Hall. I spent such a long time dealing with mundane assassins that I completely forgot about the supernatural ones.

"Come out" I ordered "I know that you're here."

It takes approximately six point seven seconds for them to decide to show themselves.

"What the f.u.c.k are they!?" exclaimes Cersei. Despite the situation, her face is already starting to show small hints of worry however, her use of profanity is telling me that she is in fact very afraid.

The creatures are fairly humanoid in nature, with two legs and two arms. However, that's where the similarities end. They're completely faceless and their bodies are completely black with spikes instead of hands. There's three in front of us in a triangular formation and, based on my senses, another one moving towards us from the back.

Before it can travel the remaining two feet to attack, I turn my spear and stab behind me, sending it through its chest and killing it. The process barely takes a second and a half and judging by their slight step back, the remaining ones didn't expect me to be able to accomplish it. Whether it's because they didn't expect me to have a valyrian weapon, or because they didn't expect me to notice it is hard to tell; especially when they're faceless.

I take another step forward, placing myself between them and Cersei, and say "Stay where you are. These creatures are the same ones that the red witch sent to kill Renly."

Before she has a chance to answer, I throw myself at the enemy, spear held at the ready. As I prepare to stab the foremost one, his right arm extends and shoots towards my face. Without slowing down, I slant my head the right, completely dodging it, and stab my spear through its throat, killing it before its spear shaped hand can reach Cersei behind me. Without missing a beat I run past its decomposing corpse, throwing my spear at the one on the right, impaling it in the head; I flick my wrist and activate the hidden blades in my vambraces and dash towards the remaining one. Ducking under a thrust and redirecting another one, I easily step into its guard and stab it in the throat with my left hidden blade, killing it. The design itself is based on the ones from Assassin's Creed, with the daggers from my dragonglass cache remolded to make the blade.

As I make my way to the decomposing corpse to pick up my spear, a scream pierces through the quiet evening air.

"Myrcella!" exclaims Cersei. "Go! Make sure that the children are alright!"

Foregoing my spear, I sprint through the door and make my to the wing that holds the children's bedchambers.

A walk from the Great Hall to the Myrcella's room takes approximately twenty minutes. A knight in light armor, sprinting as fast as they can, may be able to make it in twelve minutes. It takes me about seven minutes, and that's including me dodging all the people walking about and the stairs.


I arrived to see the door to Myrcella's room open. I walk in and immediately find Myrcella and Tommen on the floor hugging each other. Evidently she tried to shield and protect her little brother. Her arms are tightly holding his head to her chest, the rest of her body is covering Tommen, and where her heart should be, is a hole that cleanly goes from her back to her chest and through Tommen's head. Ignoring the tears that silently fall from my eyes, I kneel next to them and gently disentangle them from each other.

As I take a deep breath to quell my growing rage, I come to a startling realization. I was compromised. I was compromised, not because anyone has figured out that I'm not loyal to the crown; but because I took a liking to Cersei's youngest kids. They remind me of my siblings when I still lived on regular Earth. Watching Myrcella dote on Tommen and try to shield him from Joffrey was heartwarming.

Taking another breath, I expel the sad thoughts from my mind and begin to plan. Melisandre needs to be taken care of. She is far too dangerous and unpredictable to be left alive. She doesn't make her decisions according to any human based motivation, no, she looks into her flames and decides on what to do based on what they show her. Unlike other people, I can't decipher or predict her actions based on motives alone, and if I have no idea what she'll do then I can't plan accordingly. She must die and it needs to be as soon as possible.

If I remember correctly, her shadow demons can't be too far from her or else they decompose before achieving their goals. Considering the fact that Kings Landing is 1700 sq km and that all openings other than Gate of the Gods are rigged with wildfire, that means that Stannis and his army are outside the city. If I have to go through Stannis' army to get to her, then that's fine. I'll be taking down two birds with one stone, eliminating Stannis and Melisandre.

"JOFFREY!" Cersei's anguished filled cry knocks me out of my thoughts.

Getting up, I gently pick up the bodies of Tommen and Myrcella, and place them on the bed. Making my way to Joffrey's room, I arrive to find a weeping Cersei cradling her child's dead body. I don't know how long I stood there silently letting her grieve, but eventually she turns to face me and harshly says

"I want Stannis' head and I want that red bitch in the black cells suffering. I don't care what you do, as long as she suffers."

Without saying a word, I turn to leave the room.

"Where are you going!?" she demands

Without pausing I continue on my way and answer "To get you Stannis' head."


As I stand in front of the Gate of the Gods facing Stannis's army with the sun shining on my back, I can't help but feel excited about the upcoming battle. Even in legends, a man facing an army by himself is rarely heard of, especially not lancers. The only one that comes to mind is Cu Cuchulain. Do I have to face an entire army by myself? No.I could easily wait until they make camp and let their guard down to sneak in, abduct Melisandre, kill Stannis and sneak back out with his head in a bag and an unconscious Melisandre on my back. However, I want to do this for two reasons. The first is so that when I give the throne to Daenerys, those that aren't allied with Dorne don't object. While the people who would object are either dead, will die soon or are the North, it still doesn't hurt to send a message just in case. The second reason is because I want to push myself and see how far I can go.

Looking over Stannis' army, I can't help but notice that the majority is made up of infantry, with only eight knights on horses, not including Stannis. Based on their well made armor I can infer that they're either, nobles or rich knights. Before I can do anything, the knight to Stannis' left separates himself from where the army stands and approaches me.

Stopping about two feet away from me, he looks down and asks "Are you here to surrender Kings Landing to your rightful king."

Not bothering to spare him a glance I answer "No. However, I do have a message for him. I know that he won't surrender, therefore he has one chance to beat me and get Kings Landing without a drawn out siege. He must send ten of his best knights to face me in a battle to the death, whether in one on one combat or as a group. If they lose, then he will have to win Kings Landing with his army. If I lose however, the gates of Kings Landing will be open to him. Also, tell him that when his knights lose, I'll be coming for him."

Even through his armor I can tell that he doesn't expect me to win. I couldn't care less however and just ignored him. Without a word he leaves and makes his way back to Stannis.

A few minutes later I'm facing the eight knights on horses and two infantrymen.

I look over them and ask "Since I don't have time to play around with you, why don't you all fight me as a group."

It may sound like I'll be at a disadvantage, but the truth of the matter is that knights have absolutely no concept of teamwork. They'll either surround me and attack one on one, or they'll attack as a group and get in each other's way. With my superior speed, strength, senses and biotics I am far from being at a disadvantage. Skill wise I'd say that I'm on par with Oberyn and wouldn't be surprised if I came across another knight just as skilled.

"Well" I say, not bothering to bring my spear up in a defensive stance, "Can we get started?"

They look at each other for a second and surround me before charging. Stepping into the first knight's guard, I spear my weapon through his neck, remove it and quickly step to the right to evade knight number two's strike and walk into knight number three's guard. Grabbing three by the neck, I position him to my left just in time to get slashed at the elbow by two and lose his arm. No wasting a moment, I maneuver around three and slash a still dumbstruck two in the neck. Moving past his falling corpse, I bring my spear up just in time to redirect four's sword into five's neck and behead four while he tries to process what happened. Rolling forward to avoid six's slash at my back, I use the momentum from the roll to stab my spear into seven's armpit and make sure to cut the remaining tissue and bone when I remove the spear, completely disarming him. Without missing a beat, I turn and redirect six's sword away from me, leaving him open to a stab through his helmet's visor opening. As his body falls lifelessly to the ground, I turn to face the remaining three and quietly beckon them to attack.

As I remove my spear from the last body, I turn to face Stannis' army, and with no preamble I sprint towards them. As I get closer to his army I slow down my perception of time and begin to enhance myself with my biotics just enough to enshroud myself in a small purple aura and for my eyes to glow purple.

Seeing me charge his face hardens and he orders "What are you waiting for, it's one man. Charge."

With a warcry they rush past him and charge towards me. The first person to reach me dies from a spear thrust to the heart, the second loses his head, the third is a severed carotid artery, and it goes on until I lose track of how many have fallen after sixty. Sidestepping a slash I grab my attacker by the throat and snap his neck before throwing him at another one attempting to sneak from behind. By now, I'm no longer thinking, just reacting using the most optimal and efficient moves. Duck under a sword and respond with an uppercut, sidestep a thrust and counter with a spear slash to the throat, redirect a slash, step into the attacker's guard and finish with a stab to the throat from my hidden blade.

Eventually they stop coming and just stare in fear, all the while muttering "The Warrior". I'm not surprised that they think that I'm The Warrior incarnate. With my armor drenched in blood and my spear's color becoming crimson from soaking in my enemy's blood and my glowing eyes, I must portray a terrifying sight.

Deciding to end things now, I say "There is no need for you to throw away your lives for a man not satisfied with his life and a delusional crone. Bring me Stannis and his red witch and I shall allow you to return home."

However before they can answer me, a deep roar resonates through the battlefield as Daenerys Targeryan lands her dragon in front of me and throws Stannis and Melisandre at my feet.

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