From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 17 - Revelations

He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe. Yet, what better explanation can there be? A God of War himself has decided to come down and grace the realm with his presence.

Lancel had heard the rumors about the dornishman who killed the Mountain when he'd gone mad. The rumors were tame at first. Some say that he's blessed by The Warrior others say that he's just a regular human. However, two constant statements about him that all gossip seem to agree is that he's the best warrior the realm has ever seen and the most charming and handsome man to walk the earth. As a previous member of the City Watch of Kings Landing, Lancel has been all over Kings Landing including the Red Keep. He's seen the man with his own eyes, and he agrees completely with those statements. While Lancel definitely loves women over men, he can't deny that the man is far more charming than any other man he's met, even Ser Jaime. According to the women that serve in the Red Keep, just listening to his voice is seductive.

However, that's not what interested him about the man. No, what interested him about the man was his martial prowess. Lancel has been a member of the goldcloaks since Arthur Dayne himself was a member of the Kingsguard. He's seen warriors like Arthur Dayne, Barristan Selmy and Jaime Lannister fight in boh spars and the melee during tourneys, however he's never seen a warrior move like that man. While the others fight as if their swords are extensions of themselves, that man fights as if his whole body is the weapon; and that's before you take the man's sheer speed into account. However, all of those feats pale in comparison to what he'd just witnessed.

It had started out as a regular day for a member of Stannis' army. While he used to be a member of the goldcloaks, he had returned home when a sailor who knew his mother had brought news of her taking ill. He quit and returned home to his village near Duskendale. Unfortunately she passed before he arrived, and with her being the only family he's ever had. The purpose of him joining the goldcloaks was to make her life easier with the pay he'd earned, her death now made that mute. In the end he joined Stannis' army. The day started out normally enough, camp was packed and they continued their march to Kings Landing.

Upon arriving, they were met with the sight of Ser Gawain himself standing on the field with the sun itself shining on him like an ethereal being come to man's world. After having a conversation with one of the eight knights in the army, the man stood there and waited until he was approached once more by all of Stannis' knights and two infantrymen. The battle that followed was great, but it wasn't anything new. Lancel had seen him do the same on the training grounds, he already knew that Stannis' knights would lose.

What followed the battle however, was the stuff that you would hear about only in the legends. It started out as a small violet light in Ser Gawain's arm. Lancel had first dismissed it as a trick of the sunlight, but as Ser Gawain ran closer to them, the small violet light grew. From his hands, to his arms, his torso, to even his eyes; the light continued to grow until he was enshrouded from head to toe. The aura that enveloped him was violet in color, the exact same color and shade as his eyes. It clung to him like a second skin, powerful and bright, bright enough to be seen and make its bearer to look like god, but dim for him to still be seen under it.

What proceeded to happen was a massacre. The man… no, the god tore through the army as if he were The Warrior himself. Heads flew and bodies fell and like a force of nature, none could stand in his way. Lancel had hidden himself amongst the middle wave, waiting for an opportunity to strike while the man was unaware. For his troubles one of his comrades' corpses was thrown at him like a rag. Having learned his lesson, he stayed behind as the God of War dismantled over half of an eight thousand strong army.

Eventually, after more than half of them died, they stopped attacking. Like a God of War he stood there on the field of battle drowned in blood and piles of dead. His comrades whispered and called him The Warrior, but Lancel disagreed. The Warrior is just that, a warrior god, this being however is no mere warrior, he is the God of War. How could he not be when he stood there, head held high, right leg stepping on a corpse, left hand holding another by the throat, his spear held in his right hand while it dripped blood to the floor and eyes aglow with a deep violet flame.

Surveying the battlefield, he proclaimed with his deep, yet somehow still charming voice "There is no need for you to throw away your lives for a man not satisfied with his life and a delusional crone. Bring me Stannis and his red witch and I shall allow you to return home."


To Daenerys Targaryan, Gawain is what she believes a perfect older brother would be. They first met on the continent of Essos when she was nine namedays. She didn't bother to learn the name of the city, she and Viserys were to busy looking for food and shelter. It had been after another failed attempt to receive shelter that she had quite literally bumped into him. At first she had been afraid of retaliation, so she closed her eyes, put her head down and hoped that they'd just yell and not hit her like some of the other people she had bumped into. The hit never came however, neither did the yelling. Taking a chance she had looked up expecting to see an angry face staring down at her, instead she was met with glowing and gentle violet eyes looking at her in concern.

When he introduced himself, Viserys seemed to recognize the name Sand and proceeded to introduce himself in a very arrogant Viserys fashion. They spoke, well she and Gawain did while Viserys raged on about his lack of respect. In the end he offered them to come Sunspear with him, to which Viserys excitedly agreed. On the trip to Sunspear Viserys seemed to become sick with bowels and stomach problems and eventually died. At the time she didn't suspect anything; however after having spent four years in Sunspear learning everything from politics to fighting to poisons, she suspects that Gawain killed him using the tears of lys. She suspected that they wanted to make her a puppet queen. Yet that option was thrown out the window when they taught her everything they knew about politics. Eventually she grew tired of guessing and asked, according to Doran Martell, they cared not who has the throne as long as they get their vengeance for Elia and the ruler sufficiently respects them. Ever since then she threw herself into training.

It was also during that same year that she'd hatched her dragon eggs. According to Gawain, his spies heard rumour of one Illyrio Mopantis receiving a batch of dragon eggs. His purpose had been to steal them and present them to her and her brother as a gift when they'd been found. To this day she still doesn't know what drove her to do it, but when they went to bury Visery in Sunspear, she decided to instead build a pyre and burn his body along with the eggs. Sometime during the funeral she had walked into the pyre and stayed until it extinguished, coming out with three baby dragons instead of dragon eggs.

When Gawain had informed her that he was going to Kings Landing to set the stage for her to become queen, she hadn't been too thrilled to let him go alone. However, she understood that it would be best to take the throne without participating in a war to avoid making her look like an invader. The plan was sound and easily adaptable if something went wrong. Through her four years in Westeros, Gawain and Oberyn had disguised her and taken her on a tour to all the major houses except for the Lannisters, Starks, Arryns, Tullys and Baratheon. In the end they managed to convince the Tyrells of the Reach, Royce of the Vale, Lannisters of Lannisport, Freys in the Riverlands, Swanns in the Stormlands and Greyjoys in the Iron Islands into backing her claim when the time came.

It was near the end of the year that Oberyn came and informed her that it was time. Apparently the plan went off without a hitch. Eddard Stark's death and the fabricated evidence on Lysa Arryn split the Vale in two. House Royce leads the resistance against Lysa's faction which is led by House Hunter. Accompanying House Royce are the Lannisters and half of the Westerland's military force led by Kevan Lannister, who has no idea that his brother, Tywin, is suffering in the dungeons under Sunspear. The North is being led by Eddard's son, Robb. The Riverlands is led by the Edmure Tully. With Kevan Lannister leading the army, the cadet branch of Lannisters have the perfect opportunity to take over the Westerlands, and with Edmure, the last Tully able to rule, away in the battlefield; House Frey can just sweep in and take over Riverrun, making them the new lieges of the Riverlands. With Renly's death, the Stormlands became devoid of House Baratheon. As the now most powerful house in the Stormlands, House Swann naturally became the new lieges of the Stormlands.

Using the chaos of the war, they were able to make all of the kingdoms, except for the North and the Crownlands, back her claim for the throne. While it definitely took some assassinations and fear tactics to accomplish, this will go down as the least bloody takeover for the Iron Throne.

Now as she makes her way to Kings Landing to claim the throne, she can't help but feel that she isn't ready. She's only thirteen after all.

Before she further loses herself in self doubt, her companion interupts her.

"Down below. Isn't that Stannis and the red witch?" says Nymeria.

Looking down Daenerys can make out two people riding on horses. Taking a closer look, she can tell that they can see her coming. She isn't really surprised, she is riding a dragon after all.

Turning to Nymeria she asks "They seem to be escaping something. Do you think that it might be Gawain."

Smirking Nymeria answers "I wouldn't be surprised. Let's capture them, It'll be nice to rub his failure in his face"

Capturing the two was as simple as spooking the horses and hitting them with sleeping darts. Getting them on the dragon however, proved to be a much harder affair. In the end they settled for tor carrying the witch on the dragon and dragging Stannis through the air with Nymeria's whip. In all honesty they probably broke a few of Stannis bones with that stunt, but Daenery couldn't find it in herself to care.

As they get closer to Kings Landing the first thing they notice is the smell. Normally that wouldn't be unusual as Kings Landing smells shit, according to everyone. However, the smell wasn't the smell of feces, it was the smell of blood. Fearing the worst, Daenerys mentally spurned Albion to fly faster. Letting out a deep roar, Albion flew faster before landing at a figure that Daenerys recognized as Gawain.

Before he can react, Daenerys kicks the witch off her dragon and Tyene lets go of her whip, sending them both to Gawain's feet. That done she finally took the time to study him. Bloodied armor, a body under his right foot, another one held tightly by the throat in his left hand, his spear held in his right hand dripping blood from the tip and eyes glowing an intense violet flame. If someone were to tell her that her friend and brother figure was The Warrior or some other god at the moment, she wouldn't have trouble believing them.

As she gets of her dragon her friend kneels on an unoccupied patch of land and declares

"Your Grace, Kings Landing is yours."


Sitting on the Iron Throne, Daenerys can't help but internally bem.o.a.n on how uncomfortable it is. The gates had been opened with no resistance and the people had cheered when Gawain had escorted her in all the while dragging a bound a gagged Stannis and Melisandre. According to Gawain he had spread rumors of her going around the continent on a dragon stopping bandits and helping the small folk. From what he told her, it wasn't a complete lie. Apparently throughout the year he had a regimen of soldiers disguise themselves as regular smallfolk, save travelers from bandits along different roads in the realm and pay them off to spread the rumor. Vary never noticed because he died when the rumors were starting out and any other spy network waved them off as inconsequential rumors.

Turning to the object of her thoughts Daenerys asks "When do you leave for beyond the wall."

"Now" he answers. "My work in Kings Landing is done. According to a letter I received, Robert, Jaime and Kevin Lannister are dead in an ambush led by Oberyn, Lysa Tully was turned in by House Hunter when they realized that they were losing and Edmure Tully was killed when he returned to the Riverlands. With those individuals dead the crown is yours. The Westerland belongs to you through the Lannisters of Lannisport, the Riverlands through House Frey, the Vale through House Royce, the Stormlands through House Swann, the Reach through House Tyrell, the Iron Islands through House Greyjoy and Dorne through the Martells. The only Kingdoms left are the Crownlands and the North. The Crownlands no longer have an army to object with and the North is in the same situation now as when Torrhen Stark bent the knee, surrounded on all sides and against three dragons" he finishes.

Sighing, Daenerys looks him in the eyes and says "Is the situation really that dire. What did the envoys from The Wall say?" Without letting him finish she continues "No matter, just be careful, and if you know that you will die at least take the Night Walkers with you."

A smirk on his face he bows and answers "As you wish."

As he walks out he says with a conspiratorial tone in his voice "Do make sure not to desecrate Cersei's body. I actually enjoyed my time with her."


My trip to The Wall was uneventful. I spent the time talking to Custos, my panther, who for some reason ditched me when I went to Kings Landing. I have a hypothesis that it was because of the smell.

Sneaking past the Night Watch was naturally easy for me. The hard part began once I was past The Wall. After a certain distance, I lost count, the forecast changed to a constant snowstorm, and other than a few walking dead here and there it was uneventful. As I traveled beyond The Wall, I settled into a routine of waking up, doing my morning routine, breaking camp, traveling, eating lunch when I get hungry, traveling and finally making camp for the night and sleeping.

Today is no different than the other days, except for the fact that I'm running out of food. Considering the fact I packed enough food for three months, it's worrying me. It's around my first hour walking after eating lunch, that I finally see them. Through the snowstorm I can make out countless glowing ice blue eyes.

Dropping my pack, I glance at Custos through my peripheral and ask "Ready for this buddy?"

He c.o.c.ks his head to the side, gives me a panther's equivalent of a raised eyebrow and snorts pompously, as if saying "Of course I am, you stupid human."

I smile at his action, fully summon my biotics to enhance me, tighten my grip on my spear, and without saying another word I launch myself at the undead.

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