From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 2 - 2. Arkham

As I flew over the bay on my way to Arkham I thought about the battlefield I was about to enter. While I do have experience fighting Batman's rogues, I was always by his side with him there to back me up should something happen. Now I'm going to face some of them on my own. The original plan was for me to get to Arkham and meet up with Batman. However, he decided that I was finally good enough to face some of them on my own.

"Robin, Joker plans to build an army of Titan fueled mutants. I'm sending you a scan of the spores found in the sewers. According to Ivy, it should be helpful in synthesizing an antidote."

"On it."

I didn't think that we were already that far into the story line, then again the only reason why the game was so long was because it was a game not a real life situation where a man who specifically trained for this was dealing with the situation.

Searching the computer on the plane for the location barely takes two seconds, and turning the wheel to change course takes another second. By the time that I make it there it hasn't even been 3 minutes. As I park the plane, I take a look at the cave under Arkham. The similarities between this cave and the one from the game is uncanny. The only difference being that the boxes contain backup gadgets.

Making my way to the computer, I upload the scan and set the computer to begin synthesizing the formula. While the computer works on that I make my way to the boxes to see if I can find anything useful that isn't already in my belt.

Looking over the crates I realize that Batman really is prepared for most situations. All the gadgets in the boxes are already in our belts. It's moments like these that remind me that this is real and not a game. The reason why Batman had to slowly acquire these is because if the players started out with all of these in the game it would have taken a much shorter time to finish it.


As I return to the computer I feel the cave shake all around me and I'm immediately on guard. With a cry of alarm I leap backwards just in time to avoid a large vine erupting from the ground. I rush towards the computer while dodging vines bursting out from beneath me. I'm only about a meter away when I feel something start to wrap around my ankle. Without a second thought, I immediately leap and turn into the air while pulling out a birdarang from my belt, cutting the small vine before it went taut. As soon as I land I sprint the last meter and immediately send the cure to Batman. However just as I finish the ground erupts under me and a large vine wrap around my torso before darkness is all I see.

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