From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 3 - 3. Poison Ivy

When I come to consciousness I make sure to keep my muscles relaxed and listen for any clues as to where I am.

"I know you're awake"

I open my eyes and face the voice. It's a voice that I'm intimately familiar with.

"Pam." I intone. That explains why I no longer have my belt and hanging upside down with my hands bound and no room to move. She's always been one of Bruce's smarter rogues. However, it doesn't explain how she knew that I woke up. The only way to know would be to feel my breathing change, but she's never been that receptive to her plant's sensory input. Sure she could control and sense them but she's never been able to feel what they felt. Nothing's changes about her since I've last seen her and the only thing that changed about the plants would be...

"The Titan formula" I say stoically.

"You sound and act like him more and more everyday." she says back

I smirk back at her and say "Yea right, the big man is as stiff as a wall. All jokes aside though it's good to see you. Looking s.e.xy as always."

With a raised eyebrow she answers "At least you're a better flirt than your predecessor. Unfortunately for you I'm still not interested."

"So, what's the plan? Are you going to help the Joker stop Batman or are you going to strike out on your own and escape Arkham. Or is it option C where you stay and hoard all the Titan formula to supposedly make your plants stronger?"

Her face hardens as she asks "Supposedly? Explain."

"Think about it Ivy, when has the Joker ever made something that doesn't destroy. From his laughing gas to his special brand of acid. As a matter of fact have you seen what happens to his thugs' bodies after they inject it. After a while their body slowly starts to degrade along with their minds."

By the time I'm halfway done talking she's already pacing around the room. Which is perfect since it gives me time to administer the antidote without her looking.

Clenching my fist in a seemingly random pattern ejects a razor thin needle from the fingertip of my right hand's glove. With a show of trying to escape I plunge the needle into my left forearm just as she finishes pacing.

"You're right" she says. "However that doesn't mean that I can't revise it to make a better one. Nice try little bird." Having said that she walks to me and blows a pink dust, some pheromones, into my face. After a few seconds I can already feel my mind shifting towards accepting her as my master. It wasn't a hard concept to welcome. I've known Ivy ever since I saved her from a rapist when she was still Pamela. The rapist somehow managed to cut my mask in half and as it fell on the floor she managed to see my face. Ever since then she's been my best friend, even though I was 14 and she'd just graduated from college. So of course she would be my master, after all she's always been there for me so I'll do anything for her.

Looking at my master and best friend I speak "Ugh, can you please put me down. I can feel the blood rushing to my head."

She stares at me for a few seconds before instructing the plant to drop me. Tucking my knees to my chest I roll softly as I land. I take a moment to crack neck then, with a smirk on my face I turn to her. Just as I open my mouth to speak the door behind us opens and in walks the boss man, or would it be ex-boss man now.

Before he has a chance to speak I explode into run as Ivy yells "Stop him."

Without even waiting for her to finish I plant my hands on the ground launching myself into the air. Using my momentum built up from gravity I swing my right leg into a roundhouse kick and tilt my head to the right just as his fist passes by in an attempt to counterattack. From there we transition into a flurry of punches and kicks. While Batman is definitely the more experienced and skilled one of us, I am definitely the more agile one. With one more kick using my right leg blocked I take the opportunity to plant my left leg on his chest to launch into the air, retrieve two birdarangs from my belt and twist to arrive at his back. Landing just as he begins to turn to face me, I impale a birdarang into a gap in his armor where I know it will get stuck. With the press of a button the birdarang chocks him giving me time to leap at his face with my knee. With a resounding crack his head snaps back giving me another second to land and whip my left leg at his right knee. The blow forces him on a knee and I take the opportunity to sidekick him to the face sending him sprawling to the ground. Knowing that he wouldn't be down for long I begin a followup just as the antidote kicks in.

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