From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 4 - 4. The Dynamic Duo

With the antidote kicking in it felt like a fog was lifting from my mind. Looking over at Batman I make sure to let him know that my mind is once again my own by clenching my right fist in a seemingly random pattern. With that done I turn to look at Ivy as Batman picks himself up and wipes the blood coming from his nose.

"What are you doing?" asks Ivy. "Finish him." she continues. Bringing my hand up for her to see, I clench my fist in the familiar pattern that ejects the needle from my glove's fingertip and say with a smirk "Antidote." With a cry of frustration she turns and makes her way to the middle of the room. Narrowing her eyes at us, she raises her hand and summons a colossal Titan infected plant from the ground. Sitting on the plant and covering herself with a yellowish dome, she glares and rages at us "Since you don't want to cooperate you'll just have to become fertilizer."

I glance at Batman from the corner of my eyes and ask "What are the chances that she's being influenced by the Titan formula."

Never taking his eyes off our opponent, he replies "It's more than likely. User's of the formula have shown an increase in aggression and a decrease in logical thinking and decision making. It's possible that she was unknowingly affected at the same time as her plants."

With that said we sprint towards our opponent birdarangs and batarangs held between our fingers respectively. No more words are spoken because there isn't a need to. We understand each other and our roles perfectly, we can tell what the other plans to do just from our body language. It's an understanding acquired through countless hours of training and fighting side by side. This is what makes Batman and Robin dangerous, this is what makes us the dynamic duo. It's not because Robin is a "mini Batman" as many like to say or because there's two of us. It's our near perfect teamwork and covering each other's weaknesses.

With a flick of the wrist Batman throws his batarangs at the dome only to have a vine come between them. However, just as his batarangs seem like they're going to hit the vine my birdarang flies by ricocheting of the latter two batarangs and sending the foremost one higher and overshooting the vine just in time for another batarang to collide with it and sending it right onto the minuscule gap on the dome. Not even acknowledging our supposed failure we continued on our way just as another vine intercepts me only to be cut down by Batman who jumped in front of just in time for me to use his back as a springboard to launch myself at the dome. Using the batarang stuck onto it as a grasp I hang from the dome long enough to spray our remaining batch of explosive gel onto the dome and back flipping to the ground as the gel combust and completely shatters the dome. Not even wasting a second, Batman throws two taser lines onto Ivy and shocks her with enough voltage to knock her out and off the plant into my arms waiting to catch her. Leaping back to avoid the falling plant I survey the room one last time to make sure that we didn't miss anything before setting her down and handcuffing her while Batman administers the antidote for the Titan formula.

With that done. Batman turns and looks at me for a few seconds before speaking. "Good work" He tells me. I smile back and ask "So, who's left?"

"Just the Joker" he answers. Before I can ask if he wants me to come with him he continues "There's no need for you to stay. Return to Gotham, I'll finish up here."

"Cool but radio me if you need help." Pressing a button on my left glove I call on the batwing and wait a few seconds for it to show up before jumping in.

As I circle around the Island I make a show of leaving before finding an empty spot near a tower before parking and getting out while pulling a sniper rifle along with me. I climb the tower the set up the rifle and lay on my stomach. Looking through the scope of the rifle, I get a perfect view of a Titan Joker's back. Smirking I load the rifle with darts, full of ricin, a venom with no antidote, can kill within days and leaves no trace. I confiscated it from a member of the League of Assassins who was sent by Ra's al Ghul to test me.

I aim and wait for him to turn to face me before firing the dart into his mouth. Naturally, he doesn't notice because not only does Titan increase aggression, physical stats and decreases the brain's function but it also almost completely erases sensory receptions. Which is why it takes running into the wall of a supermax prison, built to hold people like Bane and Killer Croc, at full speed just to daze someone doped up on the substance. With my work done I don't even spare the Joker a second glance before leaving the tower and returning to Gotham. As far as I'm concerned between the Titan formula destroying his body and the ricin, Joker is a walking corpse.

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