From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 33 - Older Brother

"Reyna! Reyna! Reyna where are you!?" screams Hylla as she navigates through the multiple corridors of C.C.'s Spa and Resort.

Her footsteps echoes throughout the hallway and her breath comes in small huffs as she sprints to find her sister. She needs to find her sister and leave the island immediately.

Things had been going so well, she had finally found a safe place for her sister and they were living a peaceful and good life. Sure Circe made it a habit of turning all men that stumbled onto the island into guinea pigs, but why should she care. The island was everything that they could ever want, beautiful, full of resources, classes on different subjects, including magic, and most importantly it was safe. Things would have kept going well if it wasn't for that stupid girl and her boyfriend releasing all the guinea pigs and turning them back into humans.

Now the males are free and ravaging the island, worst of all she also released Blackbeard and his crew, the most dangerous pirate in history.

As Hylla makes a right, she bumps into a smaller body, sending them sprawling to the floor.

"Reyna! Found you! We need to leave. Now!" exclaims Hylla as she recognises the body of her little sister.

Not giving her sister time to ask any questions, Hylla grabs Reyna's arm, pulls her to her feet and pulls her along as she makes a run for the building's exit.

"What's going on? Why is there fire coming from the makeover rooms? And why are we leaving?" hurriedly asks Reyna as she tries to keep up with her sister.

"Blackbeard escaped." Hylla simply answers.

"What!?" exclaims Reyna as she pulls her arm free of her sister's grip and stops running.

"Why are we leaving? We should go back and help Lady Circe! We can't just leave her to them, they'll hurt her!"

"Go back?" questions Hylla as she turns to face her sister. "Go back and do what? Help how? If we go back then they'll capture us, and I don't want you put in that kind of danger. Let's go, Circe is a goddess, she'll be fine" says Hylla.

Reyna however won't budge. She shakes her head and prepares to turn around, only to bump into someone as they grab her by the neck.

"Heh Heh Heh, well looke what I be findin' here fellas. Two little birdies that be tryin' to run" a gruff voice sounds out behind Reyna, causing her eyes to widen and her body to lock up.

"Hylla?" whimpers out Reyna, fear evident in her voice.

Hearing the fear in her sister's voice, Hylla can't help but grit her teeth in anger. One thing that Hylla has always hated, is her inability to protect her sister whenever they find themselves in dangerous situations. That's why she decided to settle here, because it was safe.

"Let her go!" exclaims Hylla through her gritted teeth.

"No, I don't think that I be doing that. Not for free anyway. Maybe if you be paying someway…" sneers the pirate as he lewdly traces her body with his eye.

"Heh Heh Heh, those be mighty fine pieces you find Tatch. But you can have the bigger one, I be taking the little one off your hands." says Tatch's friend as he walks out from behind him.

The pirate that walks out from behind Tatch bears a striking resemblance to him, to the point that it's easy to tell that they are twins. Tatch is the taller of the two, standing at about six feet tall, with grimy and dirty black hair that reaches his upper back, a black beard that reaches his collarbone and covers his mouth, and brown eyes. While the other pirate stands at around five feet ten inches, they both only wear brown pants tucked into black boots with a dirty gray sash acting as a belt, with a pair of daggers strapped in it. Their upper body is completely bare, showcasing their hairy and scarred torso and arms.

Hearing the second pirate's words almost causes Hylla to lose her rational and attack them without a plan or weapon. However, her sister's safety came to mind and she reigned in her anger. Knowing that the only way out of the situation would be to make them lower their guards before taking advantage of it, Hylla tries to make herself seem as weak and non threatening as possible before slowly taking a step forward.

"Look. Why don't you let my sister go, and I'll come with you. Why would you even want her? She's ugly, small, and a cry baby. She's a hassle to take care of, trust me I know." slowly says Hylla.

Tatch frowns and looks down at Reyna. Sure enough, the girl really is small. Not only is she small, but she's also not that developed. What hit the nail on the coffin for him however, is the fact that she's crying with snot coming running down her nose.

"Yuck." says the pirate with a look of disgust on his face. "I be forgetin' that I hate brats. Especially snot nosed brats."

Tatch's partner, who had been excited at the prospect of spending time with Reyna, can't help but also look on in disgust as snot runs down Reyna's face while she silently cries.

"Alright" says the partner. "You win. So why don't you come over here and we be letting her go after."

"No." says Hylla. "You're pirates, why would I take your word for it."

"Smart lass" says Tatch with a chuckle before throwing Reyna next to her sister. "Now come over here, or we be taking both you and your sister." says Tatch as he takes a dagger from his belt with his right hand.

Following his hand, Hylla looks at the weapon. Immediately a surge of information rushes into her head. She knows everything about the weapon, from it's history, to materials, and even how to best utilize it.

Hylla has experienced this before. The first time was when her father showed her his guns and knives from his time in the Navy. She's known about the skill however, after arriving on Circe's island she's never paid it any mind, naively choosing to believe in the safety of the island. Now she wishes that she'd taken the time to train and learn.

Taking a deep, Hylla calms herself down and slowly makes her way to Tatch.

"Good lass. Come over to Tatch, I be giving you a good time. No need to be scared." says Tatch as he lecherously licks his lips while imagining all that he'll do to her.

Arriving in front of Tatch, Hylla slowly raises herself on the tip of her toes and slowly leans in to kiss him while ignoring the other pirate's whistle of approval. Stopping her gag reflex once their lips touch, Hylla brings her right hand to the back of Tatch's neck to deepen the kiss. Seeing Tatch completely invested in the kiss, Hylla slowly brings her left hand to his right hand and slowly takes the dagger from him before plunging it in his neck. Before anybody can react, Hylla breaks the kiss, removes the dagger from Tatch's neck, and impales it in the other pirate's forehead with a throw.

With satisfaction in her eyes Hylla watches on as the pair fall to the ground dead. Once assured of their demise, Hylla quickly makes her way to her sister, who's no longer crying.

"Good job with the acting." says Hylla as she tightly hugs her sister.

"I knew that you didn't mean what you were saying." replies Reyna.

Before Hylla can even respond they hear footsteps coming from both ends of the corridor.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." comes a voice from behind Reyna.

"Looke like Tatch and Jack get themselves killed captain." replies a voice behind Hylla.

Noticing that they are surrounded, Hylla can't help but curse herself for forgetting the fact that all the hallways in the compound have more than one entrance. Just because she had her back to one entrance doesn't mean that she was safe. Ironically, it was designed like that to give the occupants multiple avenues of escape, now it will be the cause of her and her sister's capture.

"I can't believe that those two idiots managed to get themselves killed by a pair of little lasses." says the first speaker.

Taking a good look at him, Hylla can easily tell that he is the infamous Blackbbeard. Standing at six feet five inches, Blackbeard cuts an imposing figure with his bulging muscles, dark eyes that are further enhanced by his black hair that reaches his shoulders, and a black beard that forms around his lips and reaches his chest. He wears a black triangle hat on his head, a black shirt and pants that are tucked into brown boots, a grey sash for a belt that holds a cutlass, and a red overcoat that reaches his knees. Over his shirt he wears a holster that holds two flintlock pistols and a dagger.

Taking a knee in front of her, Blackbeard grips her face and turns it from left to right as he inspects her like some merchandise. Hylla tries her best to appear non threatening in hopes that she will be able to replicate her previous feat, however she can tell that he's not taking a chance.

"You're a pretty lass, but there's nothing special about your looks. Maybe if you're good enough I'll make you my personal wench and save your sister for when she's older." he says as he lets go of her face and stands up.

"Heh Heh Heh. How bout we sample the goods for you captain. We can break her in until she knows what to do."says a pirate from behind Blackbeard.

It is at that moment that a red barbed spear stabs through his throat.

"The next sc.u.m that even looks at my sisters the wrong way will be skinned alive and thrown in the sea." says a voice from behind Blackbeard.

Before Blackbeard can react a chain wraps around his throat, drags him to the floor, and chokes him while a foot covered in an ocean blue boot with greaves stomps on his head.

"Edward Teach, also known as Blackbeard. Perhaps the most infamous pirate to ever live, and son of Ares. It is my extreme displeasure to make your acquaintance." speaks the voice with utmost contempt and disgust.

Now that Blackbeard isn't blocking her view with his height, Hylla is finally able to get a good look at her self-proclaimed brother.

The person is a handsome teenager of about sixteen years old. He stands at around five feet eight inches, with brown skin, curly midnight black hair cut into a fade at the sides, slightly glowing sea green eyes, and high cheekbones that give him aristocratic features. He wears a black and ocean blue full body armor made from what seems to be an aquatic creature's scales. The armor consists of a tight and sleeveless blue upper body with black accents which outline his muscles, and on his arms are vambraces with fins over black sleeves that start from his biceps and end at his knuckles.The lower body of the armor consists of black armor padded pants that have two blue straps on his thighs, and greaves over his black footwear that stops just below the knee. On his back he wears a purple cape hanging from his right shoulder and pinned by an eagle badge. His right hand holds a barbed red spear with an intricate design going down the shaft, while his left hand tugs at the chain wrapped around Blackbeard's neck.

"And where do you mongrels think you're going?" speaks their savior as he looks behind the pair of girls.

Looking behind her, Hylla can see that the group of pirates behind her, numbering around five, had been attempting to flee. However, it seems as if something is forcefully holding them in place and turning them around to face the stranger.

"Now that I have your attention, here is how this is going to play out. You are all going to draw your weapons and commit suicide." he says.

"N-n-n-no!" struggles out a pirate.

"There's no point in resisting. I am literally controlling your body through your blood." says the teenager as the pirates slowly draw a weapon each, most picking a dagger, while two draw their pistols.

"Besides, I wasn't asking." he says.

With a bang, the pirates die and their bodies fall to the floor as if whatever force was controlling them let them go.

Hylla nervously turns to look back at their savior to see him inspecting Blackbeard as if he were something that the teenager didn't know how to get rid of before pulling the chain tightly, and with a sickening crack snaps the pirate's neck.

"Now that the trash has been disposed of, allow me to introduce myself" he says as the chain and spear dissolve into nothingness.

"My name is Ambrosius Malphas, son of Neptune and Bellona, and your older brother." introduces Ambrosius.

Before Hylla can answer, Reyna runs towards the boy.

"That was cooooll!" exclaims the twelve year old girl, prompting Ambrosius to chuckle and gently pat her head.

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