From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 34 - Quest Completion

"Do you two need medical attention?" I ask as I pat Reyna's head.

Hylla picks herself up from the floor and shakes her head no.

"Thank you for the save, but we need to leave now before any more pirates come." she says.

"Yes we do need to leave, however I wouldn't worry about the pirates anymore." I reply as I turn around to exit the corridor. "Follow me, we will commandeer one of the sh.i.p.s to leave the island."

They follow me, although I can tell that Hylla does so reluctantly. Reyna on the other hand seems to have no qualms about following me. I wouldn't be surprised if they are both subconsciously using some of the war powers that come along with being a child of a war goddess. Reyna is probably using our abilities to feel ill intent, while Hylla seems to know instinctively when someone can pose a threat far too dangerous for her to handle. Soon enough we reach the corridor's exit, and make our way outside.

"Did you do all this?" asks Hylla as she sees the numerous dead bodies strewn all over the ground.

"Yes. I did." I reply.

"How? How did you not get overwhelmed by them?" she asks

"Most of them are mortals, and none of the demigods here could pose a threat to even the weakest member of the Legion." I reply

And that is mostly true. Blackbeard's crew and the rest of Circe's prisoners were mainly mortals with a few demigods that can be found here or there. Demigods that never received any official training, other than the odd one or two.

"The Legion?" Hylla's voice breaks me out of my train of thought.

"Yes, the Legion. The army of demigods and legacies that protect Camp Jupiter, a safe haven for all Roman demigods and legacies." I reply.

"Is that where we're going?" asks Reyna as she looks up at me.

"Yes it is." I reply.

Honestly, it's really weird meeting child Reyna. Every time she speaks I keep expecting strong willed and stoic Reyna to be the one speaking, instead I hear her childlike voice and remember that she's twelve and hasn't even started her training yet.

"I see." says Hylla "Tell me about the Legion" she asks.

Hearing her question I can't help the small smirk that comes to my face. She just experienced something traumatic and already she's looking forward. With a will like that, I'm not surprised by the fact that she quickly became the leader of the Amazons.

Arriving at the dock, I noticed dozens of sh.i.p.s docked there. Most of them are clearly from the golden age of pirates, but some of them are in fact from more modern eras, like the navy frigate with holes all over its hull. However, one ship above all others catches my eyes, a large wooden ship equipped with square sails and oars. The planks, held together with rope, expanded in the water, making the vessel watertight. The ship is clearly of Egyptian origin and does not belong here. How it got there is beyond me, and I couldn't care less than I already do.

Making my way into the ship, I notice that it's surprisingly in good shape for such an old ship.

"Alright. We'll take this boat, so you two can just sit while I navigate this." I tell the girls as I concentrate to make the boat sail itself.

To be honest, I have no idea how this power works. On the yacht, all I did was grip the wheel, and I had complete control over the ship. Taking a chance, I crouched on the floor, placed my hand on the ship, and tried to replicate my earlier feat. Immediately I know everything about the ship and how to operate it and all of its functions. As I familiarize myself with the ship, I begin to learn it's history, and just like that everything makes sense.

The ship belongs to an Egyptian magician. He had been running away from something when he was forced to duat travel, the ability to travel through the Duat and arrive at one's destination in the mortal world in a short span of time. In the Kane Chronicles, Amos used this ability to travel from London to Brooklyn, NY, in a few hours. However, unlike Amos this magician went a step further. Instead of doing the magic himself and using the boat as a vessel for travel, this magician enchanted the boat to be able to do it itself as long as someone is feeding magic, or the Mist, into it.

With a smile I will the ship to leave the dock and to go deeper into the Sea of Monsters, while I expand my domain, the same ability I used to gain complete control over the battlefield during the game of Siege where I earned my tattoo. I've long since completed and mastered it. From now on the ship will travel all over the Sea of Monsters while I scan the islands with my domain. Normally my domain has a set range of one mile if I'm not on a battlefield, if I'm on a battlefield it can grow to encompass the battlefield and an extra one mile to survey outside of the battlefield. On the sea however, I still haven't found a limit without suffering from information overload, and I don't think that it has one.

Taking a seat I turn to face my companions, who are looking at the moving ship with intrigue, and sit down.

"I'm sure that you have many questions, so ask." I say.

"You called us your sisters, but the last time I checked we didn't have any siblings from our father's side so that leaves the godly side of things. What makes you think that we are related?" says Hylla.

"Our mother told me. If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't catch me anywhere near Circe's island. That goddess is a detriment to every male's health. She makes Artemis from ancient times look tame, and that's saying something." I reply.

Hearing me speak about her former patron in such a light makes Reyna frown. She goes to speak, however her sister does before her.

"Our mother? Circe told us that she knew nothing about her, other than the fact that she is a war goddess. Who is she, and why didn't she help us when our father went crazy?" asks Hylla with a frown.

Though she tries to keep her cool, I can easily tell that she isn't exactly happy with our mother. However it seems that it's due to the gap in her knowledge.

"She did help you. How do you think that you made it to Circe's island? Do you honestly believe that you just magically stumbled upon the one non dangerous island in the Sea of Monsters of all places?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

I leave Hylla to her thoughts and turn to Reyna. Her frown is still there, but much lighter than before.

"What is it chibi?"

"I don't know what that means, but I don't think that I like being called that." Reyna answers as her frown deepens.

I can't help but chuckle at her response.

"Alright. What is your question?" I ask

"Who's our mother, and what is she like?"

"Her name is Bellona, and she's the goddess of war. Personality wise, I'd have to say that she is caring to those she feels are worth, but has absolutely no idea how to express it. She's also pretty vengeful when someone angers her, and doesn't care about anyone who hasn't earned her respect or love." I answer

"How do you do that? Earn her love and respect, I mean." she answers.

"Well as her daughter you already have her love. As for respect, in my experience, being a great warrior or general seems to do the trick."

By this point Hylla seems to have quelled her inner turmoil and is listening intently.

"Is it really that simple to earn her respect?" asks Hylla.

"As far as I know, yes." I answer.

She nods and seems to think of more questions to ask, however her sister is the one who does first.

"Earlier you said that you're the son of Neptune and Bellona. Wouldn't that make you a god?" asks Reyna.

"No. I'm not a god. Basically what happened is that Neptune and Bellona both took their essence, mixed it together, and used it to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e a demigod daughter of Apollo. Because she was only half god, I have mortal blood in me, making me a mortal." I reply.

"What?" asks Reyna with a frown "That is confusing. What is essence anyway?"

"The best example I can give you is that it's the god's version of DNA. Except it doesn't follow the rules of what DNA should be able to do and not do. Don't ask me anymore because I don't know anymore than that." I reply.

My answer seems to have confused her even more, but she seems to discard it after a few seconds.

"What does that do? Having three quarters god blood in you instead of one half." asks Hylla.

"From what the gods have been able to figure out, I'll stop aging at around twenty five, physically I'm as powerful as the strongest minor god, and in terms of raw power I'll be in that weird phase of being more powerful than the minor gods, but less than an Olympian."

The sisters stare at me in disbelief, and to be honest I don't blame them. However, what I failed to tell them is that this would be me if I only had my godly blood going for me. In reality I'm much more powerful physically since before being born in this world I was already at a low superhuman level, comparable to people like Deathstroke and captain america. The godly blood has stacked on to that, making me far more powerful physically than the gods have anticipated. And that's not even taking my other abilities like biotics, firebending, or even my mental abilities that make it seem as if I have a sharingan. If I take everything I can into account, then I can go toe to toe with the Olympians if they don't use their godly form, and that's without using my trident, a perfect replica of my father's, one of the most powerful weapons in existence.

"Why are you telling us this? Aren't you afraid that we'll tell others?" asks Hylla.

"Well no." I say with a chuckle "First of all I'm telling you this to show that you can trust me. Don't think that I haven't noticed the wary gazes you send my way. Second, who are you going to tell? The gods already know, the other demigods can't do anything about it, and anyone who's an enemy of demigods will kill you before you can say the word secret." I reply

The rest of the trip is spent on questions about the Legion, Camp Jupiter, and what powers they get as children of Bellona.

It's about three hours into the trip that I feel it. An island heavily shrouded by the Mist. Getting up, I navigate the boat towards it before stopping a few yards away.

"Stay here. No matter how long I take, stay in the boat." I order them.

Hylla seems reluctant to agree, however one look at her sister makes her agree.

Seeing them comply, I dive into the water and propel myself onto the shore.

Once on the shore, I place my hand on the ground and feel out the vibrations. This power is essentially me using my father's earthshaker powers to "see" just like Toph from avatar.

The island itself is big, too big for my domain to encompass it. It is also filled with monsters, however that isn't the problem. The problem is that they're moving like an army instead of individuals. Some of the formations that they're using can be easily identified as Roman. Seeing that this is the most information I'll be able to get this way, I retreat back into the sea, expand my domain as much as I possibly dare to, and focus all of my attention onto the army.

The army is mostly made up of cyclops, giants, not Gaea's kids, hellhounds, and empousas. However, there are some monsters that don't belong here at all, like the trio of basilisks and the Minotaur. As far as I know basilisks come from Polybotes, and the Minotaur should still be in Tartarus.

Shifting my focus, I look to another shore and immediately notice the armada of sh.i.p.s. There's about dozens of them, and they're all big enough to carry the monsters to Camp Jupiter.

Deciding that I can't let this army attack Camp Jupiter, even if Azula and I can demolish them, I swim back to the ship and navigate it to the shore of the island.

"What are you doing?" asks Hylla as I jump out of the ship and into the island.

"This island is a training camp for monsters. I am going to sink it." I reply.

"What? We won't survive something like that!?" she exclaims.

"Don't worry. You won't be harmed. Now silence, I need to concentrate." I reply as I form a bubble of water around the boat

Taking a deep breath I, I dig deep into mine and the trident's well of power. Once I do, I can feel everything in my father's domain at once. Raising the trident into the air, I begin to summon the biggest storm I possibly can. Straight away the sky darkens as thunder rumbles and lighting strikes the island. It isn't enough however, and I dig deeper, deeper than I ever have. Soon enough the island, and the surrounding miles, are enshrouded in darkness as the thunder and lightning worsens and a torrential downpour begins.

Turning my attention to the seas, I begin to push all forms of water away from the island and form it into a wall around it until I can make out the ocean floor.

By this point I can feel the strain of using this much power, and it honestly hurts. It feels as if I am burning myself up from the inside, but I can't stop yet. I need to be completely certain that the army will be destroyed.

Slamming my trident into the ground I focus on the island itself and bring about the most powerful earthquake I can. The ground rumbles and shakes as the earth splits and displaces.

Focusing upwards once more, I increase the charge in the clouds and build up the biggest lightning bolt possible. I continue this course of action for a few seconds, even as I feel my limit being reached and my very being burning up, and with one last effort I let it all go.

The miles long wall of water crashes into the island just as it splits. The sea submerges everything for miles, and it takes all of my concentration to keep the bubble protecting the ship up. Soon enough the lightning from the cloud strikes the sea, electrocuting everything for miles. If it wasn't for my ability to keep myself dry I would have also been electrocuted.

Ignoring the crashing waves and the turbulent sea, I make my way into the boat, stab my trident into the floor of the boat, and use my remaining energy to form a protective bubble of divine energy around it just as exhaustion catches up to me and I slip into unconsciousness.

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