From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 35 - Repercussions

"*Hi*" speaking in latin


Ambrosius' act of sinking an island, about the size of Hispaniola, did not go unnoticed. Many deities took notice of the major storm that appeared out of nowhere in the Sea of Monsters. At first, many thought that someone in that general area had angered Zeus to the extreme.

However once the sea rose into the air to form a wall miles high surrounding a specific island, they knew that this was no act of the King of Gods, nor was it an act of the Lord of the Seas, for neither Neptune or Poseidon would use such a crude method to sink an island. While Poseidon and Neptune don't make it a habit of sinking islands, they both have still done it at least once. Both times that an island has sunk due to either Neptune or Poseidon, it was due to them quite literally sinking the island, with no storms or massive waves of water involved.

Having figured out that neither Zeus nor Neptune/Poseidon were the ones responsible for it, they looked to the next possible options. It didn't take them long to figure out that Ambrosius was the one responsible for it.

High up in the sky of New York City, a mountain floats over it. This mountain does not connect with the ground and cannot be detected by mortals due to the Mist, but is connected to the mortal world by a space elevator. It hovers above the Empire State building. It possibly exists in another dimension, due to it floating with its great mass over a mortal city undetected.

At the top of it is a large city containing the palaces for the Olympian gods, goddesses, and residences for many minor gods, other creatures and beings of Greek and Roman mythology. It is here that the gods commune, each having a massive throne, which are collectively arranged in a reversed U shape.

As the seat of power of the Olympian gods it is of vital importance. Should the thrones be destroyed, Olympus would crumble and the power of the gods would be severely weakened, making them vulnerable to their enemies. In theory, if it were destroyed and the Olympians regained enough strength, it could be reformed. In the meantime, they would be vulnerable to their enemies. It is unknown how the destruction of Olympus would affect the minor gods.

Currently in the throne room of Olympus, also known as the Hall of the Gods, the Major Olympian gods sit together holding a meeting in light of recent events.

The Thrones of the gods stand in a U around a hearth, starting with Zeus/Jupiter and Poseidon/Neptune's thrones as they are the most powerful Greek/Roman gods. Normally Hades/Pluto does not have a throne, however as he is present at this meeting a guest throne has been prepared. From Zeus/Jupiter and Poseidon/Neptune's thrones the goddesses sit on the left side of the hearth and the other gods sit on the right side, while in the center Hestia sits, tending to the hearth. High above, the blue ceiling can be seen glittering with constellations.

"Does anybody know who caused that island to sink and why?" asks Zeus.

Before he can answer however, Neptune arrives in a swirl of sea water and takes his seat. Seeing Poseidon in his Roman aspect startles the other deities a bit, before they too quickly change into their respective Roman aspects.

"*Brother*" says Jupiter in latin as he looks at Neptune "*it is nice of you to finally join us.*"

"*Forgive my late arrival. Before arriving here, I found myself somewhere in the Sea of Monsters. I believe that as Poseidon I had business there before Ambrosius' actions caused me to permanently settle as Neptune.*" replies Neptune in latin.

"*Interesting.*" says Juno "*I had expected that the Ambrosius had a hand in the island's sinking. However, going by the proud smile on your face, it is quite evident that he himself is the cause of the island's destruction.*"

Hearing her words, the throne room explodes into sounds of protest as the Roman deities struggle with believing her claim that Ambrosius managed to complete a feat on par with Neptune himself. However, even while they doubt, they can't help but notice the evidence staring them in the face.

While the gods are normally in harmony with both of their forms, this can change if their Greek and Roman children begin to know about, resent, and finally declare war on each other. Because both camps would call their godly parents for help, both their Roman and Greek forms would be at odds with each other, giving the gods splitting headaches, indecision, and focus problems.

They are also slightly schizophrenic tendencies. If, for example, a god in his Roman aspect appears before a demigod who thinks about the god in his Greek aspect, the god's form will flicker back and forth from his Roman and Greek forms, causing intense headaches until the god is able to settle back into one form.

The gods' different aspects also have very little knowledge of the actions of the other. Mars, for example, has no recollection of ever fighting Percy Jackson while he was Ares, his Greek form.

However, when an individual god's child shows or highlights a brave act, or impressive feat, they will settle into one aspect of themselves. This easily explains why Poseidon arrived as Neptune instead of Poseidon.

Desiring order, Jupiter causes a thunderclap, quickly silencing the room.

"*Now that you are all acting like the gods you are, we can discuss this in an orderly fashion. I do not see why you are all appalled. Him and Azula were specifically born to be as powerful as gods without the constraints of the divine laws hindering them. They were made to guide Rome in the upcoming trials.*" says Jupiter

"*Father, while that is true, their growth in terms of power is faster than I predicted*" replies Apollo

"*Even as the god of prophecy, you are not infallible my son. You have made mistakes before on topics that you have had more knowledge on. It is not surprising that you would make a mistake on a more obscure topic such as this.*" replies Jupiter

"*Father is correct brother.*" speaks Diana, Roman goddess of the hunt, the moon, woodlands and childbirth.

"*Ambrosius and Azula cannot be expected to abide by the norm. They do not fall under any conventional category, supernatural or otherwise.*" she says.

Apollo makes to speak, however he is interrupted by Mars, also known as Ares to the greeks.

"*Minerva, what did you find out with your research?*" he asks a distracted Minerva.

Hearing Mars' question, Minerva, Athena's Roman aspect, is knocked out of her daydream, and takes a second to gather herself before answering.

"*Well, as far as I can gather, they will reach their peak at around twenty five years old. It will also be when they will stop aging. Other than that, Ambrosius seems to indeed be a reincarnated hero. Pluto and I believe that he is a reincarnated Romulus.*" she answers.

Hearing the name of Rome's founder, the hall becomes quiet as the gods process what they have been told. After a few seconds, Mars can't help but lean forward and ask.

"*What? How?*"

This time it's Pluto, God of the Dead, Wealth, and the Underworld who answers.

"*While it is true that Romulus was deitified by Rome after his death, the truth of the matter is that he never accepted godhood, choosing instead to go to Elysium and being reborn sometime in the future.*" he says.

"*But he never did choose to be reborn. We had all thought that he was satisfied with Elysium and wouldn't try to reach the Isle of the Blessed.*" answers Mercury, Hermes' Roman aspect.

"*You are correct, to a certain extent. Sixteen years ago, he vied for rebirth and was instantly accepted. I never knew because I had still been swamped by the paperwork from the last world war. It was not until Minerva brought the possibility of Ambrosius' rebirth did I look for souls that were reborn, and found Romulus' name in the list.*" replies Pluto.

Mars stares at him for a few seconds, contemplating what he's heard, before letting out a deep and mirthful laugh.

"*Heh, I can't believe that the little brat would go for rebirth without informing me, his old man. Even a little prayer would have sufficed in letting me know. That does explain a lot of questions about him though.*" says Mars as he gathers himself.

"*Indeed it does*" says Juno "*While his nature is different from his previous reincarnation, the way he carries himself is very reminiscent of Romulus' self confident and imperial demeanor.*"

"*I have to somewhat disagree.*" interjects Diana. "*While he is more laidback and far calmer than Romulus, we can still see the bleeding effect from being the reincarnation of Romulus. I have made stops to the Legion with my huntresses. The way he commands them in battle, trains them, and his treatment of his enemies is an almost perfect emulation of Romulus' regal demeanor, and far too natural to be anything less than the original."

"*While this is fascinating, is no one going to address the elephant in the room?*" asks Apollo.

"*Yes. We need to talk about how my daughter's boyfriend almost killed himself with that stunt. It would have been such a shame to break up such a power couple. Honestly, I haven't been excited about a pair of lovers tearing things up together since Helen and Paris.*" says Venus, also known as Aphrodite.

Hearing her speak, the other gods can't help but roll their eyes at her. Unlike the other Olympians, Venus does not suffer from having more than aspect, as love is the same universally.

"*Indeed*" says Jupiter as he ignores Venus. "*That display of power almost killed him. While it is true that he is three quarters god, his body cannot endure channeling the full might of an Olympian, especially not one as powerful as you brother.*"

"*What are some of the repercussions that we can expect him to suffer from this?*" asks Neptune.

"*Well*" begins Apollo "*the real question is, is he in a safe location? Because after channeling that much power, he will be in a coma until his body recovers.*"

"*He will be fine. I had an atlantean magician use his boat to transfer him and his companions to New Rome.*" replies Neptune.

"*Good. Because I don't know how long he will be in the coma. Other than that, you can expect him to have to retrain his powers, they will be more powerful now that the potency in his divinity blood has increased.

What he did was literally burn out part of his mortality with divinity to achieve that level of power. Also, wielding that trident did not do him any favors.

All it achieved was make it easier for him to use his divine powers. If he ever pulls a stunt like that again, the divinity in his blood will completely burn out his mortality, and his body will explode from the sheer amount of power that he is channeling. You have to remember that his body is very much a mortal one.*" explains Apollo


Hidden inside a yacht, in the room of a certain demigod son of Hermes, lies a sarcophagus that makes the room colder and darker. In the sarcophagus, the remains of the Titan Lord Kronos slowly regenerates as more and more greek demigods renounce the gods and join his side.

Currently, the Titan Lord of time is contemplating a problem that has just made itself known. Three days ago a massive storm struck the Sea of Monsters and almost killed Perseus and his friends, luckily Poseidon intervened and saved him. At first he thought that it was the work of his traitorous son Poseidon. However, after carefully examining the residual divine energy that spread out, he was able to determine that the storm was most likely the result of a demigod child of Poseidon's Roman aspect.

At first he was troubled by who it could possibly be, however he quickly remembered receiving reports of a Roman demigod son of Neptune making a name for himself by turning the third cohort into a better cohort, surpassing even the first cohort in ability, whether it be in skill, discipline, or combat prowess. Then that very same centurion became praetor, and things went downhill from there.

It started out as the legion hunting down monsters, whether they be hordes or individuals such as chimera. Then they started attacking Kronos' budding army in the west, and soon enough Mount Othrys became the only safe place for his growing army, that is now too small to attack New Rome.

Originally Kronos had planned to send the bulk of his forces to attack the Greeks, but after Ambrosius' latest stunt he decided to send the bulk to attack the Romans along with a few titans, including Krios, Koios, and Perses.

Originally he didn't want to remove Perses from Tartarus due to his love for wanton destruction, but it seems as if he will have to. As far as Kronos is concerned, the world will be his even if he has to rebuild it from the ashes piece by burned piece.

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