From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 75 - Invasion

Bludhaven, New Jersey

March, 2003

"That makes no sense!" exclaims Mordred as she animatedly points at the television from her position on the floor. "Why would you tell him your villain plan instead of just killing him."

After our encounter with the Joker two months ago, he died of a blood clot to the brain while in the hospital. Of course it was no mere bloodclot, and Morgan had simply decided to design her curse to take that form when she punched him. As such we are able to simply enjoy life with no one the wiser. Which is why we are in the household's family room watching a James Bond movie, and so far it is safe to say that Mordred very much disagrees with the villain's methods.

"If you take these movies seriously you will never be able to truly enjoy them." comments Scáthach as she gently rubs the top of Mordred's head.

"I know that it's a movie, but at least make it a little bit believable." answers Mordred with a pout. "Seriously what type of super-spy gives their real name."

"Bond. James Bond." mockingly answers Azula. "These movies are ridiculous."

"Of course they are." says Morgan with a mocking smile. "Why do you think that they are so entertaining?"

Before the conversation can continue, the castle's alarm system blares to life and a magical hologram appears in front of us showcasing an incoming flaming projectile. Without our prompting, a magical shield springs to life and engulfs the entire territory, deflecting the projectile and causing it to land in the street that leads to the castle just outside of Bludhaven. Now that the flames no longer cover the projectile, it is easy to make out that it is some form of asteroid rock.

As one, we make our way out of the castle while ordering Bernard to remain inside the premises. As we step outside, we realise that this is not an isolated incident as the night sky is filled with falling asteroids. Deciding to no longer dawdle, we arrive at the closest asteroid just in time to see it come to life as a giant white tripod machine emerges from it. As I closely study it, I quickly recognise it as an Imperium invasion machine from the Justice League animated series.

The tripod machine is white with various patches of black on it. It stands as tall as a on three spikes for legs that converge onto a round mass that looks similar to a brain without the ridges. On the center of the mass is what looks like an eyehole that constantly closes and opens with a beam of energy shooting out every time it opens.

"This is an invasion!" I quickly inform the others as I summon my spear and hurl it through the machine, destroying it before I summon it back.

"The city!" cries out Mordred as she points to more asteroids landing in Bludhaven.

"It seems that we will have to intervene." comments Scáthach as everyone's pajamas turn into their combat gear.

"Mordred, I want you to go around the city saving as many as possible. And don't remove your helmet." I order before she takes off with a powerful mana burst, no doubt appearing to simply disappear to any bystanders due to her sheer speed.

"If this is truly an invasion then Bludhaven will not be the only target." says Scáthach. "It would be best if we split up while using the communication rune to keep in contact."

"I will head to Gotham city since Bruce will need the help." I inform them.

"We should also attempt to rally the heroes to mount a counterattack, otherwise we will lose the battle simply due to the opponents numbers." suggests Morgan. "I am the one most suitable for this task."

"Very well." agrees Azula as she begins to float upwards. "I will travel to Metropolis where the biggest asteroid landed. I wager that it is most likely where the leader has made landfall." she informs us before taking off towards the city with a sonic boom.

Having made our plan of attack, we waste no time and head towards our objectives with Scáthach heading to Bludhaven, Morgan to the other heroes, while I teleport to a rune in Gotham.

As I arrive, I notice a trio of tripod machines wrecking havoc while a fourth machine sets about creating dark clouds to block out the sky. Considering the fact that the members of the Imperium are nocturnal and burn when in the presence of sunlight, they will be attempting to engulf the entire planet.

Up in the sky the batplane flies overhead attempting to destroy the machines with missiles while the army attempts to destroy them with their tanks on the ground while awaiting air support. Deciding not to idle, I use the Imperium's artificial clouds against them by manipulating them into storm clouds and raining lightning upon them. With a few weak lightning strikes, all four machines are destroyed while I slowly float up to the batplane with the appliance of my rune suit.

"I have vital information that is useful against the invaders. This is an international crisis, as such it would be best if we pooled our resources to mount a counterattack." I inform him as we fly towards a clearing where he lands.

As the plane's glass screen opens, Batman jumps out and lands in front of me, his cape fluttering in a way that none of us Robins ever figured out how.

"Malphas." he comments with somewhat narrowed eyes. "You said you had vital information."

"They call themselves the Imperium." I inform him as I stop a smile from appearing on my face due to the nostalgic feeling of once again working with him. " They feed off of psychic energy from other beings, are nocturnal, and have no defense towards the sun's rays."

"That explains why they are attempting to cover the sky before daytime arrives." adds Batman monotonically as he looks towards the craters with a thoughtful expression before once again turning to me. "How do you know this."

"Simple observations." I easily lie. "Morgan is attempting to rally the other heroes for a counterattack."

"Very well. What is the plan?" he asks as he makes his way back into his plane.

Before I can answer however, Morgan's voice broadcasts into my head through the communication rune.

"I have managed to rally Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, John Stewart, Aquaman, and Hawkwoman. They managed to rid their city of the Imperium. We will meet in Metropolis, it seems that the leader arrived there." informs Morgan.

"They are in Metropolis." I relay to Batman as he nods in affirmative and begins to fly off.

Easily catching up to him, I take the lead and head towards Metropolis while shooting down any Imperium machine we come across with lightning.

Soon enough we arrive in Metropolis where I can easily make out countless Imperium tripod machines protecting a single machine. No doubt that is where the leader can be found. Looking further, I can make out the group standing or floating on top of the Daily Planet. As we arrive, Batman places his plane into standby mode causing it to simply float while he hops onto the Daily Planet's roof.

The first person that catches my eyes among the heroes is Superman himself. Not surprising considering the fact that he has the most imposing figure in the entire group. Superman is a tall, muscular caucasian male standing at six feet three inches. He has vivid blue eyes and short black hair with a curl over his forehead. He wears a blue uniform with his famous red-and-yellow "S" shield on his chest, red trunks, a yellow belt, red boots and a red cape.

"Batman." greets the Man of Steel with a nod which the Dark Knight returns.

Evidently at some point in their careers they met one another.

"Alright. This is the most that I was able to assemble in the short amount of time that I had." informs Morgan as she surveys the group.

"It will have to do." I answer her before addressing the gathered group. "Some of you may know me, some do not. Regardless it does not matter until we can force the Imperium to retreat."

"Right, and we're supposed to take orders from a rookie?" wonders John Stewart as he studies me.

John Stewart is an African American male with a slender build and short black hair who is six feet tall. His costume is mostly black, except for green parts on his wrists and on his shoulders and upper chest. He also wears the Green Lantern Corps symbol on his chest, and unlike his fellow Lantern, Hal Jordan, he does not wear a mask.

"Listen,-" he says gently as he approaches me. "I know that you want to help, but let the professionals handle this. The last thing we need is for a group of rookies to make things worse."

In response to his words, Morgan and I cannot help but raise an eyebrow, Scáthach simply covers her mouth in an attempt to hide her slight chuckle alongside Mordred. Azula however has no qualms about making her amus.e.m.e.nt known as she simply laughs with no restraint, drawing the group's attention to her.

"Rookies." says Azula as she gathers herself. "I haven't had such a fulfilling laugh in years. When this is over perhaps I will hire you to act as my personal jester, you certainly have the knack for it."

Azula's words seem to be the last straw as Scáthach, Mordred, and Wonder Woman lose control and laugh.

"Listen,-" orders Azula as she finally stops laughing with a malicious glint appearing in her eyes. "-we have fought in wars before you were even a thought to your mother. So stand back and listen to your betters."

Dumbfounded, John is unable to reply allowing for Scáthach, who is no longer laughing, to take over.

"From what we have been able to gather, their purpose is to drain every human being on the planet of their psychic energy. This will result in their deaths." she informs them, causing the heroes not truly experienced with the darker aspects of the occupation yet to pale.

"As for the cloud machines,-" continues Morgan. "Their purpose is to protect them from their weakness, the sun's rays."

"So if we can destroy those cloud machines then that should make them retreat right?" comments Flash.

"If the leaders are sensible." replies Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman is noticeably tall, standing at six feet two inches, and fair-skinned with straight waist-length black hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders. She is ageless and attractive in appearance, sporting a voluptuous frame with a sizable bust and well-toned yet muscular build.

She wears a sleeveless top with a red section resembling her original costume from the comics, but with a blue section covering her chest. She wears matching navy blue undersleeves with fingerless gloves with a white star on the back of her hand. She also wears slightly long briefs with three wide pteruges-like flaps; one on either side and one at the front. The side flaps have white stars on them; all flaps have a white trim. Her boots are blue as well and extend above her knees, with golden knee pads. In addition to her lasso, she carries a sword on her belt and a small round shield on her back.

"And if they aren't?" asks Hawkwoman as she swings her mace arounds.

Hawkwoman's most distinguishing features are the giant wings on her back which make her appear taller than her actual height of five feet seven inches. She wears a costume colored black, red, and some gold. She dons a golden b.r.e.a.s.tplate, leaving the top of her torso bare, and a black skirt with dark red plating. Her arms are wrapped in black and dark red cloth, with extra padding around the shoulders. She also wears knee-high greaves. Her helmet features two brown wings facing outward. It allows her red hair to flow out the back. Her primary weapon is a large spiked mace made of Nth metal.

"Then they will have to face the consequence of their decision once the sun rises." answers Atlantis' ruler, Aquaman.

Aquaman, like many of his peers, is a tall, muscular caucasian male that stands at six feet tall, with short blond hair, a blond beard, and aqua blue eyes. He wears an orange scale-mail tunic and dark green leggings. At his waist is a gold belt that is clasped with a stylized letter "A", which no doubt has a built-in communicator. He also wears golden gauntlets on his wrists, and dark green greaves. In his right hand is the Trident of Neptune brimming with magical power.

"Hopefully it won't come to that." says Superman optimistically. "Otherwise we'll have to figure out a way to convince them.

While Batman and Flash share Superman's sentiment, the others, particularly the warriors and soldiers, seem skeptical but refuse to say otherwise to not start an argument.

"Ok, so what's the plan?" asks Flash he alternates between looking towards Superman, Wonder Woman and me for instructions.

"We split up." orders Batman. "Malphas, his group, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Hawkwoman will carry out the assault outside and destroy the artificial cloud machines. Meanwhile the rest of us will use the distraction outside to sneak onto the mothership to convince them to leave. Any questions?"

Seeing that no one had a question, Batman leaps off the roof and glides downwards while we follow suit.

"Where is Mordred?" I ask Morgan as we fly towards the enemy.

"I sent her to the cities without heroes." she replies as she destroys a tripod machine with a beam of pure magical energy, far more powerful than any of her similar spells from the Nasuverse. Clearly her trips to the Oblivion Bar has taught her a few tricks.

Following close behind, I plunge my spear into a machine's eyehole then strike it with a bolt of lightning. As the machine plunges towards the ground, I jump off it before flying completely through a second machine. Before I can do more however, Superman comes flying out of the mothership with a loud crack.

Turning my eyes towards the cause, I am introduced to my first new god, and the ugliest of them all, Kalibak Son of Darkseid.

Standing at seven feet nine inches, Kalibak cuts a terrifying figure with a facing that resembles a lion more than he does a human. He has black hair that surrounds his head and looks very much like a lion's mane that is further accentuated by his golden crown. He wears a sleeveless, green one piece suit that stops at his bulging thighs and easily showcases his bulging, and muscular body. On his feet he wears green boots, and green gloves on his hands where he also holds his weapon, the Beta Club. It is a weapon that fires force bolts or nerve beams that causes living beings agonizing pain and is nearly invulnerable.

Not allowing him the opportunity to continue his assault on Superman, I attack him myself and send him flying through the ship with a sweep of my spear. Following through, I fly after him as he crashes through the ship's walls to exit on the other side. As he attempts to recover, I plunge my spear through his shoulder, pinning him to the ground as he roars in pain.

"What are you doing here Kalibak?" I question him with a twist of my spear to increase his pain.

"Burn in the pits of Apokolips curr." comes his reply through gritted teeth as he attempts to remove the spear to no avail as it shocks him with lightning.

"Allow me." says Azula as she approaches Kalibak and I with a malicious smirk on her face.

"Perhaps if we had time." replies Morgan as she teleports to us. "Knowing you, the process would take long simply because you want to make him suffer."

Ignoring Azula's dissatisfied pout, Morgan places her hands on Kalibak's temples as her eyes glow green. The process takes a few seconds and seems to put Kalibak in an extreme amount of pain considering his painful bestial roar.

"This was a plot by Darkseid to conquer Earth." says Morgan as she finishes while ignoring an unconscious Kalibak. "Highfather has placed Earth under his protection, so Darkseid thought to use the Imperium as his vessel to conquer Earth. Kalibak's purpose was to see the assault through."

"Then this will not be the end of it." comments Scáthach as she teleports to us.

"Regardless, we have won this day, and we will be ready for Darkseid's second plot." says Wonder Woman as she flies down to us.

"As a group?" asks Flash as he and the remaining heroes join us. "I'd be interested in that and we could do a lot of good together."

"Flash is right." says Superman with a smile. "I once thought I could protect the world by myself, but I was wrong. Working together, we saved the planet. And I believe that if we stay together, as a team, we would be a force that could truly work for the ideals of peace and justice."

"Before we can continue this conversation,-" interjects Batman. "-we have to defeat the remnants of the Imperium around the World."

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