From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 76 - Trouble in Paradise

AN: For those of you who watched the Justice League animated series and are wondering where Martian Manhunter is, his origins are going to be different in this. The Imperium never made it to Mars and instead were caught by Darkseid to use them as a vessel to conquer Earth.


United States Airspace

March, 2003. Two weeks after Invasion

In the aftermath of Kaliback's defeat, it took the hastily assembled team of heroes approximately eight hours of traveling throughout the world to defeat the remnants of the Imperium. After which they separated to return to their respective homes. Throughout these past few weeks however, they have been occasionally meeting as a group to plan the Justice League.

With the recent completion of the base in the Cave in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island, Batman and Superman currently make their way to Bludhaven in order to officially invite Malphas and his group to join the League.

From what Batman has been able to observe, other than the unnamed Knight, none in the group seem to really have a desire of joining. They seem to be more inclined with making a difference in the world using their civilian identities similar to how he does as Bruce Wayne. A choice that he can easily respect. As far as he is concerned, they have no obligation to do like he does. Just by using their civilian identities to better Bludhaven is more than the majority of their social class, businessmen or otherwise. As such he respects them, but will be paying close attention to them in light of how powerful they are.

As for how the other members of the League feel towards them, the opinions vary. From what he has been able to observe, Hawkwoman and Wonder Woman have a healthy amount of respect for the group while John Stewart is slowly moving towards that direction. Aquaman seems to have easily befriended Ambrosius. As far as he can tell it seems that it's because of their shared mannerism, although Aquaman is far more bold and patronizing, even if it is unintentional. As for Flash, he seems to be intrigued by the group while Superman seems excited at the prospect of more heroes doing good around the world.

As for Batman himself, well he is cautious. Individually they are all a force to be reckoned with, however together they could perhaps take down the entire League. Should they decide to break the law it will be far more difficult to take them in compared to other members of the League. However, that is not the main cause of his caution. The main reason is due to the fact that something about Ambrosius' mannerism reminds him far too much of himself. Perhaps it is the calculating mind, the cautious and no nonsense attitude, or the way he seems to take notes of everything in case he needs it later. Normally that wouldn't really be a reason for concern, whether those habits are taken all together or by themselves, especially since many warriors have them. However, Batman simply can't seem to shake the familiarity of it off regardless of how hard he tried.

Still, despite his caution, Batman can't deny that they are worthy allies and forces for good. This can easily be seen with how much Bludhaven has changed ever since they became active in the city. Scáthach's business alone has done wonders for the city's economy, paired with the fact that the police department and mayor's office has been rid of most of the corruption ever since Azula became Chief of Police seemingly without cheating the system. As for Morgan, Batman suspects that she has been the one to change the way the criminals operated. Around a year ago, a Madam took over the criminal elements of the city and changed how they operated. Human trafficking has stopped completely while it has become almost impossible to smuggle and sell drugs in the city. Unfortunately he doesn't have any proof that confirms that she is in fact The Madam.

"Do you think that they'll accept?" comes Superman's voice over the communication device in his cowl as he soars through the sky.

"It's not impossible." replies Batman from his plane. "However I doubt it. They seem to prefer changing things as civilians. The invasion might have an isolated incident."

"Hopefully they accept." answers Superman. "They could be major assets."

"Assets?" questions Batman with a well hidden smirk. "You sound like me. Am I rubbing off on you?"

"Like a bad rash." jokingly replies Superman with a smile. "Besides, even Bruce Wayne of all people doesn't have a monopoly on critical thinking."

"Hmmm." replies Batman with a hum as he steers his plane towards the approaching castle. "Maybe my next purchase will be that, Clark" continues Batman as he emphasises Superman's civilian identity.

"That's a really nice property." comments Superman as he and Batman lower themselves just outside of the gate of the premises. "How do you think the world would react if they found out that some of the most powerful people on the planet live here?" wonders Superman outloud.

"The same way I imagine that they will should they ever find out that you're a reporter." stoically replies Batman as he jumps out of the plane. "Considering the fact that they've magically hidden their identities from all but members of the League, I wager that we may never find out."

"I'm still finding that hard to process. Magic is real." says Superman with a small amount of wonder.

"You're an alien from space with heat vision and ice breath." answers Batman with a deadpan voice as the gates open and Bernard walks towards the two men.

"The masters have been expecting you sirs, please follow me." comments Bernard as he leads them past the statues and a blond child playing with a black panther towards the castle's open doors.

"Is that safe?" asks Superman as he looks towards the duo with some concern.

"I assure you Superman, Custos is a perfectly safe playmate for Madam Mordred." answers Bernard with no concern in his expression whatsoever, almost as if it were a common sight.

As they arrive inside, Ambrosius is there to meet them and relieve Bernard of his duties.

"Thank you Bernard." says Ambroius with a smile. "I will take it from here."

"Of course Master Ambrosius." replies Bernard with a respectful nod before walking further into the castle and disappears behind a doorway.

"Superman, Batman, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" asks Ambrosius as he leads them to a lounge where Azula, Morgan, and Scáthach awaits them.

"The Cave is complete." replies Batman as he stops by the doorway while Superman takes an offered seat.

"What Batman means is that we came to officially invite you to the League." says Superman.

In response to Superman's words, the members of the Malphas family share a glance with one another before Scáthach answers.

"We have given some thought to the matter, and unfortunately haven't been able to decide." she says.

"Together we can do much more together than when separated" says Superman as he attempts to persuade them.

"There's no need to attempt to persuade us." says Morgan from her position. "We are very much aware of the benefits of joining."

"The disagreement however stems from the decision to become a United Nations sanctioned organisation." explains Azula.

"It's the best way to operate without alienating the people." replies Superman. "Many of them are afraid of what a group like ours can do if left unsupervised."

"That's all well and good, but many of the politicians that have a say in how you will operate are corrupt beyond measure." says Morgan as she turns to look at Batman in the eyes.

"Unfortunately there's nothing we can do if their government supports their actions." he replies with frustrated resignation.

"With the amount of power they have, they can choose whether or not you should save someone, whether you should respond to a threat or even whether you should provide humanitarian efforts towards a location that very much needs it." explains Azula with a frown. "Power like that should not be in the hands of corrupt men."

Before anyone can answer, Bernard steps in next to the standing Batman with a silver tray in hand.

"Beverages anyone?" he asks as he offers Batman a cup of steaming hot tea.

Unfortunately Batman isn't able to answer as the castle informs the occupants of a fast approaching Wonder Woman. Without waiting for instructions, Bernard places the tray on the table before leaving to receive her.

"Did she seem to be in a rush to you?" asks Scáthach as she looks towards Ambrosius.

"Not only did she seem to be in a rush, but she also seemed in an unpleasant mood." he answers with a frown.

"I thought that she went back home to Themyscira?" Superman asks Batman.

"She did." simply answers Batman as he narrows his eyes as Wonder Woman walks into the room.

"My apologies for arriving unannounced,-" she says apologetically "-but I need your help."

"What can we help you with?" asks Scáthach as she stands.

"Themyscira has been attacked by a sorcerer who calls himself Felix Faust. He has somehow managed to turn everyone into stone, even my mother." she explains with a scowl.

"He's holding them hostage in exchange for something." hypothesizes Batman.

"In exchange for their freedom I am to bring him three artifacts, however I am suspicious of the artifacts and do not trust him."she adds as she hands Ambrosius a piece of paper.

"Perhaps Morgan could undo his spell?" suggests Ambrosius as he and the other seated occupants stand while he takes the paper. "However, it would be best to collect the artifacts in case the opposite is true."

"Then we split up." says Superman "Some of us will collect the artifacts while the others return to Themyscira to try and reverse the spell."

"Where are the other members of the League?" asks Azula.

"John Stewart is off-world, Flash is working, and Aquaman has a crisis in Atlantis." informs Batman as the group walks out of the room. "Hawkwoman should be available however."

"Father!" exclaims Mordred as she approaches the group in a jog as Custos trails behind her. "Are you going to be doing superhero stuff? If you are, can I come?" she asks.

"No." firmly replies Morgan. "I believe that you still have a school project to complete."

Hearing her mother's answer, Mordred turns to her father with a pout as she stares into his eyes.

"Your mother has spoken." answers Ambrosius helplessly. "Besides this will not take long and is magic related."

"Fine." replies Mordred as she makes her way inside with a frown.

"You have an adorable child." comments Wonder Woman with a smile as they make their way past the statues and the gate.

"Thank you." replies Morgan.

"Morgan, Scáthach, and Azula will go with you to Themyscira while Superman, Batman and I will search for the artifact." says Ambrosius as their casual clothes turn into their battle gear and Batman mounts his plane.

"Thank you for your assistance." says Wonder Woman as the group takes to the sky and separates.

"What do you know of this Felix Faust?" asks Scáthach as her group flies over the Atlantic.

"Other than what I have relayed, nothing." answers Wonder Woman with a frown

"I have heard of him at the Oblivion Bar." informs Morgan. "According to my sources he is a mediocre sorcerer at best. Turning people to stones should be far beyond him."

"Clearly it isn't." says Azula. "Either your source is severely misinformed, or Faust received some major power boost."

"I honestly cannot tell which is worse." comments Wonder Woman.

"Pray that it isn't the ladder, because that would suggest that someone may be working behind the scenes." answers Morgan. "One does not receive such a drastic increase in power without a higher being involving themselves."

"We've arrived." says Wonder Woman as an island quickly approaches the group where they land on the beach with various statues of Amazons in different poses of attack.

"This reminds me of the gorgon Medusa." comments Azula as she inspects the statues.

"Indeed." agrees Morgan as she reaches out to the curse in an attempt to reverse it.

"Where is Faust?" asks Scáthach as she inspects the beach.

"In the throne room." answers Wonder Woman as she approaches Morgan. "Anything?" she asks.

"This curse…-" says Morgan with a deep frown. "-this is no ordinary curse. It reeks of magic only capable of the gods."

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