From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 86 - The Light

Avalon Hill, Bludhaven

New Jersey

May 2006

Bludhaven and Gotham city, twin cities that share many similarities with one another. Between the corruption, poverty and crime, one would not be wrong in thinking that Bludhaven is the slums of Gotham city. Or at least that used to be the case before the Malphas family arrived. With their arrival, Bludhaven experienced a few turbulent years as the family went about up heaving the regime that ran the city.

While Gotham is full of poverty and corruption, its main problem takes form in the colorful rogues gallery The Dark Knight has amassed over the years. In Bludhaven however, the problem lay in a corrupt group of individuals that were at the highest positions possible in the city. The police chief and most of the police department, along with the mayor's office were perhaps the most corrupt administration in the country. With the enforcers of the law and the law makers of the city being such corrupt individuals, it did not take long for a crime boss to stake a claim over the criminal element of the city by working alongside the police and the mayor's office.

However the Malphas family's arrival quickly put an end to that. From then onto now, the city of Bludhaven has experienced four years of peace and prosperity. Enough that many have begun to compare the city to Metropolis, the shining city and home to Superman. Unlike Metropolis however, Bludhaven has never once experienced a supervillain attack. For reasons unknown to the public, Bludhaven has never been targeted by a supervillain despite its thriving economy and businesses, nor has it ever experienced weather conditions detrimental to the city.

While Bludhaven has never been the victim of a supervillain attack, that did not mean that the city is defenseless in the face of an assault, as the atlantean army is currently finding out. While Ambrosius took care of the division on their way to attack the city, his departure to face the sea serpent left the way to Bludhaven and Gotham undefended, allowing Orm to regroup his troops and mount a second offensive.

Unfortunately for him and his troops however, Azula had foreseen this outcome when the sea serpent made its presence known. As such she was able to activate the city's defense measures, which consists of rune traps and sentient statues of warriors, while the police and Morgan's organisation evacuated the citizens to a residence that was prepared for such a situation.

"Do you plan on joining the battle?" asks Morgan while she carefully manipulates the magical energy responsible for the curse out of King Orin's system.

"Not unless Orm personally joins the fray." answers Azula as she surveys the situation from a magical holographic display. "The statues and traps are enough to deal with the atlantean army and the Justice League can easily protect Gotham. I am trying to figure out what Orm gains from this assault." she says as she crosses her arms. "This makes no sense. Not even he could be this foolish. An attack on the surface world will bring the Justice League down on Atlantis. He must know that he cannot beat the league by himself. Nor could he if Mera and Orin joined his side." comments Azula with a shake of her head.

"How much do you want to wager that the gods are involved somehow?" asks Morgan.

"Please don't insult my intelligence." answers Azula as she changes the setting of her surveillance towards the coast where Orm joins his forces against the statues.

The statues stand at six feet tall each and are carved to resemble the legion that Ambrosius once led. Each a.d.u.l.t member of the Malphas family contributed something to the statues. Morgan enchanted the statues to be nearly indestructible, Scáthach enchanted the weapons to have properties similar to Gae Bolg, albeit far weaker than the genuine article, Azula contributed protection against the elements, and Ambrosius himself inscribed the runes that allows them to come to life, battle, and obey orders.

"What a fool." comments Morgan while she glimpses at the battle on screen as an atlantean soldier is slain by a statue. "He knows that this campaign is lost yet refuses to retreat."

"Orin has failed in his duties as an older brother." lightly comments Azula as she makes her way out of the room.

"Don't harm him too much. He's still Orin's little brother after all." says Morgan as the ceiling outside of the room opens up to allow a perfect view of the sky.

"That will depend on him." answers Azula before flying out of the castle through the opening and making her way towards the battlefield.


Unknown Location

May, 2006

Inside an unlit and sparse circular room, a meeting of some of Earth's greatest minds and most powerful leaders is currently in session. This group of influential leaders are the pinnacle of human potential in their fields and are capable of influencing the relations between nations with a mere whisper.

Founded as far back as the second millennium BCE during the prosperous age of Babylonnia, the group was founded on the premise of leading humanity out of their darkest hour whenever it was necessary. As such, they were named The Light and come and go as needed. Despite the organisation's long history, only one member has ever been constant in every iteration of The Light, Vandal Savage.

Standing at five feet ten inches tall, Vandal Savage, also known as Vanda Adg, is a tall, muscular male with medium-dark skin tone, strong, rugged features, broad shoulders, and square jaw. He also has three pale scars across his face, brown eyes and black long hair pulled back. Savage wears a long lapel less dark-blue coat with a red stripe on the edges. He also dons black gloves and boots.

Born a Homo Sapien fifty thousand years ago, Vandal saw a meteor plummeting from the sky sometime during his 40s and felt drawn to the "Sky Fire" emanating from the fallen meteorite. Savage ran towards it but was attacked by a cave bear on his way. Fueled with the purpose of reaching the meteorite, Savage found the inner strength to kill the beast and continue on his journey towards the meteor. However, he did not leave unscathed, as the bear left three deep cuts across his face.

As Savage finally made his way to the source of the Sky Fire, he reached to touch the glowing meteorite, but was ambushed and impaled by a tribe of Neanderthals who were also drawn to the rock.. As he lay dying, the radiation of the meteorite turned him into the first meta-human on Earth, the theorised next step in human evolution, and healing his wounds. With his newfound might, Savage struck back and subdued the tribe. Homo sapiens henceforth outnumbered and drove the Homo neanderthalensis to extinction.

In the following centuries, Vandal Savage traveled the world while manipulating events in the hopes of pushing humanity to its peak so that they may take their place in the center of the cosmos with him serving as the eternal leader. Throughout history he has been known as Marduk, Sun Tzu, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Blackbeard the Pirate, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Vlad the Impaler to name a few. He has also worked as close friends and advisers to the likes of Erik the Red, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ra's al Ghul, Otto von Bismarck and even Adolf Hitler.

Having lived since the dawn of mankind, Savage believes in a natural order and survival of the fittest. Due to his immortality and longevity, Savage believes himself destined to lead humanity, and after witnessing the evolution of humanity over 50,000 years, Savage has come to believe humanity is destined to become the ruling species of the cosmos. To this end, he views the Justice League with distaste for protecting all of humanity, including the weak, rather than using their powers to eliminate them and accelerate the evolution of humanity. This is the purpose of the most recent incarnation of The Light, to counteract the Justice League's effects on humanity and to push humanity's potential as far as it can possibly go.

"Orm's attack on Gotham and Bludhaven undermines years of planning. This cannot be allowed to stand!" exclaims the voice of Queen Bee, ruler of the Bialya, through one of the monitors anchored to the ceiling.

Queen Bee is a slender, dark-skinned woman with dark blue eyes and long black hair, which she sports pulled back with a golden diadem on her forehead. She also wears golden stinger-shaped earrings and an armband on her right forearm. She dons a strapless gray mini-skirt dress with black pants and high-heel boots. Around her shoulders hangs a translucent pale blue veil.

"That is an exaggeration my dear." calmly answers Ra's al Ghul as he rests his chin on his intertwined hands. "While his inevitable capture will certainly put our plans in jeopardy, it does not stop us from having him…eliminated, for a lack of better term, before he is assured questioning."

"While I agree with Queen Bee,-" says Lex Luthor, bringing everyone's attention to him. "-there is also a silver lining to this situation."

"Indeed." agrees Ra's with a slight, almost impossible to see, smile. "My shadows have reported that a certain Pendragon has been spotted in Gotham unsupervised with a pair of friends."

"The perfect opportunity for a grab." says Klarion with a dark chuckle. "That entire family reeks of magic, both modern and ancient. I wanna know what's up with that."

Klarion the Witch Boy, Lord of Chaos, and the most dangerous being in the entire organisation. As a Lord of Chaos, Klarion possesses magic capable of felling even gods. He cannot be killed and the only way to defeat him is to destroy his familiar Teekl, the only thing that anchors him to the mortal plane. His purpose for joining The Light is to simply cause untold chaos.

Klarion takes the appearance of a scraggy boy with long, thin limbs, a thin neck and an angular face. He has black hair in a mop-top style with V-shaped bangs and devil-horns rising over the ears to points slightly above the top of his head. Along with his pointed crown, these devil horns give him a distinctive three-pointed silhouette. He has arched eyebrows and sideburns that taper to a point. He also has long, sharp, black fingernails.

Klarion can alter his features if angered or malicious, with his skin taking a bluish hue and his eyes shrinking to red glowing dots.

His clothes are formal, and predominantly black, but include a white shirt with a tall, stiff collar. On top of this he wears a black skinny tie, black skinny trousers and pointed shoes, as well as a distinctive jacket. The jacket resembles a standard suit jacket around the chest and shoulders, although it has long sleeves with flared, pointed cuffs, and the jacket's skirt is similarly long and shaped so that it comes to a point at the front. The jacket is fastened with two short button straps around the waist.

"This mission is far more important than to sate your curiosity, Klarion." says Vandal Savage. "As such I expect you to behave. We cannot clone her, nor can we properly examine her physiology if you lose control of yourself."

"Fine, fine. Always have to ruin my fun, you spoilsport." whines the Lord of Chaos as he strokes his cat's fur.

"And how exactly do you plan on making her disappearance go unnoticed?" questions a dark, gravelly voice that comes from a figure wreathed in shadows, allowing only his blood-red eyes to be seen. "Her father may have been easily humiliated by my brute of a brother and my father, but he is not someone to be trifled with easily. Out of every member of this council, only Savage, Klarion and I can face him head on."

"I do believe that he has a spouse." comments Queen Bee nonchalantly. "Klarion will simply disguise me as her and I will simply use my pheromones to make him forget. Will that suffice?"

"Of course." answers the figure with a chuckle that makes Queen Bee's skin crawl.

"If I may?" interjects Lex Luthor. "How exactly do you know so much about him?"

"Hm." hums the figure as he seems to contemplate his answer. "You can say that he and I have plenty in common. After all, we are family."


AN: The next few chapters will mostly focus on Morgan with no pov's from Ambrosius. This will also be the time where she gets her power up that will allow her to go toe to toe with the gods. If you don't want to read that, come back in around three chapters.

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