From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 87 - Chaos

Amus.e.m.e.nt Mile, Gotham City

New Jersey

May 2006

"Man, it's been so long since I've come here." sighs Mordred in contentment as she, D.i.c.k, and Kaldur are admitted into the theme park.

"Are you sure that we should be here?" asks D.i.c.k skeptically as he follows her into the park with a bewildered Kaldur tagging along. "I mean, the Justice League is fighting off an army of Atlanteans a few blocks away in the docks. Shouldn't this park be closed and shouldn't we be helping them?" says D.i.c.k as he whispers the last sentence.

Richard Grayson, also known as D.i.c.k Grayson, is the ten year old ward of Bruce Wayne and, unknown to all but a few, is also Robin, Batman's protege. He stands at an underwhelming four feet three inches for a boy his age, possesses blue eyes, black hair, and a face that makes many believe that he is in fact related to Bruce Wayne by blood. He has known Mordred for a year now and does not mind following her lead..

"I concur with Richard, Mordred." chimes in Kaldur as he quickly recovers from his awe of the amus.e.m.e.nt park. "Should we not aid the Justice League in defending this city, or at the very least inform them King Orin is very much alive to stop this war?"

"What's there to protect? Even if the Atlanteans miraculously get past the League, Bruce and my mother set up defenses all around the city in case this happened. Both magical and technological." explains Mordred as she leads the group towards a hot dog stand. "Besides, I want to relax a little bit before we go on patrol."

"Patrol?" questions Kaldur with a tilt of his head as Mordred hands him a hot dog while she bites into hers. "I did not know that you two are members of some form of defensive force. Are you employed as young as the age of ten?"

"No. We're superheroes." she answers as she swallows her food. "We protect people from the bad guys. Kind of like your King, Aquaman. And no, they don't let ten year olds become superheroes, but D.i.c.k kinda forced Bruce's hand when he went out by himself to bring his parent's killer to justice." she says with a pointed look that makes said boy blush in embarrassment at his past self's actions. "Even after putting the guys away, D.i.c.k didn't want to stop."

"You should probably stop now before anyone other than us hears you." comments D.i.c.k as he carefully glances around.

"Don't worry about it. I put a bounded field around us that makes anyone other than us hear rubbish." replies Mordred nonchalantly. "With parents like mine, being careful becomes second nature after a while."

"What is a bounded field?" asks Kaldur as he finishes his hot dog.

"It's a magical field that's usually made for defensive purposes." answers Mordred as the group makes its way to a water gun game.

"You practice the mystic arts?" asks a bewildered Kaldur.

"Everybody in my family knows magic. It's kind of their thing. You honestly can't grow up around that without picking some things." she answers with a shrug. "Personally I've never been big on the whole thing. Yeah it's pretty neat and useful, but I prefer a good old fashion battle with weapons or hand to hand."

"That is impressive." says Kaldur as he watches D.i.c.k completely destroy everyone else at the water gun game. "I would be interested in learning after I finish my mandatory tenure in the army."

Before the conversation can continue however, a red bolt of energy strikes Mordred in the back, sending her flying through the game stand before she collides with a wall and it crumbles over her.

"Mordred!" exclaims D.i.c.k and Kaldur as they rush towards their friend while the amus.e.m.e.nt park dissolves into chaos and panic.

"Oooh, that looked like it hurt." says a childish voice with a cruel laugh. "Do you think I overdid it Teekl?" asks Klarion as he walks out of a red portal with his cat meowing cat cradled in his arms. "You're right, with the amount of magic coming from her she should be fine." he says as an annoyed Mordred emerges from the rubble.

"Klarion." whispers Mordred with wide eyes as she identifies her attacker.

As she prepares to summon her armor however, Mordred remembers that D.i.c.k and Kaldur are with her. Should she decide to fight Klarion she will also have to protect them, and she is sure that doing so would result in her losing the battle. According to her mother and father, to defeat Klarion means to slay the cat. However, the cat can be powered up by Klarion to even contend with Superman easily. While she knows that she can definitely fatally injure Superman, she also knows that it's because his invulnerability does not extend to magic. Klarion however is magic incarnate. With an annoyed growl, Mordred takes hold of D.i.c.k and Kaldur and activates a runic array tattooed on her body that teleports them to Avalon Hill.

"I thought that she couldn't teleport?" questions a puzzled Klarion.

According to the information that they have on the family, Mordred is the hero that showed up around the same time as Robin, White Knight. While she has shown physical feats near Superman's level, combat skills superior to even Batman, and reeks of magic, she has not shown any skill in magic that extends further than the basics. Her father has been identified as a demigod son of Poseidon by their mysterious member, who by this point Klarion is sure is Ares. While her father seems to be easily more powerful than Heracles, that really is not much of an achievement considering the fact that Heracles, for all his might as a demigod, is a joke of a god. Her mother, Morgan seems to be the most skilled magician seen in centuries, but lacks the raw power to make use of it, much less face a Lord of Chaos. The other two women in the group have exhibited no feats that would put them anywhere close to Klarion's level. Therefore this abduction should be an easy mission.

Yet as he watches his prey teleport away, Klarion wonders what other information about the group is either wrong or has been overlooked. He doesn't want to be caught by surprise and accidentally overdo it because usually when he does overdo it, the only thing left from the target is a pile of ashes and he really doesn't want that this time. Not only does he want to examine them to see why they reek of so much ancient magic, but he also doesn't want to have to explain to Savage how that happened. Yea he could just kill Savage if Vandal decided to attack him as punishment, but where would the fun be in doing that. Besides he also doesn't want to deal with Ares' teasing.

"Ugh why can't things always be easy? Why couldn't she have just let herself be kidnapped like a good girl" whines Klarion as he traces the magic to figure out where his quarry teleported off to. "Found youu." singsongs Klarion with a malicious grin before attempting to teleport to them.

To his surprise however, any form of teleportation in that location is completely blocked off.

"Well isn't that interesting." mutters Klarion to himself as he opens a portal as close to the area as possible. "Well isn't that interesting." he comments to himself again as he inspects the road that leads to Avalon Hill. "They somehow managed to completely close off the space where the castle is. That's pretty good for some mortals. Don't you think so Teekl?" he asks his cat as he rubs his chin with one hand. "Other than teleporting through whatever process they use, there's only one way to get there and that's by physically traveling there. And I bet you that they have some defenses for that too. These guys are pretty good." compliments Klarion before his face stretches and an evil grin grows on his face. "Too bad for them I am a Lord of Chaos and magic is my servant to do with as I wish."

With a cackle Klarion reaches through the portal, grabs the very fabric of space where Avalon Hill lies before pulling with a considerable amount of force. As he begins to pull the defensive bounded field apart however, an extremely high level of divine lightning boosted with magic blasts him in the face while a red blur stabs Teekl in the heart. With a pained roar, Klarion retreats back through the portal.

"That hurts." he hisses as he gently rubs. "It's a good thing you can live without your heart. Right Teekl?" says Klarion as he begins to heal his familiar. "Since they don't want to place nice, the kiddy gloves come off now."

Stepping through the portal, Klarion enshrouds himself and his cat in a magical bubble while he begins to build up a magical spell to obliterate both the castle's defenses and the castle itself. Before he can get far however, a barbed red spear impales him and Teekl through the heart just as a sword decapitates him as it destroys his barrier and a bolt of red lightning strikes Teekl.

"You dare set your sights on my order." snarls a feminine voice somewhere over him. "I will make sure you suffer a thousand fold before I disintegrate you to ashes."

"Huh? You want to disintegrate me?" comments Klarion as his head easily reattaches itself to his shoulders. "Don't you know who I am? I am Klarion the Witch Boy, Lord of Chaos, and nobody hurts me like this and lives to tell the tale!" roars Klarion as he releases a large amount of magical power that causes a shock wave and blows his trio of attackers back.

Putting Teekl down on the ground, Klarion begins to empower his cat and himself. As he draws on more magical power, a dark red aura begins to envelop him as his features stretch, his skin turns blue and his eyes glow a baleful red while Teekl himself transforms from a small p.u.s.s.ycat to a large saber toothed tiger as big as a garbage truck.

"Klarion the Witch Boy." sneers Morgan in disgust. "What are you doing here, attacking my daughter?" she questions with a dark glare as her eyes begin to glow a dark pink color as her body is enveloped by an aura of the same color. "As a matter of fact, forget I asked you and simply leave. Or else you will perish." she says as Azula and Scáthach join her with their eyes also glowing blue and dark purple respectively while an aura of power of the same color envelops them.

Overhead the once suny sky darkens as gray storm clouds encompasses the sky. Thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, and the ground quakes from the absurd amount of power being released by the four.

"Hehehe, man you guys are good." chuckles Klarion cruelly. "To be able to hide that much power, that's impressive. This is going to be sooo much fun." he says as he maliciously licks his lips in anticipation.

"I have had enough of your voice, foul being." roars Azula as she blitzes Klarion with a slash of her sword.

While Azula goes for Klarion himself, Scáthach strikes at Teekl in an attempt to kill the cat and send its master back to whatever realm he comes from. Meanwhile Morgan hurls curses and bolts of magic towards Klarion. Dodging Azula's slash, Klarion retaliates by blasting a curse towards her while deflecting Morgan's curses and magical bolts. Before the curse can reach Azula however, Morgan stops it in its tracks, dismantles the spell, alters it before putting it back together and sends it back to Klarion while Azula did not even halt her assault to dodge the incoming attack.

"What?" questions a bewildered Klarion as his own curse strikes his chest and Azula strikes him with a bolt of lightning from above.

With a pained roar, Klarion flies as far away from the duo as he can without leaving the battlefield.

"What have you done?!" exclaims Klarion as his figure flickers in and out of existence.

"While being a Lord of Chaos comes with many advantages such as endless raw power and immunity to magic that is not on par with your existence, it does not come with unparalleled skill." calmly answers Morgan.

When Morgan learned of the many beings that lived on a higher plane of existence, she knew that she would not be able to compete with them magically. While she may have been one of the most magically powerful and skillful mages from her universe, the same cannot be said for here where beings such as Lords of Chaos and Lords of Order are literally being powered by magic itself. Therefore she decided to bridge the gap as much as she could with pure skill while searching for a way to overcome her lack of raw power.

She knew that no matter how much she blasts Klarion that he will not be harmed, and that the only reason the bounded field harmed him was because Azula's divinity fueled the lightning.

Therefore when she dismantled his earlier curse, she altered it so that it became a spell to dismantle all forms of magical energy while leaving Klarion's magical signature intact. As such, when Klarion was struck by the spell, his body that is made of pure magic was affected by the spell as it attempted to completely dismantle his body. Normally the spell's effect would have easily been made null by Klarion's body, that is where Azula's lightning came into play. When it struck Klarion, his body now had to battle the effects of Azula's divine lightning and allowing her spell's effect to quickly spread throughout his body.

"You two are dangerous." mutters Klarion with a smile. "AND I LOVE IT. Too bad I have a mission to fulfill. What do you say we meet some other time and duke it out?" he asks with a manic grin.

"You will not pass." answers Morgan as she prepares to continue the battle

"Oh I will." answers Klarion with a chuckle as a doppelganger of him appears behind Morgan.

Before it can attack her however Morgan turns and plunges her hand into the magical body and quickly dismantles the spell it sent towards her before retaliating a red curse in the form of a lightning bolt. As her lightning bolt strikes the doppelganger however she senses an attack coming towards her and quickly puts up her most powerful magical shield. Before it strikes her however the beam of magic flickers out of existence.

"TEEKL!" exclaims Klarion as he sees his injured familiar about to be slain by Scáthach.

Before that can happen however he teleports the cat back to him.

"How dare you, how dare you, HOW DARE YOU!" screams Klarion in rage as the earth begins to shake and crumble under his released magical power. "I don't wanna play anymore! DIE!" he bellows out as a crimson light and shock wave erupts from him and envelops the trio, knocking them out.

As he surveys his opponents, Klarion notices that they are not dead but rather unconscious.

"Oh man. It's a good thing I remembered to restrain myself at the last minute." he says with a sigh of relief. "It's not every century that you meet such interesting people. They should prove entertaining enough in the years to come." he comments to himself as he heals his familiar and makes his way towards the Malphas family castle.

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