From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 94 - Injustice

Location: Unknown

Date: Presumably July 2006

As the light from whatever form of travel that was used on them vanishes, Azula, Artemis and Akila are finally able to make out their new surroundings. The first thing that Azula notices is the fact that wherever they are, the time of day is sometime at night. The second thing that she notices is the fact that they are on a roof facing what seems to be an abandoned that used to be Wayne Enterprises' main headquarters.

"Gotham City." says Azula, drawing Artemis and Akila's attention to her.

"You recognise this city?" asks Aretemis.

"I do." replies Azula with a frown as she inspects a symbol that hangs on the majority of the skyscr.a.p.ers in the city. "However this is not the Gotham City I recognise. The most logical answer I can think of is that this is an alternate universe." explains Azula as she tries in vain to reach Ambrosius through their communication rune before concentrating and listening to every conversation in the city.

"Do you know of any way to return us home? We cannot waste any time here. Akila and I must complete our quest as soon as possible." aggressively says Artemis.

"Peace, Artemis." orders Akila as she places a calming hand on Artemis' shoulder. "This is not her fault. She is as much of a victim as we are." says Akila before turning to Azula who is now floating in the air with her eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed. "Is something the matter?" asks Akila.

"This universe is similar yet completely different compared to ours. We need to gather information." answers Azula as she opens her eyes. "The only thing I've been able to gather is that Superman created an organisation called the Regime while Batman is now a fugitive."

"You named a man, Superman?" question Artemis with a frown.

"Who names their child Batman?" asks Akila with a raised eyebrow.

"You two must live under a rock." comments Azula with a questioning expression on her face. "I'll fill you in as we travel. Can you fly?" she asks.

"No." answers Akila.

"Alright then." replies Azula as wind surrounds the duo and proceeds to levitate them up to Azula's level.

"Impressive display of magic." comments Akila as they rise higher than the tallest in the city.

"This isn't magic, it is who I am." answers Azula with a smirk as they fly away from the city as fast as Azula dares to while carrying inexperienced flyers as passengers.

"If you are of divine blood, then perhaps you may know the newly ascended god?" asks Artemis as the meaning of Azula's words sink in while Akila observes the sight of the city flying by under them in awe.

"Maybe." answers Azula. "Why do you want to meet them?" she asks.

"Our people are in danger, and we believe that with their help we may avert the crisis." replies Akila as she returns her attention back to the conversation. "Any form of help would be appreciated, however we know that the other pantheons would never lend aid to any divine not of their of their own pantheon. As such we seek the help of the unaffiliated new god." explains Azula.

"What is it that would force the Egyptian gods to look for help outside of their own pantheon?" asks Azula as they leave the city and fly over a road that leads to a manor just outside of the city.

"How did you know?" questions Artemis as she narrows her eyes at Azula and tightens her grip on her axe, Mistress.

"How do you think?" asks Azula with a smirk as she glances at Akila's weapon and armor while she slowly lowers them just inside of the manor's gates.

"Why are we here?" asks Artemis as she surveys the abandoned manor.

From the outside, it is easy to guess this now run down mansion was once very elegant. It has been built with wheat colored bricks and has mahogany wooden decorations. Small, octagon windows that once allowed enough light to enter the home and have been added to the house in a mostly asymmetric way have now been boarded up adding to the abandoned atmosphere of the property.

"We will most likely find answers to our questions here." answers Azula as she walks up the broken cobblestone of the driveway, past the dry and cracked fountain to arrive at the front door covered in weeds that occupy much of the house's surface.

Sending the door flying off its hinges with a kick, Azula walks into the manor. Like the exterior, the interior has seen better days. The once elegant and beautiful chandelier that used to illuminate the entrance now lies shattered on the floor. The once magnificent staircases on both sides of the room that leads to the second floor balcony are falling apart, and the balcone's railing is broken as if a body was thrown through it.

"A battle occurred here and this residence seems to be abandoned. Are you sure that we will find answers here?" asks Akila.

"Most likely." answers Azula as they easily make their way upstairs despite the broken staircase.

As they make their way through the vacant building, they are able to notice that the house is at the very least equipped with a huge kitchen and two modern bathrooms, five bedrooms, and a roomy dining area.

Entering the library, Azula ignores the broken book shelves and furniture, and makes her way to the no longer functioning grandfather clock. With ease, she pushes the clock aside, showing the narrow hidden staircase inside before walking in.

As they make their way down the staircase and into a surprisingly well lit Batcave, they can hear the sound of the flapping wings throughout the cave's ceiling.

"Welcome to the Batcave, Batman's base of operations." says Azula as she makes her way to the Batcomputer and attempts to turn it on to no avail.

"Twice now you have mentioned this Batman. Who is he?" questions Artemis as she and Akila walk around the cave inspecting Bruce's trophies throughout the years.

"A mere mortal with an intellect powerful enough to allow him to contend with gods." answers Azula as she turns on the computer's personal and remote power source known to a select few.

"More like a man with an ego way too big for him." says a voice from behind the trio. "Now why don't you all turn yourselves in so that I don't have to break a few heads." commands the voice as he walks down the staircase.

"Well, you certainly aren't D.i.c.k." observes Azula as she inspects the newcomer. "Even ten year old D.i.c.k is more charming than you." says Azula, causing him to frown and gnash his teeth in anger.

The man, more like a boy pretending to be a man in the trio's eyes, stands at five feet ten inches tall, possesses black hair, blue eyes, and a handsome face. He has a warrior's physique that is well complemented by his all black combat armor with a red bird like motif on the chest. On his face he wears a domino mask while his hands hold a pair of escrima sticks.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you are Bruce's son. However, I know that he wouldn't raise his son to be a brat like you." continues Azula, further angering him. "So who are you, boy?" she questions with a devilish smirk on her face and a glint in her eyes.

Enraged by Azula's words, Damian launches himself at Azula with a roar. As he approaches her, Azula's smirk turns into a full blown grin as she sidesteps the first swing, ducks under the second before sweeping his feet out from under him and smashing her foot on his chest before he can recover. With a pained scream, many of Damian's ribs break under the force of the blow.

"Such a disappointment." sighs Azula. "I have seen a ten year old wield these escrima sticks better than you." comments Azula as she conjures a blue flame in her hand. "Now, judging by your fighting style, you were probably trained by Bruce and the League of Assassins so torture is something your used to." says Azula as Damian's screams turn into groans of pain. "However, I know what training you underwent, and unfortunately for you it won't help against my brand of torture. So it would be best if you talked as opposed to my having to force you."

Before Damian can decide whether to obey her or not, a red blur races towards Azula at a speed faster than anyone should be able to perceive. As the blur reaches her however, Azula grabs the figure before smashing them onto the ground next to Damian, causing the ground to crack and for his collar bone and ribs to break.

"I expected better from you Barry." says Azula as she looks at blur, now revealed to be Flash, writhe in pain on the floor while Artemis and Akila look on in shock. "You joined Superman's group of psychos against the world. What would Iris think." wonders Azula as she proceeds to shatter both of Flash's knees, eliciting a cry of pain from him.

"What are you doing!" exclaims Akila. "He was already defeated, that was unnecessary!" she says.

"No." disagrees Artemis with a shake of her head. "At the rate that he was healing, he would have been combat ready in mere seconds." she says as she points to the almost healed collar bone.

"Barry, if you don't talk I will torture this boy until his mind breaks, and you will be forced to watch." says Azula threatningly as she puts her flame close to Damian's left eye.

"WAIT!" exclaims Barry. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know what in the name of Agni caused this Earth to go crazy, and which walking corpse is responsible for bringing me here." answers Azula.

"It was the Joker." answers Flash as he attempts to sit up only to stop when Azula glares at him and brings her flame closer to Damian's face. "He killed Lois while she was pregnant and nuked Metropolis." explains the Flash.

Before he can continue his explanation however, Azula knocks him out with a kick to the face before doing the same to Damian.

"He didn't say who brought us here." says Akila with a frown.

"He didn't need to. I can infer that Superman has gone mad and that Batman attempted to bring members of an alternate Justice League here, but got us instead. Isn't that right Bruce?" says Azula as she looks towards a dark corner of the cave, prompting Akila and Artemis to look in curiosity.

"You're Amazons, but you aren't Wonder Woman. Or any Amazon I recognise" comments Batman as he walks out of the shadows towards the trio in a guarded stance hidden behind his cape. "Who are you?" questions the Dark Knight

"Even in an alternate universe, you're still the same." answers Azula. "To answer your question, my name is Azula, Diana's older sister in my universe." she says, shocking Bruce. "Now tell me honestly, how bad is the situation that you had to resort to looking for allies in an alternate Earth."

"Like you guessed earlier, Superman has gone mad trying to fix the Earth and the Wonder Woman of this Earth is simply making the situation worse while the rest of the Justice League simply stand by or follow his orders. The majority that tried to oppose him are dead with a few allies and I being the only ones left." he explains, causing Azula to frown as she processes the information while Artemis and Akila try to make sense of the situation.

"I will help you." says Azula after a few seconds of thinking. "But you WILL send us home right after." she tells him, receiving a nod in return.


Back on Earth Prime

Location: Unknown

July 2006

On a remote mountain, a woman and a child can be found making their way inside the temple situated on top of the mountain.

The woman stands at five feet eight inches tall, possesses black hair, and a face that cannot be seen due to the elaborate and emotionless golden mask she wears on her face. She wears a long purple dress that reaches to the floor and accentuates her figure while covering the torso with a golden and black cuirass with tassets that protect her inner thigh.

The boy stands at five feet tall and does not seem to be older than twelve years old. He has blond hair, blue eyes and a face that will be considered handsome should he ever grow up. He wears a long sleeve purple and gold tunic along with purple trousers and shoes that would not be out of place in a medieval fair.

The two are Morgaine le Fay and her son Mordred.

In the days when King Arthur held the throne of Camelot, Morgaine Le Fey engaged in a romantic relationship with one of his knights, Jason Blood.

Morgaine and her army of monsters attacked King Arthur's castle in an attempt to place her only son, Mordred, on the throne. Arthur's forces held out against the invading army. However, Jason Blood betrayed Camelot for his love and allowed Morgaine and her army to storm the castle before she then betrayed him by poisoning him with a viper's kiss.

Camelot fell that day due to Morgaine's invasion. However, she either would not or possibly could not place Mordred on the throne without the legendary artifact known as the Philosopher's Stone. An artifact that has incredible magical powers, most noticeably the power to manipulate time and reality itself, and able to materialize temporary illusions permanently. Unfortunately, the wizard Merlin hid the artifact in an ark. She had thought that she had found the artifact at the home of archeologist Harvey Hickman, only for it to turn out to be a fake.

Instead of continuing her search for the Stone, she has instead set her sights on the Amulet of First Magic, the source of all Earthly magic according to legends.

"There it is." whispers Morgaine as she admires the glowing purple amulet while her son takes it in his hand.

"What is this mother?" asks Morded as he puts the amulet around his neck.

"That is the Amulet of First Magic, the most powerful magical artifact and the source of all Earthly magic. It will give us the power to conquer Camelot." explains Morgaine as she opens her palm for Mordred to give her the amulet.

"Really?" says Mordred skeptically.

"Yes. Now give it." orders Morgaine.

"No." answers Mordred. "Since I have it, that means that I can finally be King and you can't tell me what to do." says Mordred as he grasps the Amulet and begins to channel its power.

"Mordred, give it to me now!" orders Morgaine as she begins to worry. "You don't know what you're doing!" she exclaims.

"Oh I do." answers Mordred with a smirk. "I'm making the world in my image. That means no one can ever tell me what to do. Especially not A.D.U.L.TS!" screams Mordred as he channels the Amulet's power and reshapes the Earth in his image.

In an attempt to stop her son's madness, Mordred channels as much power as she can into a counterspell only for it to hinder the spell and slightly alter its effect as opposed to completely stopping it.

With a purple flash of light, Mordred's spell takes hold as the Earth is split into two, one for a.d.u.l.ts and one for children.

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